Message from the Hathors for the planet ~ The Sphere of All Possibilities

  • 2012

A message for the planet of the Hathors through Tom Kenyon


In this message we will try to share with you a method to manifest results in your 3rd dimension reality, as well as in other dimensions of your being. This method is based on a fundamental understanding of the geometry and nature of consciousness. There are many geometries available to be used as vehicles for manifestation. We want to share one of the simplest and, ironically, most effective.

The first thing to understand about the manifestation is that for every action there is a contrary action. This is due to the nature of duality until you reach the higher dimensions of consciousness, in which duality no longer exists. Since this method is to manifest new realities in your 3rd dimension life, duality is a factor.

Another important aspect to understand is the exhortation not to cause harm. This principle is to protect you from negative consequences, and the easiest way to say this is that your creations should not harm yourself or others.

Due to the nature of this material, we will be giving the information in three parts. The first part deals with the geometry of manifestation.

The second will deal with the non-dual states of consciousness and how to communicate with these higher realms of your being. These two parts of the information will be completed by October 1 of this year. This is in preparation for a World Sound Meditation that will take place on Sunday, November 4, during a Hathors Intensive entitled The Art of Sowing New Realities.

The third part of this information involves the union of non-dual states of consciousness with the mastery of creating results in time and space. This unifying body of knowledge will be taught before December 1 of this year.

You are collectively and individually at a cosmic crossroads. The alignment of December 21 announces a transition to a new vibratory reality. For the record, we don't believe the world will end on this date. However, the world, as they have known it, is changing.

The information we are giving you here in this message is intended to help you in the manifestation of new realities for yourself and for humanity. This method greatly accelerates the process of manifestation, and since time, as you perceive it, is accelerating, we believe that a method that works quickly will be of great benefit.

The method

In this method you use one of your chakras as a focal point to direct your intention. In fact, from the point of view of manifestation, the secret lies in the union of intention, consciousness and energy.

Generally speaking, most people will find the greatest results of using the solar plexus, which is associated with personal will and power, as the focal point for energy.

We also encourage you to experiment with the other chakras, including the heart, throat, third eye and crown. Most people find that manifesting new realities from the crown chakra is inherently paradoxical, since in this place consciousness sees all phenomena as illusion and there is a tendency to transcend all phenomena; therefore, there is no inherent desire to create anything when operating from that chakra.

For our purpose, which is to manifest results in your 3rd dimension reality, most people will find that the solar plexus is the most effective.

With your consciousness in the solar plexus - which is located behind the mouth of the stomach - imagine a sphere, or a ball, the size of the universe around them, whose center is your solar plexus. When you imagine this sphere, this ball, realize that there is an infinite number of points on the surface of the sphere and that you are activating what we call the Sphere of All Possibilities.

The difficulty in manifesting new realities is the human tendency to believe that current reality is all there is. There is a tendency to "block" perception and follow the path that has been traced by you through your own perception and the conditioning of external forces. By imagining a sphere of infinite possibilities, you create an opening, if you wish, in the egg of your perception. New possibilities and new realities become possible.

The next step is to imagine themselves in the future, living in the reality they have chosen. If they choose to manifest an object or a situation, they imagine themselves in the future having this object or this situation. If it is a quality or ability in yourself that you are wishing to manifest, imagine yourself possessing this quality or ability in the future.

Place this imaginary Future Self in front of you at a distance that you feel comfortable with. Most people will find that this area, this distance, is ten to thirty feet (3 to 9 meters), but how near or far they place this Future Self is irrelevant. Place it in an area that feels comfortable for you.

Then, imagine a straight line that goes from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of this Future Self. While they maintain this alignment from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self, they invoke the Sphere of Infinite Possibilities to energize your intention through silent intention.

By silent intention we mean a movement of your will. It is not necessary to say anything out loud, even silently. There is no need for words. This is not a statement.

It is the movement of your personal will that causes the cosmic forces to align with your intention.

It comes from the knowledge and expectation that all possibilities are at your disposal by the very nature of your consciousness.

Therefore, when you feel your Future Self in front of you and are aware of the line that goes from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self, you simply move your will. By moving your will we are not implying that she is going somewhere. She is like a stationary generator that begins to spin, attracting energy from the surface of the Sphere. This silent movement of your will does not need words. It is simply both an intention and an expectation that the Sphere of All Possibilities sends you these lines of energy, these new possibilities, by the simple act of aligning themselves with your Future Self (the one who is living the reality manifests that you wish to create).

