Thoughts by Maestro Beinsá for June 2013

  • 2013

1. A great wave of thoughts, feelings and actions of superior beings comes. This will come, penetrate everywhere.

2. Good feelings, these are a Divine impulse, this is the influence of the Divine Spirit that works in the human soul.

3. In the present conditions everyone must develop your consciousness. Be convinced that your mind and your heart will develop correctly. Your thoughts, your will and your desires will grow correctly.


When I was your age, when I woke up in the morning, it started like this: “I thank you, God, for all that you have given me and taught me. I thank you, God, for the great graces you have for us. We know you that you are omnipious, omniverdadero, omnisabio ”. Repeat this for a month, ten months, and you will see how your soul state will be.

4. Man cannot influence himself. If people could influence each other, until now good would have become. Some say: "The Master has influenced you." If I can influence you, you saints would have become. This is a fact, however you are as you wish, and not as I speak to you. Where have I influenced you? No, I have not influenced you. You can be as you want, but the law speaks: "You can change your life, in you there are forces." You alone can change your life towards good, towards God.

5. Many of the disciples here tell me that the Lord has spoken to them. At the given moment I take faith that the Lord has spoken to them, but after one day, one of them tells me: "There, I don't want to find that sister, I am not willing towards her." - I already know to what extent the Lord has spoken to you.

6. God does not have a puckered face. He is always smiling. He who has seen Him will never forget Him. How do we see this smile on Earth? Have you seen the smile of God? - You have seen her. The first smile of God is when your heart for the first time trembles, the first tremor of your heart, before having loved, this is the smile of God. This is the first Love. From there, there is nothing left; the other smiles, these are photographs of the first. The first is very clear, this is the smile of God. This smile is exercised momentarily. She is a moment ... This smile can and can be repeated.

7. And so, do the will of God! What was the Will of God? - The Will of God is that act that at one time includes the good of all beings.

8. We must all act so that we are always good. You cannot become a disciple in a School before you have become good. The disciple must be good before entering the School and not after entering. In the School, inside, he will manifest his goodness. In the School, from the Invisible World, two things will be discovered for the disciple: in one case, that has been good, in another - that has not been good. The School, this is a field in which the disciple can express himself and develop.

9. I speak to you of truths of which many times you have been spoken to, but you have delayed them, delayed. You say: "For the future." I see many of your past existences in which you have said: "When I come a second time on Earth, I will work, study." Hey, well, now you have come. You have already come, but again you say just like in the past.

10. You are bound somewhere, but now comes the one who will set you free. Is it true that in the stories it is said that there were some who were bewitched, are sitting and waiting for someone to come to undo them? Behold, He comes, comes the Truth that will set you free.


In the morning, say three times: "The Love of Christ in us will fulfill all that has begun."

11. You will love now, at the given moment. You will not think about your past sins. Now, the given moment, this case is the real one. Only in this way can you develop a character that you think outside of time and space. There are certain things that you do not think about since you cannot go outside of time and space. Every thing you want to limit it. In the moment I will be good! - this rule put in your mind.

12. And so, you will think fast! You will live in time and space, but the superior solutions will be taken out of time and space. To do this, everyone is capable now. This is the truth.

13. Love is the first manifestation of God.

14. One important thing for the disciples is the correct understanding and application of the laws. If you go to a forest, you have the right to light a fire if you need to warm up or heat water to drink, but you have no right to play with fire. When you go to a clean source, you have the right to drink water or spill on the head if it hurts, or to wash your hands and feet if they are impure, but playing with water is not allowed.

15. Plants, animals, fountains, rivers, lakes, evolve, in all an internal change occurs, Divine thought manifests itself everywhere, he transfigures, regulates all things. So, when we talk about the Living Nature, we understand the manifestation of God's thought, the manifestation of that great law through which God works in the world.

16. Often you talk about Love, but you must know that Love never changes. In Love there is no change. And when sufferings come to people, this is a sign that Love has withdrawn from them. Suffering is a result of the withdrawal of love from man. Then we say, either that Love has withdrawn from us, or that we have withdrawn from it. What are the causes of this? Some disharmony has occurred. As a result of this disharmony we feel great suffering within us. This suffering has come our way so that we make our connection with God, with Love.

