New Teachings, by Master Saint Germain

  • 2011


In this time when the Earth begins to make its way to the Light, in which a part of men possess an expectant mind and an open conscience, it is my will to offer these new teachings so that in an easy and fast way they can find the The path of his being and, walking through him, know the truth and live it.

In earlier times, when the needles of human consciousness began to awaken slowly and effortfully, the truth had to penetrate the minds of men slowly, breaking through with effort, patiently clearing the path of all obstacles that ignorance, illusion and fear had interposed between his human conscience and his divine conscience.

But now the time has come, and at this point of eternity, in this vortex of opportunity I offer this eternal teaching to men, so that as a ray of light it can penetrate, if they accept it, in the depths of their conscience, allowing that seed of immanent and latent Divinity, full of eternal life, which is the vital core of each being, begins to awaken and bear fruit of eternity.

At no time is my intention to suggest that self-control and discipline, both mental and physical, are no longer necessary to start the path and walk through it. On the contrary, although my teaching is easy and simple, devoid of rhetoric and syllogisms, everyone who wishes to truly progress, move towards his own truth, must inevitably exercise a conscious and constant self-control over his thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It has to be disciplined with itself, without granting or allowing deviations that would take it away from the goal perhaps for an indefinite period.

The teaching that I offer with all my love to the children of God has, within its simplicity, the certainty given by my own vital experience and that of other ascended beings, who also deliver it to humanity in this vortex that offers us the turn of the cosmic wheel.

With love I remind you that everyone who reads them and puts them into practice with confidence and perseverance will be able to count on my unconditional help, with my support and my own cherry so that that seed of life that beats in the center of their beings will germinate deeply and Your fruits of Light, Love and Power remind you of who you really are.

The infinite possibilities of life are latent in all creation and the children of God who begin to walk in their own way of truth can choose from these infinite possibilities what they desire and, by breaking the path of separation, create in their being and in his environment his will, and live and experience in his own creation.

Before my ascension I often asked myself why so much pain, sacrifice and renunciation on Earth. Later I understood that both pain and sacrifice and renunciation were intended to orient the children of God to the Light again. I also understood and accepted that when men finally walk on the path of return, they can choose from the infinite possibilities of life what they want, and learn and live in their own creation with total freedom.

Recognize, however, that this creation cannot imply any other child of God, or any part of the creation, for it belongs exclusively to the being who, conscious of his freedom, creates it. Understand that this creation is personal and non-transferable, although it can be shared, so it implies total detachment with other beings and with specific parts of the creation, which implies the renunciation of external dependencies and total and full union with the Presence of God in every being and in all creation.

This is the core of the new teachings that I offer at this moment to men with all my love.

Potential in each being that puts into practice their divine freedom so that, choosing what you want, you can create it in your being and in your life and live in your own creation learning and teaching.

Understand and accept, if you wish, that my intention and my hope in dictating this summary of the eternal teachings is to open a front of Light on Earth. A front of divine knowledge. Knowledge and wisdom that, put into practice, will lead beings to their own truth. And it is not only my intention that the beings who read them and put them into practice rise and attain eternal freedom, but it is my desire that these beings before rising extend this truth on Earth. May they be true beacons of Light, that they radiate this divine knowledge through their thoughts, their actions, their words, that with their conscience and their practice actively collaborate with us, so that the Light of truth envelops each incarnated being and, if he accepts it, he can turn his consciousness towards his own being and start the path.

I ask with all my love the beings that feel and live the teachings offered in this little book that do a work of synthesis in their conscience, that they join our divine impetus to help humanity and the earth and that they become conscious channels of our guide, of our teaching.

Remember that the presence I Am is your own being and the true and only vital core of everything that exists.

I am the only truth in the entire universe.

I am the vital core manifesting in the form

I am the life. I am god

March 12

The thoughts and feelings that humanity creates are in the atmosphere of the Earth and every human being not aware of the truth tends to contact them.

If you want to serve the Light and Love you have to maintain perfect control over your feelings and thoughts so as not to accept anything discordant or unharmonious. And when I say control I don't want to say that you should fight your feelings or your thoughts; What I ask is that you are conscious so as not to accept anything discordant in yourself, because to serve you must keep yourself in perfect harmony.

As your bodies of thought and feeling tend to contact your thoughts and feelings generated by humanity does not wake up, you must ask your Presence I Am to close the door and not accept in you but thoughts and feelings of peace, harmony, of joy of divine love. And remember that true Love, which is divine Love, never produces pain, anxiety, jealousy, or reproach. True Love is a force and a power so great that it only generates divine creation by itself, and divine creation is Light, it is beauty, it is perfection.

