Méline Portia Lafont ~ Reminder and reflection of the moment, by the Archangel Metatron ~ Guardians and door counters

  • 2015

Dear ones

It is particularly important to be open for every facet of this Divine process , as well as being aware that everything is fine . They have to be delivered fully accepting in order to allow the process to unfold; they have to dare to let go, especially the thought patterns and the mind, or else they could obstruct the flow and cause some kind of discomfort.

The workers who are present on Earth to settle these energies and who operate as channelers during this process could expect the most intense energies in order to pass them to the collective of humanity and to the Mother Earth . They are the bearers of the new energies and that is their mission. It is extremely important for them to open up to these energies and accept them; on that they have to work and focus.

Those of you who are here to clear the way, the so-called road counters among you, will receive the first strong energetic blows that will crush this duality. You have to be extremely balanced and exhibit inner peace ; otherwise this could become a difficult challenge. They are here on Earth to clear the way out of this duality, which often includes the settlement of these energies. Therefore, in summary, they are not only channelers for these energies, but in certain cases they are the executors as well.

The gatekeepers among you are those who are going through difficult times because they not only stay at those frequencies but are often present with their physical appearance both in the higher worlds and in this duality simultaneously. They travel back and forth constantly, whether they are aware of it or not, to bring everything to this earthly plane, to settle it, but also to change those energies. They monitor where and through whom those higher frequencies can be implemented, and also assist during the Ascension processes of others on Earth who are going through difficult transformations. They represent multidimensional aspects and the proverbial 'centipede' living on Earth to work at the highest frequencies, and are often exhausted due to this multidimensional work . It is very important for them to rest properly and meditate regularly in order to maintain a constant balance and frequency, which will facilitate and advance their work.

All contribute in one way or another to the Ascension process, although now everything will increase by a few degrees, intensifying everything, this could become unbearable if they do not stand firm or if they have not achieved an internal balance as a result of mergers with their Higher Self and with the Christ Consciousness . The increase is due to the fact that Gaia's frequency has already been vibrating at a higher consciousness, where everything contains a more refined energy and where duality and the material world can no longer resonate. This duality, this material world will literally fade and merge with the new higher frequencies because it will be abolished in energy = higher frequency.

That is why it is important to grow throughout this process and prepare their bodies for fusion with the new etheric frequency because their physical bodies will no longer take materialistic forms when they reach the end of this journey . So being balanced and having an internal connection is very important since you will continue to grow more and more in this new crystalline body and will go through the alchemical process of the disintegration of the materialistic in favor of a more etheric level, representing the essence pure of his being.

The etheric does not always mean a pure energy, but refers to the internal reflection in its environment and its reality . This internal reflection is a frequency and a world without mind and ego or thoughts, where everything IS simply. The human brain wants to understand everything and delineate it with words. Well, this will happen less and less because you are going to BE more and more, and nothing more. A constant flow in the Now, without thoughts or questions. In its place will be internal knowledge, acceptance and Being, and this will be in a continuous state.

This is enjoyment and happiness, because without thoughts there are no more words, there is no more separation, no more pain, no more worries, and especially no m s battles.no anger or duality. You are approaching the massive conclusion and the final changes, beginning with your physical body because this is the center of YOUR universe and all part of there and becomes your reality.

with love, Metatr n

AUTHOR: M line Lafont

SEEN AT: www.melinelafont.com

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