Message from the Gabriel Gabriel: Release and free yourself

  • 2016

Daily Message ~ Saturday, January 23, 2016

Do they play 'pull and pull' with what they want to release? Do you intend to let something go and then retake it due to a habit and focus, just to keep it active in your energy? Dear ones, when you release something, let it go! Feel it moving away from you, well outside the furthest reach of your energy field .

When they become aware that something is trying to leave them, there is no need to analyze it, just say goodbye as it happens. If they are having problems with that concept, they could try to give it up, that is, by giving it to any Assistant or Assistant with whom they feel comfortable working . The idea is to really feel that you are leaving them and let them go and not come back. Once he is gone, there is no need to look around for more things to let go; that will come to the surface naturally when it is the perfect time to leave.

You are continuous energy distributors, changing and evolving all the time . Just as you let go of clothes that are no longer in fashion or that no longer fit you, so is letting go of energies that are no longer compatible with you. Just as they don't donate things and then run to the charity to buy them back the next day, so it is perfectly fine to just let them go, knowing that they have finished serving their purpose. I sit for you. ~ Arc ngel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday, January 15, 2016

Acceptance is a powerful anchor word . It is a byproduct of faith and trust and creates the foundation for peace and patience. Recognizing the divinity of each person and experience is the antidote to resistance, thus supporting comfort and connection. Acceptance allows them to embrace the beauty of each moment now, which creates the experience of deep gratitude, and releases the need to control or push anything. That keeps them in a state of divine movement, in a voluntary display that creates a path of grace and ease, and the experience of loving everything and everyone as never before. Taking care of the fertile land of acceptance is how many other divine attributes can flourish and develop. ~ Archangel Gabriel

AUTHOR: Shelley Young


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