Divine Mother - The Brain

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 I am the Divine Mother and I come in the name of truth and in the name of love. 2 Oxygenate your brain 2.1 Re-calibration of the etheric body and its merkabah 2.2 Divine Mother via Susannah 3 SUSANNAH COMMENTARY TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL 3.1 The main enemies of the brain are tobacco and alcohol. 4 DIGITOPUNCTURE

I am the Divine Mother and I come in the name of truth and in the name of love.

The brain is one of its most precious organs. It is similar to a computer - it has electrical conductivity and neuro transmitters. It is connected to the etheric memory by the chakras, the nodis and the energy field of Mother Earth . In addition, the brain regulates the functions of its other organs.

The spiritual healing of your brain requires raising the vibration of your chakras; crown, third eye and throat chakra, of the cells and atoms of his brain, with light and healing energy of the Divine Mother. First in his etheric body and then in His physical body. I want your brain to heal so it is not wrapped in toxins and the blood that circulates through the brain is clean. You and I are healing your brain to avoid degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and to make it easier for you to remember who you really are.

We are dissolving the energy knots in their brain receptor centers, with our meditations. The blocks decrease their management capacity, creativity, ingenuity and memory. Your thoughts and memory occur in your etheric body, not in your brain.

The stress and anguish caused by chronic diseases are very damaging to your physical body, as they release glucocorticoid hormones that damage the connections in your brain. My dear children, you have to take things easy and not over-excite yourself.

If the hypothalamus is not healthy; You feel very tired, without motivation, and without initiative. Your brain needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep, and between 7 or 8 glasses of water a day, so you can erase all that is not important to you, and strengthen what is of interest to you. During sleep, tissues that may be damaged are repaired and the water washes it away from impurities and toxic waste . If your hypothalamus is involved, you will not feel like doing much of anything, you will not have the enthusiasm, and you will feel weak, exhausted. In addition, a wrapped hypothalamus can cause: The inability to release fat from your body, slow metabolism since this organ regulates the metabolism, inability to think through a cloudy mind to focus. I do not want to do nothing.

Throughout their life, it is necessary to look for those things that they like, that cause them healthy emotions, since these are the ones that give them the strength and the desire to live. They are the engine of their organism, the ones that keep them moving forward. Feelings must be free for you to be creative and motivated.

Oxygenate your brain

Vitamins for the brain are K and B6 . You need a special diet to oxygenate your brain. Flavonoid foods such as salmon and blueberries. Nuts and other foods. Potassium-rich foods such as bananas, potatoes and tomatoes. Take magnesium chloride, green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, as they help the growth of new brain cells. The caffeine that contains coffee and dark chocolate, contribute to the good flow of blood in the brain. Put some sea salt in the water. Your brain needs minerals.

Breathe by contracting the stomach and relaxing it . They are going to fill a bottle of water in half and with a straw or cigarette, they will blow for half an hour, every day. I recommend hiking and swimming.

Digituncture is related to acupuncture, using the same points or meridians, with the fingers a pressure is made that stimulates and unlocks the energies. Let yourself know the points of your neck and head that are blocked. Put your healing hands behind your neck, covering the medulla oblongata. Say: "I allow the flow of God's light to eliminate the blocks and heal me."

Now I ask you to fill the two sides of your brain with light and energy, especially the right and the upper back of your brain starting in the chakra root and raising the energy up the spine until that reaches the brain visualize your spine as a stick of white fluorescent light. Notice that your perception awakens when you breathe deeply. They are reconnecting their brain tissue with their perception.

Your brains have been in autopilot mode for a long time. Feel now the area of ​​your brain paying attention there and then expand your brain in the Infinite Totality to receive the healing of divine light.

The brain is an organ of sensitive perception. The attention in his third eye, in his neck, in his skull, in his jaw, in his mouth, in his ears, in his nose, in his hypothalamus, in his pineal gland, in his pituitary. Allow an energy purge, in all these places, connecting through all its circuits with the Source. With this intention, notice that your consciousness has expanded. Now it is softer, it is higher. There is a sensation of lightness or greater perception with your higher self and your divine being, with the energy field of Mother Earth .

Now relax and watch your brain blank, in the quantum vacuum. Then they will see their portal open in the upper back and in their crown chakra . We are working on the process of oxygenating your brain, so that it improves your memory, your mind, your awareness, your perception channels. The brain and the heart must be united to perform a joint work. Be aware of your entire body so that it connects with your brain. There is no separation between their lower and upper bodies. Every cell in your brain is connecting with all the channels that are open to you and in them divine light is spilling. The ability to feel multidimensionally is growing. It is as if you were an antenna, following satellites all at once.