Therefore, it is not fighting against inharmonious or discordant feelings and thoughts that you will achieve the peace and harmony necessary to serve. It is simply closing the door and opening you only to divine Love. If you see that they are going to attack those thoughts or feelings, do not fight, elevate your mind and your emotional body to your Presence and tell them to fill you with Divine love, because divine Love is the only thing you accept. And that act of elevation must be done with your conscious will.

You have to pay attention to what you want to generate in you. You cannot pretend to grow, serve, improve, without willing attention, it provides for growth and service.

Your attention is the source of your personal creation and will follow at your will if you wish. Therefore, consciously, fix your attention on what you want to create.

For example, if what you want is to calm a pain, your attention should be fixed on the disappearance of the pain and not move it from there. Do not fix it on pain because, if so, you will continue to produce them.

Control your attention with your conscious will and keep it fixed on what you want to achieve. Realize that a multitude of external thoughts and feelings will come to you that will try to distract you. Do not accept them and keep your attention fixed on what you want to achieve. That is the only way you have to create. The power of your attention releases the creative force. And don't give in. If you give in, you won't get it. Understand that what I am telling you is the truth, that truth that you have asked for and sought so long.

Stay calm, calm, harmonious. We will continue talking and I will give you concrete and precise keys to your freedom.

What you have received is my word, and my word is true.

Study it and put it into practice.

March 13


Choose something from nature with what you feel identified.

(The image emerged is a flower)

Gradually, merge with the flower. You are the flower Feel your tender stem receiving the sweet and motherly energy of the earth. How this energy rises on its stem and fills it with peace and life. Feel how through your petals you receive the loving energy of heaven that is transforming it into infinite purity. Feel how these two energies merge into it and how it is offered to life, for it is the fruit of life.

Let us study a little the evolutionary cycle seen from the spiritual plane.

Life, when expressing itself in form, loses its consciousness, it is known only as expressed form, and as expressed form is given, it is offered to life. In this first step we have gases, liquids and minerals.

A step further, we have the vegetables. They are life, and are given to life as beauty and fruit of life itself. There is still no awareness of surrender, there is only vital expression.

We take another step and we have the animal world. The awakening of consciousness begins, but it is a minimal and separate consciousness. The pain and loneliness caused by separation begins.

When we go one step further, we find the man. Consciousness has awakened, but there is no unity, there is separation. The human being, at the beginning and being aware of himself, believes himself alone, separated, unique, and the experimental experience of life begins.

Through life after life, man experiences, in his belief of separation, the vital experience. As he evolves and lives, he expands his consciousness and recognizes the unity of all life. When you freely recognize and accept this unity, you want to join life again, and realize this union through your own free individualized consciousness. Closing the cycle of his life experience on Earth, becoming one with the whole.

As the cycle of earthly experiences closes, man begins to expand as a total and full being, one with God whose Light encompasses and penetrates everything.

His conscience cannot depart from or separate from the truth, for he and the truth are one. This total reality comes by his free choice, through his conscious will. In perfect freedom.

Live, consciously, the experience of unity for this unit to penetrate and transform you. And don't separate anyone from yourself, for everything is life and life is one.

March 14

Your physical body is made up of cells, atoms and in each atom we find a nucleus, isn't it? Well, in each atom and in each nucleus of each atom the truth of life is printed in the form of Light, Light that means knowledge, that wisdom expands, is what you call enlightenment.

Although you can receive the Light from outside of you, from a divine Being who sends it or other forms, it is not that Light that will give you the necessary strength to make the ascension, that is, to leave the physical limitations. That external Light can help you, but the true force, which is knowledge, has to come from within your own physical being. That is why we have told you that ascension cannot be done outside the body, because it is in the physical cells where all the necessary force is printed in the form of Light.

How are we going to make that Light truly expand and truly illuminate?

First, by the process of attention. By paying attention to that Light that is in your body, recognizing it and accepting it, you will help it in its expansion.

Second, by Love, recognizing divine Love in every cell and atom of your body, of your being, accepting that Love. Consciously joining that Love you open the door that is in you and the Light begins to illuminate you and extends, first in your physical body, then in your mental, emotional and etheric bodies, and illuminating your aura radiates outward.

But, look closely: the Light proceeds from within you. I want you to pay close attention to this point, because it is your conscious attention and your love for it that makes it expand and give you all the eternal knowledge, everything you need to know, all the truth and all the strength and power that They are in knowledge.

I want to ask you to pay attention to my words and work them. I bless you, as I bless all the children of the Light.

March, 15th

Let's talk a little about Love.

What is love? Much is written, there is talk about Love.

