Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion: It's time for you to wake up to the knowledge that everyone is connected to each other. By Marlene Swetlisoff

  • 2016


Everywhere there are auguries that inform the people of the world that a great change is taking place on their planet and that it is time for them to wake up to the knowledge that everyone is connected to each other. Those who have tried to separate humanity from each other and from their connection with the divine are being confronted with the reality of their decisions and choices. It is increasingly difficult to hide the growing number of peoples of the world who seek a peaceful existence. This will simply continue until the root cause is not addressed. Those who seek domination through acts of war will continue to be exposed to the effects of war and will have to deal with the problems they have created so that they are to the satisfaction of the world population. The sooner they realize that everyone on Earth deserves a life of peaceful coexistence, the sooner there will be peace on Earth. All their efforts to date directly reflect the problems they have created through their decisions and actions. They must take responsibility and be held responsible for them.

All human interactions must begin to be based on honesty, sincerity and transparency, because the old ways of establishing intrigue and backroom agreements are over. Those who continue with the old ways are being brought to the light of truth and will have to be held accountable. This fact about the functioning of the new energies is brought to consciousness in all the nations of the world. It is up to the leaders of each nation to extend true compassion and kindness to those who are showing them that humanity will no longer tolerate any form of deception, dishonesty and disrespect. The world has become a true melting pot where each race is represented in each nation and the concept of "the other" no longer applies. Because it is increasingly clear that within each human heart beats the love and wisdom of the Creator of All That Is, that every individual in the whole world is aligned in unity with all other individuals. Everyone seeks to express this truth in their daily lives.

The Great Awakening of the people of the Earth has begun in earnest and every event that occurs will reflect this fact. Many challenges will continue to be experienced, since it is the challenges and obstacles that arise that facilitate the awakening in each human heart. At some point, humanity will understand that it is participating as a whole in this cosmic evolution and from that point forward, an acceleration of the awakening of consciousness will sweep the world. You, the ones who read or listen to this message, are the ones in front, who have passed all the tests that were given to you and who are now being further strengthened in their role as Bearers of Light . They are entering a new phase of movement and activity. Connect to your heart every day and have faith that what is required of you will be revealed to you.

They will have to continue accepting and assimilating the increase in energy flows and this will facilitate the memory of their part in the operation of the divine plan as it develops. You are the love brigade, the holders of the highest alchemy of the force majeure in the entire universe. Stand firm and let go of any energy or situations that are in opposition to this understanding. Their minds are the construction companies that are creating a majestic and new world for all souls to enjoy. The denser energies no longer fulfill any role in their daily lives and any vestige of these is rapidly dissipating from their consciousness and their auric energy field. Let your divine essence speak through voice and words, let your divine essence radiate your goodness in the world around you. Staying small and invisible will no longer be possible for the Bearers of Light, adapt to this knowledge and be confident that they walk safe and secure at all times.

Their angelic guides and teams are being updated so that their roles can be optimized and empowered for greater effect. This does not mean that they become someone different; It means that you are now operating at a level of the highest aspects of your being, your true and authentic divine self. You will be guided to make the decisions that will lead you to the manifestation of your highest dreams and your perfect purpose here on Earth. They will be guided and inspired to advance to the next correct step. They will be inspired by the ideas that bring success in all their highest aspirations in their roles as road signs.

Until next week


AUTHOR: Marlene Swetlisoff

SEEN AT: www.therainbowscribe.com

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