Miguel Ruiz Author of "The Four Agreements" and co-author of "The Fifth Agreement"

  • 2015

Of Mexican origin, he currently lives in California. Shaman, spiritual guide and author of The Four Agreements, was a surgeon until a near-death experience brought him closer to the ancestral traditions of the Toltecs, following in the wake of their ancestors. Toltec knowledge arises from the same essential unity of truth from which all the sacred esoteric traditions of the world start. Although it is not a religion, it respects all the spiritual teachers who have taught on earth, and although it embraces the spirit, it is more accurate to describe it as a way of life that is distinguished by its easy access to happiness and love.

"There is no reason to suffer. The only reason you suffer is because you demand it that way. If you look at your life you will find many excuses to suffer, but no valid reason. The same is applicable to happines. Happiness is a choice, as is suffering . Dr. Miguel Ruiz

Q regunta: What or who led you to write the Four Agreements?

Answer: The need to share with my fellow men the fastest way to recover our happiness and our authenticity.

Q: What advice would you give someone who just woke up from your dream?

A: There is no way to wake up from our dream, but to have the awareness that we are always dreaming, just like everyone else and realize that through attention, we communicate and share with others.

Q: Which of the four agreements is harder to learn in this present and is there one more important than another?

A: The four are easy to learn, but the first three are difficult to practice. The most important without a doubt the first agreement - being impeccable with the word

Q: What do you think of fear and where does it lead us?

A: Fear is a normal emotion, since it protects us from real dangers, but there is also irrational fear, which is made of assumptions, of using the word against us and of taking things personally; this can become obsession, paranoia, etc; It can lead us to destruction.

Q: What tools are necessary to avoid living on emotions?

A: Emotions are normal and we cannot avoid living with our emotions. The way to control them is to cast doubt on opinions and judgments, whether they come from outside or from within.

Q: How does the mind influence us and who or what controls it?

A: The mind is the virtual reality in which we live and is controlled by our knowledge; This is the one who makes all our decisions, which are perceived by our body, which responds with emotions.

Q: Tell us about the lineage you belong to, do they believe in the need to inform humanity about conscience?

A: From my lineage, I only know stories and I don't know the need they had, I just know my passion is to inform humanity about conscience.

Q: What does discipline, perseverance and patience mean to you?

A: It is the best way to turn our dreams into reality.

Q: What is the Fifth Agreement?

A: The fifth agreement is being skeptical but knowing how to listen. We are skeptics because we know that in the same way that we create our reality using what we believe is true, all those around us created their reality in the same way as we do; So whatever they say is true only for them, as well as anything we say, it is only true for us. Knowing how to listen, we can understand what they mean and only take what we agree, adding it to our knowledge.

We relearn respect.

Q: How to find and develop the path of Love?

A: Since we were conceived, we are love. We can find love again by accepting ourselves as we are. And to develop the path of love it is necessary to unlearn all the lies we learned about love.

Q: Don Miguel, do you feel an evolutionary change in humanity and where are we going?

A: Mankind is definitely evolving and we are heading in the right direction. That is, towards a humanity that lives in peace and harmony, of course this will take time.

Science and technology have advanced very rapidly, but psychology is still late.

The next evolutionary step will be the one that psychology matches with science and technology.

Emilia G. Rivera
Director of Ecotienda Natural

Source: http://www.naturalrevista.com/miguel-ruiz-autor-de-los-cuatro-acuerdos-y-coautor-de-el-quinto-acuerdo/

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