Divine Mother ~ Trust Yourself

  • 2013

I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of the totality of all that is, its Infinite Totality. You are beautiful. I am very happy that they refuse to allow self-criticism. Self-criticism is very harmful to you. It is like a poison in your system. Many diseases have been reaching people since self-criticism.

Let go of guilt. hold self love

Every time you notice that you have criticized yourself or started to get down, change your thinking, or at least say, "I love myself." Self-love is like ambrosia. It is the antidote to the poison of self-criticism. The poison of self-criticism is like a venomous snake bite. It is necessary to apply the antidote immediately - self-esteem. Then the poison cannot harm you. You are all learning that love is important, that love can heal, that love can release pain, that love can transform anything. This is the power of love. Since they were not given the secrets of love like children, I have given them to you now. Self-criticism is a learned response to rejection. You can turn back. You can free yourself from the poison that has been circulating through your system and causing so much pain. Rejection has caused so much pain in people. You are going to have to be your own healer of this rejection.

I love. I want them to know that love unifies. Giving love they unite with me, they unite with God. They are beautiful. They are everything. They are infinite. They are pure. They have powerful qualities of Light that need to be allowed to spread. Because you have been rejected; You have thought of yourself not to be good enough, those qualities that you carry, have not always been allowed to the present.

Self-love is the antidote

Your true Self is awake in you when you offer your own love. Your Being awakens, the infinite Being that you are and it is all of you that has brought these gifts here. He wakes up and is increasingly brave. They are beginning to remember the gifts they have brought here to give. I love. But it is important that you love each other and ask my son Jesus for new gifts at Christmas - they are the gifts of Unity.

The chemicals that are created in your body when you say to yourself: "I love myself" are very potent chemicals for the actions that create unity on this planet. That is what this earth needs - unity. When they love themselves, the chemicals that are created in their bodies, unite with their Divine Self ... Love for themselves unites all aspects of what they are. These self-judgments have to stop. They are gifts that will bring people, that will help people connect with what they really are and honor what others really are. The Divine is beginning to come forward on this planet. The Divine is not only the spiritual awakening in you, it is also what is beginning to come into the life of Mother Earth to create unity.

They are beautiful. But sometimes they don't believe they are beautiful. You despise yourself. You speak harshly of yourself inside. They look for ways to blame themselves. I would like you to stop doing this. I ask for your help to free the guilt; This would be a good start. Correct the angle of attention. The attention must be in me, in the love that the Divine Mother feels for you, in the Truth, in the Totality. Break the old habits of self-criticism. You are beautiful. Come to me. Live in me.

Your true self does not need anyone to value it, it has its own fuel. This is the power of your success. Say: "I give my permission True Self to be and be whole and complete awake in my life." His entire vibratory field changes with a sincere expression of self-love. Loving your Being is the key to joy, loving what you are. Expand love Love creates.

You are changing very quickly, and the new energy that enters Earth; It is pushing them to change. You do not have to be victims of the negative energy around you. Use the tools you have learned. A great tool is the affirmation of self-authority. They can repeat inwardly: “I am in control. I am the only authority in my life. ” It is the I AM who is in control, not the ego.

Many people in this culture grow up without being allowed to value themselves, they are taught to think well of themselves; It is an inflated ego. However, I want them to get used to loving themselves. I want them to get used to the assessment of what they are. I want them to be alert so that they realize when they put themselves in danger. I want you to realize when you are saying something that is humiliating or derogatory about yourself. You are beautiful. I am not worried about your egos. I am worried about the truth of who you are and why you know how to value it. You are no longer going to enter the aggrandizement of the ego. You are beyond that. If that happened, it would very quickly correct for me. So don't worry about that. I want you to love yourself for what you are. Inflated egos have to do with the basic feelings of separation from God, a lie that must be dissolved.

The mental body has many ways to harm them, to avoid recognizing how beautiful and clear they are. The mind, the mental body, has all kinds of mental structures and postures learned, by living in a society where people value themselves and are taught lies about God and about their relationship with God. So we have to walk uphill in this field. We have to keep dissolving the thoughts of the critic. You have to consciously choose to think loving thoughts about yourself, stop judging yourself harshly.

