Thoughts for the month of August 2013, Maestro Beinsá Dunó

  • 2013

By Master Beinsá Dunó

1. Hold in your mind the thought that you serve God. Repeat this thought. Your consciousness must be present in every action, even in the smallest, and that you know that you serve God. Whatever you do, do it for the Lord. Whatever work you do, always think of the Lord. That you are a child of God means that you serve God and that you know how to serve.

2. All of you have to try to prepare your future. There is a glorious moment for which you have to prepare. Rejoice for your future, rejoice for this that awaits you! When you meet a prudent man, cause you joy; when you meet a beautiful man, who causes you joy; when you meet a man with character, that causes you joy! If you see something beautiful, something good, something sublime and noble, in any aspect, that causes you joy.

3. Let Love manifest freely. Do not interfere in this work. If you reach Love, you do not require. For at least one year, do the following test. When you reach Love, say to yourself: "I don't deal with this issue." You rejoice when someone loves someone. How do you love him? This is not your job. Let God fix all the crooked works of the people. If you want to fix them, nothing positive you will achieve, only unhappiness will win. Not one of you can force someone to love. It is not in our power to force people to love each other.

4. Know that Love comes only from God. Are you convinced that the one who tells you that he loves you, that this is Love? Well, if I love you like a wolf, then? If it is a matter of love that is a true love, that I speak to you with the language of love.

5. You must look to Christ as a force that penetrates the entire Earth. When this force passes through all beings, from the little ones to the big ones, then the liberation of all humanity will come. Christ is the Divine fire that purifies humanity! Everyone who has found this fire, he has found the elixir of life here, on Earth. I speak of this living Christ who is in us and among us. This Christ is the Spirit and when you understand Him, you will see Him in every man. The Son and the Spirit are one and the same thing.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: Thank you for all the goods that are given to you. Discontent is a spiritual impurity that covers the pores of the human body. Purify yourself of this, as the water cleanses your pores, opens 7 million pores for which you breathe ... When you get up in the morning, thank God because your head is in its place, because your heart and your body are in place, and start your work with them ... The Alpha and the Omega of things is that you thank.

6. The only straight philosophy in the world is that we learn to think as God thinks; May we rejoice and enjoy as God rejoices and enjoys. And this means: May we wish to work for the good of all! In the Good News of Christ there is a great philosophy through which we can recreate our life according to the laws of the Universe.

7. The future culture of Love and Freedom has nothing to do with the old culture of violence and slavery, as the butterfly has nothing to do with the caterpillar. A root transformation and a spiritual birth is necessary.

8. I ask: from your point of view, what are the most important things? According to me, the most important thing for the organism is that all its parts, that all its organs be in place. The second important thing is that when the time comes to work, that all organs take part in the common work of the organism. The third important thing is that these organs take some of the goods that were acquired by common labor. Therefore, the most important thing is that we are on our site. What is our site? - This one in which God has placed us. Then, that we take part in the work that God does. And finally, that we participate in the goods that are to be acquired from this work. These are the most important things for man. He who understands the important things in life in this way, he will never face contradictions.

9. Prayer is the most pleasant thing that man can do. There is nothing more beautiful for man than prayer, than his conversation with God.

10. If man cannot raise his mind to God, believe in him and have aspiration towards the great and elevated Beings, he cannot know himself; if he cannot draw conclusions from the results that are before him, he cannot know himself again.

11. If man wants with an unnatural desire to achieve something beautiful, he will not succeed. Unnatural desires are incompatible with the laws of reasonable Nature. Such desires cause afflictions, sufferings. In this, every desire must come on time, as the joys and afflictions come on time. There are times of joy, there are times of affliction.

