New communications with the spirit ", by Kryon through Lee Carroll

  • 2012

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

I am in a known place. By saying name means that those who are here are known. I've known them forever. It is always a circle, a beautiful ring with no beginning or end that represents the creative energy of the Universe and the pieces of those creative parts are here partially. And that is what I want to talk to you about in these few moments when we are together. Sometimes there are channels that convey a lot of information. Today I have some concrete things to offer you, my partner knows you, even included them in your lecture series, however, some of you need to hear from me.

Dear ones, your life has a purpose, even some of the battles you face have their purpose. For those who are listening and reading and those who are here with me in physical form, it is about the change and frustrations that they may feel, the misunderstandings that they may live because they have failed to understand that they are multidimensional beings. All these things will cease to be important, because what is to come is a greater understanding of that part of the Human Being we rarely talk about. We talk about the changes in the Grids, we talk about the recalibration of knowledge and the recalibration of being. Very rarely do we talk about what will really change and what is an essential part of the Human Being. As we move forward, they are based on assumptions, but their reality does not advance and they think they have to do all the things we discuss in the energy they were in. And we tell you that this is not the case. Things are improving. It is a slow change. But it is a change.

Dear ones, you are already beginning to see new generations that are born different from you. And if they could chemically measure the DNA of these young people, they would see the same set of chemical elements they always saw. So I would say something else is changing. It's in the DNA, but they don't see it because it's quantum, it's multidimensional. The imprint of the level of DNA efficiency itself is increased and that creates a Human Being who thinks otherwise. It is a precursor of the Human Beings that will be born with the instinct of not creating wars. And that is only part.

I'm going to tell you what the real potentials are really underway. Within free will they agreed to change and we see that they are doing it. They may say: "It's been a long time without a war, a really big one." Perhaps there is a more contained one, you can count on it. But what everyone expects will not happen. The past forecasts about the collapse of the economies or of all those things that are as potential before you will not be fulfilled. Don't be scared or surprised when some unpredictable characters appear and things get better. Isn't it true that what happens when things get better is interesting? No one talks about it. (Kryon laughs). But if they get worse, everyone talks about it. And that is an attribute of human nature that will also change. Now, this is not a novelty, it is a summary and then we will move on to the new. And the summary confirms that human nature is going to feel more attracted to light than to darkness, prepare for it. Your preferences for what you consider entertainment will change, this will change the way you react to what you call ads, created by those who try to attract your attention to sell you things. It will change the way politicians operate. The day will come, when they return back to Earth, when they will see the announcements of the election campaigns that are broadcast today and feel shame (Kryon will r e), because those ads are based on drama, fear and even hate. Can human nature change so much? We told them they are in that process. Now, we are going to tell you that a Human Being in the process of recalibration has to have a change in attitude, but more than that, there has to be a change in communication with the Spirit. ritu.

Communication with the Akasha

So we begin by telling you between you and me that what is happening is not in sight. Old souls will see it first and begin to experience things. That communication with the Akasha will cause you fear, because some of you are going to start having vivid dreams of who you are. Akasha emerges as the multidimensionality of the Human Being becomes more active. We are telling you that your past life experiences begin to blend with your current life in ways that you have to understand so that you are not afraid of them.

So the caveat is that they don't worry or be afraid if they start to hear, see and feel in a very real way who they are. This is a communication between you and your Higher Self. Because the Higher Self is the one that has been present in every past life. It could be said that the Akashic record in its DNA increases in temperature and the soup begins to boil. The steam that creates (this is metaphorical) is spilled in 3D and you feel things and wonder what is right. Hopefully, old souls, because this is for you, I am speaking to you.

Communication with the subconscious

Number two. You will begin to have a more clear and concise relationship with the subconscious, that is to say that the intelligent part of your body, which we have called instinct, will begin to have a better communication with you. Old souls, do not worry if you never need a kinesiology treatment again, if your intuition begins to tell you what your body needs when it never did before. All of this is part of what they are creating in a DNA that works better than it worked in the previous generation.

Children now have an attribute that you didn't have: they think more conceptually and that will create systems that you never imagined. They will be systems that they will need and never had before. They will be able to combine entities with different beliefs. Only that I will tell you. Dear ones, I am just trying to make you see that, in order to have peace on the planet, you will need to combine entities of different beliefs, whether they are called countries, consciences, cultures or religions - you can invent them if you want. What I want to tell you is that although they never believed it before, this will work. That is a conceptual mind in action, not a linear mind. You have already seen that in children. Grandparents, isn't it interesting how your grandchildren are trying to organize things for their children? (Kryon laughs) And you know what I mean. They are trying to solve family problems and are able to see clearly what their parents do not see, because they are conceptual. For that same reason they can detect hypocrisy. They don't get carried away by a linear path where they can only go to the right or to the left. They are able to see all the options.