17. What is morality really? Moral is that position in man that does not divert him from the Divine. If something appears that can break the Divine in man, this is not moral. Some say that although they want to act according to the great moral of life they cannot. Because they can not? Because they had karmic relationships with which they have not yet settled. Karma does not justify man. Karma means debts that must be paid. You will call your creditor and tell him the truth, as it really is.


For three minutes the mind is concentrated in the light of consciousness: the mind is directed upward in the direction of the Divine Sun, which is always above our head. It is necessary to put ourselves in silence, calm our thoughts and with a silent mind that we connect with the Divine consciousness. We must sift our thoughts. Let there be a Divine thought that we can trust.

18. We are not inclined to any religions, because religions were created by man. We are not inclined to any cultures, because these were created by man. We do not bow to any idols. We are inclined only to a Reasonable Superior Force that directs all people, indicating the luminous path of the future.

19. Evil and good are in a tree. These are two contradictory currents in Nature. Evil is in the roots of the tree and good is in its branches. Evil goes to the center of the Earth and good goes to the Sun. Good puts evil to work.

20. And when we get to tell the truth, there is no friendship. Greater friend than the Truth there is no in the world . The greatest friend of man in the world, this is the Truth.

21. Truth is a cohesive connection between heat and light, between the feelings and thoughts of man. If man is not tall enough, this shows that he has not worked with Wisdom; if it is not wide enough, he has not worked with Love; if it is not sufficiently rounded, it has not applied the Truth. If he has not given rise to the Truth within himself, man cannot achieve his aspirations. Feelings and thoughts in it are dispersed, without a cohesive connection.

22. Each feeling must be supported by a thought; and every thought must be supported by a feeling. This implies a connection between the thoughts and feelings of man. Truth introduces momentum in man. Without the Truth there is no movement. The Earth and the Sun move thanks to the Truth, it drives them towards their great goal. The same refers and man. In every moment he moves in his thoughts and feelings, he goes to the great goal of his life. If the direction of his movement changes somewhere, or he deviates a little from his path, the man is in front of a catastrophe.

23. The beings who run the planets must be focused on their thinking, which does not deviate. If you are captivated in some great thought, the movement of the planets changes. This deviation from his path creates a catastrophe in all the lower worlds. As you know this, so that you do not deviate from your orbit, you do not dig into the acts of the people. Give each other freedom, that your roots and branches are not interwoven. How each one lives, this is his job do not shorten the distance between you.

24. You are not masters of the people. Do not give your opinion before they have asked for it. Be teachers only to yourselves. This is your right. No one can take away your right to study, to educate yourself. Give yourself freedom, give freedom and your neighbors. If you have this freedom, you will be strong to endure the thoughts and feelings of those around you. Be free and don't hurry.


The hands, from the top of the head (the one with a thousand paint) go down to the side of the body. Let us think of all the virtues in Love, in Wisdom, in Truth, Freedom, Mercy. Let them think that these virtues work in you, that you grow and that Love manifests in you.

25. Every man who has lost the true image of God and has entered the world of pleasures, looks like a man who crawls through impurities. It takes a long time until his mind and his heart light up and he goes out into the pure air, to the Divine light to lead a pure and holy life. It is scary when someone, after having found the right path, thinks of the wide path in the path that leads to the world.

26. Every impure thought, every impure desire are parasites from which man without fail has to free himself. Every impurity repels the Spirit. When God decides to send His Spirit in someone, He spends 5-6 years for purification.

27. Every impulse that comes from Love, Wisdom and Truth is moral. When man's impulses are moral, and his life will be moral. Purity and Love manifest from within, without any reflection or containment.

28. You think of God, you want to serve him, but you still feel tempted of the world. So you haven't solved the issues. You will live, pray, work until you learn life and rise above temptations in the world.

29. Christ says: "He who does not deny this world cannot be my disciple." Under "this world" we understand the passing, deceptive things in life.

30. When the works of the people are pure, they will always be joyful and joyful. If they do not have this purity within themselves, they will be exposed to a series of difficulties and sufferings. The higher the thoughts of man, the more noble his feelings and the more pure his desires, the more meaningful his life makes.

Thoughts by Maestro Beinsá for June 2013

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