Prayer to our God the Father / Angel Practice - elementary

  • 2012

Prayer to our God the Father

Prayers Package


From "The Life of the Masters"



When you reach the edge of the Red Sea in life,
when despite all the efforts
you can't go back
nor skirt the obstacle,
there is nothing left but to cross it.

It is necessary then to know God,
with a serene soul
to make disappear
The darkness of the storm.

God calms the winds,
God appeases the waves.
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead!


Our thinking is:

"I remain firmly with my gaze on You, O Father,
without knowing anything but You, Father,
and seeing nothing but God in all things.

I remain firmly on the Sacred Mountain,
without knowing anything but Your Love, Your Life and Your Wisdom.

Your Divine Spirit constantly floods me,
It surrounds me and fills me at all times, inside and out.

I know, Father, that all this is not only for me, but for all Your children.
I know, Father, that I have nothing but yours and that there is nothing but God.

I thank you, Father. ”


** When Jesus began to speak, a perfect calm descended on the whole village and its inhabitants. These are His words, translated into English by Jesus himself (my most fervent prayer will be not to forget them, even if I live a thousand years):


«While I remain alone in Your Great Silence, God my Father, a pure light burns in me that fills all the atoms of my being with its great luminosity. Life, Love, Strength, Purity, Beauty and Perfection fill everything in me. Looking into the heart of that light, I see another light - liquid, soft, golden and white, radiant and luminous, absorbing and motherly - that manifests the caressing fire of the Greatest Light.

»Now I know that I am God and one with the whole universe of God. I whisper to God my Father and remain serene.


»However, in that complete silence the greatest activity of God reigns. Again nothing bothers me and complete silence surrounds me everywhere. The irradiation of light now extends to the vast universe of God, and I know that conscious life is everywhere. I repeat without fear that I am God. I am silent and I am not afraid.

»I raise the Christ high in me and sing the praises of God. Inspiration flows in the tonalities of my music. The Great Mother sings, louder and louder, a new Life within me. Stronger and with greater clarity every day, inspiration elevates my conscious thinking until it is in unison with the rhythm of God. Again I raise the Christ very loudly, and listen carefully to the joyful music. Harmony is my key and God is the theme of my song. He seals my song with the seal of truth.


»God, my Father, I am free as the light of your Spirit. Your seal is placed on my forehead. I accept it. I have your high light, God my Father. Again, I accept ».


Prayer of the Divine Mother

I am the Light of the world, I am a being who has come from the Light, lives in the Light and creates the Light.

Wherever I go, I am the hands of God working on Earth, and I am inspired by the Divine Will. I am driven by the Divine Force and I am working on the Divine Plan.

I am an active member of the White Brotherhood and I am supported by all the members of the Hierarchy, and I am working on a specific project of the Hierarchy.

I am part of the new group of servers in the world, I am part of a chain of Love and goodwill that extends to all corners of the planet.

I am the spearhead for the arrival to the land of the Masters of the Hierarchy.

I am a cosmic antenna that opens to infinity to receive the Blessings of the Most High.

I am an emitter of all those energies that I am receiving to multiply them wherever I go and send them to the most unusual places.

I am the word that heals, the hands that help, the feet that lead, the look that saves.

I am the microcosm in action, I am the network that communicates man with God, I am the fraternity bond where all human beings merge.

I am the light of the world, I am the annihilator of darkness and confusion, I am the warrior of light, the one who shines without shadows, the firm rock on which the vessels of Life rest.

I am the smile that encourages, the arm that comforts, and I am the son of God on Earth.

[My Blessings are for all beings ... for all humanity ... for the entire cosmic family ... for the entire cosmic community of Light and Love ... My Blessings are for all the Masters of Light and Love].

My Blessings remain eternally in their lives.

So be it!

** Keep these words very close to your heart. It is a gift we give today, a prayer that will connect you immediately with Shamballa. It will be the call for us to enter into action, it will be the sign that each of us is close to starting a job and then, without delay, we will prepare to help you. Carry this prayer always with you.



