Don't hide anything from yourself, by Elvira López del Prado

  • 2013

I had not listened to my guides for a long time, for a couple of weeks, I was quite ally and with many different feelings, almost all of frustration, loneliness, abandonment and of rejection.

Today I thought: I can't accept something that I don't want, I don't want it! I read a lot, I reflect, I internalize, I live the synchronicities, I raise my consciousness, I increase my vibration Well, I notice the energies and I grow, I grow, I grow, but that dark cloud always surrounds me, which occasionally covers my sun.

Surely there are more than one who, when reading me, will feel identified because how many times you do not feel grateful for what you have but yearning for what you do not have? guilty for not valuing enough what you have? Asking and requesting what you long for and never comes?

Today he asked for help again:

QUESTION: Why can't I get what I want? I'm tired, very tired.

ANSWER: (Just in the moment before hearing the answer my anguish diminished until it disappeared in less than a second). It is your mind, everything originates and ends in your mind. It is the origin, the middle and the end. The mind is powerful, it is where Creation, ideas, creativity, inspiration originates, even Love is born from the Higher Mind before reaching the Heart. In the mind is the Consciousness that connects you with the Source.

QUESTION: Why all my life has been followed by this dark cloud of never getting to achieve what I long for? Why has this suffering always accompanied me of never being complete, happy, calm ...?

ANSWER: You came with a very powerful but unguided mind. You chose those experiences as a training. Each and every one of them were designed and directed to help guide and direct your Mind. Once you lead your Mind you will have found your inner alignment.

They have not been negative moments, nor frustrations, it has been your mind that has failed to transcend them, it is and always has been YOUR MIND.

It is to your mind that you have to observe not moments, situations, or people involved in conflicts, it is your mind, because it is she who decides, creates, recreates, engages, does not transcend and does not understand, the one who gets entangled, becomes attached and creates thoughts of pain, abandonment, frustration, helplessness.

QUESTION: But why am I still trapped here without visible movement options?

ANSWER: Because there you are alone with your mind, outside distractions have been minimized. You have few ways to evade your purpose. You are in the right place, at the right time.

You need to finish what you started. No possessions, no friends, nothing. You will learn to love yourself for who you are and not for what you have or do. You asked to be authentic, transparent, you asked to BE, here are the tools to get it.

You will get everything you want when you stop needing it to feel complete, when you understand and live that YOU ARE COMPLETE from before birth and after dying in this plane. That's how you chose it.

You can manifest EVERYTHING in balance from the complete understanding of yourself, of the BEING that you are. But no one can manifest if it is not in complete alignment with its interior, being crystalline and authentic, having nothing to hide from themselves.

PD: The last sentence left me reflecting a lot : "having nothing to hide from oneself"

Don't hide anything from yourself, by Elvira López del Prado

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