Presentation by Dr. Escudero: Noesitherapy (Cure for thought) for the 1st European Human Forum

  • 2008

In my long professional life as a surgeon, operating with psychological analgesia for more than 35 years, I have been able to verify THREE TRUTHS, which used intelligently could solve most of the problems of our civilization.

FIRST TRUTH: IT IS BETTER TO LIVE WITH THE MOUTH MOUTH THAN WITH THE DRY MOUTH ... The wisdom of the people coined phrases such as: THE BABA FALLS, I MAKE THE WATER MOUTH, associating that quality of saliva with pleasant situations ... That saliva is the basic sign of what in my book CURING FOR THOUGHT -NOESITERAPY- I describe as a positive biological response, set in motion by a thought of the same sign ...
Each positive thought sets in motion a MUSCARINIC VAGAL PREDOMINUM, which is, just, the STRESS ANTIDOTE, improves circulation, metabolism, immune status, the ability to be relaxed and have greater self-control ... as well as achieve with a single thought Psychological Analgesia

THE SECOND TRUTH IS: THAT EACH WORD, THOUGHT, SPEAKED OR WRITTEN PRODUCES AN EFFECT, THROUGH OUR BRAIN, IN OUR LIFE AND IN OUR ENVIRONMENT, for better or worse. Each word starts up a Positive or Negative BR, with all its consequences, in one way or another, for health.

The wheel of our life is our brain, and every thought changes the course of our life and affects our health, well-being and happiness.

Every thought is a subtle energy that leaves the brain and reaches every human brain unconsciously ... And, the sum of thoughts of one or the other sign moves the entire humanity towards good or towards its self-destruction, hence the importance of doing to understand the whole world that if our civilization wants to change the sign of its negative evolution, we must use thought to increase the COMMUNION OF POSITIVE ENERGIES.

There is a lot of talk about environmental pollution ... But do we adequately address what psychological pollution means, multiplied by the media worldwide? ...

I check the creative power of thought with the scalpel in hand, and this, dear friends, is irrefutable.

In one of the last chapters of my book CURING FOR THOUGHT -NOESITERAPY-, I tell the statements attributed to Rudolf Virchow, a great physiologist and pathologist of the nineteenth century. Virchow said that in his dissections he had never found the human soul.

I would say to Virchow: Dear friend, how would you find in the corpse WHAT WAS? ..., and when that we called SOUL left, what shortly before was a living being became a corpse. Then, we must agree that the ENERGY THAT KEPT LIFE WAS IN THE SOUL ... And, what is the soul, but a breath of the CREATOR?

The "ENGINEER" who designed the human being put at our disposal THE THOUGHT, as a tool to use the creative power of the human soul in our life and in our environment. And, within the soul, he arranged what was necessary to restore normalcy and harmony when they are lost and cause disease. That resource, which we can call INTERNAL CONTROL, is responsible for implementing the natural mechanisms of healing ...
He left us the thought, along with the freedom to use it ... and it turns out that the misuse that the human being makes of his freedom of thought is the cause of most of his evils, at the individual level and at the collective level; From disease to wars.

I wonder, have we stopped to consider the influence of a THOUGHT on health and quality of life?

NOESIS means in Greek: thought action, start up of thought. AND THERAPY: healing. Therefore the name I gave to my school was NOESITHERAPY means HEALING FOR THOUGHT, since all the phenomenology obtained by my patients, disciples and followers depends on the use they make of THOUGHT.

Since 1972 I see people, who with brief and simple learning, ordinarily a few minutes, understand to what extent they are able to program their brains, to achieve PSYCHOLOGICAL ANESTHESIA. They go to the operating room to enjoy an enriching experience. They leave the operating room by their foot and return to their normal life immediately. And in my operative statistic, not a single case of postoperative infection has been recorded in thousands of surgical wounds without using antibiotics, which means an optimal immune status.

In MATERNITY, I found MATERNOFETAL PSYCHOANALGESIA, which allows women, with only one training session in any month of pregnancy, to give birth to extraordinary well-being and self-control. And the Noesibabies have a faster and more positive psychomotor development. They are the seed of a new generation of freer and smarter men, because at the time of birth the seed of fear of changing situations was not sown in their souls.

