Navigating between the dimensions. Part 1 and 2

  • 2010

Navigating between the dimensions. Part I

September 2010

When a band of visionaries unites to push the boundaries of the known universe,

open the jammed doors of evolution for all

We live with one foot in the third dimension, with another foot we seek how to rely on the new consciousness of the fourth and fifth dimensions. At times it seems easy, when we look from the spirit and understand that everything is in perfect order of transformations, that chaos will lead to order. But other times when the focus is from the rational mind or emotions, then we hook the limitations and fears, see the chaos and wonder how everything is happening is possible. We navigate between the inner confidence of the spirit that knows of a world in conscious evolution and the memories of destruction that may be within us. It is necessary to have information and clarity to go through these times of irreversible changes.

How to understand the dimensions to know minimally where we stand? The dimensions are the different states of existence, or we could also say that they are levels of consciousness. To change dimension is to expand our way of perceiving reality, of seeing things. When they tell us that we are multidimensional beings, many of us imagine that we are traveling between dimensions that we do not yet understand well. The first dimension is that of minerals and water, those who connect with stones and work with water are doing interdimensional work, as are those who are in contact with the plant kingdom that is the second dimension. Let's look at the dimensions of less frequency to know where we stand and then understand the third dimension that is ours, the human, the conflict, because it is based on polarity and separativity, Ha ha! Here is the issue of so many problems, one and the other, the good and the bad, I feel alone in this world that does not understand me. In 3 D there is a linear perception of time and space, and just from the time that it collides us and that “no longer reaches as before” is where we begin to perceive the interaction of the fourth dimension about us, because here time is mental, it expands and contracts in an eternal present.

Many speak of the quantum leap of consciousness, of jumping to another higher dimension. Actually, I have begun to question whether we are jumping or the fourth and fifth dimensions are coming up. Because they are upon us and that is what is disarticulating us the ordinate life as we had it in the third dimension. We are diving into new consciences, we feel weird, the ones we liked before, now it doesn't matter anymore, there is a search for the essence of life. And here we begin to explore the frequencies of the new dimensions that open us to the reality of our being.

When we begin to perceive the fourth dimension, we feel that many beliefs begin to collapse, other levels of consciousness occupy our mind and we perceive realities with other tones. The 4 D is the area of ​​passage to supraphysical realities, there are archetypal forces or collective unconscious, is where we experience synchronicity and telepathy among other things. It is also a powerful area of ​​light and dark where astral nightmares and presences occur. As we develop greater freedom in our being to think, feel and do, we are magnetically attracted to the luminous impulses of the fourth dimension and we cross the archetypal control zones to enter the consciousness of the fifth dimension. This dimension is the frequency of wisdom and is pure energy. It is where the Ascended Masters and the guiding spirits meet. In the fifth we experience merging with the group of souls to which we belong vibrationally and to the Higher or Multidimensional Being. It is the dimension where we remember who we are and awakening our inner wisdom, (surely you already played the 5D and did not realize it). It is in this dimension where the group consciousness is experienced that forms a single Being of greater dimensions. Are we near or far from the fifth dimension? Calculate how much of separativity is in you or how close you are to the awareness of We Are All One.

In short, if you experience synchronicities, telepathy, if you live in the here and now, if you are interested in spiritual issues, or realize that there is no difference between inside and outside, if you seek union with all beings of the creation you are experiencing the fourth and fifth dimension. And there is still much more to experience, this is the beginning.

The dimensional change does not happen from one day to another but by gradual layers of consciousness. The big changes we feel is the slow passage to the higher dimensions.

That is, the doors of the new dimensions are already open, it passes through them with a simple state of consciousness, where our being can experience states of spiritual union. This consciousness of spiritual union is being made easier for many beings thanks to these energies that arrive from the center of the galaxy and in their high frequency vibrations bring the energy necessary for our integration.

