Thought for the month March By Maestro Beinsá Dunó

  • 2013

THOUGHTS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2013 by Maestro Beinsá Dunó

  1. What are the signs that someone loves you or not? The first sign that someone has begun to love them, is this, that you become handsome. The second sign is this, that you are no longer asleep: you start moving around here, there, making movements, getting into things and not submitting to anyone; then you become specific, you have a specific opinion, you don't submit - you become a differentiated man. The third sign, when someone loves you - you become soft, pleasant as an aromatic fruit.
  1. Before someone has loved you, you are gross, but after this you become soft, tender. Therefore, if you are not soft, if you do not make movements, that is, if you do not think and if you have not become handsome, no one has yet loved you. If you have these three qualities in you, this shows that someone has loved you. Who is he? - This is not important, this should not be asked.
  1. All the people of Love are beautiful. When they love you and when you love you always become beautiful, only in both cases there is a difference in this beauty. When you love you will become beautiful in one way, and when they love you you will become beautiful in another way. When you love, you will be a man; When they love you, you'll be a woman. When you love, you will develop your mind; When they love you, you will develop your heart.
  1. By himself in the world man can do nothing. When in a given case you do something by your will, you are not in the law of Love. I deny that Love comes from human will - Love is an act of the Divine in man. When you turn on for Love, this is the Divine that acts in you. The Scripture says that God is and in animals, and in people. Love is due to the creative Divine impulse. When and the animals reach this Divine impulse - that they work on them, it completely changes and its nature.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: I will give you a job: that every day you say at least three beautiful words, three musical words. What will it cost you to say three words musically? Someone can say six, nine, twelve, fifteen words, but at least they must be three, and you will increase them only by three. Here is a job that you can create.

  1. All the people who live on Earth, have been expelled from that world, because they have directed a crooked look or have said an offensive word to any of the reasonable beings. - "And Christ, why did he come to Earth?" - He came to save humanity from its debts. He became a guarantor of people. For everyone who does not pay their debts, they call Christ and they say: "You are the guarantor of this man, pay for him." Christ pays for all people. For gratitude of this, they crucified Him. Through the crucifixion Christ saw what man still does not organize.
  1. Collective prayer is strong and that is why, when everyone prays simultaneously in one direction, and they are sincere and cordial, prayer has a result. Prayer has strength when there is harmony among you. Disharmony comes from this, which has been tuned by a man who does not understand this art, so the disharmony among you I can call it chord, or tuning. And truly, the most beautiful part of a concert is the tuning of violins and other instruments.
  1. First the Master descends and brings Love. The disciple wakes up and begins teaching and ascension.
  1. People stumble alone when divided into men and women. Women say: "We are of tender sex, we are not strong like men." According to me, women operate with the strongest force in the world - with Love. The mistake is there, that women have used Love more for their benefit than for the benefit of their neighbors, women have used it more for Your temptation According to me, women age by much Love. The woman does not have to wait and seek the Love of others - she herself is a source, from it Love must flow out.
  1. Many of our ideas, many of our feelings are spoiled by the sole cause that the Love of women is not with such vibrations with which it must be; It is not as hot as it should be. Well, and the Love of men is not with such tibies as it should be. When I speak of man and woman, I mean the man himself within himself.
  1. The tests are not stronger than the ideal of the disciple. That is why the disciple is known only in tests. The disciple is stronger than the conditions, because he is above them. He carries in himself the Divine. But there are also and souls of the conditions, but they cannot have any ideal! A soul with an invincible will - this is the ideal.
  1. There is a people chosen by God in the world, but these people are neither the English, nor the Hebrews, nor any other. This town is all humanity, as something whole. This people chosen by God is made up of all beings, all people who think, because man is distinguished exactly by his thoughts. That is why I determine man - and at the same time I say: this man who corrects his mistakes is a man; he who does not right his mistakes is an animal.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: At night, when you go to bed, you turn first to the cells of your brain, then - to the cells of your lungs, after this - to the cells of your stomach, and finally - to the cells of the other organs, of the muscles, of the bones and you will say to them: “Listen, I go to school. During this time you will fulfill the work that is put on you, so when I return, you will find the rooms clean, ventilated, and the whole organism - renewed . The cells receive the order of their master and begin to work feverishly, systematically, so that in the shortest time they fulfill the work that is put to them. When they complete the work, the master returns to his body. Then you wake up happy and joyful, renewed from sleep. So you have to talk to your cells if you want to have a good, peaceful sleep. Each cell is a living, reasonable soul that understands what is spoken to it, what is required of it. Talk to them reasonably, without scaring them. Each cell is placed exactly in place. The cells are not voluntary, they are always ready to fulfill the will of their master, but they must understand what is asked of them. Once they understand what they have to do, they are immediately in favor of their master. When you talk reasonably with your cells, you create good habits.

