Thoughts for February 2013 by Maestro Beinsá Dunó

  • 2013

1. What is the new? - In the resurrection, in the great freedom. While living in the old, man is in limitations. When he enters into the new, he releases himself from the limitations and resurrects. The new brings in itself the Divine Love. He who believes in this Love and applies it, he will be rejuvenated. He who does not believe in Love lives in the old. In a broad sense: Those who live with the old are old people. Those who live with the new are young. If the young man loses his faith in the new, he grows old; If the old man acquires faith in the new, he is rejuvenated. For comfort some say that when they reincarnate a second time, then they will be rejuvenated. If they do not rejuvenate now, and in the other reincarnation they will not be rejuvenated.

2. What is the duty of contemporary man? Each man's duty is to create a head, which will be a good conductor of light; create a heart, which will be a good conductor of heat; create a body, which will be a good conductor of the forces of Nature. This is what future religion and future science consist of. Everyone needs a luminous mind, a warm heart and a healthy body.

3. The Spirit says: "When someone's path is pleasing to God, God will reconcile you."

And so, now you all have to start praying, that your paths become pleasant for the Lord, so that he reconciles you with others and that he introduces harmony and the Divine in you, so that you can understand and love each other ...

4. The student lives in the Light. This is the only real world. The shadow is not real. Find the Light that has no shadows. Avoid every thought and feeling that introduces darkness into your consciousness.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: I have talked about three essential things. May Love be applied as a force in the heart and may your heart be ignited by this Love in such a way, that when you put your hand on the pulse, you will feel pleasant. This shows that your heart works correctly. And then, if you are afflicted, when you put your hand on the pulse, you feel joyful and pleasant. This shows that Love is in your heart. If you have, then, a great doubt in your head, when you put your hand on the head that you feel a lightness and pleasantness, this shows that Wisdom is in you. Wisdom is in your head. If you have a load that you must lift, it is enough that you touch your body with your hands and you will feel such strength, that you can order. If the load is a whole ton, you will order and she will walk after you. You can take it and with your two fingers, but if the Truth is in you.

5. In his soul the student always hears the talk of God. Then fear disappears and deep peace is established in it. He is free.

6. Many mix faith with belief. These are two different processes. Faith is a positive principle, which excludes any contradiction. In what man believes, this happens. In belief it is not so. In belief most things do not happen. Therefore, when something does not happen as we think, this is a belief; When it happens as we think, this is faith.

7. The student's first step: You must perceive yourself as a living soul that aspires in three directions: that it feels, that it thinks and that it acts according to God.

The second thing: And you will perceive all other people as souls who must love God.

The students of the Universal Brotherhood are souls, and not men and women.

8. The soul of the student should be filled only with a noble thought: The Work of God!

9. Remember only one thing:

You are a living soul that loves God!

10. The first thing I want from you is that you hurry to give each other respect and mutual honor. This, what we do outside, that is an expression of that internal disposition that we are going to make for the Lord.

11. Now you want to get rich, but wealth is of a special character. Man is allowed to enrich himself only in three directions: in love, in wisdom and in truth. All other riches are usurpation. If man is enriched outside these three directions, all his wealth is confiscated on a common basis. Everything you have outside these three types of wealth is confiscated until the last hair. Everything you have is going to give. There will not be a hair of wealth that you have acquired through usurpation.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: The hands directed with the fingers up, supported with the palms on the breasts: "Lord, I ask you to teach me what I have to do today for You". (3 times)

12. Contemporary people say they have established precepts, an established religion. There are no established religions in the world. This is a hoax. Religions are systems, schools, through which man passes, to study. You fool yourself thinking that you can establish your laws and force all people to walk through them. And this can be done, but when human laws are auxiliary means of the Divine. But if you put all your authority over these, you are on the wrong path. So know that you are based on the experiences of millions of creatures that have lived before you. And if you stop there, you stop and your development.

13. Those who have found Christ, wear black cassocks. There is the deception exactly. Exactly those who have put on black cassocks have not found Christ. Christ is in the light - nothing more! He who walks in the dark, who does not reflect, in which the heart does not feel, in which the will is not raised by the truth, he is far from the knowledge of life. And he will suffer such disappointment that he has never been able to imagine. This is an absolute truth that you will test and see.

14. With his constant concerns man forces his heart, creates unnecessary work. With his concern the man strength and his brain, and creates in the mind an unreasonable, restless work. Also thus, with an irrational work the man strength and his will. What does man acquire in this way? It does not acquire anything. What should be done then? You will give your mind, your heart and your will as much work as God has determined. There is a certain portion for this. In Nature there is a law that regulates the work of man and distributes the energies in this work correctly.

15. Get up and go to the sea. When talking about the sea, Christ understood the mental sea. In this sea man must lie down. But, to lie in the sea, man must understand what God thinks.