Prayer to our God Father-Mother

Breathing of Life, Source of Sound,
Action without words, Creator of the Cosmos, Almighty God!

Make Your Light shine within us, around us and outside of us,
so that we can manifest Your Power and Your Glory.

Help us to follow our path Breathing only the Feeling
emanating from T .

Our I in the same step can be with Yours
For us to walk like kings and queens with all the other creatures.

May Your Desire and ours be one in all the Light,
as in all forms, in every individual existence,
as well as in all communities.

Make us feel the Soul of the Earth within us,
because in this way we will feel the Wisdom that exists in Everything.

Do not allow superficiality and appearance
of the things of the world deceive us,
and free us from everything that prevents our growth.

Do not let us forget that you are the Power and Glory of the world,
the song that is renewed from time to time
and that everything beautifies it.

May Your Light and Your Love are always in all our actions.

So be it!


Prayers of Inner Liberation



From: A Manual for Ascension nn
From Serapis Bey

Channeled by Tony Stubbs

Invocation of the Light:

I live within the Light.
I love inside the Light
I laugh inside the Light
I am sustained and nourished by the Light.
I blissfully serve the Light.
Because I am the Light
I am the Light. I am the Light.
I am. I am. I am.

[I am the Light of God I am the Light of God I am the Light of God ]

From the Ariel Arc

Channeled by Tachi-ren


Invocation to the Oneness

We offer you the following invocation to help you connect with the Unicity Band:

I am a Creative Being; I am unity with the SPENDER.
I am a Creative Being; I am unity with ALL THAT IS.
The Light of my own Being shines on my path.
I am a Creative Being; I am unity with EVERYTHING THAT WILL BE.
I hold in my heart the resplendent Light of the SOURCE.
I walk in unity with the SPENDER.
River in unity with the Source.
I love in unity with my congeners.
I am a CHRISTEN SPIRIT; I am a bridge between heaven and Earth.


Invocation to the Unified Chakra

(From: A Manual for Ascensioni n, by Serapis Bey)

Use this invocation to focus, before using any of the other tools or before performing any activity that involves the SPIRIT. Unifying to the tenth chakra is often enough, but occasionally you may wish to unify until the twelfth and invite our Christ Self to your fields. Pay particular attention to the opening of your Alpha and Omega chakras.

I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Opening my heart like a beautiful sphere of Light,
And allowing me to expand.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my throat chakra
And that of my solar plexus
In a single unified field of Light
In, through and around my body.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my frown chakra
And my belly button [and my sexual center]
In a single unified field of Light
In, through and around my body.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my crown chakra
And the base
In a single unified field of Light
In, through and around my body.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my alpha chakra above my head
And my Omega chakra below my spine
In a single unified field of Light
In, through and around my body.
I allow the Metatron Wave to resonate among them.
I am a unit with the Light.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my eighth chakra above my head
And my thighs
In a single unified field of Light
[I am a unit with the Light]
In, through and around my body.
I allow my Emotional Body to be founded
With my physical body
[In a single unified field of Light]
I am a unit with the Light.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my ninth chakra above my head
And my calves
In a single unified field of Light
[I am a unit with the Light]
In, through and around my body.
I allow my Mental Body to be founded
With my physical body
[In a single unified field of Light]
I am a unit with the Light.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my tenth chakra above my head
And below my feet
In a single unified field of Light
[I am a unit with the Light]
In, through and around my body.
I allow my Spiritual Body to be founded
With my physical body
[In a single unified field of Light]
I am a unit with the Light.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my eleventh chakra above my head
And below my feet
In a single unified field of Light
[I am a unit with the Light]
In, through and around my body.
I allow our Group Soul to be founded
With my physical body
[In a single unified field of Light]
I am a unit with the Light.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Covering my twelfth chakra above my head
And below my feet
In a single unified field of Light
[I am a unit with the Light]
In, through and around my body.
I allow our Christ Soul to be founded
With my physical body
[In a single unified field of Light]
I am a unit with the Light.
I breathe in the Light through the center of my heart,
I ask that the highest level of my SPIRIT
Radiate from the center of my heart
Fully filling this unified field.
It radiates throughout this day.
I am a unit with the SPIRIT.


