Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion * September 2011

  • 2011

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

September 04-11, 2011


Those of you who have maintained your daily disciplines have discovered that you now feel more peaceful inside than you have experienced for quite some time. The greatest effect that is still remarkable is the sensation of tension in the solar plexus chakra. This is the result of incoming cosmic energies. Keeping the Light inevitably attracts the highest energies to you and as you transduce these high emergencies and anchor them to the Earth's core for use when and in the way that it needs you, you are helping to clear the grid of human consciousness from everything. what must be dissipated before entering a higher level of consciousness for all.

A lot of cleaning is taking place and this activity is becoming more noticeable than ever before. More and more people are waking up and setting limits, clearly delineating their personal limits so that their own Beings are protected from so much information from the external world that surrounds them. Their personal well-being is important and they must do everything they can to ensure a peaceful sanctuary where they can go to recharge and rejuvenate. As drivers of the highest emergencies, much energy replacement is required within their physical bodies. Always listen to the signals that your bodies are giving you and follow that direction.

Continue, Dear Ones, practicing thanksgiving, because this practice will only help you tremendously during these times of intense changes, because the thoughts raised to the Universe is what the Universe will return to you manifested in your World of forms. The mind is the builder and this is the major key to creating the World in which you want to live, because what you constantly keep in your thoughts will be manifested in your daily lives in one way or another in order to meet the requirements of your creation. .

Follow the impulses of your heart because of all the chakras that are being activated in your four lower bodies, the heart chakra is the most powerful and active in this time of change, since the force of Love creates the impulse to produce miracles of transformation in your bodies at all levels of your Being. The ups and downs that you are experiencing in your emotions is an indicator that the heart chakra in each one is being outlined and this increases the sense of vulnerability in some of you, because They have learned to protect their hearts to protect them from the pain of rejection, betrayal, sadness, disappointment and separation.

Your task is to move beyond fear and let your true inner Self manifest through you routinely in your lives; trust that you are always surrounded with love, protection and guidance in all facets of your lives.

We praise and applaud them for their continued persistence in the application of the Love factor to all in their radius of activity and influence. Thank you to each one for being a force for peace and good in your World and in your beautiful Planet.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

September 11-18, 2011


Many of you have learned very well to align to converge with the energies expressed by those around you, with balance, intuition and clarity. It is good that you have this ability in you to pass through the Cosmic energies that are now flooding the atmosphere around you and that are helping you create great changes in all aspects of life on the Earth plane.

Line up with who you really are, feel this in your Heart and continue to let your heart / mind guide you through each day. They are learning to make all their decisions from the heart rather than being caught in the constant conversation of the mind as to how to live life. Knowing your own heart and the truth and beauty that resides there will help you stay focused on what is really important to you every day.

Our Scribe has obtained a good piece of yellow sulfur stone and has discovered that it is an incredibly fast tool to clean your energy fields by passing the stone over each farm, keeping the stone for a minute or two in each farm. This stone is one that becomes dust when it is gripped so it is important to handle it with as much delicacy as possible and keep it wrapped in bubble wrap when it is not used. As many of you are sensitive to the movements of energy, you will feel in all circumstances the power of this stone when you clean your energy fields of all negativity, both yours and those of others, and this in turn will help maintain your balance and balance when necessary.

Again we advise you to spend as much time as possible in Nature, because it is in this natural environment that the codes that come through you can be assimilated and integrated when you anchor your personal energy field on Earth. It is important that you remember that your task is to make room for your Higher Self to begin to manifest within your physical Self. This is a continuous process, it is not something that happens instantly. By releasing and letting go of all patterns of habits, thoughts and unconscious patterns that have arisen for your attention and knowledge, maintain the purpose that the highest aspects of your Being, your Christ Self, will align more strongly to your physical bodies, emotional, mental and etheric.

Go where you feel in peace and harmony with yourself and tell yourself often that everything is fine and that everything is perfect in your World. These establish and align with your highest and highest good and, by repetition, will bring you what you focus on in your daily lives. Many of you will remember your purpose and reason for being manifested on this Planet during these times and begin to express it in a more solid way during the course of your daily life.

It is important that they take care of themselves and love themselves, because they cannot truly love another if they do not love themselves first. Taking care of yourself is not a selfish quality, it is currently a basic quality, because in loving the Self, One also loves the Creator and instead seeks to serve the Creator in any way toward which One is guided. Learning to trust in the Infinite One and affirm its presence in you is very important in this crossing of great events and Cosmic events. Have faith, keep the faith and bless everything around you in the faith that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment. Everything is perfect and everything is fine.

Until next week.

