Gabriel's messages, Identify the truth of the lie-Sharing part of a conversation with my guides Asriah

  • 2015

-I have at this moment many doubts about what is true and is not. Within the spiritual groups there is much that is not resonating me.

-You know that intention carries energy. If your intention is the connection and expression of The Source of All That Is, that connection is present even if your mind can be deceived.

Note that even in “the concrete plane” of your country and your planet, the fundamental issue today is to identify the truth of the lie.

And how do you do it? By vibration

Your being recognizes the vibration of the true even if you wear different clothes.

The truth is expressed in different ways because that way it reaches more people.

Sometimes you can identify LOVE in the language it uses. Other times it appears as more rational or mechanistic if you prefer.

Only perceive the final message in each case. Do you create dependencies, set conditions? Or does it vibrate at a frequency that elevates you?

What often hinders you to identify the true of what is not, are your beliefs. They are just thought patterns that you have adopted for various reasons. Just let go and open to feel, without judgment.

AUTHOR: Asriah

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