Message of the Archangel Gabriel: Living aligned and co-creating our reality

  • 2014

If they took a container full of fresh and fertile soil and placed it outside, and left it there completely unattended for months, and then returned to see how it is, it would have a variety of wild herbs growing in it. They probably would not be totally happy with the results of what would have grown in their container because they left it unattended indefinitely.

But let's suppose they planted a variety of seeds on purpose that will produce their favorite flowers. They took care of his pot making sure he had the water and the sun he needed. An herb may grow, but as you know what you have planted, you are excitedly waiting for the plants to begin to grow and bloom.

Sometimes the pot needs attention; other times you may not need anything more than time to allow your seeds to expand and grow. You know that growth happens 'behind the scenes' (underground) before it bursts into your physical consciousness, so you patiently allow things to flow as it is divinely perfect . They know that they have done everything they could do on their part and are allowing the Source to do their part as well.

This is an excellent example of co-creation. They set their clear intention, plant the seeds and through their efforts together with the support of the sun and the elements will obtain a much more satisfactory result that will match their desires. They see him? A clear and consistent intention along with its effort allows the Universe to respond in a clear and consistent manner.

It is simply up to you to decide what you want to grow and experience. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 10, 2014 via Shelley Youn g

My Dear Ones:

You do not fear change, you fear unconscious creation. Become aware of your thoughts, expectations and belief systems. By being more aware, more focused, and embracing your ability to co-create, you can begin to find change with certainty, joy and delight! In simple words, when they know what they have asked for, they can enthusiastically anticipate delivery. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 9, 2014 via Shelley Young

My Dear Ones:

They are not being judged or qualified for their performance as human beings. It is not being done now, nor ever. In fact, the only thing we hold for you is incredible love, support and wonder for everything you do! We never put pressure on our part, never! We honor their free will in their choices and we delight in seeing them get to know themselves better with each of their discoveries choices. Thus. Don't be so hard on yourself! Celebrate your innate goodness! See yourself as the amazing beings that you really are, as you continue to grow and express yourself, for the sheer pleasure of being you. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 8, 2014 via Shelley Young

My Dear Ones:

You cannot experience yourself as part of the Divinity if you do not truly accept who you really are . How can they be seen as a piece of the Source if they are constantly admonishing themselves with their negative speech? Once they embrace their truth, their existence, and begin to treat themselves accordingly, their entire world will change in such a glorious way that it will be impressive to contemplate. There is nothing to gain by staying small, see? By doing that you become your own oppressor! Claim your Divinity once and for all and everything will fall into place from there. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 7, 2014 via Shelley Young

What do you find fun? What gives them joy? What elevates your spirit? Sadly, by the time many humans mature, they leave the fun behind and replace it with a lot of responsibilities and duties . Nourishing themselves with activities that give them joy, which they consider satisfying and pleasurable, is so necessary for their expression of life! These activities are what bring them balance, those that connect them with the Source, nourish their inner child and help them to become fully present appreciating the Now. If you no longer know what gives you joy, make him find his sacred mission again! This is never something frivolous; It is an aspect of your being's needs, just as you need water and food. It is the sustenance for his being. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 6, 2014 via Shelley Young

One of the greatest ways to ensure your own personal comfort is to live in alignment with who you really are. Your choices, your passions, your integrity, your truth, your path, your beliefs, all are highly personal expressions of the self . Trying to deny any of those aspects will only lead to your own discomfort. The more permission you give yourself to be the expert of yourselves and express your unique existence clearly, the faster the Universe will respond with all the things that fit perfectly with you, which creates comfort, ease, enthusiasm and the joy that you seek in your expression of life As always, it all starts with you, really being you. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 5, 2014 via Shelley Young

As they proceed in their enlightenment process, they will develop the Art of BEING. That Art of BEING is embracing the moment of Now. It is to maintain a calm and peaceful balance. It is to accept, not only the way things or people could present themselves at that moment, but also their own master's degree and their perfection at that time. It is being totally present and aware, and living beyond the need to have a distraction. It is to personify their truth and put into practice what they know from their authentic power. It is a living being seated, focused and connected from its Divinity, alignment, and love. ~ Arc ngel Gabriel

Arc ngel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 4, 2014 via Shelley Young

Imagine that you have been digging for diamonds in a long abandoned mine. You know deep in your heart that diamonds are there, but you are not sure how much it will take to move all those debris that is between you and the diamonds. They feel hot when they are digging for diamonds, and sometimes they are cold. They get tired when they climb and on other occasions they feel very energetic. Digging for diamonds sometimes leaves them very hungry! They find other wonderful beings along the way who are also digging for diamonds in their own mines. Some give up, others need a break, others complain all the time, but you continue because that is your mission from which you cannot simply walk away.

And suddenly the excavation begins to give results! You can see how far they have come. They begin to find small diamonds and know they are very close. And finally, after a monumental push, they find the cavern that is full of all the glory shining from the one they have dreamed of, and more. And they know that all the effort has been worth it and they forget all the discomfort, and they simply celebrate and marvel at everything they have achieved.

Do you see it? Your ascension is the same ! All work will be a fading memory once you are fully embracing the glory of the chamber of the center of your heart! His life will be so rich, so full, that they would do it all again in an instant because their arrival is so worth it. In addition, you and all others who have found along the way will be demonstrating how anyone can find their own way to their own internal riches. You will all come to finally understand that all the blessings and abundance that you may need have never been right within you all the time. ~ Arc ngel Gabriel

Alexander Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 3, 2014 via Shelley Young

What if they focused their life as if it were a treasure hunt? Why not wake up daily and surrender to the flow of magic that exists for you? Then, with enthusiasm, anticipation and new eyes, commit to celebrating the beauty and wonder that abounds all around you! Their focus and expectation paves the way of their day with intention, while their delivery and flow allows the Universe to spray them with surprises that will delight them and bring them joy. That is the secret of people who live deeply satisfying lives - they embrace all the wonderful things, and that is exactly what they get. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 2, 2014 via Shelley Young

If they had a conversation with their cells and asked what they need, the answer would be love. Love provides healing and sustenance, rejuvenation, light and energetic clarity - all those things that you require for total health and well-being. More than that, sending love to each and every cell in your body is an act of total and complete love for themselves. And while we are here, why not send love to the glory that is your being too? They see him? To do so is to turn your body into a temple of love that can only anchor, emanate and attract even more love to it. This is what creates the luminosity of the Luminous Human Beings and the Masters who were before you - the radiant radiance of incarnate love. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ August 1, 2014 via Shelley Young

The Universe is patiently waiting for your feedback on what they would most like to have. How do you give that information? Through gratitude and appreciation! How are you blessed today? What would you like to create? Imagine that it is already so. And show gratitude for that too, since they are in those!

Gratitude is, in simple terms, to appreciate and give thanks for all they love. In a sense, it is using love as a means of manifestation! It is to communicate clearly through your focus on language that the Universe understands what you want to continue and create, and what you absolutely appreciate. It is the way to co-create the life of your dreams. ~ Archangel Gabriel


Translated by Gloria Mühlebach

Message of the Archangel Gabriel: Living aligned and co-creating our reality

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