Parvathi Kumar - Preparation for Full Moons

  • 2011

K. Parvathi Kumar

Rigi, November / December 1998

Each full moon is a great opportunity to get the alignment. Each full moon has its own splendor. We must understand that the full moon enables the manifestation of light in the physical. Everything is illuminated, even the body. The alignment between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth in the sky is a great moment. If we have sufficient balance, when the alignment begins in the sky, it also takes place in us, so that the light is experienced everywhere.

It is more important to live in silence during the hours of the full moon than expectations about the full moon. Keep the mind as quiet as possible, as still as possible, minimizing words and actions, so that the rays of the sun or the ray of the soul, or the light of the soul is correctly reflected on the mind, and the mind Silent be a transparent medium that allows the reflection of sunlight as lunar light on the body formed of seven tissues. Consequently, you will experience the magic of the full moon in you.

The full moon is, therefore, taken as an opportunity provided by nature to regain alignment and thereby replenish ourselves with the light of the soul that otherwise has a hard time penetrating. The light of the soul is eternally present in the creation, and it is our alignment of vehicles, both mental and emotional and physical, that will enable the experience of what everyone appreciates: the light of the soul, the sound of the soul, called the music of the soul and the magic of creation.

Somehow, we all have the blessing of being able to get out of the lives of our personalities to meet here to experience the full moon. Thus, this day and tonight offer us the culmination of the experience, depending on the alignment that has been achieved. Fortunately, nature is also very willing to cooperate. There is excellent stillness throughout the environment. This will also help us get inner stillness. All that must be quiet is the mind. Then, you will find the transparent quality of the mind. In your concern, it is just there, but it is not there. It's like that glass panel, which is very clean and allows you to see what's on the other side. If the glass panel is adequately clean, you will not see it, you will see what is on the other side. Only when something accumulates on the glass do we feel its presence, and we also feel that the panel is impeding our vision of what is on the other side.

The purpose of the mind is the same. It has the ability to reflect what is there, to allow us to perceive. We don't need to dominate the mind. The ancient path of Raja Yoga never condemns the mind, because the mind is also divine. It must be kept clean. From the point of view of synthesis, the condemnation of anything that exists in creation is not acceptable. If we want to be students of Raja Yoga or the Synthesis Path, we should not censor anything. Everything has its place. The more we censor, the less we know the purpose of what we censor. If the screen of the mind is clean enough, there seems to be no obstacle between the worlds that are there, or between this side of the world and the other. side of the world. That side, means beyond the five elements and the mind. This side means the mind and the five elements. This is why we must devote ourselves to a full moon day.

The word devotion is more frequently misunderstood than understood, due to the quality of inertia. The quality of inertia makes a sublime concept distort. That is why there is black magic around the term devotion. When we try to judge things, we fall into a state of conscience so ignorant that we condemn devotion. Devotion and emotion are not synonymous. Today they are used as such. Devotion is very well defined in the Bhagavad Gita. You should see the scriptures that originally used these terms. The scriptures are our models. You cannot comment on a worldwide writing that has endured the vicissitudes of time and continues to guide those who seek light. If we tend to criticize a writing, this only indicates our degree of ignorance. Whenever we criticize or judge any writing, it is because we have not been able to access its content. We see writing from our own mix of qualities. When we feel the urge to comment on something, we better wait. It is a good mantra: Stop and continue. Just wait a moment before quickly commenting something. We are so mentally developed that we are very quick to comment, and then we fall for criticism and judgment. If you want to be occult students, when the impulse to comment appears, just wait. They could be wrong.

So devotion is different from emotion. Please pay attention to this! Devotion is the orientation of the personality towards the soul. That is the definition. Emotion is not the orientation towards the soul. A devout person is humble, quiet, has the ability to wait and is in constant effort to bond with the soul. He is building the bridge between THAT and himself as a personality. It is a consistent and constant effort to orient the personality towards the soul, which means that the personality is dedicated to the soul, which is also called alignment of the personality with the soul.

Today we use another term for that: Discipleship. Discipleship is no more than the practice in everyday life in which at all times the effort is put into linking with the soul. That is devotion. That is discipleship. If you want to have a clear understanding, please read chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita, which speaks of the original devotion content. A devout person sees nothing else. See only THAT, THAT as human beings, THAT as animals, THAT as plants, THAT as mountains, THAT as ice, THAT as full moon, THAT as breakfast; There is only THAT in different manifestations. It is the key message of chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita. He who only sees THAT in different manifestations is one who is said to be devout.

Let us consecrate ourselves to the full moon, which will allow us to obtain the consequent bliss that is transmitted during the hours of the full moon. Many full moons will come and pass. Reaching the full moon is an opportunity provided by God, which we should use without any kind of illusion about the full moon. The trick is that we live more in the mirage relative to a concept than in its content.

What I wanted to tell you briefly is: Be devoted to the full moon, not emotional. If they are emotional, they lose the bliss of the full moon. To link with the soul, allow the mind to experience the light of the soul. That needs to silence the mind for a few hours or days before the full moon. This means that we must return to that quality called equilibrium. If we are hyperactive, we lose the full moon. If we are inert, we fall asleep during the full moon. Does not exist. Thus, to obtain balance, the only key given is to remember THAT as I AM.

Being in balance, they can work with activity and also have the necessary rest. Activity and rest are part of the balance. This means that balance must preside over activity and rest. If you govern the activity, the balance disappears. Then, there is only activity and rest. People work very hard for two days and then fall asleep for a few days. It's like driving 150 kilometers per hour for two hours and then resting an hour in a restaurant. If they drive in balance, they will cover the same distance in three hours. They do not need that kind of rest, since it is caused by excessive activity. Also in spiritual practice, sometimes we are agitated and other times we are not at all. This causes discontinuity, therefore, every time they start, it's like starting over. There is no continuity, unless there is balance. He who lives in equilibrium is said to dwell in the highest part of his being. He who lives in activity is said to dwell in the middle part of his being, which is the solar plexus. He who is dominated by inertia is said to live below the solar plexus, where ignorance rules over everything, and develops his own theories as new doctrines of knowledge. Many sublime concepts have been degenerated and distorted dominated by inertia. When you transcend inertia, you will be able to see through the full range of your thoughts and this transcending is only possible with balance. Balance is the only root through which they can reach the state that is beyond the three qualities. (Transcription in English: Doris Zwirner - Spanish translation: Omar Bellio).

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