Mark - When Secrets Are Revealed - Our Role in Accelerating Consciousness

  • 2016


Generally the development of the Earth is unpredictable; however, the first of the elements of this rapid development will be an opening of secrets, of mysteries; and the revelation of what has been hidden; That will happen at all levels. It will happen on the personal level, where you will begin to look inside all the things that have been secret and have been conveniently hidden. We have already said that for these secrets to be revealed, you must take them with neutrality. When there is prosecution, there will always be secrets because judgment leads to fear and drama ; and only neutral self-acceptance allows you to accept anything that is revealed. Apart from that you can decide to dig; dig in terms of your Internet search, dig in terms of your self-reflection. It is very important that those things that have been denied and detached from you be reinstated. Many people watch television and ask, "How can these people of ISIS (Islamic State) cut off the heads of others?" Anyone who acts of terror or acts in a terrifying way is simply acting from the unlinked site of all of us. It is important that you look to see where there is still violence in you; where there is something that to some extent is detached from you and that has been denied.

The torrent of secrets revealed will lead to the loss of trust in some of your institutions and your activities that depend on trust. Your dollar is simply a currency that circulates from trust. There will be a disturbance of things that depend on trust until you discover that trust is a quality that you have and that allows you to trust. Trust is not a quality of a thing that makes you trust . You can say: "I don't trust them"; You have assigned them the characteristic of not being trustworthy. When you trust, you become fiduciary (we will use the word in this regard); You create trust around you. This is a difficult concept because you disassociated yourself from trustworthiness and assigned it to the other.

When things are false, they fall apart; that leaves you wondering what is real; when you wonder what is real, you will find the truth; you will find Love; You will discover that human nature is generous. When Human nature is frightened, it acts as you have seen: With violence or competitiveness. But when Human nature is not stressed, it is loving and generous . Again you will be called by those essential elements of yourself in your dealings with others and in what you see in the World.

Your task is to keep trust, kindness, kindness and generosity so strong that you are the focal point and center of what revolves around you. You become a stabilizing force of emotional dramas that seek drama for itself. There are times when someone you love enters into an emotional drama; He is not really looking for stability, he is looking to express his drama and his emotions. If you manage to be a stabilizing force in the life of your Beloved Ones, in your own life, in that microcosm; You help the Galaxy: As above it is below, as below it is above. So whatever you dislike in the World, forgive her and accept her. In the end the changes of the World will reach stability and a platform of truly superior will be constituted. The helpers are many; you are some of the Divine helpers , you are not simply victims in difficult times, you are helpers.

Love Always Persevere

Always remember that Love always perseveres. Always! And that you are Love. Nothing that seems not to be of Love can persevere. We do not see rebellions, we do not see times for you to fear for your safety. We simply see institutions that perhaps have already decided that they are not reliable, that have proven unreliable. There will be no surprises, there will be things that your intuition has always said would come to the Light of the day.

In consciousness, it is that polarity polarizes more; and that catapults you to the next level of non-polarization or non-duality. When you see polarization, you do not twist your hands saying: Ah, this is proof that we are going astray . In this extreme polarization there is the sensation of breaking the rubber band; and that when it breaks, there is an automatic and irrevocable movement towards a higher level of unity of consciousness. People will say: Ah, but you say that consciousness is in a better place than ever before. Why do we see so much polarity? Exactly, you must first see the polarity so as not to deny it, the denial will never take us to the next level. So observe polarity without judging it; And know that you can get more extreme in different ways: Polarity of political parties, polarity of us and them, polarity of rich and poor. However, that is a path to unity of consciousness.

When you think about world events, just remember that they are not telling you or showing you everything; the world events that you see have been filtered so many times, that when looking at any world event it is important that you go to your heart and ask: Is that right? ; what is reported is a mere shadow of the truth. So first come into your truth to understand how world events are; and keep moving personally towards that field that you will experience whenever you are in your most sacred place; Because that is the truth.