(From: “A Manual for Ascension, by Serapis Bey)

Practices to disconnect from consensus.
Declare yourself masters of your own things and disappear them, saying this:
“I am a teacher of divine expression. I recognize that I feel ____I hate____ and that it no longer serves me on my path to the Light. With the help of the force of Grace, I release that energy; May he return to the universe for the highest good, and be transmuted into the highest form of Light. ”
In a systematic way, get rid of all the old luggage you have collected over the years. They do not need it where they are going and will only delay them. We had already dealt with shame but there is another especially heavy burden: guilt. It is old energy and you can get rid of it, like this:
One by one, visualize everyone with whom you have had meaningful interactions in their lives: parents, couples, children, bosses, landlords and so on. Summoning a visualization of them puts you in touch with your self-spirits. Tell them, inwardly, or loudly, as you prefer, to forgive them for any damage you once felt they had inflicted. It doesn't matter that they believe if they were inflicted or not; the important thing is what you believe; That is what is stuck in your own fields.
Tell them that they understand that all this was done in compliance with a prior agreement and that they love them. This process could take several hours.
Now, stand in front of a mirror and do the same. Forgive yourself for every time you thought you had been busted. Tell yourself what they did based on an agreement and look what they learned. Remember that a Master never muddles her but that everything happens exactly the way she wanted it. The only thing that the Masters need to do is to serve the Light.
We are nearing the end. We have dissolved impressions, judging, fear and, best of all, judging yourself. What do we have left? Maybe some things with our co-incarnations.
Repeat then the routine of forgiveness, but this time do it in a more general way:

[By the Law of Cosmic Forgiveness, by the Grace of God]:

“I forgive anyone that I believe has hurt me in this present incarnation or in any other, anywhere or on any plane. I forgive all debts and erase all karmas. I choose the Light for myself and for all of myself. ”

[“I apologize to anyone I believe that I have hurt in this present incarnation or in any other, anywhere or on any plane. I forgive all debts and erase all karmas. I choose the Light for myself and for all my selves ”]

Say it with sincerity and with intention. It may take several attempts but there will come a time when they will have the certainty of having achieved it.

It is not possible for them to manipulate themselves about forgiving themselves or others. It is not even necessary for them to try because they believe it is "the spiritual thing they must do." To know if one has sincerely forgiven, observe gratitude. Once they feel grateful for the "impression" or experience, even if it is something very big, for example, incest or violation, they will be free. You will feel a deep appreciation, at the level of the soul, towards yourself and other people, for having been of service to you under such challenging circumstances. Such service demands great love and compassion. And remember: there are no victims but only co-creators.

You designed the nature of your "impressions" and asked others to join you in the game.

By incarnating, they built several blocks and vows in their personalities and energy bodies that prevented them from really knowing who they were. It is at the discretion of your self-spirits the time to free you from these blockades and vows, not only for you but for your whole bloodline, until the very beginning of the story. Because this technique is very powerful and affects each of their ancestors, I have had to ask the various councils for a special dispensation in order to give them this information. If you feel that it is the right thing for you, either alone or in a group (although in a group, the work is much more powerful than alone), say the following with all intention (Note: with a gentle personal modification, just as I do I practice daily, twice, in the morning and at night):

