Weekly Message from the Ascended Master Hilarion of April and May

  • 2012

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From April 01 to 08, 2012


While the long winter months reach an end in the Northern Hemisphere, new beginnings await to unfold. There is a feeling of renewal and rejuvenation in the atmosphere and around new life adjusts, ready to emerge in its diverse and glorious majesty. This is the time to plant seeds in preparation for the flowering of the magnificent abundance of elemental kingdoms and plants. Together, in unity and harmony, a new life is created and nurtured and these new creations of wonder and magic are in their embryonic stage waiting to unfold in Divine time.

And so, the cycles of the Earth continue in their inexorable march of life, helped in one way or another by unusual weather patterns that had not appeared for many cycles of time. While the kingdoms of Nature wake up from their lethargy to elevate their beings to the Sunlight, so too many people shake and start planting their seeds of dreams and hopes for a better life for themselves and their families, a way of life that will sustain and nourish all the best attributes in their expressions of Divinity. By working on intoning with the movement of the seasons and recognizing the invisible helpers who work hard with devotion, joy and delight in the manifestation of the life contained in the seeds, the majesty, beauty and wonder of all renewed life fills the air .

This is the time to renew the intentions and goals that were perhaps established at the beginning of the New Year, to review what has been achieved, where changes and corrections need to be made to renew the self-made and established commitments full of enthusiasm and determination. that this year would be different, that the World would be different because of this turn of the wheel of life in your World. However, everything around them that reflects them is more of the old, the same old. But wait, there is something different! There are birds appearing in your neighborhood that had never been seen. Oriental jays are now part of the western jay family and live in harmony. There are wild geese, which are black and white, swimming in the river that were not seen in this area before.

By becoming keen observers of the Kingdoms of nature, they will have an inner knowledge that things are not the same, that an almost imperceptible change is happening where they live. It is these events that tell the story of the changes that are happening in your World and these are keys to guide you forward. Watch the birds and animals, Dear Ones, and go inside to decode the meaning. They are adapting to the unusual weather pattern that is occurring across the Earth's surface and are opening to new environments not previously seen by these species. Nature is adapting to new energies and following its internal instincts to survive, grow, prosper and perpetuate its species.

Continue to persevere on your journey of Mastery and open your senses to everything that lives around you. There is more there than is discerned. Bring with you a sense of magic and wonder and the opening of your hearts. There is much to see and learn if you observe.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

April 15-22, 2012


The challenges that have plagued them for an extended period of time are now in their culmination stages and the end of these situations that left them with power is in sight. Their tenacity and sincerity in their quests for greater internalization and spiritual growth has enabled them to accumulate great strength, while appealing to their internal reserves to see themselves through these periods of friction and opposition, being able to manifest their unique and personal power. This they have achieved and soon these situations that they have experienced will be known as the `` good old days '', when they move towards a greater focus of their true purpose here on Earth.

Again and again, they have been confused that what had been previously attended returned magnified in intensity to be looked at again. We tell you that these events are not entirely of your own karmic patterns, but also include the archetypal patterns of the disempowering universal thoughts that have been part of the total consciousness field around the atmosphere. Earth's sphere. Having worked on your personal affairs, the greater field of consciousness has also passed through a transformation, empowering those who follow their path to find the way to the higher realms more easily than would have been possible before.

By your will and great Love to your companions on this beautiful planet, you have committed to the rupture and dissolution of these old thought patterns and replaced them with armed energies. unique and peaceful that affect human thinking and inclination. That is why we want to say that having assumed more of its fair share of the karmic miasma that is part of the field of physical consciousness and having successfully transformed it into energies of Love, peace and harmony You created a new way of relating here on this planet. We understand that this has not been an easy time for each of you and we applaud the progress that has been made and are still being achieved, to travel a different path from those who have gone before, to so that a new way of Being in physical manifestation of the Spirit begins to occur.