12. The law of purification of conscience is as follows: an affliction always hides between two joys. First is the joy, in the center the affliction, the torture, and after that again comes the joy. This position is the most natural. Someone wants to be constantly cheerful. And this is possible, but only for a man who walks by the Law of God and fulfills His Will. Just as contemporary people live, they cannot always be happy. I say: the physical world is a world of changes. It moves between joys and afflictions, between pleasantness and unpleasantness.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: Every night, when we go to bed, we must project our thoughts towards the whole world; we must project our thoughts and to God, and when he feels that we truly believe in him, he will act for the good of all people, and for our good. This is how the Divine Law works.

13. The blessing of God passes from one man to another. That's right Where there are conditions the blessing passes from man to man. Then, each river flows through such places where there are conditions for it; each tree grows there where there are conditions for it; Each man lives there where there are conditions for his development, for the awakening of his thought. Such is the law. Some say their jobs are not going well. If their jobs are not going well, this shows that they have not fallen in favorable conditions for them. What should they do then? Change the conditions in which they are found. Once the conditions change, their jobs will go ahead.

14. Someone says: I committed a bad act . This act has been done by you and your great-grandfather and great-great grandmother, and your grandfather as well as your grandmother, but you repeat it again. Most people do exactly like their great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers. Many of the people, then, act and like animals, but all must be disabled from these old habits. It is time for people to deny themselves of the old habits acquired by their great-great grandparents, as well as these of animals.

15. An important issue that must be observed is the question of the readings given to you during the day. From each reading, man must draw at least one basic rule, or at least one basic law, since between him and this what he has read there is a certain connection. If there is no internal connection between yesterday and today, as if there is no connection between today and tomorrow, then everything that man does is useless. If there is no connection between the different facts and phenomena in life, and the blessing cannot come. By connecting the different facts and phenomena in their life, in this way people will begin to think straight. The main goal in your life is to learn to think like God. For thousands of years until now, people lived and in monasteries, and in deserts, followed in universities and a number of other centers of studies, with the sole goal of learning to think straight, like God. If they cannot achieve this, any effort, any science, will be useless.

16. If man has a spiritual impulse in his life, he walks upright. When he becomes materialistic, he begins to lean toward the earth. When he loses faith in himself and his neighbors, he begins to stoop. If a man hunches over, this always speaks of a defect in the mind. The spine is a perpendicular. Any deviation and curvature show a twist in the character.

17. The good man is wrapped in magnetic clothing, which does not let the cold pass. If your feet get cold, good is weak in you. If your hands get cold, justice is weak in you. If your eyes do not look good - you have broken the truth somewhere. If your ears do not hear well, you have broken wisdom.

18. The healthier, more spiritual, the higher the man is, the more light that comes out of him is whiter and brighter, more pleasant. If the man gets sick, the aura darkens. Darkening may occur partially or completely. Every sick part is dark. Man is required to restore light from the head, or the stomach, or the diseased organ. This will happen and when you strengthen your thinking, when you raise your vibrations.

19. The thousand-petalled lotus is in connection with the physical Sun, and it is the Sun from which we receive life-giving energy in all our nature. The Spirit of God gives energy to the Sun, which introduces it into the main brain, in the larynx, in the heart, in the soul. The thousand-petalled lotus extracts some of its colors from Sirius and Orion.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: For 10 days, do the following test: every day for three times (in the morning, at noon and at night) get absorbed within yourself and say: I want my heart to beat rhythmically, to merge with the pulse of the Sun and that it sends its energy correctly all over the world.

20. The thousand-petalled lotus represents the celestial beauty with all the planets and all colors, it contains thousands of centers only in the main brain and these centers distribute the thousands of colors that give an incredible brightness, the most beautiful brightness. The Sun is an expression of the thousand-petalled lotus that is directed by the Spirit of God.

21. As you know the influence of planets on man, especially that of the Sun, you must have a correct behavior towards him. If man is in harmony with the Sun, he will be in harmony and with the Moon, and with the Earth. The good influence of the Sun on man improves the state of arterial blood. The connection between the influence of the Sun on arterial blood is hidden in the harmony between the thoughts and feelings of man. The Sun elevates human thoughts and feelings, with which and the blood of man is purified. And vice versa: the thoughts, feelings and harmonic acts of man, harmonize with the energies of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth, in consequence of which man rejoices in life and takes advantage of his goods.

