Message from Maria Magdalena

  • 2010

Many of you have known me

in my incarnate presence

as Maria Magdalena

and this is a great reunion,

A great Critical reunion for many of those who are here.

I came here today,

in this principle

and at this beginning of each one,

because it will be a before and after,

because through this

it will be a principle of greater Light,

it will be benevolent,

It will be of Equality.

You are here

to know what the truth is

and this is Create Love

and feel that love,

Feel the Christ Consciousness shine within your being,

Do not get dizzy or not looking at your earth time,

look for the part of you

that is connected to God,

because you are a little piece of God,

Because you are love

Do not resist the changes that are to come,

enjoy them.

Today you will begin a great change,

a great change of consciousness,

a great change in Eternal Love,

because love is god

and why today

have you wanted to change

to be a little more El.

You have the Divine Holy Spark within you

and never forget

you are a great being of Light,

recognize yourself and expand Light to the Universe.

How to do it?

Just feel love

and let it vibrate,

this one comes and goes like a big dove

that brings with its wings

Eternal Happiness, Perfect health,

the great Divine Joy.

Just think and feel

that you are love

and in doing so, you will activate God within your being.

Do not forget….

today you start a Sacred Way,

today you have in your hands

beautiful gifts from God,

He knows how to use them for Love and for good.

Maria Magdalena

Original message channeled by Cristina Di Martino

Message received on 1/8/2010 on the 1st Step of Light Symbols

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