Now you have grown in stature to put it somehow. They are able to sustain their Divine Presence - their mind is no longer the ruler but their heart. So now give your brain permission to wake up to all dimensions, to all aspects of knowledge, like a computer. Note that they are anchored and yet they may feel holographic. You can feel that they are present in many realities at the same time. It is connecting with all dimensions. Feel the energy of the life force within you, the vast intelligence within your body. The intelligence of his body has been subordinated to the domination of his reasoning mind. Now you go back to the kind of wisdom that makes the birds know what they have to do, that the plants know how to produce. They go back to that multidimensional knowledge - physical, infinite and yours. Feel that you can trust yourself. You can trust what your body feels.

Re-calibration of the etheric body and its merkabah

These waves of energy with their increasingly strong codes of light that they are receiving from the portals, affect their physical, mental and emotional body, and manifest themselves in fear, anguish, anxiety, palpitations, stress, loss of control, depression, doubts, insecurity, fatigue, body aches and pains, especially in the parts that you already have health problems. Relaxation, meditation and trusting yourself helps you. You are eliminating everything that has kept you from me with your self-mastery.

You concentrate on those points of discomfort and the infinite totality finds and dissolves you. You have the power of God, not only creative but also healing. Learn what your relationship with God is like and don't give up.

Whenever they are confused or out of balance, breathe from the heart, work with the heart.
New energy is flowing everywhere . Now I want you to know how important your thinking is in these re-calibrations . Your thinking changes everything. Use your attention wisely. I am making adjustments to your system so that you receive everything that is being provided to you.

Love is all that we are . My purpose here; It is to bring them to the movements of Creation. Creation is an infinite flow that manifests in those who participate in their knowledge.

When the heart and the brain are soft, you are freer, you have more access to your Infinite Source, wisdom, will, love; They can flow in every situation.

You are divine beings, who are here to assist Mother Earth in her ascension process and are doing very well with the help of the avatars of Sirius and Saint Germain the new avatar.

Because I love you; I want to tell you that the Earth will change. There will be some very big event on Mother Earth . You know that these things have to happen and that everything will be fine on the planet. Children, Daughters I carry them under my wings, and they are under my protection, under the protection of the Divine Mother . You can trust this for your highest good. I want them to know that being here is safe, and that all the changes they are going to experience are good. When they go through these changes, they should know that they are sitting on my lap. I am the one who sustains them. You are sure. You are magnificent divine beings that live on a planet that needs your love. From his love come all the resources to change everything. You may not have experienced the love I am talking about, so you must trust him. The brain doesn't know what I'm talking about, the heart knows it . We are resurrecting this Earth. They are responsible for the well-being of their inner lives and the well-being of Mother Earth . They will not fall if they remain safe in my heart and in their heart. The heart is the stability in our lives. Love will create all miracles.

I love them very much.

Divine Mother via Susannah


The main enemies of the brain are tobacco and alcohol.

When you smoke, toxins and cigarette poisons enter the blood. They make your blood thicker, and it increases the chances of clot formation. It increases blood pressure and heart rate, which makes the heart work harder than normal. Knot the veins, break the capillaries and reduce the arteries, so there is a small amount of oxygen-rich blood circulating to your organs, which can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Smoking damages other organs such as the heart and its blood circulation, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease (damaged blood vessels) and cerebrovascular disease (damaged arteries that supply blood to the brain). Other chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the lining of the coronary arteries. They are more likely to get stomach cancer or ulcers. Smoking can weaken the muscle that controls the lower end of the throat (esophagus) and cause the hiatus to not close properly, so stomach acid when traveling upward damages your teeth, gums and throat. This disease is known to you as gastric reflux and is chronic. Tobacco contributes to kidney cancer, just as alcohol contributes to liver cancer. With alcohol and tobacco, your skin ages faster, looks gray and yellow. Toxins in your body cause cellulite. The cheeks sink, dark circles come out and the look looks emaciated and sad, because of the anxiety that an addiction produces. Von alcohol and tobacco, doubles your risk of developing a cerebral aneurysm. It is a lump in a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the wall of the blood vessel. This can explode or burst which will lead to a condition that is a stroke, and can cause brain damage and death.

Cough, colds, sinusitis and asthma are just the beginning of a smoker's lungs and airways problems . Smoking can cause pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% ​​of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including bronchitis . More than 93% of throat cancer are caused by smoking. The bones of the smoker or the alcoholic are weak and brittle, because they get tired very soon when doing sports or exercise.


For headaches; at a point between the thumb and index finger apply pressure for two minutes. Also, we can press both sides of the temples. To calm the nerves and improve digestion, press the point that there are four fingers above the navel. Perform a gentle pressure, for several minutes. To stimulate the immune system, look for a point on the back of the forearm, two thumbs above the wrist. Apply circular pressure clockwise for two minutes on each arm. To relieve tension headaches, in the center of the skull base, press on this point for two minutes. Also in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows, press gently to clear the mind.

With love and light, Susannah

AUTHOR: Susannah


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