“I, now, [decree and declare void all the votes, agreements, pacts, commitments, contracts, ties and egotic attachments] that I have made [or acquired] to experience the illusion of unconsciousness.
As a bearer of light for my genetic lineage, I break these vows, for myself and for all my ancestors.
I declare these vows, agreements, covenants, commitments, contracts, ties and egoic attachments null and void, disintegrate and dissolve them, in this incarnation and for all incarnations, over time and space, of parallel realities, of parallel universes, of alternative realities, of alternative universes, of all planetary systems, of all systems of the Source and of all dimensions.
I ask for the release of all crystals, devices, ways of thinking, emotions, matrices, veils, cellular memories, pictures of reality, genetic limitations and death, NOW!
I ask for the release of all those energies, and I ask that all those energies released be transmuted into the highest form of Light.
By the Law of Grace and by the Decree of Victory! By the Decree of Victory! By the Decree of Victory!
According to the will of the SPIRIT, I ask to Awaken. According to the will of the SPIRIT, we are awake!
In the beginning, I AM WHO I AM!

This leaves both the attic and basement clean. The time has come to attract new energy in, under your control. The time has come to make contact with the SPIRIT!


Prayer of the Cosmic Holy Spirit


I attract COSMIC COMFORT in Fire Languages
For all mankind, for all beings, for each element,
every soul, every conscience, for the angels exiled from home,
For the elemental kingdom and all creatures of Nature,
And for all the elemental forces and spirits
of Earth, Water, Air and Fire.


THERE IS COMFORT! Let the suffering cease!

Oh, Mighty and Eternal God! I thank you for those
Who have anchored the substance of the HOLY COSMIC SPIRIT in themselves,
And why the powerful currents of Cosmic Comfort flow to them.

Oh, Powerful Angels Devas of Comfort,
Powerful and Great Angels of Comfort,
Seraphim and Cherubim of Comfort,
Legions of Comfort from the Universal,
At every current of life, at each atom and at every electron on this planet.

So be it!


I am the Flame of Comfort of the Cosmic Holy Spirit for all mankind, For all beings, for each element, each soul, each consciousness,
Every atom and every electron,
For the exiled home angels,
For the elemental kingdom and all creatures of Nature,
And for all the elemental forces and spirits
of Earth, Water, Air and Fire .


I am the Peace of God, I am the Elohim of Peace,
Radiating the Peace of God for all mankind, for all beings,
For each element, each soul, each consciousness,
Every atom and every electron,
For the exiled home angels,
For the elemental kingdom and all creatures of Nature,
And for all the elemental forces and spirits
of Earth, Water, Air and Fire .

I am the Peace of God in my words, in my thoughts, in my actions,
I am the Peace of God in my feelings, in my emotions
and in my world .


May all beings be blessed in Purity and in the Grace of God.
May all beings be blessed in their Light and in their Love.

May all beings be blessed in their Constancy, in their Decision, in their Strength,
In his Balance, in his Justice, in his Critical Victory,

May all beings be blessed in their Perfection, in their Dignity,
In his Harmony, in his Critical Consciousness,
In their Faith, in their Will, in their Goodness, in their Truth.

May all beings be blessed in their Faithfulness and Consecration to God,
In his Devotion and Holiness,
In his Joy and Enthusiasm.

May all beings be blessed in Peace, in Mercy,
In forgiveness and in the humility of the Holy Spirit.

I am Peace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Grace and Humility
Of the Cosmic Holy Spirit.

So be it!


Om origin


Invocation of the Violet Flame.

Petition to Become a Violet Flame Guardian

Arc Miguel Angel


Visualization, focused attention and an emotional and serious feeling of gratitude are the keys to effectively activate and use the Violet Flame. Focus your inner vision ... Visualize with your Sacred Mind, focusing within the Sacred Heart and feeling within the Presence of God, while making the following statement. This will start the activation of inactive Atom Seeds within its four lower bodies. These will begin to vibrate, move and change in and around you. As you grow more proficient, your ability to radiate the Violet Flame Transformer will increase and flow from you in more and larger concentric circles.

Take several deep breaths or, if you know Infinite Breathing, take a series of 12 sacred breaths before beginning your request.

