Message of the archangel Michael: This is the era of Consciousness and Awakening

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 The awakening of Souls begins 2 The Masters have to look for the highest and most harmonious energetic frequencies to reach their superior truth 3 Remember that it is human emotions that govern every aspect of life 4 The Masters seek their truth superior to experience it in the best way they can

Dear earthly brothers, this time the Archangel Michael speaks to you, to point out and let you know that at the beginning, you were all part of the Holy Innocents, which means that you were a resplendent spark that emanated directly from the Supreme Creator.

At the moment when it was your turn to awaken and manifest, suddenly you could appreciate his divinity as a fraction of all that you really are, then, an amazing perception about the conscious and individual Presence of his "I Am" was presented to you, as a completely personal aspect of the Great Creator.

The awakening of Souls begins

Said awakening of Souls, continued to take place in all levels of existence that exist in all the dimensions that are part of Creation, and currently, it continues to happen at the moments when the High Beings of Light are present in order to create galaxies, solar systems and new planets, in addition to infinite worlds.

The number of fields of consciousness energies that you can access, continues to grow as they progress in their earthly evolution to their maximum divine state, since the information they receive consists of the Waking Seed Seed. In the same way as the cosmic treasure, we can say that the Light of the Creator flows equally to the Builders of Forms and the Elohim, who use that light in order to align with you to send you energies of the 4th and 5th dimensions.

The extraordinary and persevering angels of the Kingdom of the Devas, are focused on the creation of forms following the guidance offered not only by the Elohim, but also by their immense assembly for the Builders of Forms. You must understand that all of you have been unconsciously in the need to follow what could be called an apprenticeship, under the guidance of these Master Builders, in order to acquire the skill that is required not only to shape, but also to Create numerous body elements.

These angels are characterized by possessing the Sacred Cosmic Fire, so they could be referred to as "Beings of the Sacred Fire", which act on the basis of the Plan of Ethereal Existence, which is why they are known to be the radiant vectors "Metatronic" substance that is found within your world, and constantly radiates through the central heart of God the Father / Mother.

The Masters have to look for the highest and most harmonious energy frequencies to reach their higher truth.

Because the highest angels of Devic are those who are responsible for overseeing the oceans, mountains, forests and lakes, the smallest elementals have the task of irradiate the vital substance so that the flowers, trees and each small blade of grass develop correctly, becoming extraordinary deposited beings of the divine essence; and it is that by virtue of the work done by the Elohim, these angels send the energetic cosmic flows of the Life Force towards each of the elements that are part of the great creation n who is not honored with a Soul or with the consciousness of the I am

That is why it can be said that there is a flash of the Supreme Essence of the Creative Source in each of the things that inhabit the Universe, from the smallest to the largest.

It is necessary, beloved beings of light, that you free yourself from all those old, outdated and limiting frequencies of fear that exist in you and replace them with an adequate level of Divine Consciousness ; know that the universal laws will be supporting you along the path they must travel to reach Enlightenment.

Similarly, you must be aware and understand that evolution consists of a gradual process and it is not possible to rush it in any way, however, it is the ego that frequently wishes to obtain more information, especially revelations and dramatic news, in many cases, even without wishing to actually access or use such information.

However, because humanity and the Earth are going through critical moments of transformation and accelerated changes, they have been granted a divine exemption in order that somehow, the conditions can be relaxed while, both laws more Advanced in the process of universal dissemination, such as cosmic wisdom, is accelerated with the purpose of providing support to humanity during its path to Ascension.

The conscience of each one of you will be able to expand progressively, to allow all of humanity, the planet Earth, the solar system and the galaxy, and even the universe to which they belong to be included in the Ascension of the Earth. At that time, their main concern will cease to be the small or big ego they possess, since their ultimate purpose will be to become galactic citizens and ultimately become Universal Light.

Remember that it is human emotions that govern every aspect of life

Understand that the expansion of consciousness, results in giving human beings the ability to connect with much higher information and consequently more complex, which allows them to be able to integrate more and more qualities, virtues and talents which are bestowed upon humanity directly by God the Father / Mother. Both in the 2nd and 3rd dimensions, it is human emotions that govern every aspect of life, however, at the highest levels of the 4th and 5th dimensions, they are the mental abilities that living beings naturally possess, the that dominate life at the same time that they are extremely shining due to the presence and purity of the Higher Self, the Sacred Spirit and the Sacred Heart .

Beloved souls, we invite you not only to read this profound information that we grant you, but you must also study and memorize it, since each of the words of wisdom that we offer you in this celestial message, consist of decisive elements that you can use when perfecting your dominion over the Self, as in the moment in which you are called to share with other beings that wisdom that they have obtained so arduously.

The Masters seek their superior truth to experience it in the best way they can

Teachers learn to observe not only the world, but also their vast drama through a higher perspective, which is why time becomes a malleable element, moving outside the linearity of time in the direction of spiral vibratory waves that belong to higher dimensions. In the same way, the Masters are governed by certain norms, such as knowing when to speak and when to remain silent, having the ability to manipulate the energies in order to offer greater benefit and measure the words they use.

In each of these aspects, the Masters have to look for the highest and most harmonious energy frequencies to reach their superior truth and experience it in its fullest. Dear creatures, be Masters in every aspect of your lives, since there is an urgent need for you to become true Servants of the World and Bearers of Light.

It is I, the Archangel Michael, I cover you with Love and an auric field of protection, because I am the guardian of each one of you, besides the faithful companion that will be at your side forever.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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