Divine Mother - Trust the flow of life. It will take you where you want to go. I guide you with light and love

  • 2015

I love you, I love you, I love you. I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of Truth. I come in the name of my love for you. They are so beautiful. You are learning about who you are. And you are putting aside the masks of who you are not. Free yourself from the old false identities and accept the truth of your infinite state. I am the Divine Mother and I adore them. We are getting up together when they hug me consciously. The transformations that take place in the field of energy and in the physical body continue to develop.

I'm here. I am always here. I want you to become aware of my presence. I want them to know that we are moving together throughout your life. I love you. Learn how to focus your attention, how to keep your attention on the Divine, sliding in and out of the most subtle relationship to pure absolute abstraction and then again in the subtle again. I'm here. I am within you, I am the Divine Mother, the Truth. The vibration of the truth. Is here. The truth and the love. Thank you for being who you are.

To love your Being is to love God. Published on August 1, 2015

Love your Being and you are loving me. To love your Being is to love God. Put aside arrogance and put aside victimhood. Love your self-mastery without conditions, there are no comparisons with anyone. I simply love your Being.

You have misidentified your Being. I am not saying that I love the wrong identification; I am asking you to love your true Self. You have identified your Self as the many roles you play. That is not your Being. That is a mental concept, such as: "I am a pleasant person, " or "I am a sick person, " or "I am intelligent, " or "I am not intelligent." All of them are misidentifications of who you are. Love yourself. Then you can admire how that Being flows, how it expresses, and moves. Love your being; allow your Being to flow in totally unique, unexpected and unpredictable ways. You are an Infinite Being, a divine presence, full of love. You want to share that love. To share your love spontaneously, just don't judge yourself. Just do it. You are enough.

The flow of love is who you are in your movement and your active world. The Self is silent and Total, and in itself it is flowing and active. You want certain things in your life. Do not attend to things you do not want, because your attention creates them. Pay attention to what they want only. I love them. I want your abundance on this planet; so that they can perform the duties for those who are here, and the elevation of this Earth ; without worrying about your physical comfort. You need your physical resources to create this new world. I am making adjustments to your system to align them with my full abundance, so that it becomes easy for them to receive everything that is being provided to them.

Loving your Self allows you to be free - it gives you liberation. If you judge your performance, it puts you in a cage, which confines. Break the judgments. Break the stories of how you are, if you deserve to suffer or if you think you must have done something horrible to have this karma. There must be a break in them. They have put you in cages and have identified your Being as if it were caged. Loving your Being is the way out of the cage. Continue to love your Being . We are training the mind to stop judging. Another trial is:

I'm wrong with astrology. Break that. It is a cage for your mind. The planets love you and want to help you love your Being more. They taught you with love what you have asked to learn. Remember that everything you are learning now, you have asked to learn it, you have noticed it to learn it. Do not complain. I love how you move yourself through the grades of the school, from the seventh grade to the eighth grade and on. You are a divine, adorable being. Try to make your learning fun, growing, and expanding.


Question: I took a blow to the sacrum when I was younger. When I was a teenager, I hit my neck. There has occasionally been an unbearable pain since then. Of course, it is also depressing. I'm afraid it may have compromised my conscience as well. Is there any modality that I have not proven that the Divine Mother can suggest to me?

Divine Mother : Yes. Love yourself and stop thinking about how bad it is that happened to you. Stop living in drama and horror for what happened to you and start loving yourself. This is the most important for you. It is really the most important thing for anyone, but I focus on what is especially important for you. That means you have to be in your heart, not in your head. So I would say breathe in your heart. Soften in your heart . Soften the sacrum or where the pain is. Smooth there. And start loving you as a person. Then send love to where the pain is. Begins. This is going to change everything. Avoid the thoughts of: Oh, this is so terrible. Oh, I can never get over this. Oh, I'm on a bad run. Those thoughts are harmful to you. They are very debilitating for your situation.

So it is all about moving to your heart, loving yourself and then loving your physical body. This is going to make a big difference for you. It is worth practicing. If you think you can't, if you think: Oh, Divine Mother, this is too difficult for me, then cry with me. Say: Mother, help me. He only cries, and all your fears and your tears you give them to me. It is necessary that there be a reversal of the old vibration, both physical and mental, and it has to do with: Oh, this is so terrible. This has put my whole life in danger. Those are the thoughts and tears that must be released. Thank you. I love you. You have a lot of tears there about your condition, a sadness that needs to be released. Don't think: Divine Mother, how could this happen to me? This would be a lack of self-esteem.

Questioner: I wonder why these things happen?

Divine Mother : I don't want anything bad to happen to them (let alone accidents) but they teach them to love me and love themselves more because that is a bigger problem than a pothole in the sacrum is a matter of conscience Trust me I am I want you to learn this with you. I love. Especially you want you to know how beautiful you are in my eyes. Thank you.

Question : When we look back at our lives and see that we may have had difficulties or illnesses or problems or perhaps chronic things, and we ask ourselves or I wonder why this has happened to me. Well, I chose to come to this life. I chose these different lessons to learn. So the things we have chosen are things that simply try to bring us closer to God. I often thought that if I didn't have that problem, if I had perfect health or something, I wonder if I had looked for something spiritual. Is it true that these things have often spurred me?