Looking around it is obvious that much work needs to be done yet and this is where your experience, knowledge and awareness can be of great benefit to the people around you. Your presence alone can bring stability and calm in many situations and this is part of your task in the coming days. You can count on you to lead and continue what needs to be done at the appropriate time. We ask that you tune in to a greater degree with your internal guidance so that you are always aware and in tune with the events that are transpiring. Your first intuitive impressions are generally correct and should be followed immediately. Very often we see that they begin to doubt themselves and repress themselves waiting for more guidance. Allow yourself to rely on the flow of movement and energy and you will always be in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly what is right.

This is the way of Being in your New World; discern about the flow of Earth energy, earth energy and solar energy and tune their own energy fields appropriately, becoming fully aware of their own energy flows Ethics, it is a great help in these times. Life these days acquires an exciting and stimulating impulse. Have faith in your own skills and resources and know that you are always guided by the invisible realms to walk safely, gracefully and easily. Take your time to re-energize and renew yourself as the need arises and follow your hunches. Everything is fine, Dear Ones, and always has been.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

April 22-29, 2012


The peeling of the layers of the subconscious patterns that you have made within you is now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated. Everything that previously disempowered them is now leaving their auric field and is replaced by more Light, which in turn removes more layers that have been deeply hidden inside. This is the way the Light exercises its magic, Dear Ones, and having the will to experience these uncomfortable feelings and the pain involved in this process says a lot about your inner strength and determination to see this process through the victorious celebration that it is achieved when you enter the higher dimensions of doing and thinking. The layers are now thinner and easily dissipated with the tools you have learned work best for you.

The following days require your persistence and perseverance to maintain the vision of what you want to manifest in your World. Not only are the visions of his personal life, but also the major visions of the World that want their children and grandchildren to embrace and enjoy. Each one is making the Ascension of the Earth and everything about, in, around and above it happen. Each day that they persist in their daily disciplines of anchoring the Light into the crystalline diamond heart of the Earth, they add more Light to the entire crystalline grid that is growing increasingly powerful in its activation. Many eras have passed since this grid had been operating at full capacity and, therefore, there is a jubilant tone that emanates from the grid in anticipation of the total restoration of its power.

Life as you know and perceive it is disintegrating rapidly and is being replaced with forms that are better and which ensure good for all, not just for a few. As the grid accumulates more energy and power, this is distributed throughout the Planet in a way that stabilizes the energies emanating from the Cosmos, so that greater harmony and balance are maintained. Those who work with the Light are adding and connecting to the knowledge that resonates from the great crystals in the depths of the Planet. While this occurs, there is a change within its forms and in all forms, including Earth. Each change creates the opening for more change and this will continue until a total transformation happens. Those of you who have been at the forefront of this movement have now entered a state of Being where your efforts are being supported by these new energies and you will find that it becomes a joyful service rather than a necessary task.

This is the joy of creating the new. This is alchemy at its finest and most powerful, because everything they have learned and the tools they have gained are part of a new Template and focus on their own way to bring internal and external healing. In doing so, you discover the methods that worked for your unique situation and this is a valuable tool to offer them to others so that your path to greater awareness and knowledge can be achieved with considerably more ease than what you faced. This is his great gift to Humanity, each journey that has been successfully traveled becomes an illuminated path for others to follow. From what we tell you, Beloved, your individual experiences and stories are very important because they create the markers for others to emulate the ways you learned through great effort, will and resistance, creating an Illuminated path for others to travel. .

Keep your focus on clearing your body, mind and feelings of everything that does not resonate with the highest aspects of your Being. Be in tune with your heart and with the heart of Mother Earth, listen to Her song, her guide, her wisdom. She has a lot to teach them if they are willing to listen. She knows the full story of the emerging life cycles in Her domain. She will help you remember. Honor the Earth and become One with It in a loving and symbiotic relationship. Your recognition will bring joy and joy to Your Great Being. She is more than ready to work in union with you.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From April 29 to May 06, 2012


From this advantageous perspective we see, more than ever before, that many transformations are taking place in the hearts of a greater number of Humans. As they wake up and transform internally, the energy they create grows exponentially to include a growing field around the Earth, which in turn illuminates more hearts to wake up and transform. Stay tuned, Dear Ones, of the great power that you possess and exercise during your daily work. “I AM present, here, now.” Say these words frequently to align yourselves with your highest aspects, which are now beginning to approach you.