If you pay attention to your intuitive mind, communication with your intuition will be clearer. Now, intuition has an attribute that most human beings do not like. It seems to be fleeting, appears a moment and disappears, is ephemeral, does not give explanations. And the Human Being is accustomed to something that appears and remains, gives evidence, honors himself and has an explanation. Then you say, "Okay, I hear you." But intuition doesn't work that way. It is an intuitive, fleeting thought, and that is why they tend to rule it out. Now your intuition is going to try to give you information about your own body in intense and brief flashes that only you will understand, because it is specific and unique to the path of each Human Being. I can't give you a generic answer to anything, but your intuition can. And this will begin to happen automatically without being asked and can be irritating. (Kryon laughs) Imagine that your intuition wakes you up in the middle of the night with one of these flashes and you wonder what that was while trying to go back to sleep. Expect to happen often. They are going to have to start honoring that flash and learn to interpret what it tells them. In a quantum state, things do not arrive and are presented to you in a linear sequence for a certain time - as you like them - to analyze them. Rather, they present themselves for such a brief moment that they wonder if it really happened.

Intuition is a set of thoughts that is presented with a series of instructions that anticipates them - if they know how to listen - what will happen. Because what lies ahead is based on known potentials, not on predictions, not on psychic abilities, but on a quantum analysis. They will start to catch it. They will know what is just around the corner before they get there because their intuition already knows it; because in a quantum world, that knowledge is determined and is known as the most potent potential that will occur. In a three-dimensional world, it is an absolute mystery.

So the communication between the quantum self and the linear self is going to increase. They will not like it. They will not all like it because it will be presented when they do not ask for it and it will not be available when they ask for it! (Kryon laughs) And why is it going to be like this? Dear ones, you will get used to your quantum parts having no clock. They don't respond to the stopwatch the way you want them to. So how are they going to work with this new attribute that is going to start being presented? And how will they feel it?

The instructions are as follows: Understand that this is coming, that it will be something that will seem to unbalance you, that your brain will function in a new way that you are not accustomed to. It will be a new type of communication with your subconscious. It is what they need. It is what they always wanted. Believe me. It is what they always asked for. But they will have to learn to interpret it.

The children of tomorrow will arrive knowing how to interpret it. And that brings up a topic that is probably the most difficult one ever tried to explain to humanity. And it is the way in which the communication of Being works. There is something they have called synchronicity. It is trusting that when they put intention, the Spirit hears them and will magically meet in the future with those who will have the answers to their current questions. Things will move magically and be organized as requested or not, but they will be better than what they asked for. And they have no idea how it will happen, but they trust the process. And they should do it, because this is the new communication, it's the way it happens. It will not make sense in linearity. Never has. How can they know they don't know until they know it? But you can trust that they know, see? They can trust that they have the energy of co-creation in things they don't know are coming, they can trust that they will come even if they don't know what they are.

Communication with the Guides and the Angels

Now I am going to inform you something that my partner taught in the past and I want them to be very clear. Many of you will not like it because it is not what you were taught in basic metaphysics. That begins to explain what is around you and what you call Guides and Angels. I am going to give you some information. You can call them what you want, but they are not what you think.

Now I am going to explain the synchronization engine. I will do it quickly so they can review it slowly. (Smile) And here is the truth. When they are on the other side of the Veil with me, waiting and ready for birth, they are a part of God. They have a light that cannot be understood, an evident multidimensionality that ... (Kryon is excited) shines like the sun. They are like the brightest light they have ever seen in the third dimension. Beautiful. With its name written in light with colors that can not be imagined, vibrations that do not exist on the planet. It is what they are. And when they reach the planet, they cease to be.

I will use some 3D logic with you to try to explain something that cannot be explained. What happened when they got here? (Kryon laughs) Where is the rest of you? It is true that you have the Merkaba mentioned by Elisha when he saw Elijah's ascension. Elijah again became the part of God that he was and blinded Elijah with his light. That is what you are. In short, a part of you is not here. What happens when you come to this planet, dear? They divide themselves. Only a part of you descend. There is what we would call a multidimensional cord - it is silver, if you want to visualize it. This cord is the portal that connects your Higher Self and your body with the rest of you on the other side of the Veil. Not in heaven, dear ones, but on the other side of the Veil. So on some level, they are in communication with what they left where I am.

I want my partner to explain it better. Dear ones, when you reach the planet, only part of you comes and the rest stays with me. Not with me but with a part of me, because I am also part of the creative energy soup that you call God. We are not isolated in compartments, as seen in the third dimension. We are part of the creative soup of everything that is. You call me Kryon, you want to put on a face, maybe skin and wings, maybe even color. (Sigh) How three-dimensional they are! I speak to the group, to the family to which you belong, and I would like to tell you that I am here on this side of the Veil with you, because much of you are here. They had to leave her behind. Here with me. The physical self is only part. Now, understand that if they assume all of what they are, they disappear (from the planet). You know it.

So I am telling you that you are in two places at the same time. But this gets weirder. (Kryon laughs) Part of you comes to this planet and divides to become multidimensional and follow you everywhere. They are what they call guides. And you are yourselves. And you are in love with them. They are in love with their guides. Now they know why. They are yourselves. They put names and even change them. Do you know what it is to change Guides? I told them about that 22 years ago. Do you know what it is? It is a renewal of you! (Kryon laughs) It's very different when they go through this renewal process. It is as if (on your terms) you restart your computer and get new parts. It is so refreshing that its Guides look different! They are not, you are still yourselves, but with a higher level of vibration. And you too.

