Message from Master Hilarion: "No path is the same, no path is crossed twice." By Fernanda Abundes

  • 2016

In your welcome ...

Sitting in the same chair he saw the same things and the same shoes, those who had already walked enough. There were many steps I remembered and others I would have never wanted to step on; many ideas which I would like to pass by without turning to see them and many others which I would also love to become an eternity. Always the same, a remorse that suddenly existed when he did things wrong or what he thought was wrong; but also the fascination of knowing what he had done well. I was more convinced of the things I had done well when someone smiled at something I had done and was quite desolate when no one had recognized something I had executed; It was when he often thought that was wrong. Something had been missing in the dedication to show it, since no one had seen it and much less valued. Then I started walking as usual; the same lights; the same way; the same rocks and at that moment I began to think: “if life itself is the constant walk within the same, what is new in learning ?, where was the routine and the magic of the routine when it is already routine ?, It can exist?.

He kept walking and saw and saw that he always did the same to stop, walk, continue and return. Return to the same place and have walked the same path. Until suddenly I understood what the Great Sage had said: "no path is the same, no path is crossed twice" ; but I always thought I was always on the same path; but the Great Sage wrote and that Great Teacher who always talked in his notes left: “no path can be crossed twice, no step can be taken the same, since you are not the same, since your consciousness changes second to second. You cannot go through being the same, the same path; even when you think the same thing exists, that same one is no longer you. ”

I considered myself the same person, there was no magic in the routine, I didn't find something different; but it was true that he was not the same. Many times I was much more tired than before and that is true, suddenly, to swim the same way is tedious, impractical and at the same time tired; but we are not the same, we become more tired; but we also become excited that there may be a new horizon within the same path.

Of course, everyone can give the necessary perspective to their concerns in whatever way they wish; Still walking the same way. Everything is so practical and simple in the way that the magic of the steps can walk and step by step they can discover it. When you take a step with tenacity, then perhaps, you can take a step with some fear, it is the identical nature of a human being.

Identical nature of a human being, is that which occurs with all the same of its kind, all have a bit of tenacity in something that at the same time causes them somewhat uncertainty. It is common in the step-by-step of life to understand that it may surprise you in different ways; but in the end the same path has still elapsed, you can search for the necessary horizon and step by step you can discover it.

There will always be an internal force within us that wants to lead us to a negative aspect of ourselves, often removing the worst elements of what exists in us; because everyone has it, they all have those dark ghosts that suddenly inhabit their mind that makes them want to give up; which makes them want to reach a point where there can be no going back; which brings them to foolishness, to individualism to the foolishness to continue in the same; yes, in a routine that has no magic, it has a bit of evil; but it is also human nature to have that part of goodness that illuminates everything that has suddenly become opaque.

When the roads are not well marked and continue crossing the same horizon without reaching a specific point, those ghosts come out that make them get the worst out of the mind: disappointment, despair, restlessness, defeat; but that, in the end, will be what I show most of you in the strength of accomplishment. And everything that they have from the other side, to illuminate what is not necessary, will be what can come out ahead to get what they really need: the step of tenacity on that path that begins to have magic.

All those ghosts that everyone has and that suddenly seem to be necessary to be able to get the true virtues of beings, will be the real needs to be able to go through what they need now, that path that has become somewhat tedious; but that needs to be marked with the steps of tenacity of the one who was constant.

Constancy makes beings excellent, since they always reach a point where they want to look for something they need to find, they need to grow, they need to value and they need to be yourselves. Step by step you can find out; While you take a wobbly step, take one for sure. While suddenly there is the passage of fear, give one where you can be yourself, those who want to achieve.

In the magic of things lies the virtue of beings; In the magic of the times lies the wisdom of beings. They cannot blame while taking great beings, they cannot blame life that takes great steps. Time can be the magician of reality or it can be the villain of sadness; but time, more than being for or against, for or against the steps that are marked along the way, is something that accompanies and that you can modify. The steps will be as stubborn as you want to take them, step by step you can discover.

There are great lives to work, there are great lives and stories to mark, there are great situations and stories to write; but there is a great being to discover and those are you, where step by step you can value.

And step by step I am living the same, but it is no longer the same being. That same being tired realized that everything I thought was the same was not the same, I was no longer the same.

Second to second you change and even if it is the same path, no one can bathe twice in the same river; No one can cross the same path twice, only once and only once. Only once you live, not because there are not thousands of lives, but because only once in the second of life can they grow, the next second they will have grown, therefore, they are not themselves, they are better beings, they are beings that are fighting against their own evil ghosts. That evil that you need to get ahead of yourself to be heroes of your own fears; they are necessary to face oneself, the constant struggle that exists within the possible, intangible and what they really need to grow.

Step by step you can find out, step by step you have to exist; life is not lived soon, life is not lived fast, life is only lived in the second they want to live ; It can be as eternal as existing or as ephemeral as to be able to open and close your eyes again.

Step by step I discover that the Great Sage and Master was right, even if you consider that the road is too late, it is not the same sage that crosses that place; because where you are going to arrive will be a much better place, than yesterday's wise man would step on.

In the welcome with you ... Hilarion

Message channeled by Fernanda Abundes (December 2016. Puebla Mexico) ( )

Published by Geny Castell, editor of the great family of the

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