Merlin Message: Goodbye to what was

  • 2014

Pray for the many people who are going to leave this world soon and the many people who are learning to let their old self go, which is like a death as well.

Death does not have to be sadness when there is so much to learn and grow from it. By leaving your physical body, you advance to a new life, with a new hope and new experiences to discover, and for growth to help guide the way. As you let go of the old ways and clear yourself of the old ways of thinking and belief systems that are no longer providing you with the essential stimulation required to continue moving forward, you allow yourself to be reborn. to a being, to a person who is adopting new and fresher ways of being. You let go of the fears that were holding you back. They release to God, their loving Creator, all the anxieties that they have been carrying, and they embrace with open arms, open hearts and open minds all the new and wonderful experiences that are waiting for them.

Each of you is full of a great magical purpose, regardless of the tradition or beliefs that follow; it is more than appreciating the magic that is inside, they only have to see beyond all the deceptions and recognize their own truth and how wonderful it is the truth. The life that you have had, what you are leaving behind no matter if you are leaving your physical incarnation or letting go of the old ways provides you with ample opportunities, and none is horrible or negative. It is important to let go of the old before you can bring something new. You cannot enter another stream of life or incarnation until you have finished with it. This is not something that needs to be feared; It is a fact of life. Lighten your spiritual and energetic burden, take out and release all ways of being and thinking of low negative energy, and through my energy that I am sharing today, I am going to help you guide you to more efficient and effective ways that are more appropriate for you. Your path to your new I does not have to be lonely, and it is not. There are many wonderful beings with you waiting for you to share your burdens by leaving this world, and even when you are ready to let go of the old belief systems you have many helpers willing to share your burdens. I love you infinitely, and God loves you deeply.

As you continue to move forward in your life path that is full of so many wonderfully rich spiritual experiences, remember to let go, regenerate through the love you give yourself first because you cannot love any other person without loving yourself. This is not selfish my dear. It only hurts if you take care of yourself at last because if you wait until everyone else has been taken care of, all you will find is that you are too tired to heal yourself.

Receive each situation with love; It is not as difficult as they think and the more they practice this new way of receiving unexpected challenges, the easier and more natural this process will become. Feel the blessings that have been given to each of you. Know, my dear ones, it has been a divine pleasure to come through and share with all of you.
The Brightest Blessings to One and All

I AM Merlin via Julie Miller

Source :

Translated by Gloria Mühlebach

Merlin Message: Goodbye to what was

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