My deep respect for all those who live from the heart

  • 2012

My deep respect for all those who live from the heart.

For all souls aligned with their Being, with their clear purpose of soul.

My deep respect for all those

that despite the difficulties they do good.

Tune in to the vibration of the soul, tune in to the vibration of love,

cleanse your aura of anchored emotions, to be channels of light.

Respect all those in their evolutionary process, each one is different, all are valid, none is better or worse than another, all are valid, as long as they allow the person to flourish.

Not only therapy is important, also the earthly connection, your day to day is necessary to tune your soul frequency and anchor what you are on Earth.

You are germ, you are seed of love, you are seed of creation.

Your particular condition, only you can realize it, be attentive to your vocation, to your fundamental ability, so that you germinate yourselves and you can be bigger and bigger, really know who you really are; spiritual beings, earthly beings, emotional beings and mental beings.

Everything you are is important, nothing is implemented, but complemented. That part of you that you reject is the one from which you must learn more. Strive and apply in your mission.

Do not get distracted by incoherent stories, with repetitive phrases of I have to, I have to, I am afraid of… but go ahead! Go forward in your evolutionary, earthly and spiritual process, both are necessary, as much as the hen is, What was the chicken or the egg first?

Everything works in a circular way, the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. The alpha and omega, each with its importance of beginning and origin, not without being less important than the one in the middle.

Your collaboration depends on the moment in which each one is. Many are the moments of hesitation and contradiction, do not lose control, stand firm in the same direction always forward, without looking back, just move forward. Advance along the path, advance in destiny, advance my beloved Christians, advance you who do not remember, it does not matter, advance without stopping.

That crucifix that meant crucifixion, means joy and salvation. Symbolic goal for each one, divine opening of learning, do not fear, because the door of the heart is great, do not fear, because the encounter with your I is great.

Great you are all, souls of love, receive my congratulations and my dear sending of love. Receive to connect, receive to anchor, receive to be who you are. Expectant souls of love, receive a great moment of blessing.

The day of Salvation is coming soon.

The moment that was announced comes soon.

Nearby is the day of the glorious coming of our Lord.

Christ was, Christ is and Christ will be for eternity .

Blessed are all who follow him,

Blessed are all who promulgate his love.

Blessed and blessed are all who rest in his soul,

They ask and beg for healing.

Nearby is the day of your arrival, blessed all brothers of love.

Praises are heard from heaven, blessed the moment of salvation, bells and glorious songs of blessing. Unique moments in the world, the planets accompanying the process meet.

Rivers of life and glory, songs of fullness. Golden day, silver night, aura and divine rest that cradle the blessings. Rivers of blessed glory, beautiful golds all.

Human ties, united by heart,

divine rings of Consciousness,

thanks to all who from your Being,

They answer the call of love.

Coming are the moments of union.

Blessed are the calls to the Lord's Supper.

Blessed are those in your lap.

Blessed are all blessed children, brothers of condition.

Face to face, face to face, hand in hand, you are always united.

The day of reunion arrives, many are those who notice it, feeling life is there.

Feeling in your soul the connection, in your day to day its application.

Thanks to all the souls at heart.

Brothers, you are the one who comes, part of the soul and the heart.

Blessed are the divine days of creation.

The day is coming when the souls love each other again, tolerate again, live again from love. Beginning of a new life cycle on the planet, beginning of a promised Land.

Gone is the agony, behind is the rage, of those who are infected with fear and resentment. Gone are the betrayal sunsets.

Nothing goes unpunished, everything is anchored. Facts to remember, facts to heal, to resume the path walked, will be repeated and will be passed again.

Everything arrives and everything changes, everything is evolution. Nothing is what corresponds, the moment of conclusion is here. Conclusions and reflections of powerful learning, glorious moments of surrender.

Anchors all, those of the beautiful and painful days, divine anchors of creation. Polarity anchors and unit anchors. Where do you want to anchor?

Beautiful glorious places of brotherhood, incredible moments of resurrection. True is the day, true moment of equality, true moment of change from polarity to equality.

Blessed are those who live the moment with expectation, blessed are all who accompany others to wake up, alive and dead, all united, towards the New Humanity.

Do not waste this unique moment in eternity, complete change of form, hint of freedom. Rejoicing of each other, spiritual anchor, beautiful and blessed the moment of dimensional traffic. Beautiful polarity sunsets, painful for some, kind and cheerful for others, balancing the forces are. Blessings of one and the other united all, singing incessantly unstoppable melodies of uncontrolled emotions.

Blessed are you my beloved Sons,

brothers of goodness!

Christ resurfaces on Earth, Christianity returns,

in all its cheerful side,

in all its apogee of freedom.

Personal freedom to live in fraternity.

Blessed are all my Children, of joy and peace!

You make peace reign in the world. Watch your house and your surroundings, the walls and open doors are. Attend to those who come to you asking for help, love and concord returned, such an example of love will be.

Bliss expands, love spreads, many of you are in the world, those whom love desires , thank you blessed and full of love you have!

It is not quite true to say, that you are well loved, for you know that you are and thus you magnify the Lord. Trust children and brothers, trust your peace, do not decay now brothers, for the day is near.

Blessed are all those who have expected from bliss. Relax, enjoy, live in freedom, then the polarity bonds are left. Emotions and tears of tears leave, for now just laugh and sing. Dance the dance of life, dance the dance of joy, blessed are all you enjoyed.

Love and love each other, kiss and kiss, hug and hug each other, for nothing is comparable to love in freedom, freedom without gaps, without hearts. Spread all over the Earth, move towards your purpose, populate the Earth in love, procreate from the soul, connect with who you are. Beautiful souls of love, shine from now on, your divine condition of creation.

Apparent painful moment to let go of unnecessary, incoherent and unusable conflicts for the heart. Connect the mind and soul and the emotional heart with your unconscious divine grace full of truthfulness.

Love and unite all those who are in the same tune, new frequencies of life appear on Earth, new frequencies of love will resurface.

Moments in Christ, an important dance of souls, dances of life in calm, to deserve cradles for those who need it.

Celebrate his coming, remember the place, summon yours, all beings of love will be.

Complicated is the day, for no one will know, blessed are all those who without seeing will believe.

Clean your hearts, souls of love.

Hair will be seen in the wind, flags will be waved and glorious instruments will be played.

Bless all the moments of glory, love and enjoy, near is the beautiful moment of unity.

Receive the blessings of love, which correspond to your Being.

Thank you and blessings Father and Mother of Love

Channeling received on October 19, 2012, Ana Jesús Murillo

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