“I ask that the Violet Flame of Forgiveness shine through and around me, now and onward, expanding moment by moment to the maximum that the Cosmic Law allows, until I am free from any belief and imperfection that is less That the reality of my perfect Divine nature. I am the Presence of God made manifest in the physical world of form, and I accept my Divine birthright and my mission now! ”

“Surrounded by the radiance of our Father-Mother God, I invoke the energies of the Sacred Fire of Transformation from within my Divine Cell Diamantine Core, which resides within the core of my Sacred Heart. In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I invoke the Violet Flame to shine from the Seed-Atom within the center of my Sacred Heart. From the core of the White Fire of my I AM Presence, for the qualities and virtues of the Seventh Ray of the Archangels Zadquiel and Amethyst, and for the Divine Power granted to the blessed Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Portia, I decree:

“I am a Violet Flame Guardian. I invoke the Divine Sacred Fire to permeate my physical body to its true core, and activate my soul memory of the full consciousness of God and the original template of my Universal Destiny. I invoke the Violet Transmutation Flame to impregnate my mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies, my Soul, my DNA and RNA, in order to transmute, cause, base, record and memory of all life, present, past or future., in this or any other reality that is less than perfection, and everything that is not in alignment with the Will of our Father-Mother God I ask that it be dissolved and transmuted into the highest form of Light for my greatest well-being and the greatest welfare of all. ”

By the Grace of God and the Cosmic Council of Light, I am a servant of the world, I am a servant of the Light, I am a servant of all Creation. I faithfully radiate to the world the maximum amount of Diamond Particles of Light and the Violet Flame Transformer that my physical body can contain. I will always strive for my greatest well-being and the highest welfare for the Earth and all Creation. I will do everything in my power to serve faithfully and to be worthy of this great honor. ”

"I ask for my highest well-being the most benevolent outcome for all humanity, the Earth and all Creation."


By doing so, they align their will with the Divine Will of our Father-Mother God. Then spend as much time as is appropriate to INHALATE LIGHT AND EXHALE LOVE. This process will accelerate your ability to access the full Metatronic Light of this universe, which contains the Diamond Particles of the Creator's Light that are now being available to those who have taken a step within the path of ascension ... As they advance in the path, its radiance will make a profound difference since we will all meet to illuminate the world and facilitate the path for humanity ...


The Angel Practice - The Purity of the Angel

Purifying our sacred garments

Om Orion

In our work of Christ Ascension we must purify our centers of light and their energy. We can achieve this through the Christ Decrees, the Visualization, the use of the Violet Flame, and breathing and alchemical transmutation techniques that we will study here in our School. I recommend doing this practice once or twice a day: when getting up and before going to bed. When you are familiar with the practice, it is good to do it with your eyes closed, visualizing the sector where the farm on which we are working is located.
This is a first level of practice, but it will always be practiced in this way by every aspirant to perform the Christ Ascension, only later we will add other elements.
Through the spoken word, visualization, sustained attention, radiate, bless, and say, thinking of Jesus:
* I am the Resurrection and the Life.
* I am the Ascension in the Light.
*I'm the way, the truth and the life.
* I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.