You are beginning to have more conscious internal conversations with your Higher Self while performing your Earthly tasks and much guidance comes through you. Look at your thoughts to see which ones have a positive effect on your well-being and which create opposing forces within you that produce a feeling of restlessness and anxiety. These are, in fact, those that must change for thoughts that are nutritious and friendly. Know that at this time of time, everyone on the planet is going through these experiences, facing the inner shadows.

It is in this way that the illusions and lies that each person has kept telling themselves are seen by what they are and, when this happens, there is a shift towards a better way of relating. If they are sincere in their ascending journey to higher realms of consciousness, these challenges will see them as great revelations of their deepest aspects that will drive them and, sometimes, catapult them towards higher dimensional realities where everything they manifest is of a greater order. . It is for this purpose that they have been cleaning everything they have cleaned and transmuted, so that the path that follows is comfortable and full of grace.

There is only one way to go now and that is forward. The choices have already been made by each Soul and now those who have followed the narrow Path are on their own. When everyone aligns with their true power and increasingly embodies their true beings, the internal changes they have experienced will become more understandable to people in their activity circles and will be seen and heard in ways that never were before. Your Light is now illuminating your physical body and permeating each cell. The people around them will think they found the secret of the Fountain of Youth and really, it is.

As this process continues, everyone will become living examples for others to emulate and follow. It will become obvious that they know what they are talking about, because the evidence will shine before them. It is very important now that every thought, word and action come from the greatest inner integrity. A leader must wish to honor his words, therefore it will be obvious that you are one of them. Your role as emissaries of the Light is beginning to become visible and we are glad that it is!

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

May 06-13, 2012


This is a very powerful time in the alignment of planetary configurations and energy influences from the Spiritual realms. Many special dispensations of blessings and Love are being offered to Humanity; All that is required is to be open to receive them. Another passage of the Cosmic wheel has been completed and now we embark on our new journey into unknown lands of new potential. When these time codes open the portals, the influx of Cosmic Love and the waves of Light sent to Earth, will activate the awakening of the great masses of Humanity.

These are the times for which they have waited, because that means that they are approaching the remembrance of the reason for being here, in this Cosmic moment of the cyclical movement from one era to the other. From this point forward, life will take a momentum from one revelation behind the other into the Light of each person's consciousness. Many of you will have your 'aha!' Moments when the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place and all the mysteries of life become clearer. There is now an unstoppable Light to awaken that is flooding this Planet and is a peaceful, loving and powerful energy.

Be open to receive more of everything that is good in your daily existence. Each one has been tested and evaluated as they went through difficult initiations that have prepared them to embody the great Light that they are. The things of Earth, although they will enjoy them, will no longer trap or distract them more from their true purpose. They will have more time to explore the joys of incarnation in a way that is becoming multidimensional in their abilities. Being open to new experiences and moving beyond your previous limits will bring you freedom on many levels of your Being.

Rejoice in the lightness of your Being, because that means that you are moving towards your Spiritual journey and that you have released most of all that is not Love for the things that no longer serve you in the new place. Where they are. Each person will flourish in a myriad of ways that will create a new template that will be unlimited in its possibilities. If you are reading this, then everyone is one of those who have qualified to serve the Divine Plan at a higher level. These are always other ways to travel and worlds to discover and conquer. We speak here of the growth of the Soul, Dear Ones.

Take note of the occurrences around you and learn to read the signals. Many things are changing, many things will change and must adapt and change with them. The big changes we see is that they will resume their power from all the discordant and distracting energies and from the elements that have kept them trapped in situations that are not theirs. Enjoy the ride on the Cosmic roller coaster while developing speed towards the beginning of a New Earth. The Ascension is ON, Beloved; Remember this every time you are tempted to resume the old ways of your previous life. Going back is not the option; Therefore, take your next steps with certainty and grace. We are always with you.

Until next week.

I AM Hilari n

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilari n

May 13-20, 2012


The times that are upon you require that you allow yourself to BE instead of doing. This is a period of internal contemplation and adjustment. Many changes are occurring within you and your physical bodies continue your transformations. Remember to drink plenty of pure water and be in nature as much as possible. Their connection to the Earth is very important right now and that will help them in their transition as they go through their changes.