I AM Hilari n

Weekly Message of M. Ascended Hilari n

September 18-25, 2011


All have been integrating incoming energies at an incredible rate. The feeling of discomfort in the Solar Plexus area requires more relaxation on your part and the practice of deep breathing, preferably outdoors. Many changes will continue to occur within you and, as this process continues, you will feel more comfortable. Some of you have already felt more comfort in your four lower bodies and you will find that life becomes more pleasant and full of grace.

The veil between the dimensions is becoming more wearable and there are many moments of interaction between them. These are moments when some of you move your heads and think that you are experiencing a momentary aberration in your field of perception and this is, in fact, what is actually happening. These can be very confusing times that can get you out of your Path. Invite us every morning and ask us to approach for your guidance and protection every day because these aberrations will continue to occur more frequently.

Everywhere around him a greater understanding is emerging and mankind is beginning to rise to the plate and beginning to understand that taking a position as to what they believe is right, is having a powerful effect. By joining people together to add their voices in many different projects and focus on ending the ostensible indifference for the citizens of this World and the resources on this Planet of those who only want to maintain control, understanding alborea in the Awakened that there is great power in numbers and this understanding has a definite effect. Among more people stand up and defend their rights and the rights of everyone in their World, the change will take place in incredibly peaceful ways.

By joining the Beloved Lightworkers and the Awakened across the Planet in joint meditation and other approaches that are maintained at the most appropriate times during each month, the mass consciousness grid is cleansed more It's effectively never before. By creating more space for the higher energies of Cosmic Love to permeate everything on, on and around the Earth, these higher energies are then assimilated for every being and every thing on and within the Planet. You may have noticed that, for the most part, people are more eager to be more patient with each other than they used to be, are more full of humility and courtesy to each and more willing to stand and listen to the other. This trend will increase more strongly at the end of each day.

Everything they have kept in their visions for a better World is now beginning to bear fruit, so we beg you to persevere, although it may seem darker than ever before seeing the World events around you. This is only the illusion in which everyone has lived for many lives being brought for review, attention, understanding and learning, and more importantly, for cleansing and dissolution. Many new and viable solutions to old problems will begin to emerge in the consciousness of many and new ideas will begin to develop that will revolutionize the World towards one that is deserving and capable of being part of the Galactic Family of Light again.

Stay in the moment, Dear Ones, a new History of the New Earth is being written and you, each of you, are an integral part of it. Live every day as and for the Glory of God and everything will continue to be fine. Faith and Patience can, in fact, move mountains.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From September 24 to October 1, 2011

Beloved Lightworkers,

This is a time to take care of yourself and listen to the internal messages that your physical body is giving you now. With the infusion of intensely high energies in the past few days, many of you are sleeping more hours than before. This is the way your body integrates the energies and allows the transformation to occur inside. Each of you is a template of the New Human's operating system and as such, you have been at the forefront of this process.

Moving the body during these times and stretching the muscles, tendons and ligaments and breathing deeply helps keep the energies moving through you in a balanced way. Following good dietary habits and drinking large amounts of pure water is essential during these times. Many of you are so absorbed in your daily activities that you forget to give your body the hydration and exercise it needs to go through the changes that are occurring with greater ease and grace. Remembering to follow these simple steps will relieve much distress.

It is of utmost importance to keep your thoughts in balance in these times as the increased energies will manifest more rapidly what they concentrate on. If you are in the process of releasing negative emotions from the depths of you, it is essential that you quickly fill what has come out of your systems with many positive and powerful decrees, affirmations or intentions. Remember that being connected to the Divine will help you continue to stay on your path.

Earth also continues to stretch and move its tectonic plates and surface changes will continue to occur. Everything is in a state of constant displacement, change and movement. There is no longer such a thing as remaining ecstatic except when they enter the interior and this internal stillness, as a daily practice, is an extremely important gift that can be given as the days pass through the rest of this year and next, for What remains focused on your own essence is deeply vital.

You will begin to notice positive changes in your body transformations, something like a greater sense of lightness will be the norm and a greater sense of well-being will begin to replace the sensations of tension and anxiety that have prevailed in you as the increased frequencies hit the Earth's atmosphere. These sensations will now begin to calm down and, as the energies of human consciousness rise higher, many positive signs of peaceful metamorphosis will become increasingly evident.

These are exciting and challenging times for everyone on Earth and much good is being achieved; however, this is not being announced through its main means of information and therefore, the masses of Humanity are not aware of it. Many of you are now remembering your Divine roots and the gifts you brought and taking your places on Earth to be in greater service in the days to come. Unified efforts will bring more powerful results. We continue to support each of you through the changes and applaud your continued efforts to anchor more Light on Earth.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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