Meditations with the Holy Spirit, by María Sedano

The fire of the Holy Spirit is the divine energy capable of burning and dissolving the dark and undesirable energies that penetrate and surround us as if it were a dark cloud. A meditation exercise specially designed to achieve this purification will be explained below.

Get in the position of meditation (sitting, sitting or standing and preferably with the palms touching each other and at chest height, or simply resting on the lap) . Imagine that you are sitting inside a great fire that penetrates you and surrounds you everywhere up to approximately the distance your extended hands reach. Now he repeatedly audibly repeats the following statement: "I AM the sacred fire of God transmuting the darkness that is in me in light." While affirming the above, you must feel deeply that the fire is carrying out a purifying action in and around you. Then rest for a few seconds while still feeling and visualizing with your mind the action of fire burning the darkness and impurities of your body and your aura. Once again he repeats several times the affirmation "I AM the sacred fire of God transmuting the darkness that is in me, in light", and rests. Repeat it one more time and rest, and so on until you truly feel the purifying action of the fire of the Holy Spirit within you.

Remember that when by an act of free will you invoke the fire of the Holy Spirit, it burns and consumes the dark and undesirable energies accumulated in and around you. The exercise that I have explained to you is designed to dissolve these impurities, thus preventing them from manifesting in our life and in our affairs.


Get into a meditation position, as indicated in the previous exercise. Imagine that you are sitting in the center of a beautiful sphere of shining divine light. While you are sitting there, penetrated and surrounded by the light of God, repeat aloud and with all your heart:

“I AM light, hot light, radiant light, eternal divine light. I AM the infinite presence of the light of God manifesting in and through me. God consumes my impurities, transmuting them into light.

I AM a powerful focus of the light of God. I AM a crystalline river through which the infinite presence of the light of God flows. I AM the highest frequency of God's light manifesting in and through me.

I AM an advanced of the divine. The impurities within me are consumed forever by the powerful action of the infinite light of God that I AM.

I AM, I AM, I AM Light. I live in the light. I AM the maximum dimension of light. I AM the purest intention of light. I AM light. I AM light. I AM light flooding the world wherever I go, blessing it, strengthening it, communicating the purpose of the kingdom of heaven. ”
While making the above statements and for some time afterwards, visualize yourself inside a large white fire core, the great white fire core of being. Then, beaming, grateful and happy, get out of the exercise.


Sit in meditation position. Feel and imagine an equilateral triangle of light of 30 cms. long, located above and outside your head with its cusp pointing to the sky. Imagine in turn another equilateral triangle of light of 30 cms. long, located at the base of the trunk (perineum), but inverted; that is, with its cusp pointing towards the center of the earth.

Now, feel and imagine that the triangle located at the base of the trunk slowly ascends to the heart. Subsequently, feel and imagine that the triangle located above and outside the head descends to the heart, forming with the other triangle a six-pointed star of light or star of David.

Then remain for a few minutes feeling and imagining this six-pointed shining star of light located in the center of the heart, as if it were a powerful lamp of light that illuminates your body and your aura transmuting any darkness that is there, in light.


Sit in meditation position. Feel and imagine a beautiful and glowing flame of white and transparent light like the crystal that rises from the base of the trunk (perineum) to the crown, while repeating aloud or mentally the following statement:

"I AM the resurrection and the life of the sacred fire of the divine Mother within me."

Repeat the above statement and feel the energy of the Mother ascending throughout your body, for a few minutes, in a state of joy and exaltation.

With time and practice you can repeat the statement at a faster rate. This exercise is intended for the gradual and progressive elevation of the fire or energy of the Mother along the spine.

With practice, the sacred fire will finally achieve tremendous elevation. However, the exercise should only be done for a few minutes a day, or for the period of time in which you feel comfortable, at ease, exalted, happy and peaceful. The gradual elevation of fire does not represent any danger to health. However, if the energy rises too strongly and causes you any type of discomfort (headache, anger, extreme heat, desire for vomiting), you should suspend the exercise for a few days and then resume it gradually.

As the Mother's energy rises through your body toward the crown, it not only unlocks the nerve plexuses and revitalizes the entire body, but gradually ascends beyond the body to the spiritual center located above and outside the head. With this, gradually, you are preparing for your own ascension.

Because the fire of the Holy Spirit or Mother's energy is, in reality, the flame of the resurrection that gradually leads you back to your spirit, you must always maintain a loving, grateful and reverent attitude before her. This feeling of love, gratitude and reverence in our hearts could be expressed in the following prayer:

"Come, Blessed Mother, come to free me forever from the illusion of the senses, from the illusion of time and space." This is the prayer and prayer of all the nobles of light who fervently desire that the great divine flame be manifested in and through them.

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