Channeled messages, endless sources, multiple angles and understandings

  • 2014

by David Topí

I like to compare things, knowledge I mean. When I find an idea from one source that explains something that I do not understand, I seek to see that other sources can explain the same to me with another angle to see if I can get a different perspective of the same concept but from another vision. If I succeed, my perception of the subject is broadened, my conscience widens, my understanding widens. If I do not get it, or on the contrary, all I find are conflicting ideas or totally opposite explanations, I have to make a deep effort to understand how two sources, a priori, reliable, or without any suspicion of wanting to "deliberately" misinform, are giving two contradictory messages for something that is supposed to be an objective fact or knowledge that should be perceived equally by both sides, or at least similar.

Trying to analyze the truthfulness or validity of the messages

I usually receive lots of emails asking me what I think of this or that thing, be, book, author or source X. I usually have no other answer than to ask the person to judge him for his own assessment of the information and energy transmitted to him . The topic is especially hot when we talk about subjective, channeled material, coming from sources outside our planet.

The first thing that made me understand that, in some way, everything is correct, is that each entity that transmits its message to a human being, does it from its point of view, and then what we receive, the public that we read or We listen, it is the version filtered by the mind and ideas of the channeler. I have had enough experience with entities that we call guides of places, planes and hierarchies so different, that, the same question, that you think is quite clear and objective, has as many answers as you sometimes want to ask and beings want to answer.

The fact is that as it is above, it is below. If 100 people went to a city they have never seen, and on the way back they would lend themselves to several people asking them questions about the city they have seen, there would not be two similar answers. If we reduce the object, and instead of a city, we put an idea, and let those 100 people describe it, there will not be two equal explanations. If we even put a material object, a car, in front of those 100 people, there will not be 100 identical descriptions.

If it's full here, you can't imagine what's out there ...

The problem with channeling is that there are millions of entities out there, of all vibratory colors, evolutionary levels, races, hierarchies, planetary systems, etc. Born from different solar logos, from different galactic logos, with different archetypal structures, with different evolutionary scales, and with different energy compositions. You will not receive the same description of the "car" of a being who has no emotional body, because his race does not use it, that of one who has maximized power. You will not receive the same description of the car from a hierarchy that serves the logos from which it was born, and therefore “does not evolve” but has always been on the same evolutionary level, as one that has passed through multiple planes, densities or changes of consciousness

More than once they have sent me emails with channeled books urging me to read them and correct my articles because there were “the answers” ​​and the truth of everything, as opposed to what I write. I do not deny it. Surely in those messages are the answers and the truth, from the point of view of the source that has transmitted them, and I have nourished myself from another one of those sources that sees the car from another angle.

Thus, since I began to meditate and connect with my own guides, and especially since I am working with my colleagues in regression and I am able to talk to many of theirs in real time (and each one has a history, level, vibration and origin different), I am learning firsthand how each being perceives creation differently. And everything is RIGHT. Only, on the other hand, everything is RELATIVE to the point of view of who has transmitted it, and most importantly, of who has received it.

The level is marked by the receiver

This is extremely important, I see that our guides adapt their answers to the level of the one asking the questions, I, in this case. The first sessions were very simple, compared to the conversations we have now. Perhaps you do not notice much because I have been publishing fragments of these conversations in the articles for a short time, and the first sessions, when I hear them, I realize how little I knew or understood the topics they were talking about. Now, I'm sure I'm asking on a level that in several months will seem "childish" and the conversations will have increased in magnitude or depth. Well, if I extrapolate my personal experience to the channeled books that I read or send to me, many times the first thing I do is erase any hint of rejection if what I read does not resonate, because possibly the information is at the level of the person who is receiving it, and that can be a very different level than I can be, or we can be, when we are reading it.

If that book is not updated, or if the person does not work on it to provide more knowledge, awareness or understanding, the level of channeling will not vary and therefore we find channeled books that look like bullshit, or books that do not There are those who understand them. The source, as I tell you, is very important, because you know what level it has, but the receiver is no less, because it is he who marks the level of the information received.