When I transferred these experiences to ALL MEDICAL SPECIALTIES, they all improved their results.

And when my PATIENTS AND FOLLOWERS use my teaching properly, they tell me that it is not only that they live better in terms of health and well-being, they tell me THAT THEY ARE BETTER AS PEOPLE. the good they found in their lives with their peers And, dear friends, there is a word that defines that feeling: LOVE, which is the only energy-panacea I know, capable of solving all the problems of our society.

I have had the honor of extending a book recently published in Spain: THE PUZLE DEL AGUA AND THE HEXAGONAL KEY. Its author, the Korean physicist MU SIK JHON, over forty years of his life, studied the peculiarities of the water molecule and checked - among other properties of it that make it essential for life - that the H2O molecule is usually found in nature as pentagonal water: union of 5 molecules, and as hexagonal water: union of 6 molecules of H2O. Well, dr. Jhon showed that hexagonal water facilitates the contribution of nutrients to the cells and the dragging and cleaning of metabolism residues and, at the same time, improves the immunological state, which makes me To think that one of the factors that makes my patients immune to infection is living in RBP that facilitates, among other things, the production of hexagonal water in their bodies.

I am going to give you a brief video of operations and a delivery with Volitional Psychoanalgesia. But first I want to ask you to think: My mouth is filled with saliva, fluid, like water, pleasant. It will be my pleasure to contemplate those hopeful images.

Look to what extent I understood the importance of my work, our always well remembered, the Mexican cardiologist, DR. DEMETRIO SODI PALLAR S:

VIDEO: DR. DEMETRIO SODI PALLAR S commenting on the meaning of the Positive Biological Response.

And after a video with two surgical interventions (a venous insufficiency in the legs and a young girl, and a direct inguinal hernia, in a 81-year-old lady), and of a childbirth with psychological analgesia, which the attendees of the Forum could not see:

-Our civilization increases the rhythm of their self-destruction every day.

Can we improve our future?

A treasure is a flow of
scientific knowledge, material wealth, power, energy, etc., that can be used for THE GOOD or for THE EVIL
And it is the use made of that potential that determines
the goodness or the opposite of a treasure.

- What are the most important knowledge of science destined in our civilization?

- What much of the material resources of most of the nations are allocated?

-What are the most powerful energies available to us?
-Are we aware that fear is one of the main motivations
of what the human being does wrong or stops doing well ...?
- Is the human being aware that the cause of almost all the evils that afflict him is the creative power of his thought, with which he starts everything that makes him live miserable ...?
Is the human being aware that the greatest treasure at his disposal is his BRAIN, mediator between the soul and the body ...?
-What each of your thoughts-believe it or not- produces
-through your brain-
Biological Response
-positive or negative ...?
-The human being must know that each Biological Response influences his health and the quality of his life ... for better or worse.
-Live in Positive Biological Response (RBP) gives you EVERYTHING you do, improves your health and allows you to live with greater self-control.
-You must remember that the fundamental sign of the RBP is the quality of saliva, fluid, like water ... What in medical terms we call "vagal saliva", and when that saliva is produced
whose biological significance is absolutely positive for health ...
-Our civilization has means to change the course of its self-destruction!
For this:

-It will be enough that the treasures you have put them to work in search of
-That the FEAR change, as a fundamental motivation of human acts, for LOVE ...
used intelligently, they can make you live better.
In my long experience as a doctor and surgeon I have seen:
-My patients beat the scalpel and pain.
-That they put in place the natural mechanisms of healing ... And that a series of diseases with which modern medicine does not know what to do, my patients find resources to change their evolution.
-Humanity is sick ... and Noesitherapy can help you recover health and harmony.
-In short, the creative power of thought -used positively- is the necessary and essential tool to change the course of our battered civilization ... But it is urgent to bring this knowledge to our entire society, through education, starting with primary education.

Dr. Ángel Escudero Juan

Founder of the School of Noesitherapy or Thought Healing.

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