To know who Elisabeth Kubler Ross is, just look at her fantastic book “On death and dying”

  • 2015

Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kübler-Ross wrote the book On Death and Dying, which exposed the five stages that patients with terminal illnesses experience.

Born in 1926, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross wanted to be a doctor, but her father forbade it, she left home at age 16, was a hospital volunteer in World War II and in medical school, she was finally able to enter in 1951, he studied terminal illness, the publication of his pioneering book On Death and Dying in 1969 with which everyone knows who Elisabeth Kubler Ross is for her fantastic contributions, The book describes the five stages that patients experience when they die, these are denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance.

Through her research and cutting-edge writings, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler Ross helped revolutionize the way in which the medical community cared for the terminally ill.

She had a fragile start in life when she and her other two brothers were born, because of the development of an interest in medicine at an early age, Kübler Ross encountered intense resistance from his father about his professional aspirations, he told her that she I could be an excellent secretary in your business.

To really know who Elisabeth Kubler Ross really is and see how much she was so capable at the time to do, you have to know that challenging her family, Kubler Ross left home at age 16 and worked in a series of jobs.

After the war, Kubler Ross offered to help in numerous war-torn communities, she was deeply affected by a visit to the Maidanek concentration camp in Poland and by the images of hundreds of butterflies carved on some of the walls there.

The Fact of Knowing Who Elisabeth Kubler Ross is A Deeply Passionate Story

For Kubler Ross, the butterflies, these final works of art of those sentenced to death, stayed with her for years and influenced her thinking about the end of life.

Kubler Ross began to pursue his dreams of becoming a doctor in 1951 as a medical student at the University of Zurich. Once there he met Emanuel Robert Ross, a medical student from the United States, they married in 1958, a year After graduating, he moved to the United States where they both had internships at the Community Hospital in Glen Cove, Long Island.

Then he went on to specialize in psychiatry and become a resident at Maniatan State Hospital in 1962, Kübler Ross and her husband moved to Denver, Colorado, to teach at the University of the Colorado School of Medicine.

She had been disturbed by the treatment of death throughout her time in the United States and found nothing in the medical school curriculum at the time regarding death or death.

Kübler Ross once took a 16-year-old girl who was dying of leukemia to the classroom, she told the students that they could ask any questions if they wanted to, but after receiving numerous questions about her condition, the young woman He broke out in anger and began answering the questions that mattered to her as a person, such as what he was and feels about not being able to dream of growing up or going to the graduation party arousing a lot of interest in Kübler Ross.

After moving to Chicago in 1965, Kübler Ross became a professor at the University of Chicago medical school, a small project on death with a group of theology students became a series of busy seminars with sincere interviews with People who were dying.

To find out who Elisabeth Kubler Ross is, just look at her fantastic book “On death and dying

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