Divine Mother - I can hold you in my Heart

  • 2012

I come in the name of love. I love them. I want them to know how beautiful they are, how powerful they are. It is important that you understand that the power I am talking about comes from love. This is a power that does not dominate or control others. This is the true power. The power by which planets revolve around the Sun; the power that makes a child grow to adulthood. The power of creative expansion. This is the power that you have. I am teaching you how to use it. Because nobody has taught them how to use this power. They have been taught coercion, domination, fear, shame and none of this in a person are energies of true power. Do not resort to that kind of false power, which only causes pain. I am teaching you about real power, the power that creates and transforms something good into something even better. Because love makes things expand and grow; Fear causes things to collapse and die. Love is the power of unity, fear is the power of separation and isolation.

It is important to start thinking in a new way. It is important to start thinking with the intelligence of the heart. The intelligence of the heart and the intelligence of God are the same thing. When you use the intelligence of your hearts, you are thinking like God. God thinks about creation expansively and with a unified conscience. Next, the creation in unity will expand again, creating a greater unity. I think this way. I have returned at this moment in history, to remind people how to think like God, and how to use their divine intelligence, which resides in the heart.

Many people have pain in their hearts that needs to be dissolved. A pain is a block to progress. Pain colors perception, so that people do not see clearly, when they see with pain ... Then there is no progress. The world is stuck, the person is stuck.

I, the Divine Mother, are here to break this fear and heal the pain in your hearts, activate your creativity and your courage. It takes courage to be creative. It takes courage to do what they really want to do and create it. There is a risk that they will make fun of you, that they will set you up to sabotage your projects. There is a risk that they will be abandoned, doubt their wonderful ideas, etc. These are some of the things that you have to overcome; as the way they operate in life changes. You have to be different, because in the whole world the same thing happens: you are stuck as a hamster is stuck in your wheel, again and again. Breaking the wheel Soften in your Hearts. Your heart has the power to change everything. Your superior mind asks you to follow the Intelligence of your hearts, make a change and get out of the old way of thinking towards a new way.


I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of the Totality of Divine Truth. I love them. The love I have for you erases the pain of the lives you lived in times of separation. You are entering the Ascension, the dissolution of the old issues of separation with God. You are beautiful. Your hearts are expanding. I love them. I want everything good for you. I want all kind of kindness around you.

Goodness is an important characteristic of my love. Trust me, and I will give you kindness. My heart is full of love for you. I would like you to receive it. Now my heart flows to you in waves of love, purification for your system and gives you Ascension.

Be open and free: with the freedom to know that you are infinite beings, the freedom to know how to operate as an infinite being. They are beautiful and they are expanding more and more. Each experience they have is an opportunity to be more, to continually expand the infinite Truth (green ray). Whenever you have a problem, enter it, merge into the energy of it; Disarm the concern and discover the solution offered to them. Problems have solutions. Find the solutions through the greater openness in what is perceived as a problem and you will discover the solution.

They are beautiful. They are powerful. You are giving tremendous light to Mother Earth. You are learning everything that is generated from the deepest and that in order to change anything, you must enter the deepest. Changing an event from the surface is exhausting, but changing it in the depths of life is easy. These are events that are perceived on the surface so that they can slide below the surface and enter the deepest layer of the surface to initiate solutions. Everything is like that. The more they enter, the more effective will be the creation of peace abroad. It is a life to be lived from within, where they remain stable, on which they focus, on which they are strong.

At this time, the intention to open his heart. Imagine opening it. Feel the need to open it. Intend to open your heart and let your flow of consciousness pass through the opening. Then open again and flow into that deeper opening. Open again and flow deeper. Open again and flow deeper. You are learning to live from the deepest part of your heart forever, opening your heart and flowing deeper. Open deeper. Enter and open deeper.

All his life has been lived abroad going abroad. Now they are doing a half-turn and they turn inward, flowing deeper into the heart, which flows deeply into love. This is where all the solutions are waiting for you to pick them up and embrace them. So when you are called to do something, first of all, open deeper, with the intention of affecting the subtle levels of the event from the depths.

You come home. Thanks for coming home. This is the house where I live. You live here with me. From here, it is created. We create what is outside our love. So keep coming deeper, all the time, more and more, find the solutions to every challenge you encounter. Trust, trust, trust.


Trust me. You are very powerful beings. Beautiful beings. The Divine Love that is in you; He is helping you in your transition, so it is important that you can experience love often. It is important for you to allow the flow of joy. It is important that you do things, think about things and hear things that help the flow of joy. It is important that they do not do things that do not give them joy. It is important that you stop being miserable (the misery that remains in any part of your life).

The change you are making; It is a shift to joy, so deep, that they can never be sad again. So I want you to choose to go through it. That means that when you have options, it is important that you can choose what makes you happy over what makes you feel unhappy or bored. This requires discernment, because they have become accustomed to making decisions for other reasons, sometimes because of their duty, sometimes because of the ego. That is why it is important that they are very demanding about their options. It is a very delicate area: make decisions that support joy. If you soften your hearts, you will find wisdom there to make divine decisions. They will find wisdom for their right choice. There are many factors to consider in making a happiness decision, and only the heart can expand rapidly to make all possible ramifications of an election and determine whether it is joy or not. Then you must trust in the heart.

That is the hardest. The mind will always want to have evidence before they can trust. In matters of the infinite, the Beloved Infinite Presence is itself the test. This makes no sense to the mind, so it becomes very seized and controlling ... The Divine Mind operates from the center of the heart, in a very intelligent, wise and understanding way.

