Healing Methods of Cancer

  • 2011


Excerpts obtained from lectures of Master Beinsa Duno (1864 1944)

This disease appears when there is disharmony between the brain and the sympathetic nervous system. Then, some body cells become individualized and begin to multiply in their own way and not according to the needs and goals of the organism. In this way the so-called cancer formations appear.

For the cure of the disease the following means should be applied:

1) Make solar baths every day . Although sometimes clouds appear or rain, nothing happens, the sun's rays penetrate through them, and they reach us. There is nothing in the world that can hamper the powerful rays of the Sun! The best hours to do solar baths are early in the morning or 1 hour after sunrise until 11 am. The sun's rays have a greater positive effect early in the morning and that is when they have greater healing power over us. That the person exposes his back for half an hour to the Sun, and that he thinks only of the Sunlight and nothing else. In this way all worries, pains, negative states, diseases, disharmony, etc. are eliminated. Think of how the sun's rays penetrate your organism and charge your organs with pure, living and positive energy. Do not think of the poor, or the rich, or the scientists, or the fools, or the rulers, or even your illness. Why? - Because they are not going to heal you. This is going to be done by the sun's rays . Here is why you have to think about them. The sun's rays are vivid. It is wrong to think that the sun's rays are dead and have no power to heal. It is actually the exact opposite. There is no better surgeon than the Sun. He never cuts healthy cells, but only the sick ones. Not only the sick should be exposed to the Sun in the morning, but also those who are healthy. Thus, those who are sick will heal, and those who are healthy will not get sick. There is no disease that can withstand the sun's rays.PROVE THIS TRUTH AND YOU WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT IT IS SO!

2) The violet color acts curatively on cancer. Here is why man must have violet objects in his room. For example, you can wear a violet scarf, violet scarves, violet clothes and ornaments, have curtains, sheets and other violet objects in your room, etc ... It is also advisable to paint the walls where the patient sleeps in a violet color. This acts in a calming, balancing, healing and beneficial way. Meditations on the violet flame also help a lot. They are done as follows: The patient will imagine himself surrounded by a violet flame, and how it penetrates into all his cells, cleaning and transforming all the cancer cells within him. It is good that this meditation is done daily at least three times a day for 5 or 15 minutes, - once in the morning after waking up, again at noon and again at night before bedtime -. The violet flame has the power to purify, dissolve and free us from the negative energies that have accumulated in us and around us, and hence calm any pain that appears. She is the universal purifier of all internal and external negative energies. It is good that it is used in combination with good and positive thoughts and words of all kinds. This flame is the flame of Divine Mercy and Pure Love. Therefore, His Power is great.

3) Every day, that a shower be carried out mentally over the whole body with violet light: Imagine yourself in a column of light, and how from the Heart of God, upon you, a VIOLET LIGHT is poured out that washes, purifies and transforms everything your body At the same time, thank God for life and for all that he has given you, asking for forgiveness for your mistakes and for everyone else's. Gratitude and forgiveness always act positively and curatively. Therefore, he who receives and does all things with gratitude will always be blessed.

4) That every day you eat raw onion: Whoever eats it, cancer does not affect it, and if it is sick, it is cured. Never cut the onion into small pieces, at most divide it into 2 or 4 pieces, so you don't lose your strength. It is highly recommended to remove meat from your menu. Instead, you have to eat fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits separately.

5) That the patient drinks a lot of hot water ( not cold ): It is preferable and advisable to drink hot water, also slowly and always in small drinks (never the whole glass at once): drink 2 glasses in the morning, 2 glasses in the middle day, and 2 glasses at night. You can put a few drops of lemon in the water every time you drink it. Drinking hot water is much better than drinking cold water, because hot water cleanses better - both outside and inside. Always drink the water before eating and not after. If you drink after the meal, let it be at least 2 or 3 hours after this. The best way to drink hot water is as follows: it is put on the fire until it starts to boil. At the same time that the water begins to boil, it is removed because it is then that its force is released. At this time his strength and healing power are greater. Do not leave the water any longer to the fire, because it begins to lose its strength. It is good that the water is drunk as hot as possible. Twice a week you must cause sweating through hot water. Once the body begins to sweat, you should dry with a damp towel and then with a dry one. Then change your clothes and drink one more glass of hot water, to retrieve the items you need. All dirt and diseases can be released from your body through the pores. These are the ventilation system of our body, and that is why they should always be open. Water can be heated not only with fire, but through the Sun. Then the water receives the healing energies of the Sun.