22. Each obstruction of feelings introduces a certain anomaly in the functions of the heart, as a result of which your pulse changes. For the normal activity of the heart to be restored, man must enter into harmony with Nature, which connects his heart with the common pulse of the cosmic heart. Each planet also has its heart that is connected to the common cosmic heart. The heart of our Solar System is the Sun. The rhythmic movement of blood in the human heart is determined by the rhythmic waves of the Sun.

23. If man's stomach system is upset, it will heal through food. If your respiratory system is in tune, it will heal through light, heat, electricity and magnetism. And finally, if his brain system is in tune, he will heal through thought and feelings. If you want to heal your brain, you should not allow within yourself any negative thoughts, based on the law that God is Absolute Love, absolute Harmony.

24. If you want to cure a sick person, you must sow in him the simple truth that he will heal. And when he accepts this truth within himself as a seed, it will grow and bear fruit. When you sow in yourself the thought that you are healthy, you will truly be healthy ... During healing, faith and will must take part.

25. While pregnant, the woman must hold pure thoughts in her mind and pure desires in her heart, so that her child's blood does not pervert. If he transmits his impure blood to the child, he will carry the consequences of this blood throughout his life. You will be amazed after this because your child is sick and has a yellow color on his face ...

26. On the pure or impure matter, with which the mother disposes, it depends which child will be born - a saint or a criminal. In the process of conception and creation of the child, the Divine is not yet present - this is an inferior process. The Divine comes later, after the birth of the child, when it is differentiated as matter and spirit. While it is only matter, there is nothing sublime in it.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: When you wake up in the morning, you say: “Lord, bless all those who are in me and outside of me, that we work for Your Glory and Magnificence. Give us light to understand Your Will and fulfill it. ”

27. The first influence of man comes from the mother and the father. The mother influences her child while she is still in her womb and through her thoughts, feelings and actions. The influence, on the development of the child, that exerts the food of the pregnant woman, as and this one that she gives to her child after her birth is not minor. The mother's spiritual life depends on what the child will be like ... A mother who wants to give birth to a good, reasonable and healthy child, incessantly has to hold this idea in her mind. Any child the mother desires will be born. It depends on the mother how her children will be.

28. Every woman who wants to become a mother, have a child who serves God, must not allow a bad feeling in her heart, or a bad thought in her mind, or a bad action, which in her soul never tempts ... During her pregnancy the woman is extremely impressionable, so everything is reflected on the child. As she knows this, she should avoid dating people who have physical or mental deficiencies.

29. The vices of the mother and father are transmitted to the child through the blood. While you live in this world, there are a number of conditions for the defects of this world to be transmitted and that you accept them ... A man and a woman who have lived in love and purity, give birth to healthy children, capable of living, full of love.

30. The greatest evil of contemporary women is abortion. The human being is not allowed to abort a child neither from his mind, nor from his belly, nor from his heart, if he wants to be a Christian. When a good thought comes to you, you say, "I will throw it out." You'll throw it out, but then you'll get sick. It is not a sin that you have thought something bad, but sin consists in abortion. There are already idiots in the world. The bad thoughts that torture you are those children, those thoughts, those desires that you have ever aborted and they now hinder you at every beginning. Therefore, from now on, do not abort and pray to the Lord to forgive you for the misuse of all the good thoughts and feelings, of all your children you have killed.

31. To avoid getting sick, the human being must feed on the fruits of the Spirit: Love, Peace, Joy, Long Patience, Meekness, Temperance, Mercy. If he does not feed on these, he faces the negative forces of Nature, lives hate, suspects, tortures, becomes ill ... If he rises mentally and spiritually, man becomes and physically healthy. As you know this, work on yourselves to become internally pure - by mind, by heart and by works.

Thoughts for the month of August 2013

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