Integrating one another is not a task that the intellect can perform from the third dimension, it is a high vibration energy that activates memory codes in our heart center and allows a feeling of unity-integration to be expressed.

Everything we see in the news of fights, violence, disunity, misery are still products of the old energy. All beings who come together in mass meditations for world peace, for the healing of the planet, are doing so from the new consciousness. Everyone chooses the channel they want.

The cosmic effect is powerful, the changes precipitate beyond what many have imagined. We have to explore new ways of life, understand how the fourth and fifth dimensions are already modifying our reality.

Only a band of visionaries who know the other side of the veil can push the doors of the Great Change

We leave the world of confusion, entangled bonds, lies and manipulations. We enter a more transparent world, where the truth of the spirit passes through reality.

We abandoned the beliefs that everything had to be with suffering and effort, old energy of 3D. Now, in 4D, thought creates reality. What you think you will get. Are you navigating interdimensionally? With only your thought ordered in infinite possibilities you enter the New Earth.

The linear time of the third dimension collides. The old ways of working, of thinking, demand many clock hours that no longer work. The key to change is in an orderly mind that practices synchronicity and being in the present continuous.

The young people show us that living in the present without worrying, because they bring the new codes already incorporated and the adults question them the `` lack of concern for the future '', this is old conscience !!! Many adults would like to have that awareness of energy lightness that they bring, they solve in the real time of the present, how they will worry about the future if they perceive that there will be no future like adults Rational 3 D still think.

The planetary forces in the cosmic game

Are we humans only in great galactic changes? The entire solar system breathes the intense energies of the Photon Band. Let's breathe next to the galaxy.

The Great Cosmic Cross of major planets extended from late June to mid-August, with moments of greater intensity on June 26 and August 8. On the one hand this influx of powerful energies of liberation gave way to many beings awakening their spiritual potentials, on the other hand there were also moments of confusion, widespread disorder, emergence of content very repressed within the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious that sharpened the perception of chaos.

Although the astrological aspects were indicating an excessive tension of planetary forces, for many beings in consciousness it was the beginning of their definitive unification where the spirit can make more definite and clear contacts with matter. That is, the states of spiritual certainties, alignments with the Source, divine inspirations and normal states of enlightenment are now possible for many more people with less preparation efforts. The interdimensional doors opened, we didn't have to go anywhere special, we just had to be centered, aligned and in peace to "feel" the fourth and fifth dimensions in our daily lives.

In July I had an experience, where "time collided" there I was able to experience and solve in a few minutes almost 24 hours of difference that I needed (I missed 24 hours! It was a lot of fun). Thanks to my meditation practices and experience in having intuition as a compass (now they call it GPS) I was able to realize what was essential at that time and move forward with satisfaction and balance.

Let's keep sliding from our inner feeling. Ah! If you still haven't found your inner feeling, look inside yourself for what is happening to you, don't look outside that you're going to be distracted.

Starting the next equinox and with the entry of the Sun in Libra, where Saturn is located, the stage of re-ordering the new stage begins with everything that remained on the surface of your consciousness….

At the end of September the Sun in conjunction with Saturn will square Pluto, the last adjustment to get out what we don't need anymore. Starting on October 9, Venus begins its retrograde march for 40 days, until November 20. Venus is related to feeling, affections and life values. There will be a review in our life of certain aspects to continue debugging for a better tuning of our emotions within the new energies. One more time? Yes, again, because the more we are ascending in the evolutionary spiral, the more refined and free of bonds and emotional dependencies we need to walk.

In the energy of infinite love, embrace them

Ana María Frallicciardi

From Capilla del Monte

Cordoba Argentina

Aguila Azul reports is a free circulation newsletter on the internet. You are only asked to respect the author's credits. The Aguila Azul team has received several notes that the last report of the month of June was copied and disseminated without the name of the author or plagiarized in its entirety.

We know that in the new consciousness the ego does not have much space, but respect for all beings of creation remains universal law.

