Retrograde Mercury from October 4 to 26!

  • 2014

Mercury Retrograde from October 4 to 26!

Like all cosmic events, even if Mercury has 3 periods backward to the year, this one in particular, the last one of this year, is not equal to any other .

We already know that because the orbit of this small planet is 88 days around the Sun, 3 times 4 times a year, when aligned with the Earth it seems, seen from our point of view, as if retreating for a period of 3 weeks. Such a motion is measured and is what we call the Retrograde Mercury.

This time it is parked retrograde and begins its apparent return back to the 2 of Scorpio on October 4 and will go back until 16 of Libra, where it was on September 14, therefore from That day until October 4, is what we call its pre-shadow period, in many cases the effects begin to feel thereafter. On October 11, he will re-enter Libra, just the day that Venus, ruler of Libra and transiting this sign, opposes Uranus in Aries.

This retrograde cycle, like all others, forces us in some way and as we have said many times, to Restructure, Rethink, Re-visa, different situations of our life, especially that situation that m It concerns us at the moment. The house of the astral chart where the retrograde takes place or as in this case the sign where it is parked, Scorpio and towards which it recedes, Libra, will indicate the issues in question. A good question in these cases is: Is this what I really want?, How should I solve this, to end it in the best possible way?

The solar eclipse or New Moon of October 23, three days before Mercury is directly parked once more, is in the 0 -2 grade of Scorpio, where Mercury first parks retro grad. Where does this grade fall in your astral chart? If you have planets in those grades, what do they do? And what other area of ​​your astral chart? These are all issues to consider if you want to understand what this mercury return brings in your life.

This cycle begins with the Sun in conjunction with Venus, in opposition to Uranus and therefore in quadrature to Pluto, issues on how to feel free within a relationship, without breaking it, but simply transforming it, is a possibility, the desire to free yourself from a relationship, is another way of living this influence.

Mars in conjunction with Folo, form trigons to Jupiter and Lilith in Leo and Eris and Uranus, in Aries, therefore this aspect also tells us about the possibility of freeing ourselves from a situation or a couple that has already fulfilled its function and that we no longer have allows to grow The lesson that not all or almost nothing is forever seems to be described in that Sun-Pluto square.

The Moon in Aquarius also forms a trine to the Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra, which also augurs the possibility of fixing things in a more diplomatic way, without so much emotional tearing.

The Node, in conjunction with Pallas in Libra, emphasizes the desire to solve personal relationship problems and recover freedom within or outside the couple. Chiron forms a square to Mars, this is a particularly painful combination, because sometimes it is necessary to manifest forcefully to achieve what one wants, and this aspect confronts us with the inability to do so. In these cases it is tremendously necessary to find the reason why we are in the situation that we are, instead of feeling victims of it. Someone said: "Things do not happen to us, but they happen to us."

Find out which planets you have in the 2nd grade of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and / or Leo and analyze what part of you needs more observation and more contemplation. Mercury returns from a Water sign to an Air sign, simply by looking at it from this view bridge, the message is clear. Perhaps what we need is to see the situation more mentally and less emotionally. If we remove the emotions from the equation, how would we see the subject? Libra also induces us to put ourselves in the place of the other, instead of judging it. Scorpio wants revenge and Libra wants what is right for both parties. Meditate on it.

Retrograde Mercury from October 4 to 26!

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