Divine Mother - The resurgence of love and balance: The penetration of the ascended divine feminine energy. A heart, a mind, a body

  • 2016

As with each powerful energy / portal induction , there is first a contraction and then a statement. This last version of energy was tremendous indeed and brought with it the arrival of a more precious gift than his general experience of this planetary kingdom, the penetration of the newly ascended Divine Feminine energy by the glorious bride ( Gaia / Sofia / Soul of the World ) He has prepared himself carefully, awakened, has simply ascended, and now he looks forward to the arrival of the Husband (Christ conscience / Son Creator of appearance) and the great wedding and feast that is to come. This would certainly not have been possible if it were not for the numerous and constant acts of courage, faith, love, dedication, hard and persistent labor, for the many teachers, light workers, road counters, and other contributors in the ascension process of this local system - that with so much love has committed its time, its energies, to the processes of self-realization, visualizations, affirmations and prayers throughout the many years and the many incarnations prior to this event miraculous long predicted. This event by its very nature implies that a crucial turning point has been reached along the collective path of planetary ascension. The new planetary chakras system composed of elements of both the divine footprint for humanity and the divine plan of the Earth / Gaia, remains increasingly charged and activated - as much as Gaia and humanity deepen the culmination of their process of ascension. For the rise of the Divine Feminine in her full glory, she announces the increase in the collective consciousness of the planet to such an extent that it catalyzes the regeneration, healing, and awakening of the great ministering spirit known as the Soul of the World . The Soul of the World is an awareness of the collective entity composed of an aspect of the Divine Feminine, as well as the awareness of all the updated souls that reside on Earth, linked together within the collective higher mind and now within the center of the collective heart, (spiritual associations and global meditations) - there are currently enough of these individual souls linked together in unity of intentions so that our planet, this entity of the world and its soul awakens, is updated and begin to evolve - in stages So now the upper collective mind (third eye and crown) and the collective heart chakras have been activated and moves in a greater alignment. The following centers to wake up at the same time are; the collective throat chakra and the collective solar plexus, as the population of updated souls on the planet grows - and begins to remain firmly united in their sense of unity, empowerment, divine truth and justice (for Good Supreme) and each one demands with each fiber of his being a superior planetary experience for everyone. I know there is a lot of unpacking here within the three main concepts that I have mentioned:

· The return and rise of the Divine Mother and the world of the soul - the marriage of these two aspects of the Divine Feminine with the Christ or the conscience of Christ.

· The divine union in relation as a metaphor for the collective transcendence of the illusion of duality / polarity and the many "isms" of the world.

· The return of the experience of the consciousness of Christ that permeates the individual and soon planetary experience.

In many ways, it is the realization / actualization of the divine Trinity as it manifests on Earth. It is the divine union between Heaven and Earth updated. It is the return of the child again in the Kingdom of God. For others, it is the expected healing and rebirth of the world and the restoration of its magical beings. No matter how it has been articulated through space, time, cultures and traditions, what I speak of is the same; a return home, for a greater capacity for wonder, unity and love ... For now rest in the greatest sense of joy, expansion, love and peace that these Divine Feminine energies will bring. Enjoy them, get to know the various aspects of them. Allow the Divine Feminine energies to saturate the air around you, the earth beneath you, and the breath within you, to blend in with the units of energy and consciousness of Christ that already reside within and around you. Allow yourself a moment of deep satisfaction for a job well done. Until next time…

Divine Mother - A heart, a mind, a body. Via bende

Dear, I am your mother, the one of origin and the caretaker of life, and as such I live, I move, I breathe and I have my own being in you as surely as I live, they move, breathe and have their being within me. In the same way that aspects of your body (cells, organs, tissues, blood), live, move, breathe and have your being within you you live, movement, breathing and have your being within them . Do you see it? There are many of I, many centers of coordination and points of perception, and many concentric circles of higher intelligence within the One. Many different levels of intelligence in the cluster, information n, consciousness, form life.

There are many different intelligent forms and / or orders of life (visible and invisible) that make up your body and subtle organs, just as there are many intelligent life forms that make up mine. We all exist within a heart, a mind, a great intelligent creator being or point of consciousness that we know as a source / All That Is, and yet we are the great intelligent creator beings known as dioses to those points of intelligence that have aspects of life or being within us (our bodies and fields) that strive to become updated in their own way. And they, in turn, encompass many overlapping realities and interface points with other intelligent life forms - any aspiration to greater states of harmony .

I wish you to know this, to feel this as part of your experience so that you can better understand how to love, with support, and thanks to the connection with what you really are, and never ever walk alone or are separated. They sustain them, they are loved and appreciated without measure, they are an essential link in the greater chain / network of life. Think of all those beings / orders of life that live, move and are capable of being simply because of what they are. Therefore, never underestimate its value. And don't go to them by estimating them or taking them for granted. What remains to be done is the conscious association and reunification of these aspects of yourself with other orders of intelligent life connected to your daily consciousness. This means getting to, connecting with these intelligent beings, and befriending these natural orders of the intelligent life that exist, they move and have their being within you, as well as outside of you - because they are all part of your planetary experience and therefore, of physical integrity or reality. The key to their transcendence and humanity lies in their own body (a mixture of heaven / earth) and the various aspects of the Being and life orders that serve to sustain them and those that have infiltrated that must be eliminated. Everything else is necessary and they have already been provided (the energies, codes, information - which they already have). For example, have you considered that the elementary forces that exist within and create the basis of your body may be mediated by you? What within its life force or blood, the secrets of time and space are kept?

Using your mind and your spirit / you will learn to become a conscious partner, co-creator, lover and administrator for your boat and all who inhabit it. In the same way, they will become planetary stewards, respecting my body, a source of vital sustenance. They will also become an example, a source of inspiration, in co-creation, in love and in support of their younger brothers and sisters, and their cousins ​​- the various orders of life and creation (visible and invisible) that also occupy this area. Learning is the main way to co-create with each other, how to help complete each other, how to be a true friend and companion on the way to each other.

In this way, the divine template (Adam Kadmon), including its multidimensional pathways, will be cured or restored, its ancestral DNA / memory will be restored, and for many, its light-infused bodies of light will be achieved. The tree of the world, the natural order of creation, will once again be restored, via unification with me and you align with me, marking the beginning of a period of great healing and restoration for all. They have come here, they are only a little retired yet and I think they will find the remaining exercise of the association / communion quite satisfactory.

I am his mother, bearer of comfort and divine wisdom . Finally, remember that I am always close - inside your heart, below your feet, in the air that caresses your cheeks and permeates the world. Seek my heart whenever you need comfort or relief, because within me there is a feeling of home and integrity, and it will always be found.

AUTHOR: By Bender (integrated way of his Higher Self).


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