Beyond Illusion and Towards the New Space for Creative Possibility, Passion and Grace: The Energies of the New Earth for July 2010

  • 2010

ARCANGEL MIGUEL through Celia Fenn

Translation: Margarita López

Dear Family of Light, July 2010 will continue to offer powerful energies and many opportunities to make new choices that will align with the powerful new Energy Cycle that will begin on July 26.

Since the Alignment of the Great Cross in June, you have been in a “window of opportunity, ” where you are given the opportunity to use the powerful Energy of the Diamond Light that is coming, to illuminate any pattern of illusion and deception that remains. in their life. As they release these old patterns to deep levels of their being, they create space and release energy for more creative possibilities in their present and future.

On July 11 you will experience a Total Eclipse of the Sun that will mark the culmination of this period of opportunity, relieving the pressure that many of you may be feeling at this time. But, we can say that this will be a powerful Eclipse, visible over the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island, Chile and Patagonia in Argentina.

An Eclipse is a time when the Planetary Collective accepts a "change" that we can compare to restart a computer. The transfer to the new information in the New Light Codes requires these Transitions of the Eclipses in order to restore Balance and Harmony. In this case, the Codes to be restored are in the domain of the Oceans of the Planet. The Pacific is the Largest Ocean on the Planet, and will receive the new Water Light Codes that will be taken to the Oceanic Grids and transmitted by the Cetaceans, which are the Guardians of the Ocean Light Codes.

This is a great moment of Transformation for the Earth, which we will call the "Harmonic Oceanic Integration". These New Light Codes will activate the Fifth Dimensional Crystal Heart Grids that is already in operation on the Planet and are also known as the Cosmic Grids of the Sacred Rose. With this new Oceanic activation, the bodies of water of the Planet will align with the Grids and will be integrated into the New Earth Template, under the guidance and protection of the Cetaceans.

This will mean that the Oceans will become Sovereign Space of the Fifth Dimension, and will no longer tolerate the destruction and degradation of greed and human exploitation. The powerful association of Human Lightworkers and Cetaceans will be the New Custodians and Creative Dreamers of the Oceans and the Continents together - as One.

In this Eclipse, the activation of Easter Island will re-activate deep Oceanic energies that have been maintained there by the ancient Sages of the Planet. These are the Ancestors, including the Dragons, who have long since moved towards the Light of the Higher Dimensions, but who have left these Energy Codes to be released when Humanity has risen to Higher Levels of Consciousness. An objective of this activation is the deep remembrance of Ancient Creative Collaborations with the Oceanic Beings of Light that will begin to resurface in their Deep Collective Consciousness at this time. Many of you will dream about the Oceans and will make contact with the Cetaceans and the Beings of the Sea. The Ancient Archetypes and Energies will emerge to be integrated into the incoming Cosmic energies of Ascension and Transformation. The result will be a powerful Creative Association for the Creation of the New Earth and the Cleaning and Care of the Oceans.

Dear ones, this is a Powerful moment of Joy and Celebration. They are reaching the `` Older Age '', as Custodians and Guardians of the Planet. Recent activations of many powerful Custodial Crystals of the Earth on the Planet will serve as Magnetic Re-Transmitters for these new Energy Codes of Light. You will be able to access these new Grids through Meditation, Ceremony and Sound.

We ask you to participate in this process with Gratitude and Perseverance towards what is happening and what you are being entrusted as Guardians of the Reality of the New Earth. It is your responsibility, for those of you who feel called, So ar, not only with a New Heaven and a New Earth, but also with a New Oc ano, in collaboration with Cetaceans and Elementals.

Then, Dear Family of Light, the Human Collective of Conscious Guardians of the Earth will combine their energies on July 17 and 18 to create an event called the `` Conscious Convergence. '' . At this time, there will be an effort to integrate and focus the intention in the Grids of the Sacred Heart of the Fifth Dimension. Since this occurs shortly after the Oceanic Harmonic Integration, you can begin to see what a powerful opportunity this will be for a combined intention to raise the Earth towards the Fifth Dimension of Unity Consciousness. If you also integrated and aligned with the Oceanic Harmonic Consciousness, represented by the Cetacean Family of Light and the Elementals, among others, they would be in effect in a place of Conscious Convergence for the Greater Good of Planet Earth at this time.

After this, the next Key Point will be the Full Moon in Aquarius and the A o Nuevo Planetarium and Opening of the Lion's Gate on July 26. This is the moment when the Earth moves on to its next cycle of Creative Experience and New Themes and Ideas are incorporated into the Waves of Creative Impulse emanating from the Cosmic Heart and Dreams of the Creative Source. And so, the Planet begins at this point to receive those Cosmic Impulses that will align their energies with the Heart of All That Is in the Present Moment.