In doing so, many points of light along the surface of the Sphere will emanate energies that will align with your intention, and there will be lines of force between these points of light on the surface of the Sphere and your solar plexus. There may be tens or thousands of lines from the surface of the Sphere to your solar plexus. The increase in energy will then flow along the line that you have created up to your Future Self.

This will energize the new reality. This Future Self then becomes what we call a magnetic tractor . By continuing to work with this every day, you increase the magnetic attraction of your Future Self. The result of this is multidimensional. First, they begin to create new neurological networks in your brain that will allow them to manifest this new reality through your nervous system. This magnetic attractor will also increase providentiality, attracting people, situations and unexpected opportunities that will accelerate the manifestation of this reality.

Amplification of the Magnetic Attractor or Future I

You can accelerate and amplify the manifestation of this new reality in your life if you add the element of gratitude to your action to manifest. By this we mean that you add the feeling of gratitude for future reality when you feel the flow of energy from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self. When they experience themselves in the future, living this reality (which they are creating), they experience gratitude for having that in your life. The addition of gratitude in the creation matrix is ​​a powerful amplifier for your intention.

The theme of gratitude and the act of creation is very rich, and it is something we hope to explore in the future, but it is too complex to study in depth here.

Suffice it to say that in terms of human consciousness the two most powerful catalysts for the impression of neurological realities and the creation of new external realities are either through Of fear or love. Within your human collective, fear has been and continues to be used as a means to control and direct present and future results. Love, or in this case gratitude, is also a powerful means to create external realities. This duality, as expressed in your collective history, is certainly a territory worth exploring.

We wish now to turn our attention to an advanced phase of the method. If you cannot use the advanced technique, do not worry about it. The basic method is a very fast way to create results. It is implemented that advanced technique accelerates this process even more.

If they work with the basic technique long enough, they will obtain the expertise required to use the advanced technique.

There is one last phase that we want to bring to your attention before talking about the advanced technique. This essential phase is required for both basic and advanced techniques. It's simple, but simplicity often eludes humans.

You must do something in the field in which you wish to manifest. They fear to take an action. If it is something in your 3rd dimension life that you want to change, then, after you have worked with the method, you do something - take an action in your life that is aligned with the result you want to create. Maybe that means getting information about what they want, or maybe it's really changing the way things do in your life to align with the reality they want to create.

If it is something in another area of ​​consciousness, then you must take action in that area. We will address how to do this in some future message, but not now. The fundamental truth is that to create a new reality in any field of consciousness or existence you must take action in that area.

The Advanced Technique

After they have energized your Future Self, as described above, they change your own identity from your current self to your Future Self. This means that you move your consciousness, or a part of your consciousness to be more exact, from your physical body to the body of your Future Self. They are now experiencing the incarnation in your future reality. When they feel fully embodying this reality, they look back at your physical body from the point of view of the future. When performing this task you will feel a swing or vibration, since the two realities converge. It is as if the energy waves of your Future Self, with which you are now identified, collide with the waves of your current self, with which you are not identified at this time.

The energy point where the waves of the future collide with the waves of your present creates a null point (or more exactly a "null region"), and it is through this null point (this null region) that your present reality can change rapidly to your future reality. For all intents and purposes, timelines will have skipped.

We strongly suggest that you read a message we have previously given, called The Art of Jumping Timelines, to create a greater context for advanced technique. While this method can be used for personal desires, we are sharing it with the hope that they will use it during the World Meditation of November 4, 2012 to sow new and benevolent realities for humanity.

Preparatory instructions for those wishing to participate in the World Meditation - from wherever they may be physically located on the first Sunday of November 2012 - will be published by October 1.

You are the sowers of the seeds of the new realities, whether you like it or not, whether you are aware of it or not. Our intention in sharing this information is to increase the probability of a benevolent future for humanity. For those of you who decide to join us in the World Meditation, either in person at the workshop in Seattle, or at a distance, we ask you to experiment with this method before the event. Choose something in your life that you want to change. Use the method every day.

Once a day is all that is required. Try it See how it works. Understand from direct experience how effective this method is. Having mastered this method, they can then advance in service to humanity. We call on those of you disciplined enough to advance to this level of expertise.

The Hathors

August 19, 2012

© 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved.

You can copy and distribute this message in any media you want as long as you do not alter anything in any way, do not charge for it, give credit to the author and include this copyright notice and the website address.

Original title: The Sphere of All Possibilities

Translation and publication: ~ OjS ~

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