Opening the doors for many to pass involves an energetic effort that only visionaries know about it. In the old religious belief of 3 D it was said that the spiritual was free. Nothing is free in the universe, everything must be energetically balanced. The passage to the new dimensions is obtained in the heart.

Navigating between the Dimensions. Part II

The reader friends who dare to read this second part just finished the first. If you now take the job of reading the two reports in a row, you will accompany me on an interesting and fun tour, well in the style of the New Earth.

I dedicate it to all those who usually write to me and thank my work, also to the anxious ones who ask when the next report comes out, because they believe they missed one. I inform you that you can find all the reports on my website and that I write them when I have something important to say.

Guidelines for navigating between dimensions

- Recognize how many old beliefs you have left along the way and how much space you have now to enjoy the new.

- How long have you not emptied your cupboards of things you do not use or delete unnecessary files from your computer?

- If you use the latest internet technology on your mobile phone, are you also using the latest spiritual technology to better incorporate galactic energies? Can you list some techniques you use to be in harmony with you?

- How do you feel that the new helps you to have a fuller life? Ah! Ah !! If you don't know the answer, it's time to start looking ...

- To live the new time: Repeat this verse that my friend Eduardo Ontiveros gave me 100 times a day, until you feel that you are fully in the 4th D

When they ask me what time it is !!!

I usually answer: “Time to be happy”

and then I sing to you: “The time to be happy is NOW !!!

and the place of being happy is HERE !!

and the way to be happy is to make others happy !!!

and we will build the Cielito HERE !!!

Tools to open doors to new dimensions

To activate your spiritual technology you must consider:

- Intention focused on what you want.

-The power is within you.

-Your thought creates your reality.

-You are responsible for everything in your life.

-What is outside is a reflection of what is inside of you

-Be in peace with your past, your ancestors. Reconciliation and wound healing

-Follow the signs that life presents to you: coincidences and synchronicities

-Intuction, follow the signs of the heart

-Be in gratitude with everything we have, open new doors to infinite possibilities!

Love in the new energy - Osho

Love is not a relationship. Love is a state; It has nothing to do with anyone else. One does not fall in love, one is love. Of course, if you are love you are in love, but that is the result, the consequence, but not the origin. The origin is that you are love.

Who can be love? If you are not aware of who you are, you cannot be love. You will be afraid Fear is the exact opposite of love. Remember that hate is not the opposite of love, as people think. Hate is love backwards, it is not the opposite of love. The opposite of love really is fear. With love you expand, with fear you shrink. With fear you close, with love you open up. With fear you doubt, with love you trust.

Meditate, dance, sing and dig deeper into yourself. Trust and you will begin to feel a considerable increase in energy. That energy is love. That energy wants to bless all existence, because when you are in that energy you feel blessed. Love is a deep desire to bless all existence.

Blue Eagle Proposals to navigate in the new energies

Cosmobiorhythm online course

In this course you will learn key topics to live in balance with your personal rhythms, the Biorhythms and the Cosmorritms. Techniques and exercises that favor your personal harmony are taught. You can plan a year of productive life in harmony with your cosmorritms. You will receive audio meditations to download and listen to as many times as you want. No prior knowledge is needed.

A creative and entertaining way to learn, with all the internet technology.

Download the full program in PDF

You can watch an explanatory video of Ana María

Make a visit to the virtual campus to understand the study methodology

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More information at

Aguila Azul in Buenos Aires

Ana María Frallicciardi will attend in Buenos Aries from September 25 to October 5

Request turn for National Cards, EMF Balancing sessions

Ho Oponopono Workshop

September 25 from 3 to 6 pm Place: Malabia 1117. Palermo

Ho oponopono is a process of transformation in the energy of Universal Love to cancel and release toxic memories and allow more light to enter us.

It means how to correct or solve an error or problem. With your practice we can be in balance and balance to build the reality we want to live. It teaches us to release judgments and opinions so that life flows more freely.

Reserve your place by mail:

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