María Magdalena: "Follow the light that nourishes you

  • 2010

Maria Magdalena

(Madeleine - 18)

There are many nuclei of love and harmony on Earth.

The surprise will be big, very big ...

for those who sleep and ignore the force of the Light.

There is more awareness than you think, brothers; There's too much light…

The man is sensible; In spite of his conditionings, fears and prudence, he has been looking for his luminosity, many times alone and groping, and he has been finding that inner light that guides and nourishes everything.

At one point, when it is necessary to decide seriously, he will choose the path of coherence and fraternity. When that simple man is needed, he will give you his bread, he will reach out to you, he will build with you.

Remember that current individualism is the comfortable and easy way when there is no united and cohesive, clear and strong group force that advances in opposition to individual interests. But that individualistic being has an intense yearning to share, love and be loved for once.

Notice that precisely because of the intense immediate communication and alternative and unofficial means, humanity is unifying. You are unifying criteria, decisions, feelings, accelerating actions ...

This popular process of union and understanding is the great current phenomenon, little expected by your leaders, the phenomenon that is increasing exponentially the degree of consciousness of each being.

Use the available means, technological and psychic well, with measure, intelligence and efficiency, filter what you should filter, and do not forget that your network is a crude replica of the subtle communication network in which other non-human beings are immersed and We use to create union and harmony. Love uses everything necessary for its revelation.

Maria Magdalena

(Madeleine - 19)

You request practical things. Well, my beloved ones, attend to these simple themes and update them in your souls. When these things are really present and practically more complex and interesting topics will appear.

Search, find and develop a simple and humble purpose. When you get it and integrate it, go developing other purposes, which may be less simple every day.

But start by focusing on the first step and achieve your small purposes.

See if there is a contradiction between what you say, what you think and what you do. Do not perpetuate your self-deception. Undress them and explain the two versions to yourself, not the usual one. Question yourself. Be honest, love yourself and respect yourself. Listen well to your soul.

Promote conciliatory and fraternal attitudes in you, your children and your friends.

Transcend your individualism, stop listening only to you. Soon you will have many things to do in a group. Train yourself in sharing everything in your life. Everything means everything.

Just accept as truth, those things that resonate very deeply in your heart or soul. Only what drives you to breathe and smile. Accept and integrate as your truth what resonates with your own discernment, not intellectual but intuitive or from your innate wisdom.

Spread, isolate yourself and ignore everything that promotes manipulation, speculation and human and planetary exploitation. Do not participate, directly or indirectly. In nothing that adds respect and freedom.

The universe now asks for much impeccability. Because we can all always be much more impeccable ... In the same way, we can be even more honest, more self-disciplined, more efficient, clearer, more consistent ... Act as if you already were. Practice and move on. Do not sleep.

Maria Magdalena

(Madeleine - 20)

Forgive is not forget.

It is even better that you never forget the lessons learned.

When forgiveness appears naturally it is because you have managed to understand, or because you managed to put yourself in the place of the other, and even thank him for what he did, because you learned and ascended.

The one who hurt you was an aggressor, he was even ignorant, but he was also your teacher.

Trust the experiences. They have a meaning.

Ignore the pain. It is misunderstanding.

Grudge, too.

When I lived with my beloved, I could see daily how I practiced forgiveness with hundreds of people who did not approve of their attitudes.

The environment was not easy, nor is it now; You are not in a comfortable time, even if it seems so.

And this is the best time to really practice true forgiveness.

It was precisely the daily practice of my beloved, its constancy and its coherence with forgiveness, with understanding and with love, that touched my soul the most; and what convinced me of his greatness.

It was from his actions that I learned most to love, not from his words.

Being consistent with Love is not easy, but it is possible.

Maria Magdalena

(Madeleine - 21)

Marry yourself.

Commit yourself to yourself, join your being. Be true to yourself ...

Look no further. Be still so that Love finds you.

Love has been looking for you for a long time. If your soul is still, it will find you.

When you are without expectations, you will feel that great strength.

Love and time have a curious and strong bond.

You will see, the beings of light incarnated now as humans, you have limited time.

It is an inherent part of your being: the precious time you have.

That is your human condition.

Outside of the experience on Earth, you are eternal, unlimited, infinite.

But here, embodied in a body, you have that treasure: the partial and limited time to carry out a project, or a journey, or a process, or an apprenticeship, or a master's degree

It is the period you gave yourself to do something concrete.

Time is your ally and at the same time it is your driver and your challenge.

When you spend time with someone, that is the most precious gift you can give.

That time you give to another is unrecoverable, because it is a piece of your life.

That is Love

That simple, give your time, is also the fundamental Christ in all of us.

Mary Magdalene

(Madeleine 22)

I am for you a star being, and you are also for others.

Despite the timelessness of all things, today we are at the top of the metamorphosis of the mother planet.

But also of the metamorphosis of the sun, the father star. Therefore, all of you are in the midst of living the full metamorphosis of the human soul, as the entire universe does.

Today, feel what you should end up in this current process of transformative mutation, feel what it is that you have come to work, putting focus and attention on these topics of yours to really learn, Integrate and ascend.

Time is accelerating for some evolutionary reason, and so are the people who have tuned in with Gaia and the Spirit.

Most of the sentient beings of the spiritual process are already prepared to receive an increase in the radiation of bright and photonic light.

Accelerate this spiritual process of yours for the next few years, for the intensity of the light will be great. Illuminating consciousness is the greatest purpose.

Cover your energy and psychic circuits in silence, peace and certainty.

Get rid of all feelings of self-centeredness and separation.

There is nothing that is separate. You have been indoctrinated for centuries in fear, obedience and rivalry. But things are already different now and more than half of your civilization is mature and ready to be free thinkers.

You are supported by angelic beings, elemental spirits and galactic beings who ultimately know your steps and mutations, and who were, are and will be linked to each of you.

If you sit down to meditate ... you will feel this group soul to which you are attached.

Not only does your process of mutation and ascension accelerate by leaps and bounds, but you have to hurry to tune further to pass this crucial moment on Earth. Do not fall asleep, the time will come to rest; live one hundred percent, prioritize, love and decide with intensity and clarity.

Be naturalistic, refuse to transgenic, hormonal and manipulated food.

Only the natural process is viable. Only in him can you evolve towards light and fullness. Your soul is housed in a body. If you transform the body's natural matter with toxic substances, the soul cannot vibrate at its natural frequency.

Allow the energetic adjustments of the disease, allow the wise natural aging, accept the death; All of these are changes and vibratory adjustments.

Allow them because they are dimensional doors to more beautiful territories.

Begin to be worthy of the new vibratory stage, worthy of the New Earth, and remember that there is only 'security' in the land of the heart.

The most important focus now must be the 'common good' and unconditional love for the divine process of evolution itself.

Beloved ... you are creators of a new civilization, but for that to happen, this new civilization must be worthy of this name.

Bless everything in your path, as I bless you, today and always, whatever you do ...

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Messages received psychographically, between October and November 2009, for immediate dissemination.
Texts by María Magdalena

Induced Marta Povo between October, November and December '09, for immediate humanitarian aid

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