Maestro Serapis Bey: Dispensation of three Egyptian light seals for Ascension, Purification and Interior Peace channeled by Solange Marín

  • 2015

Dear children on this day of eternal blessings I come to you to give you a beautiful gift that will fill your souls in Divine Light.

I am Serapis Bey, The Egyptian, as you know me, I am from the White Ray of purity and ascension and I want to give you a dispensation that will undoubtedly help the host, in its opening energy Ethics and its disposition for the ascent path. For those who request it, the coronary chakra will be opened and balanced to receive a bath of very bright white light and very high vibration that will help them in their inner work.

This dispensation of light will be filled with the Love of the Creator and three sacred seals will be imposed upon them ascent, purification and inner peace. I am not going to show you these stamps, because everyone can see them for themselves when they are incorporated into the astral. Those who have not yet developed this ability to observe with their third eye, will achieve greater openness, proportional to the work they are doing.

My beloved, the light seals, which everyone will soon be able to know, come down from the higher spheres of consciousness by the hands of my Beloved Radiant Aurora (cosmic name of the channel) and as many times, it will be she who delivers this powerful tool to humanity .

For now, he gave them these three Egyptian stamps that they will be able to incorporate in those who receive them, the qualities that I have mentioned. They have 48 hours to request their imposition and later they can ask for their activation when they need to enhance those qualities for some reason.

Beloved, we give you the tools with all the Unconditional Love, I wish that you receive them in your souls and use everything to move forward. No rites or great efforts are needed, just receive these blessings and then ask me to activate them whenever you want. That's it. I bless you in love and light.

Serapis Bey The Egyptian I Am!

Channeling: Solange Marín (Radiant Aurora)


Maestro Serapis Bey: Dispensation of three Egyptian light seals for Ascension, Purification and Interior Peace channeled by Solange Marín

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