I'm going to give you the mechanism of what I'll call the synchronous motor and I didn't even get there yet. And here you are sitting, Human Beings, in your physical part, part of you is on the other side of the Veil and part is in your body (the part you see in the mirror). You have the Higher Self (which is your multidimensional thermal part) and you have the Guides that are the other part of you that split when you arrived on the planet. It's a whole family! (Smile) And that is the multidimensionality of the soul. It is in many places at the same time, just like God.

Communication with the Spirit

Now, what are we going to do with this now? I will tell you. Now they begin to become multidimensional and merge something that we will call intention with a confluent energy. Intention is a confluent energy. That means that it goes somewhere, mixes with something and acts. It's not just a thought that they throw into the clouds, in case they didn't know it. (Kryon laughs) He goes somewhere and does something. And here comes your intention. And the intention goes like this: Dear Spirit, I would like to have the solution of the problem before me and the problems that come later, of which I don't know anything, in ways I can't conceive, and I trust in the Spirit. Blessed is the Human who has the courage to do that instead of saying: Dear Spirit, this is what I need: I need you to do this and that. Get rid of my boss. (Kryon laughs) I need to have more money, money to pay this. I need to do this Ay, how three-dimensional! Maybe the Spirit has something much better than that. Dear Spirit, I trust synchronicity. Things are going to come to me because I am going to go out and verify it, I am going to meetings, places, to listen to my intuition that it is new and it will help me and I will work with myself, I will lend Attention to my dreams to be in the right place at the right time to meet those I still do not know. So that he is a Lightworker. And I just told you that I can't tell you how it works. So get ready.

The intention is transmitted, the confluence of energy is seen, the union is created and the parts of you that are on my side of the Veil meet the parts of other Human Beings, which They are all with us there. Lightworker, understand that every Human Being on the planet has a part on my side of the Veil such as you. It doesn't matter if they are enlightened or not, if they are old souls or not. All of them still have parts with us on this side of the Veil where everything is known. Therefore, they are harmonized with you, although they are not when you are on Earth. Do you understand this? The one that bothers you, the one that brings you the most problems, the one that creates the energy that you feel dark, has a part of you in my other part of the Veil that is not dark and responds to the confluence of the intention Of you, putting them in the right place at the right time to help them and you, because you gave the intention.

I am giving you the engine of synchronization that will really be gentle on the planet and give you energies that do not wait. And maybe this is cryptic, but I tell you that the parts on my side of the Veil are what creates synchrony because of what they do here. The Guides surrounding them push and pull them and take them to the right place if they hear them. That's how it works. You have a whole team of you working for you. It is not magic, it is not God mobilizing you, it is you working with others around you. It is the family working with the family.

So what I just told you is that all humanity works for you. Old souls have the information. The energy that changes the Crystalline Grid comprises the intention and is the engine of the planet. Half of one percent of the planet will change everything on Earth for what you do here with your intention. All souls on the planet, seven billion of them, and those on my side of the Veil, are working for you. What do you think?

I just gave you the answer. Things are not going to work out as they were told they would work out. Because the three-dimensional engine of doubt, fear and drama will not survive. Not while old souls give intention. That is new. (Smile) This is the information we are beginning to develop. Many will not understand what I just said. They will have to listen to it again. You will have to visualize it and when you hear it again and when it starts again, close your eyes and let us give you the vision of what it is like for you to have the tools at your command to create the synchrony that will then create peace on Earth. It is not working in 3D. It is not what they believe. None of the rules they thought would apply would apply. Now they are becoming much more multidimensional, where there is no time or distance and things will work in a way that will surprise them. It will surprise you in its purity, in its goodness. And one day they will give a retrospective look at these times and understand that this is the rebirth of humanity.

It will not happen immediately. Meanwhile, you are here to work. A slow and uncomfortable change will come, that's why they call it work. I just told you what is going on. I want you to hear it because you are going to be part of this, now and then. I bring you these things because they are the highest potentials on the planet at the moment. Fight, drama, old energy that does not want to die, leaders who will keep the ground even if it costs them their lives, scared to see the direction that certain countries are leading with their new leadership. No one thought they would take that direction. The wild cards are beginning to appear. And there will be nothing that was predicted in the old prophecies. Congratulations, dear. They are on the edge of something that one day they only saw in dreams. And even if they don't see the result immediately, they will see it one day. We don't have a watch, so we can't tell you when. Free will may vapute you for a while, but the potential is so strong that you will want to create it. And if they don't, their children will. (Smile) And if your children don't, your grandchildren will. That's why we celebrate and wash their feet. Now they know.

And so it is.



"New communications with the spirit", by Kryon through Lee Carroll

Syracuse, New York, August 4, 2012


English Title: New Communications with Spirit

Transcription and translation: Susana Peralta

Edition: Gilda M. Tangtam

Authorized site of Kryon by Lee Carroll in Spanish

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