Why are symbols used to imbue concepts and messages in our psyche, heal or manipulate us?

  • 2015

In recent months, we have spent a few articles talking about symbols and archetypes, and, if you have followed the blog, you will have seen some examples of it. Why are they used so much? Why are there dozens of books dedicated only to decoding the symbology that exists in the world, in organizations, in institutions, in belief systems, in power groups, in companies and multinationals, etc.? The answer is the same as always: because they imbue a certain type of information that is not accessible to the conscious mind, but that wants to be sent to the other parts of the psyche, and, therefore, has to adjust to how those others parts, which they gave us when they created us, have to work.

The basic blocks of influence on the psyche of the human being

What are the basic forms through which the mind is influenced and of which I spoke to you extensively there in February at the conference on it? What are the basic principles that underlie the tools that have been developed for it?

When one starts to break down the different known psychological techniques into pieces, you discover that there are only a few basic principles that, combined in the right way, produce the effects that we all see, and know, in people's mentality, especially in the "modern" and western society.

In fact, the simplest forms are the most powerful, and, although it seems the opposite, or so they make us see, with only four basic components, or rather, with three components, and a room that mixes the three Previously, any of the things we have talked about can be inserted into a person: programs, behavior patterns, archetypes, belief systems, etc., both positive and negative. The funny thing, and what I hope we all get at some point, is that, once you have them on your radar, and in your conscious knowledge, you begin to realize that they are being used everywhere. The difficulty consists in learning to see them, and that is where the complexity of the system comes in to hide what is simple and effective, under a substrate of veils and masks, that prevent its detection by the conscious mind.

Words and sounds

The use and meaning of words and sounds is the first pillar of the influence on a person's psyche. The words, their meanings, their associated archetypes, the use of acoustic sounds and vibrations, which may or may not enter consciously, but are always collected by the pre-conscious and subconscious mental spheres. It is essential to use language and sound to be able to influence another person or a large mass of people. There are great examples in history about the power of oratory and how you can activate with it both specific components of the neocortex, such as the control centers of the brain, be it the instinctive, the emotional or the intellectual.

There are also healing and therapeutic techniques that, using sound, music, words, etc., produce tremendous benefits in humans. The word has an impressive power that does not have other means of communication such as writing, or only the visual image, and, well used, it is a bearer of blessings and catalyst of internal changes, triggering of pending alchemy for expansion, healing and changes in The inside of the person.

Colors and lights

The second basic pillar of the influence on the human psyche is based on the use of colors, each with its corresponding vibrations and energetic effects on the human being. They serve both to enhance an energetic facet and improve aspects of health (chromotherapy), as well as to activate or deactivate parts of the psyche and the brain (for example, put people in the left hemisphere, or right hemisphere, mode of functioning, according to n is required for one thing or another). The use of the lights is quite common, for example, strobe lights, flickering or flashing lights such as ambulances and police cars, the type of emission generated by the TV screens, the bulbs we use, etc., produce effects determined according to the frequency and color used, from placing you in passive and vegetable mode, receptive and submissive mode, aggressive or irritated mode, etc. If the use of words and sounds is intended for the entry of certain patterns through the sense of the ear, the colors, the lights, are intended for the same through the eyesight.

Shapes and figures

The next basic component that influences the psyche is the use of shapes and figures that are representations of archetypes. Archetypes as we have commented as global models (the religious archetype, the scientist, the moral, etc.) and also archetypes as specific and abstract conceptual forms that, in the mental plane, exist as energy. as conscious: for example the archetype of imagination, creativity, duality, compassion, etc., or archetypes and concepts that reflect the opposite. Those conscious energies, located in the mental, and causal plane, of the structure of our solar system, of our planet, and of course of the energy composition of the human being, in the physical plane They are physically represented by figures and geometric shapes.

That is to say, an energy, a vibratory field, which represents the concept X or the concept Y, existing and manifested by the very nature of Creation, when passing in another type of energy state towards the lower planes, such as emotional or ethereal, and manifestarse in the physical plane, it does so in certain shapes and figures, which we all know and use, without knowing that they correspond to different Conscious energy, with a concept imbued in them.

That our rational mind does not detect or know, or has not been taught, does not mean that our preconscious and subconscious mind, even the higher mental spheres such as the supra conscious, conscious-continuous or subliminal mind do not understand. In fact, the square, the circle, the X-pointed star, the triangle and a thousand other geometric shapes, are not such for those other levels of consciousness of the human being, so that where your eyes see a gridded ground, as we have seen In previous articles, one of your mental spheres decodes it as a symbol of duality, while on another deeper level, it decodes it as a control symbol.

The effect is multiple . Of the six spheres or levels of the psyche that we have where the multiple programs, patterns and archetypes are inserted, the conscious mind receives the most innocuous, the simple geometric figure as the visualization, by sight, of the square or of whatever form, while the remaining levels of the psyche each receive the conscious energy that that figure has associated with the level of the mental plane to which the sphere is connected, and in which that figure is a representation of some concept, which already has a determined, self-existent, and concrete meaning for each of the levels in which it is received.

Symbols: amalgamating words, sounds and shapes

So, finally, we come to the subject of the article . The fourth and last basic principle or pillar of the influence of the psyche is the use of symbols, which as such is nothing more than the mixture of certain shapes, certain colors and certain words. The use of the three previous components is what allows a symbol to be composed and imbued with the conscious energy of the concept to be transmitted. And it is that a symbol is nothing more than a series of archetypes put together or together to form a more complex archetype, with a deeper and more extensive meaning. In a symbol you combine shapes, colors and words, in a very specific and concrete way, for a very specific and concrete effect: to reach some level of the specified psyche and activate or imbue it with that more complex pattern, order, concept or message. . And it is that the symbols are a language as much or more powerful than any of the ones we use to communicate orally. They are read just like words, they are combined just like words in sentences, but they have a much deeper effect on all strata of the mind. They influence thinking, influence emotions and influence people's behavior, both positively and negatively. In their positive counterpart, there are therapists who use symbols, shapes and figures to activate and improve the energy system of the human being, and its effectiveness is impressive when they imbue the correct archetype and corresponding energy.

It affects us, whether we are aware or not.

The idea to convey is that the use of these basic blocks that affect our mind can be used to empower the person and empower him, as there are different therapies that heal with sacred geometry, with colors and with the use of the word, or they can use for the opposite, what our control system obviously does, the system we live under. And not for not being aware of it, they cease to have an effect. Not for not believing in it, they stop working in us . Even if you are not paying attention to the advertisements, television, or symbols that you see on the street in each corner, your preconscious mind is capturing them all, and your subconscious is storing them, and reacting, according to the orders and archetypes they bring encoded .

It is a matter of continuing to deepen one's knowledge, to write another page of the instruction manual of how we work.

AUTHOR : David Topí

SEEN AT : http://davidtopi.com/porqu-se-usan-sbolo-para-imbuir-conceptos-y-mensajes-en-nuestra-psique-sanarnos-o-manipularnos/

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