Many people have the expectation that an instant change will occur and we tell them that the process of change occurs gradually so that there is no exhaustion in their human operating systems. Honor your body temple and do what is necessary as it is revealed to you. Our Scribe is spending more time outdoors and concentrating again on resting her physical body in totality. She is listening to the internal impulses that come to her and following that guide. Our messages will arrive sporadically as she adjusts to the increase in solar flames, since she affects her ability to receive during these times.

There is gradual progress in raising the vibrational level of the Earth and all about, within and above it and, those who have raised their energy levels, are now able to discharge and maintain more s Light in your cells than ever before. This process also activates DNA strands and you may notice, in the next few days, that your spine feels more sensitive and sore. As they absorb and maintain more Light, it radiates at an increasing distance from their physical Beings, more than they can conceive in their greatest fantasies. Rest when you can, as much as you can, because your bodies are almost in a constant state of flux.

Please understand that your bodies are currents of energy that flow through your spine, from the feet to the top of your heads, in a continuous circle of Light around you, and those who persevere in your daily disciplines and they remember daily of the Light that they are, in real terms they become that Light, in increasing magnitudes. This is why more rest and free time is necessary for everything to flow in harmony and clarity. Many new revelations will come to you when this happens; many things will begin to make more sense than before and a deeper understanding of the events that occurred in their lives will begin to resurface from within.

Take the time necessary to align each day with your Higher Beings and your Great I AM Presence; This helps to bring these aspects closer, so that a greater acceleration of remembrance begins to surface towards their awake consciousness. We are always with you, Dear Ones, and you just have to call our names or invoke your divine Guides assigned to be with you in any way you need it and we will be with you. Be specific when requesting that your needs be met with the most benevolent results. Co-creation is happening and it is you who create your reality, we can help accelerate the process in a more harmonious way. Love and honor yourself and each other and let the beauty of your hearts flourish and unfold a growing Love.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

May 20-27, 2012


Staying anchored to the Earth's core is the most important step to take right now. Each of you is here to bring your highest aspects into your physical body and it is important that you have a solid foundation on which to do this. What you are looking for is within you, not in the outside World. Allow yourself a few moments each day to feel your heart rate in rhythm with that of the Earth because this will connect and tune to the Earth, as your vibrational level rises. Trust your inner guidance when performing your daily activities and follow your internal impulses when they occur.

Many transcendental events are taking place at a Cosmic level and those who follow their inner guidance know that these are not ordinary times in which they are living. Firmness, courage, trust and perseverance are required to continue on your path daily when everything around you seems to remain the same. It is difficult to grasp the meaning of a greater perspective and we warn you that the best way is to go inside of you every day and intentionally align with your Higher Self and ask for guidance and direction. By turning this intention into a conscious habit, much of what is good will flow into their lives.

More displacements and changes are occurring on Earth, which manifest as surface movements. These adjustments will continue to occur during the Earth's transition to a larger dimension. When these changes occur, feel Love, Unconditional Love, for the Earth and all its Inhabitants and visualize a great Light coming out of its crystalline diamond core towards Its crystalline grids and out towards the Cosmos. Keep your hearts always aligned with a broader image of the Divine Plan and remain calm and centered. By staying focused you train those around you to keep calm and peace and this is very helpful.

This is a time to allow a greater opening of your heart chakras and consciously be able to do this, because it is from this energetic portal within you that your personal Path is activated and made clear to you. This is important because many of you are located in areas where the Awakening of Humanity has not yet occurred and, therefore, requires the quality of faith and perseverance to continue on your spiritual journey seemingly alone and not being understood. Love of the highest type is required to continue in this direction and not to decay and each of you has this type of Love in great abundance.

Let the inner Light that you really are shine in these days of transition from one World to another, because this is very helpful to those around you. They may not see it, but they feel it on a sublime level. When your Higher Self and Great Presence I AM is anchored more deeply in you, those around you will be able to do the same and this can be achieved in an easier and smoother transition for them. Shine, Dear Ones, because how could others be than they really are?

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2012 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana, Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace.

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