But what is love? Love is the Energy of Life, Love is God creating Himself in eternal expansion. Love is the essence of life that creates, continuously, from its own Being. Love is creation, expansion and perfect union.

The main characteristic of Love is expansion. And in that expansion there is the creation of more Love: it is a projection of itself.

What happens when a being, created from Love, tries to possess Love? -And Love can be identified with another being, or with power, or with money, or with health or any other good.- When a being tries to possess Love and not expand it, radiate it, suffocate and destroy the main characteristic of Love, which as I have already told you is its expansion, and this Energy consumes itself and the being that tried to retain, possess Love, consumes itself and enters the process of destruction and death.

You have been told: "It is giving as it is received." And this is an eternal law. By creating Love, more Love is generated and a circle of life is produced that generates itself.

This process of creation of life, through Love, is to be carried out consciously by working from its highest chakras, and thus this life energy that will flow from it will be God himself creating Himself in each being, in every thing created.

March 16

Let's talk about pain and its meaning, about its mission.

The first mission of pain is to teach us that we are wrong on the way.

Take the example of a walker who, suddenly, realizes that what is at the end of the road is a precipice, or a high and impassable fence. What are the cliff and fence telling you? Simply, that he was wrong on the way, that this is not the right way.

Exactly the same happens with pain. He is telling us clearly that the attitude we have taken is not the right one, since it has led us to a false and wrong experience and that it is the one that causes us pain.

The second mission of pain is to make us aware of the mistake made. When we make contact with pain we must stop, like the walker on a cut road, and reflect, calmly and peacefully, to understand what has been the wrong attitude that has led us to pain.

As much as we meditate, think, and that a multitude of ideas arise as possible causes of the mistake, they will all lead us to the only real and true cause at the end: the conscious or unconscious separation of Our Presence I Am.

When we come to realize the reality of this separation, we can reflect again and ask ourselves what has led us to it and respond with sincerity. Generally we are going to meet the ego, in the form of selfishness, pride, vanity, fear.

Let us accept, then, pain as a benevolent teacher who again shows us the right path.

March 18th

Let's talk a little about peace. What is peace? With peace it happens as with Love. There is much talk about it on Earth, but it is not really known what it is, or where it comes from, not how it acts.

Peace is not the absence of disturbance, it is not the absence of disarmament, it is not the absence of war, in short, it is not the absence of pain. All these are effects of the lack of peace.

And how are we going to get to know the truth? Knowledge is usually sought in many ways: in books, in conferences, listening to people called educated, wise people, and many other ways. But really, is knowledge going to come to the person who is looking for it? Thus, the only thing that can come is external knowledge, which will be of little use since, so that the knowledge has sufficient strength and that the person can apply the Law correctly, it must proceed from within his own individual.

And how to get this inner knowledge? Through freedom. And when I say freedom, I mean to separate the mind from all ties imposed by the individual's own ego and also that of other beings. The ego disguises itself in many ways: prejudices, customs, habits, preconceived ideas, vanity, pride, fear, external laws imposed by man and many others.

You have to free the mind of all these bonds and leave it free. And she alone, softly and sweetly, will be directed towards the Light, which emanates from her own being and from all beings and all created things. Towards that Light that is real knowledge, that is life, that is Love, that is God.

When true inner knowledge reaches the whole being from the mind, it is in a position to correctly apply the law that governs the entire universe: the law of Love.

When the individual correctly applies this law consciously expands and in perfect freedom, Love creates more Love, that is, creates life, creates Light and God creates himself, because God is life, is Love, is Light.

When the being creates this true life, consciously, the Light and the Love of God fill him, generating in him peace, true inner peace, which nothing and no one can alter. And that true peace, the inner peace generated by the knowledge of the truth, by its conscious application, is the peace that will change the world.

March, 19

Peace meditation

Feel, softly and sweetly, how life flows in you. How, with every beat of your heart, that life that is God is poured out throughout your being, filling all your bodies.

Feel how, with every beat of your heart, that divine life communicates with the life that beats in everything and everyone and how that life is Love.

Feel how from that life that is Love, small bubbles of peace are formed, which explode throughout your physical body and become a star of Light that fill it.

Feel how those peace bubbles fill your whole mental body and burst into it, becoming the star of Light that fill it.

Feel how those same bubbles of peace fill your emotional body and when you become stars fill it with Light. And that same light expands towards your etheric body, towards your aura, leaving you towards all humanity, towards the whole universe, filling it with peace.

Feel how, from all the children of God, from all the universe, Light and peace radiate towards you, merging with the Light and peace that are in you, creating a circuit of divine life and Love, and how all your Being becomes a star of Light, peace and Love.

From the book NEW TEACHINGS,

Ed. The Next Step

Merry Human Life Society

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