16. If a noble thought, a luminous feeling of truth is not hidden in your head, and if a noble, loving feeling is not hidden in your heart, I ask: what does the dignity of man consist of? ? The valuable in man is in his heart, in his mind and in his soul. The truth is hidden in the soul of man. And for that truth, he must not allow any lies within himself.

17. Now I talk about the lie a bit specifically. I do not understand the lie as you understand it. According to me, this is a lie, what stops human progress. Lying is this, which mutilates the human mind. Lying is this, which mutilates the human heart. Lying is this, which shortens human life. Lying is this, what makes the poor man. Lying is this, what makes the man sick. Lying is everything in the world, which becomes the cause of the thousands of misfortunes and sufferings of people. With this lie, exactly, everyone must liquidate.

18. Every thing that stops human progress is a lie. You, who grow old, stop lying. You, then you stop lying, stop lying. Diseases are due to the lies of the past. Contemporary people always suffer from the lies of the past. Not only this, but since thousands of years ago we have lived the life of our past and its consequences. The life of our past is after us as a shadow and we cannot free ourselves from this shadow and the consequences of this past.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: When there are misunderstandings in the family, say: Love and agreement . (3 times)

Not even 10 minutes will pass and the harmony will be restored. Every time when you see two people fighting, direct this formula towards them and do not discuss the case.

19. Many ask me if Christ will rescue them. Christ has rescued those who have accepted the law of Love, the law of Wisdom and the law of Truth. Christ has rescued all who have stopped lying. But for those who have not entered the three paths, who have not stopped lying, there is no salvation. None of these people will resurrect. This is absolutely true.

20. Everything that the lie has given us has to go through fire. Everything must be burned, that you have no more to take and find with it. People still have business with the lie. She takes the man and says: "What you owe me, you will return everything." The lie is an institution. Lies, heartbreak, are due to evil in the world. They belong to the world of evil. Love, Wisdom and Truth refer to the world of good.

21. When we become familiar with the three dimensions, we will reach the law of growth. Until he begins to grow in Love, man cannot know what this represents. Without growth, Love is incomprehensible. Love is outside the three dimensions. A man who lives in the three dimensions, has no concept of Love. A man who understands only the three dimensions, he is outside of Wisdom, outside of Truth. For him to understand Love, Wisdom and Truth, he has to enter the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is called the causal world, that is, the world of Love.

22. Only in the world of Love can man see the laws that God has created. Only there will man understand that he has a great predestination in the world. You are important to such an extent, according to the degree to which you enter this Divine system.

23. I say: If Love is outside of you, then you will have no knowledge; if Wisdom is outside of you, there is no knowledge, and if Truth is outside of you, again no knowledge exists. But when Love enters our heart, our soul, when Wisdom enters our mind and when Truth enters our soul and our spirit, things immediately make sense.

24. The question is not in the knowledge that man has. We all have to serve God with love. All people have some understanding of Love. Do not think that there is a difference in the understanding of Love by all people. And you understand Love just as I understand it. And I understand it just as you understand it.

25. Some say: "Dress us with Love." There is no reason to dress with love. Love teaches people. When you enter Love, you will see that he is something real. He himself, in all three directions becomes understandable. A love without knowledge is not love. A love without truth is not love. A wisdom without love is not wisdom. A wisdom without truth is not wisdom. The same law already refers to the truth. If the truth does not contain in itself love and knowledge, it is not true. The truth must contain in itself wisdom and love. Therefore, it is true that this contains knowledge and love within itself.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: "Lord, You Who are Love, the highest peak, help me to climb to this peak, from there look." (3 times)

This formula is said when there are major contradictions.

26. If you don't put Love as a base, you won't have life. Then and economic conditions will not improve. Because without love people become greedy. Every greedy man is poor, he has no love. He who has little, he is greedy. He who has much, he is generous. So, it is Love that will make people not greedy. Without love, greed is inevitable. When you are poor, from here you will drink, from there you will drink.

27. How are real things distinguished from unreal, hallucinations? Real things feed man, and hallucinations - they don't feed him. Imagine that through suggestion a whole month you keep in man the thought that you are feeding him bread. He is self-suggesting that he eats bread, but at the end of the month he will feel strongly exhausted. However, if you truly feed him with bread, at the end of the month he will be healthy and strengthened. Then, when he enters the reality of things, man strengthens himself and acquires light. When he enters the area of ​​suggestion and hallucination, he weakens and loses his light. Here is why, if you find a man who speaks of faith, but weakens, you will know that he has entered the hallucinations area.

28. It has been observed more that the works of man are not well ordered when there is a fork between his mind and his heart. Until a harmony is restored between the mind and the heart, he does not have to start a new job. If you want to succeed in your work, your mind and your heart have to agree. If you get to some serious job, stop within yourself and think well what you should do and how you should act. In a hurry the works are not ordered.

Thoughts for February 2013 by Maestro Beinsá Dunó

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