Humans believe that you are under the influence of world events ; This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: Banks go bankrupt, the Euro collapses However, metaphorically speaking, when you hold these higher states of consciousness, world events really are a effect of higher states of consciousness. Currently, inner states of consciousness are presenting polarized. When you spend blissful time, in wonderful places without judgments, in your room, in the Temple; You are changing world events. Yes, you can continue to donate money whenever you want, but whatever you do, do it for things and not against things. This includes not being against people and their beliefs when you think of ISIS (Islamic State) and what is happening in Syria. Don't be against Put yourself in favor of your personal holiness . When combatants know personal holiness, they cannot act towards others in a way that is not Sacred. Have your truth and those of everyone else as sacred, regardless of whether or not you agree with those of others, even if their actions are reprehensible. If you consider them sacred as God would, if you are a Christian as Jesus would be, that is the best thing you can do. This attitude changes the consciousness that changes the World. You are powerful because the Light that you carry has a lot of influence, influences a lot of darkness. In a dark room, the light of a simple candle is very bright; Now there are many candles.

Your light

We have often said that consciousness is in a better place than ever before; We are going to tell you why we say it. More of you have questioned your upbringing; and you have found your own path no matter in which religion or in which nation you have lived; there is a greater freedom than ever before for independent thinking that allows you to be what you are; and that allows you to be waking up even in countries that seem repressive. Even if you don't talk to them or if they speak a language you will never speak, you are interconnected. It is as if there was a cosmic Internet or a cosmic Facebook site for all those who are waking up, which communicates to each other on levels that you have not yet deciphered; you are beginning to be awake at those levels, even if you cannot decipher their communication strategies at all. You really feel more connected than ever before with the Cosmos and with your brothers and sisters of this Planet; and that is not because you are older and more mature; It is because there really is an interconnection in the levels in which you are waking up. Those levels are brighter than ever before.

If we look at the consciousness of the Earth from the higher planes , it is brighter. Your auras are brighter. Earth's field is brighter than ever before. When you communicate, this becomes exponential; We repeat: In indecipherable ways there is a lot of agreement. There is a lot of association with other Souls with whom you will never meet; And all this is happening for good. You as a small personality, you cannot direct it, you are not even aware of it; but you do not direct your digestion and yet it does a magnificent job.

Mother Earth

Fix your mess, love the Mother. There is an imbalance between Mother Earth and Human production, which is that much is extracted from Mother Earth and debris and trash are left. You have forgotten to honor Mother Earth as an intelligent Being. They will continue to present extraordinary climatic conditions; There may be sandstorms in places where they have never been experienced. Human suffering will continue, your governments must have policies for displaced Humans.

Mother Earth always finds a way to rebalance, because She is a great and powerful Being, much older than Humanity. It is very useful that you be respectful of everything related to Mother Earth, with your intention and your grace. Everything responds to energy; and respect, not greed, honors Mother Earth; With this energy your rebalancing may be less destructive to Humanity. These times will not be easy, but the changes you are looking for are independent of the weather conditions; independent of war, they are independent of the things that you think are proof that there is not enough Light. Persevere in your path. Keep honoring yourself, keep honoring your Beloved Ones, keep honoring your truth. Light and balance will prevail, but you will not pass from this point without any destruction of the status quo.

We would like to be able to promise you that physicality will respond more quickly to consciousness; We can only promise you that consciousness is doing what it is supposed to do. The Fields of Light and interconnectivity are growing. The Divine is increasingly showing his face; but we cannot promise you that when it finally touches on physicality, it does so without creating disturbances in the things that you have come to believe that they are as they should be.

Everything is in Divine Order ; and your Light will make this order clearer, cleaner, brighter and faster. Your fear will never sustain the visions you have.

Excerpt from Mark's channeled course “The 9th Dimension - Part III, The New World, Class 7 - Inclusivity & Transformation”.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Jonette Crowley


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