  1. Why did unhappiness come in the world? Because of Adam's discontent - Adam created a discontent. When he saw the animals for two, he was not glad and said that if the Lord has given them, he will give. But he said to himself: "The Lord ignores me, He should give me first, then them" - this is where his thinking was weak. This thought - that the Lord has ignored him, is distorted. He should think: "As he has given to the companion animals, he will give me something more beautiful." And we all suffer from this defect of Adam, we think that we are ignored.
  1. The matter of which you are made is mud. Now God will make Adam from another mud. Nothing came out of the first mud, it was not successful; and nothing came out of Eve. Adam made mud, Eva made it man. Now God again makes Adam, but from another place he will take the materials. Scripture says: The born of God sin does not . Now everyone must be born! Christ says: The one born of the Spirit and water This is now the new composition.
  1. Some want to say: Why did God create man in His image and likeness? God has made His likeness to Him, but has left something that He has not given to man. He believed him by the image and likeness of His mind, he believed him by the image and likeness of His heart, but He did not believe him by the image and likeness of His will. And since man has allowed himself to appropriate what God has not given him, he introduced sin into the world, crime, sufferings. All the sufferings of the people are due to this, which they want to be and by will as God that they order.
  1. You can't love a man if there is no movement in you. Love is the most powerful movement that exists in the Universe - a constant movement; and a faster movement that there is no at the same time he is everywhere. There is no place in the world where Love is not present. It is not that he is great, but with his movement he is present everywhere.
  1. Love is everywhere: There is no place in the world where there is no Love. You will say: Why do I not feel it? You have cut the messages, you have closed the windows outside the sun shines, but in the room where you are it is dark. Man can cut the path of Love that must manifest in us. People alone wind up now: they preach that we must die.
  1. We say we have love for God. The time for you to die has approached, say: Lord, of dead people You have no need! Long live, work for You; May he live on Earth, may he work, may he love you. We, the contemporary people, must learn to love the Lord. All misfortunes come from the fact that we do not love the Lord. I do not speak of an external Lord. That Lord, who lives in us, says: Do not do this! You don't listen to him inside of you.
  1. Why does the disease come, why do the pains come? You suffer from some disease; Start with your childhood, remember all your mistakes, trust them before God and see if the disease does not go away. The cure of the disease is not a difficult job. Christ, when he healed the sick man, said: `` Go and do not sin, so that you do not get worse! '' To sick people who want help, tell them they must fulfill the Divine Will.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: I will give you an exercise for ten days. When you wake up in the morning, try to return to your childhood. From the first year to the age of ten years, and you see how each year of your life has been distinguished. When you find the distinctive quality of these years, make connection between them and your present life, that you see how you have worked and what acquisitions you have . If you cannot remember something from the first year of your life, move on to the second, then the third, etc., until you reach that year in which there is a certain awakening of your Awareness, keep going up, until you reach the present moment of your life and make a connection, that you see the result of your work. This will be a beautiful exercise.

