Master El Morya: Accessing the Power of the Creator's Universe by Natalie Glasson

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 You are a Reactive Being 2 It is in Your Nature Respond to the Creator in You and around You 3 The Universe Reacts to You 4 The Universe of the Creator is …… 5 Embrace the Universe of the Creator 6 Breathing deeply, enter A state of peace and relaxation.

July 14, 2017

Greetings wise beings of Light of the Earth, I AM the Master El Morya, Chohan and Supervisor of the 1st Ray of Light. Today I manifest to you the Love, the blessings and the support of the Creator Universe so that you absorb them and anchor them in your Being; please accept the Light and allow it to create magnificent transformations in your Being.

You are a Reactive Being

As a Being of Light in a Human body, you are reactive by nature. It is often understood that on Earth it is necessary to dissolve in your Being the negative reactive responses. To do so, it is important to recognize that negative reactive responses can cause chaos in your Being if you do not recognize them and dissolve them quickly. Many people believe that in situations, energies and the people that surround them, it is necessary that they react from neutrality or from a Source of Love; This is ideal because it allows you to open the energy channels to express more to the Creator. However, to reach a situation of reacting naturally from a position of Love, without thinking or focusing your energy, it is necessary that you realize that in your nature it is to react in a loving, creative and beautiful way before the Creator and above all that is the Creator. When you express energy, attract energy and interact with it, a reaction or transformation takes place that helps a synthesis; and thus the Creator's energy is magnified.

It is in Your Nature Respond to the Creator in You and around You

As a Human Being you have energetic patterns and behaviors that influence the way you respond to the Creator in your reality and within. When the patterns are purified and aligned with your Soul and with your desires, you naturally become a Being that reacts lovingly, corresponding and constantly responding to the Creator; you become a mirror of all that is the Creator; and in a Being that is constantly transformed and also magnifies the Creator.

The Universe Reacts to You

The Universe of the Creator is in a constant flow of communication, response and reaction ... The Universe is constantly transforming and expanding ... You and the Creator Universe are the same; you are one with the constant stream of communication; inside your Being you are reacting to the Creator Universe without even realizing it ... The Creator Universe always reacts to the changes of awakening that occur inside your Being. When you recognize your constant connection and interaction with the Creator Universe, you recognize your role in the Creator's Divine Plan; You recognize that you are a valuable aspect of the Creator and that all your reality has a purpose: Co-create with the Creator Universe to express more to the Creator. Your existence on Earth is no longer simply that you have a physical life; although that is very important and essential for your Ascension. It manifests in a more expanded understanding that recognizes that through your thoughts, emotions and actions, you are in communication and correspondence with a great Body of Light known as the Creator's Universe. Through your reality, you are giving energy, Love and wisdom to the Creator's Universe; and receiving the same from him; This creates magic, as the creator assumes numerous forms, colors and creative vibrations that give more inspiration to all aspects and extensions of the Creator.

The Creator Universe is

Every aspect, form, extension and expression of the Creator is manifested as the energetic body, levels and dimensions of the Creator existing in harmony. Earth and other planets or star systems are included in the Creator Universe. Only in the perception of Humanity is there a separation between the Earth and the Creator Universe Can we recognize the Creator Universe as the Home of all Beings of Light and expressions of Light of the Creator .

Embrace the Creator Universe

It is common that many Souls fear the energetic realms, the Beings of Light; and even to the presence of the Creator. They may have resistance to embrace the Creator, because they are unaware of the Creator's Universe and have uncertainty about having negative energies. When you embrace the Creator Universe from a circumstance of inner Love, peace and trust, the Creator Universe embraces you with the same intentions. If you choose to send fear, negativity and suffering to the Creator Universe, then this one will respond in the same way. Every part of life, whether earthly or internally, is simply a reflection of what is inside. We could say that the Universe outside of us does not exist, but that it is only a representation of our inner energy The Creator Universe is within you.

Take time to deepen your relationship with the Creator Universe; and allow yourself to embrace the Creator and be embraced by the Creator.

Breathing deeply, enter a state of peace and relaxation.

Focus on feelings of peace, Love and trust in your Heart Chakra and energize them until you feel the energies overflow and flood your entire Being.

Imagine, feel or acknowledge that you and your energies of peace, Love and trust are immensely powerful and expansive. Your energy expands so easily that it feels like you are embracing and cradling the entire Universe of the Creator, you could imagine that you are embracing the Creator and all that is the Creator. Your Light and your Love are plunging into the Universe of the Creator. You feel that the Creator Universe exists within you.

Enjoy this experience and see that your Being responds to the embrace of the Creator's Universe. Now you are conversing with the Creator's Universe and this is creating beautiful and magnificent transformations in your Being and in the Creator's Universe ... Dedicate Time to simply be and observe.

Use your own words to invite the Universe of the Creator to embrace you ... From your interior and from all your surroundings the energy and the Light begin to flood your whole Being ... Perhaps you feel that you are still embracing the Universe of the Creator ... Perhaps now you also feel that the Creator Universe fully supports you. It is important that you admit the support that the Creator Universe wants to give you and that you surrender to it, in whatever way it manifests.

Enjoy this experience and see how your Being responds to the embrace of the Creator's Universe. You are conversing with the Creator Universe and now this is creating beautiful and magnificent transformations in your Being and in the Creator Universe. Spend time simply being and observing.

To finish the process, breathe into your Earth Star Farm that is under your feet; and focus on the roots of energy and the transformations that you have received from the Creator's Universe.

The new perception that I, Master El Morya, have shared with you; and the experience of being in unison with the Creator Universe, will stimulate in your Being a deep awakening and the opening of your energetic channels to accept greater experiences of Creator Light. You may notice that your confidence in yourself and in the world around you is improved; and that the energy of the Creator Universe comes to your reality to join you and share with you beautiful and magnificent gifts. This will be so because you are sharing with the Creator Universe beautiful and magnificent gifts through your focus on embracing the Creator Universe.

Let the Creator Universe support you, guide you and assist you to find the Creator more fully within your Being, while also co-creating with you in your reality. When you embrace the Universe of the Creator and allow him to embrace you, you have access to the power of the Creator and exercise it lovingly in your reality. It is time to have access to your power and exercise it lovingly on Earth to help everyone remember that their natural existence is the Divine union with the Creator Universe and its support. Through this process, many illusions, boundaries, limitations and resistances will be dissolved and eliminated from the consciousness of Humanity.

With Love and Power of the Creator,

Master El Morya.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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