The Lion Gate, from July 26 to August 12, is a period in which these new Energies or Evolutionary Codes are received with more force. At this time, it is good to be open to the entry of energies and ideas that will shape the next cycle of experience on Earth. These energies will culminate in the Star Portal 10/10/10 of October 10. We would also like to share with you, Dear Ones, a little of what is represented in this stellar portal of conscience and its connection with 11/11/11 in 2011 and 12/12/12 in 2012.

Each of the Portales Stellar represents a time when a change or quantum leap is possible at both Internal and External levels of the Experience. Each of these dates represents a time when it is possible for Earth and Consciousness to make those great changes that will align the Planet with its Cosmic Destination at the end of the “Rainbow Bridge” of 12/12/2012. After this point, the Earth will be fully aligned and synchronized with a new form of Reality in Time / Space, since on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge lies another Reality and another way of shaping what you know as Time and Space. Thus, these three moments are the key points of "calibration" when the Earth aligns with the frequencies that will shift consciousness to this New Realm of Time / Space of Creative Experience.

In fact, Dear Family, it is as if you are now on the floor of the stairs, hoping to begin that ascent, together as One. This is a journey of experience that can only be taken as One, as a United Consciousness. It is not the individuals who are going to rise in the Field of Light Frequencies, but the Whole Earth, because that is what they agreed to when they came to Earth in this life. The Miraculous Intention to Ascend an entire Planet and All Those Who Live in It to the Fifth Dimension of Light!

It is truly a Creative Challenge, one that all of you are now in the process of awakening. In fact, we here in the Angelic Realms of Light are full of Joy to see that they are just in time for the first great star portal on October 10. Dear ones, it is Love and Connection that will lift you through these portals, together as One. It is only working for the Greater Good of Collective Consciousness that you will find your own Greater Good in this New Energy of Transformation and Change.

Beyond Illusion and towards Grace

Dear ones, at this moment we would like to talk a little about the current changes in perception that you face in embracing the Diamond Light and allowing yourself to let go of illusions and focus on your personal truth.

We know that you have come to understand the nature of quantum reality and the illusory basis of all reality in a Holographic Universe or Multiverse. However, there are choices that must be made as to whether a particular illusion is valid in the Creation of your Personal Reality or that of the Collective as we move towards the Higher Dimensions.

There are moments, Dear Ones, when the illusion can become self-deception, by moving away from its center to adopt the pre-packaged ideas and illusions of others. The Diamond Light will help them see where they can be doing this.

In Planetary or Collective terms, this happens when they are manipulated by the media. Its means serve to manipulate emotions in the lower frequencies of fear and anger, in order to create illusions of lack and insecurity and hostility, which become "reality" and prevent Humanity from experiencing the truth of its interconnection and unity, and express that as Harmony. And so, many of you often respond to Planetary crises at the lower frequencies of anger and fear, and thus create separation, instead of rising to the frequency of the Heart and creating Unity and Creative Solutions.

On a personal level, going beyond illusions means being able to distinguish between less frequent emotional patterns that create fear and anger and manipulation, and the impulses of Greater Dimension of the Higher Self that produce creative solutions and interpersonal harmony and creativity. This also means, dear ones, to be able to see and feel when you are not living your life with Passion, Integrity and Commitment, and when you have allowed yourself to fall into the delusions and pre-packaged ideas of others.

Truth and Personal Integrity are the result of the Alignment and Harmonization of all levels of your Being - Body, Soul and Spirit. When these aspects of the I are not aligned, there is an internal chaos and an internal fragmentation that often produces apathy, indifference and depression, as well as a tendency to fall into self-deception. However, when these aspects align, the Higher aspects fill the lower aspects with the burning passion of the Spirit and the creative power is intensified and magnified many times. The flow of energy releases a powerful creative potential that in turn creates powerful personal manifestations on the Earth plane.

This state of alignment of which we speak, is also known as the "state of Grace." When you are in this alignment, the flow of Divine Love and Cosmic Fire moves freely from Heaven to Earth, and you become the conduit for Manifestation and Miracles according to the blessings of Divine Grace that unfold.

The state of Grace is achieved when all false illusions are released and live in absolute integrity with the impulses of the Spirit and the Higher Self. By accepting this level of the I as the Creative Source of Life, the Lower Levels align as receptacles for Divine Love and Grace and Bliss. But, this energy is Creative and Expressive and seeks to be shared in relationships, connections, projects, creations and dreams! Once it starts to flow, it must be shared creatively or it will "melt" part of the wiring of your New Light Body. The wiring is designed for Connection and Collective experience, being aware that in the New Earth of Fifth Dimension, the "I" is only in a state of Grace when it is connected to a "We" as Creative Partner and Dynamic Source of Light and Love!

We wish you Joy and Adventure in the New Consciousness!

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