This is the Divine Mind; the one that joins to give them all their options. As you continue to refer to the heart, soften the heart, break the limits in the heart, you choose with great discernment those things that allow you joy. When you are allowing yourself joy, the universe is allowing you to be happy. So it is not just an effect on your own life, it is an effect on the entire universe, and the entire creation.

I love. I want your happiness. Love is a very happy situation. My love for you; You will create a very beautiful relationship between us. That is what I want more than anything. I want intimacy with you. I want to be asked about your options, so that together we can receive the greatest joy of your decisions. I want to flow with you, in every experience.

This is the intimate way we are becoming. Our relationship is filled with the fuel of Ascension energy. The fuel is Divine Love. The love for the Divine creates an energy, a force of Light so broad, that it will ignite the Ascension in you. It's like super fuel, a fuel that hasn't even been considered on Earth yet. It is so powerful and so pure. This is the energy, the fuel that is lighting the Ascension in you. You are receiving it in your physical bodies. And a transition is being made. Your physical form is changing. It is an alchemy that changes something heavy and dense like lead into something fluid and bright like gold. So we can call it the Alchemy Ascension process of your physical form. However, you remain in a physical form. Is very very beautiful. This is the extent to which Mother Earth is able to change and maintain life.

When you make your choices, you realize that it has an impact on many people, many hearts and many aspects of the human situation on Earth.

It is time to let go. He must be on a go in line with his divine being. The custom is to let go and then hold again. Freedom is released and you feel freedom, liberation, expansion, and then you wait. The celebration has become a security blanket, a false security.

Everyone has the ability to receive my Divine Guide. A message from God to you; which is the knowledge, wisdom and guidance that comes from the Divine Source. The Divine Source is within each of you. My Divine Guide is healing, it changes your life. My Divine Guide knows what is more prudent for you to follow.

People get into trouble because they don't have access to the Divine Guide. Their hearts are afraid and blocked, so the guide cannot come through them. Often, the direction comes through the mind, when the heart is not believed or discredited, but the divine direction comes from the purity of the heart. It comes from the place where the individual and the Divinity are One. If you are able to remain in that space, the guide comes freely to enrich your lives.


The etheric field is a field that also needs alignment, so that it can support its physical existences completely here on earth. The etheric field contains information about your past, and sometimes needs attention to help you release the issues that have been with you for a long time. These problems affect their physical experience on Earth, causing varying degrees of discomfort until they are released and let them go. The etheric field has the subtle experiences that you have all the time, which you do not normally remember, simply because the physical brain does not yet have the ability to calculate everything consciously. It is what is called the unconscious (the body of memory that is in its etheric body, where the record of its etheric field is). So, let's go there to heal, the health problems that are impacting you physically, emotionally and mentally, at the level of the etheric field.

There is a growing wave of goodness moving on Earth and in everything that is reorganizing the current flow of the Cosmos of the vital force on which everything is based. The awakening occurs on Mother Earth is an awakening of love. Love is not an emotion; It is Vital Energy, Life Force.

Your attention is the creation of a window through which the Divine can work for you to free yourself from the cages of the little life, the painful life. With intention and attention, you are freeing yourself from these vibrational patterns under which you have lived for so long. You know that it is not the truth, but at these subtle levels, these flows of vibrations continue to function as if you were a limited being.

The purpose of the Divine Guide is to bring them closer to God. People have moved away so much from their divine roots. They have been lost in their small minds and fears. The only way to be happy again; He has to come again in direct contact with our Divine Source. My Divine Guide brings you back in touch with the Source and reminds you that we always have direct contact with the divine, with God. My Divine Guide puts you in direct connection with the divine voice. That voice is not outside of you: it is very within you. It is within their hearts and is available. She is willing to give you all the knowledge, direction and support you need.

Most of the time we ignore direct contact with our divine being, so the divine direction seems difficult to reach and receive. In this world of the confused and fearful mind, the Divine Guide has become somewhat blocked in most people. So it is necessary to unlock and release the connection.

I - the Divine Mother - want to help you get back on track, away from fear, suffering and despair. I can bring them back to their true path and I will heal their wounds. I can free you from the pain of living apart and alone, abandoned and forgotten. I love the Divine Mother. I want to talk to you ... You are great beings of light, you can talk to the Divine Mother, you can know My love, so you can receive Divine Wisdom. This is the beauty of the divine relationship with me. I want them to have everything I offer them. I will teach them who they are and give them great strength to move forward in their lives. He will give you concrete steps to heal yourself and create the life you want. I love you and I want you to receive my guide. Love is a very powerful shield. It is a vibration protection. Dismantle fear, anger and hate. So when one is faced with these things, one must remain in the power of his heart. The power is in love.


Comment of Sananda : As the beings of light that we are, we have a very powerful energy that although it comes to us from God, we are able to sustain even in this physical body. Basically we are souls who want to be enlightened, creative and intuitive, souls that are transforming into spirits. The soul is an intermediary. The soul, while you are in the personality, can be considered as an objective. There are the laws of the soul are the laws of enclosure. The soul is an interface, it is not a purpose. The soul is linked to the manifestation in this womb. It must be burned by the Light: it is the destruction of the causal body, allowing Liberation. The problem of the soul is that it maintains the principle of causality. The Absolute Presence or Infinite Presence, is therefore the individual, individual, obtained by the Throat Passage and by the Last Reversion of the Resurrection, favored by the Metatrose Impulse Unique, for the Blue Mantle of Grace. When the envelope of the soul (causal body) is burned, in totality, then, already, the Wave of Life has finished its way. The soul is a hue, but she is not the Totality. But the soul is not the Spirit, the soul is not the Absolute. (A friend. Sananda)


The messenger is Connie Huebert. The transcript is from Susannah

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