Master Djwal Khul: "I will help you free yourself by closing cycles" through Solange Marín

  • 2016

Beloved star lights of the Universe, children of the Creator Father / Mother, adored human Beings, I greet you with the love of the one who understands that this is the only possible state of the Spirit.

I am Djwal Khul, I embrace you in my Light which is yours and ONE with the beloved Creator ONE. As a unique conscience, already unified with you and with the Source I come to deliver a message of hope and help.

The last times have not been simple to live for any of you, for some more uphill than for others, but beloved, believe when I tell you that each of these tests have been part of your learning and spiritual growth . The more spiritual awakening there is, the more awareness, the greater the Light and thus the greater the challenges, because at the end of the day everything that happens are challenges.

Some, decided before incarnating - for yourself - others, evidence that their souls have considered necessary to complete the learning of aspects that had not been considered and that are opportune to take advantage, to put it in some way, this existence that has been granted at this time in the here and now.

So, seeing all these considerations that I have made to you, don't you think it is a good time to thank for them? It is the moment my beloved ones, because when cycles are closed learning is taken, the wounds are cleaned, they are healed and new challenges continue, don't you think? Ah! but they are accustomed to continue putting in the personal bag everything that did not bring them joy and they are loading more and more, to reach the end of their lives with a luggage so heavy that it does not allow them to move forward and anchor with it somewhere in instead of gradually abandoning what is not useful to them anymore .

But there comes another point that I consider important to "give up", learn and continue. It is necessary that they do it progressively, and why not take advantage of each end of the cycle to free yourself?

Well, that is what I come to propose to you, because with the assistance of the Karmic Board we will help you to free yourself from these processes already learned, if you wish to do so.

Crying for those who have already left makes no sense, rather give them happy thoughts of their stay on Earth and the pleasant moments they shared, and send white light to help them ascend .

These eternal pains that are not overcome also become a painful and very heavy burden of emotional bearing . You yourselves do not want to be remembered with tears or pain, do you? Then give joy and liberation to those who have already accomplished their mission and have gone to the world of Light and unconditional love.

Close wounds, understand that everything has a meaning and even the toughest person has helped them grow, because those are the ones that help, thank and give them love from their heart. Transmute those energies that cut off the possibility of living fully and enjoying the landscape while walking their paths as humans.

My beloved brothers is what I bring for you on this day, and I offer you assistance to free yourself, but you must do your part and do your job too.

I say goodbye with the considerations of infinite love and dedication in this work of evolution of humanity. I give you the blessings of the Father / Mother and your beloved ascended masters.

Djwal Khul

I am!

AUTHOR: Solange Marín (Radiant Aurora)


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