I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of love . I don't want to say that that is true, but I do want to say that I believe you if you establish yourself. So if you know that you have a problem to turn to God or to turn to the Divine Mother, you configure in yourself a way that in turn pushes you to a higher power. So you really make the decision to teach yourself the lessons that you most deeply need to learn . And I work with you to lessen the impact of those situations. I work with you to be as soft as possible. So this is what is really happening. It is set in yourself, and I help you with the set-up, so that it is as smooth as possible, but enough for you to get the point you are trying to teach yourself. Yes. Does that make it clear to you?

Questioner: Yes.

Question: How to heal yourself and others?

Divine Mother : Your energy field is very sensitive to your thoughts and every movement . You are a configuration of high sensitivity of light that responds to all your impulses, responds to heartbeat, breathing, and your way of thinking. That is why I am often warning; Do not emphasize negative thoughts or actions. We spend a lot of time releasing negative thinking patterns, bad habits and belief systems of the past, since they affect your vibratory field, all of which affects your physical body. You are a divine being. I'm telling you this again and again, because it's the truth. You have the skills of a divine being. Believe in yourself. I am teaching you how to use those skills with love.

I am teaching you the ability to use your attention. For example, when I instruct you to soften in the throat chakra, your attention is directed to the medulla oblongata.

This chakra is not round. Softening or softening in this chakra means expanding or relaxing it, to be less focused. So, you are using your attention as a direct approach and then soften your attention - it becomes more expanded or diffuse. This ability to keep the focus, and soften the focus, expand the focus, is important so you can learn to move the energy of the chakras . They are learning how to find a point, in this case the throat, and then soften, and leave that more diffuse chakra more unlimited. So you have to go to a very "tied up" place; the navel in the solar plexus. There are certain parameters that define the navel and then expand it, and it is possible for the navel to be more limited, and we continue to do that over and over again. To heal the navel chakra ; It is necessary to bring it to the infinite field without limits, which is full of intelligence and knows exactly how to heal and align that navel chakra with the force of divine life. Heal the chakras by focusing on each of them and then expanding them to infinity.

Be confident, you will heal the world in this way. I am teaching you how to heal by joining two opposite poles; a finite point, and the non-limit of the Infinite. You are doing that in your conscience. Some call this "quantum healing." It is a term, but only a term. Do not get carried away by the term; It is more important to just do it. I am healing each of your chakras centers through this process of teaching how to keep your focus on the point and then go to the unlimited aspect. Your thinking mind doesn't know how to do this. It's not about the thinking / ego mind, it's about your consciousness - focusing and then expanding it, holding the point and leaving the point behind at the same time. The thinking mind does not know how to do this, because it is at the same time, two seemingly opposite polarities. But your conscience does. So, I am working with you to exercise your consciousness, because as a divine being that you are in a physical form, you are learning how to use your infinite consciousness to manifest whatever you want.

What I want is for you to accompany me. They are entering a new life, a life lived in Divine Love. This is where I live and I want to be accompanied.

We will find a new way to live on this planet. Trust is our magic word . They are reminded that there is something more powerful going on than eating and sleeping. There is something bigger, which is a great event. Something that is blessing them, and something that is leading them to receive more blessings. When I say trust, I am talking about trusting your Infinite Being. But when you trust your Infinite Being you must trust him, all the way, you must trust him until the end; in the expansion to the Infinite. If you leave any part of the path without your divine being, you are not trusting; You are pulling your divine being back. So, what you have to do is trust the infinite in that process.

If you are in the wrong place or at the wrong time, infinity will push you out of it. You're going to change your attention to a thought that might tell you: "Get out of here." Or simply: " Get away ." I want you to trust the infinite, because the infinite is waiting for you to help you. He is waiting in silence, like a good servant who is silent, ready to serve. But if the servant is never asked to serve, his presence is wasted . So you must tell the Infinite what you want. And you tell the Infinite what you want by making a request and then softening it. Trust is necessary, maybe the answer will not come immediately; Do not give up trust. It is letting go, which allows you to continue trusting.

Learn You can learn from within yourself, more than you can learn from outside teachers, because knowledge, truth, is vibrating within you. I want him to have fun. That is why this universe has been created, to explore all the incredible possibilities of life and create what is the highest good for you to believe. Let's do this together. You are not alone. Talk to me I am helping you experience Divine growth now, detect it very quickly. I'm here with you, this is something you can know instead of thinking. All knowledge produces thoughts, but the sense of the Divine is nothing more than an experience of complicity. I am completely trusting you, and I know that you know the truth of who we are. I am not talking about your thinking mind. I am talking about your mind of complicity. There is a rationality that embraces the unknown and includes it in its evaluation of how to move, what to do, where to go, and how its greatest good unfolds.

I am here, you will find me. Look for me within you, so you can refer me all the time . We are melting the blocks. We are unifying.

I love them. Find your deepest self. The external teachers will help open the door to awaken that sage who sleeps within you. I am God. The Divine of You. Your Trust I love them. Never underestimate the power of your thoughts, the power of the extension of the heart. They can extend their heart to someone, without even saying a word and that person will receive the effect that their heart produces. You are very powerful.

Whatever they find annoying in their life, they give it to me. You have great things to do here on this planet. Trust me. I will help them to fulfill their destiny. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the things that you are doing behind the scenes, that are changing the look of this planetary body. Don't stop, don't give up, don't pass out or get discouraged. What you are doing is important. I love him

AUTHOR: Connie Hueber


SEEN AT: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

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