  1. Salvation is in our hands. On the day we begin to love God, we are saved; on the day we begin to study Divine Wisdom, we are saved; On the day we begin to serve - I put the Truth as a rule - we are saved. This is salvation, this is an unceasing salvation! Every day we have to save ourselves. When you get up, every day you must be a servant of Love, every day you must be a servant of Wisdom, that you study. Not only that you study, but that you apply.
  1. Learn, first of all, to think well and feel good. That you think - this is the man in you, that you feel - this is the virgin in you. Therefore, when you feel good, you are the virgin; when you feel bad, you are the woman who has been filled with a useless burden. You complain about things in the world. Leave your market, carry only the beautiful and the beautiful in Life! This is the duty of Nature. You will have to study a lot more time to finish school and do what I have told you now. You need 10, 000 years. Start now, because if you don't start now you will need 100, 000 years more. And if you don't start then, in the future you will need 10, 000 more years.
  1. If we take time for Good in the world, we are not of the capable. If we take our mental development, we are not capable. We can take, but we must do our work according to the time that Nature has determined. I wish you to be of reasonable and capable students, and to complete your work on time.
  1. Everything must go to your site. When you look at things separately, you see that they are not in place. For example, the sharp man, observed separately is disgusting, but in the All he has its meaning.
  1. Under child we understand that you connect a hard principle and a soft principle, and this, what connects, is the child. Therefore, on Earth, children form the connection. With Love and Wisdom it is the same. - These connect with the Truth. You cannot connect Love with Knowledge and Wisdom, if you do not have the Truth - it is the connection of things. For the works in your life to go well, you must have the Truth. The child represents the Truth, that is, the connection of things. Now, you say you must love the Truth. If you do not have the Truth, things cannot connect, and then Wisdom and Love will not be understood for you by themselves.
  1. So I say: All the virtues must be put by us in compliance. Understand me correctly: Do not think that I want to make you good. Be true to your ideal that is primarily set in you! Scripture says: "In the beginning God created man in his own image and likeness." May we be faithful to this image with which God has primarily created us!
  1. When Christ came into the world, He said that God is good. Under the words: "If you love me" It is understood: "If you love my Father who is in Me." Christ says: "The Father loves you" and "I came by His will." And the Scripture says: "The Lord so loved the world, that is, to all of us, that he sent this, which is the most beautiful thing - His Son - to come into the world so that all may be saved." This means that everyone has the privilege of living a happy life. And this, then, will depend on the Love you feel for God, and on the Love you have for His Son.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: The thought I want to leave you now is the following: When suffering comes to you, determine in you whether this suffering is reasonable or unreasonable. For ten days from today, do the following exercise: so many sufferings that come during the day, determine if these are reasonable or not; Then count how many of them in number are reasonable and how many are not reasonable. The reasonable sufferings are of the Invisible World, and the unreasonable - of you. This is a small exercise, a small test from which you will acquire certain knowledge and science. Every suffering makes sense, when it is understood and well used. If you understand and use your reasonable sufferings, then and the Invisible World will rejoice in you and help you.

  1. Now, I want you to understand me, but that you understand yourself. Many quote that we should be like Christ. I agree on one aspect: we must draw the Word like this, as Christ has drawn it, but let us take the Word of God. I say: “Act in this way, as the Father has taught you, as the Lord has taught you, as Christ has taught you from within. And not as they teach you now. If you act as they teach you now, this is the external side, in which you have tried nothing yet.
  1. Don't ask if someone loves you. If this man loves me I know that he loves God in me; and if you love him, you love God in him. You can love only this that is Good. Only this what is Good in the world can be loved. The Truth can be loved, the lie cannot be loved; Justice can be loved, injustice cannot be loved.
  1. I can sing you a song and be happy, but I can sing a song and fight. Think about singing. This can cause a lot of damage, but it can cause and a lot of virtues.
  1. So I say: from the hidden point of view man must understand the magic of words. Now you will say: "How much happens with a word?" With a word I can move you 1 kilometer away, with a word I can put you in prison for 20 years, with a word I can attract you. You must study the language, each word has certain possibilities in itself.
  1. We now talk about normal acts. An act, normally done, always produces Light in consciousness; a normal act always produces Freedom, a normal act always expands and brings Life itself. This what brings life, this what brings Light, and this what brings Freedom, these are the normal behaviors we have.
  1. Someone says: "That we have fraternal behaviors." In fraternal behaviors there is Freedom, there is Light, there is Life. What is fraternal? - What brings Light, Freedom and Life, both in community, and in person. The law is one and the same: every thing that brings you Freedom, Light and Life is a correct behavior towards things. So I say: hold in you all those beautiful thoughts, all those beautiful feelings and all those beautiful acts that bring Light, that bring Freedom, that bring Life.

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