Children learn at an early age not to love themselves, when their first impulse is to say: “Look at me. Look how beautiful or beautiful I am. Look how wonderful or wonderful I am. I can jump. I can run". They quickly learn that this is considered bragging. Then they become bluffs. If instead they found out how wonderful they are, everything would be better for healthy self-esteem, since if you are jumping with God. You are jumping for the joy of life and you are beautiful, because your divine Spirits are beautiful, so things could be different. You have been treated harshly as children, with hardness in which you were told to shut up when you had something important to say. They told him not to express themselves if it seemed that they were valuing themselves. They told him that they are here to be seen and not heard. They were told to stop expressing the joy of life on many occasions. So people have become stuck, depressed, and there has been an implosion, with all that life force that I cannot be extended. So you are healing all this; giving this treatment self-esteem. The treatment of self-love - washing yourself with self-love, loving yourself, saying the things of yourself that you know are the truth - you are good people. You have a deep wisdom. You are beautiful and many good things more. When they say it, their hearts expand, they rejoice, because they are finally being more than they are. Since no one else is willing to see it, you have to see it yourself. You should see who you are and tell yourself the truth, not the mental criticism, because the mind can count the hundreds of so-called mistakes you have made, probably thousands, and list them for you. I say you have never made a mistake. You are simply learning. You are always learning. What is done here to an error is not an error, but it is the knowledge they offer. Then you shift and change and grow. I don't like this word "error." You are not making mistakes. You are learning They are discovering. It is not a mistake when a child stands up for the first time and falls. He is learning about balance. Your muscles are getting strong. When you do something perhaps at work that was not appreciated, that you had reasons to do it, and that you have learned from it. Your work muscles and work awareness have become strengthened. You are earning your balance at work. You are being cultivated and prepared all the time. So do not list errors. You have never made a mistake. You have simply grown and learned, and you can love yourself for your courage to do this, you have tremendous value. Most of you do not know how much courage you have had to simply be born on this planet, and knowing what you are facing here - veils of oblivion. Did you know that when you were born here you forgot who you are for a while? The need here is so great that you came here anyway to help, learn and grow in this dense climate. People go to Antarctica, where it is very cold, where it could be called unpleasantly cold, but they go there because there are things to learn about life, about our planet and its relationship with the solar system. You have come here to learn about this planet, this material field, and how to survive here, not only to survive, but how to prosper here. You are adventurous, explorers. Do you want to learn, why did you come here? They had enormous value as we entered the unknown of the material field. You have been learning about him since then, and now you are remembering that you do not have to be a victim of it, that you can in fact change, live comfortably here. So please, don't judge yourself harshly, don't judge yourself at all, and avoid self-criticism. Love yourself. Give yourself the treatment of self-love. Realize if you have been too hard on yourself.

The magnificence of his true being is expressed in his divine purpose

We are talking about expression when we talk about divine purpose. Your infinite being is all, constant, infinite, and when it is expressed through you in your divine purpose, greatness is achieved. Kindness vibrates throughout the creation. Healing occurs. Divine authority is restored. They trust themselves. Trust your infinite Being. I am revealing to your infinite being, I am reminding you that you are not a small, insignificant, isolated and isolated little human. I am reminding you of your greatness. That is why I am here. When I say his infinite being, I do not mean only the infinite in silence and as a Totality does not manifest, I also refer to those beings that reside in the subtlest layer of creation, whose only purpose is that you acquire the Truth of your Infinite Beings: Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, your gurus, all Divine Friends. Some reside here and others do not.

We, who have recognized that we are infinite and we want you to know that you are also infinite. You don't have to be more at the mercy of the discordant energies. They did not know this most of their lives but now they know it. The Divine Teachers are helping you so that you are in your self-authority now, and are not victims of the negativity of others.

I've been waiting for you

I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of truth. I love them. We are in a divine relationship. You cannot understand the relationship, but I understand it and I am releasing its power in you. Come to me. They are in me. My heart is very open to receive you. Enter my open heart.

You are being healed and released from everything that has slowed you down or made you believe you were not good enough. You are fantastic, incredible, wonderful and wise. This is a life to celebrate. Spend the autumn in my heart, put aside everything else. Trust, this is the biggest problem, the problem of trust. It's hard to let go if you don't trust that you will be safe. I will keep them safe.

I love them. This is our relationship, it is a love relationship. This relationship is recovering, because love heals, love heals the heart and from the healthy heart, everything else is healed. Your healthy heart knows how to heal everything. It has the intelligence, it has the depth, it has the purpose of healing others and healing everything. So as you heal your heart with me, your life and Everything heals.

I love you, and my love is healing you. My love is pouring into you. My love is dissolving falsehood. My love dissolves fear. My love is raising its vibration. Self-confidence is changing them. Trust me. My divine nectar is always flowing to feed and nurture them.

The relationship with me is always creating something in you inspiration from messages that I send you and that you should complete. You are always creating. They are more whole. And as our divine relationship grows; They will understand how all relationships are pushing their relationship with me.

I am becoming a part of their lives. I've always been a part of their lives - it's just that they are finally noticing me, hugging me, participating in life with me. This makes me very happy and I want to give him more. Receive my gifts these Christmas days. Life is to celebrate it. I am aligning with me. I am aligning your energy with my energy so that you realize that we are One.

Life is changing here on this planet

You are going through a transformative change. The problems that are seen are in places and people where they resisted this transformational change. They created what could be called a "kickback." Mother Earth is moving forward in her transformation. Anything that is not moving forward with it causes friction that heats to create agitation that creates the fear that causes problems. The ability to move with the transformation that is taking place on this planet is to let go, and you are shown how to move with the transformation. Fear is not a part of this transformation. Fear is a part of resistance to transformation. So find those places where there is fear and bring them to light and love. Either in you or in Mother Earth or in the human race, bring love and light, for transformation and enlightenment. Turn on the light. You enlighten yourself with Divine wisdom, so if there is a problem situation in your life, you pour yourself into the Divine Light and you receive the wisdom of how to proceed. Wisdom will come. It comes with the lighting of the light, to activate the light with your words and thoughts. Each time, they shed more light on any challenge they are facing. Allow more and more Divine Light, more light and more light.

The steps are the following:

Allow the light, which increasingly makes them lighter, more and more Light.

Keep the Light, keep the light, keep the light and then let go, and let go, again and again.

Repeat the steps until a change is noticed. There is nothing that cannot be resolved. Just light it with the light. When enough light shines in the dark, the darkness shows them how to release it because it turns. You are Light - turn on the light in the dark. Trust yourself

I am teaching you about me. I love you, I love you, I love you. I am teaching you all about love. Thanks for your attention.

The messenger is Connie Huebert

The transcript is from Susannah

Divine Mother ~ Trust Yourself

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