* I am the Purity of God in my sexual center. I am the Purity of God in my solar plexus. I am the Purity of God in my heart. I am the Purity of God in my throat. I am the Purity of God in my frontal center. I am the Purity of God in my coronary center.
* I am the Purity of God in my sexual center. I am the Purity of God in my emotions. I am the Purity of God in my feelings. I am the Purity of God in my thoughts. I am the Purity of God in my words. I am the Purity of God in my actions.
* I am the Pure Mind of God in my sexual center. I am the Pure Mind of God in my solar plexus. I am the Pure Mind of God in my heart. I am the Pure Mind of God in my throat. I am the Pure Mind of God in my frontal center. I am the Pure Mind of God in my coronary center.
* I am the Purity of God in my sexual center. I am the Pure Mind of God in my sexual center. I am the Pure Thought of God in my sexual center. I am the Pure Love of God in my sexual center. I am the Goddess of Purity in my sexual center. I am the Elohim of Purity in my sexual center.
* I am the Purity of God in my emotions. I am the Pure Mind of God in my emotions. I am the Pure Thought of God in my emotions. I am the Pure Love of God in my emotions. I am the Goddess of Purity in my emotions. I am the Elohim of Purity in my emotions.
I am the Purity of God in my feelings. I am the Pure Mind of God in my feelings. I am the Pure Thought of God in my feelings. I am the Pure Love of God in my feelings. I am the Goddess of Purity in my feelings. I am the Elohim of Purity in my feelings.
I am the Purity of God in my thoughts. I am the Pure Mind of God in my thoughts. I am the Pure Thought of God in my thoughts. I am the Pure Love of God in my thoughts. I am the Goddess of Purity in my thoughts. I am the Elohim of Purity in my thoughts.
I am the Purity of God in my words. I am the Pure Mind of God in my words. I am the Pure Thought of God in my words. I am the Pure Love of God in my words. I am the Goddess of Purity in my words. I am the Elohim of Purity in my words.
I am the Purity of God in my actions. I am the Pure Mind of God in my actions. I am the Pure Thought of God in my actions. I am the Pure Love of God in my actions. I am the Goddess of Purity in my actions. I am the Elohim of Purity in my actions.
* I am the Pure Emotion of God. I am the Pure Feeling of God. I am the Pure Thought of God. I am the Pure Word of God. I am the Pure Act of God. I am the Pure Imagination of God.

* I am the Purity of God in the Heart of God. I am the Pure Mind of God in the Heart of God.

* I am the Purity of God in every atom and in every cell of my body.
* I am the Purity of God in my DNA.
* I am the Love of God. I am the Pure Love of God. I am the forgiveness of God. I am the Light of God. I am the Light of God that never fails and never makes mistakes.

* I am a Being of Light, I live in the Light, I move in the Light, I feed on Light and the Light feeds and sustains me, and nothing will be missing. The Light provides me with Light, the Light blesses me and I bless the Light. I am the Light and the Light is in me forever. I am the Angel of Light, my body is of Light and my Light is God, and my Light is the Victorious Cosmic Christ. I am the Infinite Light of God, ascending in the Light with all mankind. I am the Light of God in the Heart of God.
For every being and for all humanity, it is, and it will be, now and forever.
I am the Violet Consumer Flame
I am the Violet Transmuter Flame
I am a Violet Fire Being
I am a gigantic Violet Fire Sun
I am the purity that God desires
I am the Great Presence of God I AM in me ...
Disintegrating, dissolving all past, present and future Karma ...
Disintegrating, dissolving all the mistakes made by me
And for all mankind ...


Concentration in the heart:
Focusing on the Triple Immortal Flame within one's own heart assures the individual the Freedom of all that is less than the Christ Perfection.
That is why it is so important that you practice this exercise daily since the more this activity is used, the more efficient the individual becomes. It is and should be everyone's goal to reach the spiritual stature of Christ in Action at all times, allowing that Glorious Being to intelligently direct all the actions of the individual.
** Exercise: you must keep your attention focused on your Holy Christ Self that is anchored within your heart, within the Sacred Flame of the heart, so that you can exteriorize His Great Perfection in everything you do, think or feel, in All the activities of your world and your affairs. And, like Our Lord, say from your heart, mentally or quietly, "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND LIFE", "I AM THE ASCENSION IN THE LIGHT", "I AM THE LIGHT OF GOD", "I I AM THE LOVE OF GOD ”, “ I AM THE FORGIVENESS OF GOD ”, for all Humanity.
** Our thinking is:
“I remain firmly with my gaze on You, O Father, without knowing anything but You, Father, and seeing nothing but God in all things. I remain firmly on the Sacred Mountain, knowing nothing but Your Love, Your Life and Your Wisdom. Your Divine Spirit constantly floods me, surrounds me and fills me at all times, inside and out. I know, Father, that all this is not only for me, but for all Your children. I know, Father, that I have nothing but yours and that there is nothing but God. I thank you, Father. ”

Arturo Urrego

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