6) Breathe deeply : Today most people do not breathe deeply, and as a result, cells do not receive enough energy to maintain the health of the human being. When we breathe slowly and deeply, we receive not only air, but also vital energy (prana), renewing forces and light. The cells of the brain are fed with blood, oxygen and light. For our brain to function well, it is necessary for man to go out to nature every day and breathe deeply, because brain cells need 20 times more oxygen than muscle cells, for example. And when we breathe like this, our mind must be occupied and focused on pure, sublime and positive thoughts. Thoughts are forces that act upon us. Therefore, the purer and more positive they are, the more profitable we will have of them, since each disease shows the presence of some impurity that must be cleaned. It is not the same to think negative as to think positive and say "I will heal." Knowing this the cancer patient must breathe consciously, using thoughts that help him and that introduce more positivity, life and health in him and not the opposite. The best thoughts are always those that connect us to God, because He is the Source of all Life and all Health that human beings can desire and achieve. Never abandon yourself to negative thoughts or any other undesirable state. It is said, that "until man breathes, for him there is hope." Well, I agree, but what man are they talking about: THAT ONE THAT BREATHES DEEP AND THINKS OF GOD!

7) Restore harmony between the central brain and the sympathetic nervous system: THE MAIN WAY to eliminate disharmony between the mind and the heart, or between the brain and the sympathetic nervous system is LOVE TO GOD, LOVE TO ALL, THE FAITH, HOPE, THOUGHTS, FEELINGS AND RIGHT, GOOD AND POSITIVE FACTS . That the patient begins to love all children, as if they were his. All children are connected to the Angels and that is why they are so positive and vital. He who loves children, then, receives some of his vitality, positivity, health and joy, as well as his Angels. When someone loves children, he receives the blessings of his Angels. Negative thoughts and feelings are the greatest poison that exists and the main cause of disease. Fear, hate, disbelief, stingy and human selfishness, produce all sufferings. That is why it is necessary, that the cancer patient becomes more generous and more positive, and that he begins to love God, himself and others without any measure or judgment. When we love God, we receive something from Him, something from His Life. UNINTERESTED LOVE IS THE UNIVERSAL CURE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES! There is no disease that cannot be cured by the Power of Love . Within the sick person there must be a total internal change, that becomes another person, that takes another direction, that takes the direction towards God. Then, yes, it can be cured !

The cure of any disease depends on three main factors:

1. The same patient 50%.

2. Nature 25%

3. The doctor 25%

God manifests himself through these three factors and not only through doctors. Now people want to heal from their illnesses, but use only the last 25%, regardless of the remaining 75%. No, in this way no one can become healthy, because it does not use all the potential that it has and that has been given to it. We should know that the doctor is not the only one who has the power to heal. Nature and ourselves also possess healing forces that hide in our hearts and in our minds, and are waiting to be awakened and used. Traditional medicine does not want to recognize this fact, since it will lose money. They prefer to sell pills of all kinds to the sick and earn money from each one, instead of telling the truth. And what is the truth? Well, very simple that they don't know or don't want to heal you They are the rays of the Sun that know it and can do it, also without asking you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in return. THERE IS NO DISEASE THAT THE SUN RAYS CANNOT HEAL! What do the manufacturers of a healthy man's pills gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Know, that better pills than good and positive thoughts, feelings and words, there are not. The healing of man depends on the positive changes that he has to make within himself in his mind, in his heart, in his character, in his will, etc. Are there any pills that can do this? Of course not. Instead, all positive thoughts, feelings, words and deeds do exactly this. And everyone who uses them will sooner or later heal. Will you lose something if you at least try to do it? There is no man, woman or child in the world, who cannot be cured of cancer, if you TRULY WANT ! Others have already done it T YOU CAN BE THE FOLLOWING! There is only one thing absolutely certain and certain: you will not heal from any disease if you do not want it and if you do not do everything possible every day to heal. Each one must fight for their health daily, and must actively participate every day in the process of their own healing. There is no bigger truth than this when it comes to the issue of health. DO YOU WANT TO HEAL STILL? Well, what are you waiting for? START NOW!

I wish you all FORCE, LIFE AND HEALTH!

WITH MUCH LOVE! Dimitar Hristov Dimitrov

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