Human disqualification as a global sport

But this article was not so much the case of explaining that a thousand different sources will always give us a thousand different explanations (not contradictory, that is something else) and that it depends on the level of the receiver and his personal filters, but that we, human beings, we throw ourselves at the neck of others to try to defend our point of view without understanding that the other person has theirs and that it is equally valid. When we correct someone because we believe they do not understand a concept or do not know that the car is as we describe it and not as it sees it, we are losing something very valuable, the ability to see that there is no way to have the complete vision of nothing, at least at this evolutionary level, and from what I see, neither in any other, nor in the superiors of the superiors, because there is even always something else above in the structure of the creation of which even our advanced guide only perceives glimpses.

In the end, everything is reduced and explained in the following fable, which really describes perfectly what I feel when someone asks me if it is true what is said in such a book or not, or what it says such an entity or such, or when I I get into discussion forums on any topic where we all think we are right:


There is an ancient Hindu fable, that there were three very wise men, seekers of the Sacred White Elephant, which was not simply a myth for them, but a true living specimen of the Highest Divinity, for he represented the highest truth.

There were three insatiable pilgrims, embarked on the most noble exploration of the Universal Mysteries. Three elderly, venerable, restless like children, and with a mind capable of embracing the unexpected, the new, the transcendental. The three had a physical peculiarity and that is that they were blind from birth, but for them that was no obstacle that prevented them from continuing their sacred search, since as is known, it is the eyes many times that cloud and blind reality. Because for the physical eyes everything is appearances, but for the wise person who recognizes this, look with the eyes of the soul, with the eyes of intuition. When you look at it, appearances fade and the essence is naked, nothing is hidden from the Soul's eyes.
After searching through several cities, exhausted arrived at a simple town where an old man would kindly tell them where, according to the ancient sages of the town, they could find him . They were already, certainly, very close, and decisively and firmly, filled with joy were introduced into the jungle.

They walked all morning and as they were blind they sharpened their other senses to the fullest. The afternoon fell and the three were exhausted, but they continued to search with enthusiasm, enthusiasm worthy of the true seekers, and finally, the three heard and even smelled the immanent presence of the Great and "Sacred White Elephant."

Deeply excited, and as if it were a lightning bolt, the three elders ran to their mystical encounter, even the trees moved away with compassion when they saw them coming! The time had come, the magical encounter between the sought and the seeker, between the deeply invoked and the response of a divine evocation, at the height of the tenacity and the perseverance maintained for years, even lives ... One of the elders held on tightly to the elephant's trunk immediately falling into deep ecstasy, another with fully open arms hugged with powerful force to one of the pachyderm's legs and, the third one clung lovingly to one of His great ears, since the sacred elephant was placidly lying on some leaves.
Each of them experienced, without a doubt, an endless number of emotions, experiences, sensations, both internal and external, and when they had already been filled by the blessing of the Sacred Elephant, they left, but deeply transformed.

They returned to the village and in one of the huts the three in privacy told and shared their experiences. But something strange began to happen, they began to raise their voices and even to discuss the "Truth." The one who experienced the elephant's trunk said: the Truth (which was the representation of the Sacred White Elephant) is long, rugged and flexible; the blind old man who experimented with the elephant's leg said: that is not the truth, the "Truth" is hard, medium, like a thick tree trunk; The third elder who experienced the ear of the pachyderm, outraged by so many blasphemies, said: "Truth" is fine, wide and moves with the wind. The three, although wise and beautiful people, did not understand each other, did not understand each other and decided to leave each one by their side.
Each one on his way, traveled through many countries, making his cloak a saying, and spreading his truth. They created three great religions and their expansion was rapid.

This was possible because they touched the "TRUTH" and preached it honestly throughout the world from the heart. The three seekers, had come to find the Divinity, but did not perceive its breadth, but limited themselves to experiencing a part, not the All, therefore, although sincere in their search and in their service, they erred in their own mental limitation .

Channeled messages, endless sources, multiple angles and understandings by David Topí

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