Butterfly Moon - The Real Earth

  • 2015

A deep wave of Love from the Fairy Kingdom surrounds your Being, filling it completely with sustainers and sacred vibrations of the Fairy Kingdom. I am Luna Mariposa; I am a communicator representing the Fairy Kingdom, which I share the wisdom of the Fairy Kingdom with those of the Earth, as well as with those of the entire Creator Universe. The Fairy Kingdom wants me to share with you a message concerning the healing of Mother Earth, as well as the memory of the true identity and energy of Mother Earth. The message and the guide of the Fairy Kingdom are manifested with their Love, as well as with my Love, as a powerful stream of consciousness so that you connect with it. When you connect with the loving consciousness with which I am wrapping you now, you will be able to accept more wisdom on a deeper level than I can share at this moment, drawing towards you the Divine Guide to the Fairy Kingdom for you and for the Earth.

The Fairy Kingdom wants to remind you that everything is not always as it seems, they want you to let go of the reality of pain, suffering and need, healing you and especially healing Mother Earth. They want you to let go of the reality that nothing is right and that it needs to be restored; In many ways this is a false illusion created by the consciousness of Humanity over many generations, while it has been reinforced and projected through your mind as well as your abilities to manifest. If you remember that everything is not always as it seems, especially in your reality, then you allow yourself to have access to a more expansive consciousness that takes you out of the illusions of your reality, which you can powerfully energize to create your legitimate truth. With an expanded consciousness and the ability to let go of what appears to be the truth in reality, you can transcend the consciousness of Humanity into the Creator Consciousness; that is to say, towards thought forms born of Truth and not of illusion.

The Fairy Kingdom wants to remind you that the way you perceive Earth and your reality has a great impact on your experience on Earth. To perceive the falls of the Earth and of Humanity, will only continue to create the same. The Earth on which you exist has never been damaged or damaged; you and Humanity are experiencing an energetic template of the Earth that you can mold and manipulate according to the desire of your heart. However, you can only truly connect with what you might call the real Earth, when you allow yourself to create an energetic template of the Earth equal to the true vibration of the Earth. In many ways it is like an enigma, or like a door that must be opened. When you allow yourself to have access to the true vibration of the Earth; in which the Earth is healthy, strong and balanced; and change the Earth's energy template to be equal to this vibration, then the Earth will be healed. It will not be that Mother Earth is healed, for she has always been healthy, but that your perspective of Mother Earth, which is immensely powerful and completely real to you, will be aligned with the Truth of the Creator, consequently with the Truth of the Earth .

The Fairy Kingdom wants you to know that Mother Gaia's Soul and her physical Earth exist within your Heart Chakra and your Soul; This Earth is much more true than the Earth that you recognize outside of you. It is time that you truly reside your faith and trust within your Being, even if the reality that you perceive outside of you represents something different. The Fairy Kingdom encourages you to focus the attention of your mind on your heart and soul, asking to see, feel or recognize the true Earth and the true Mother Gaia that exist in the Creator Universe.

You can see, feel and recognize the Earth in its true health, in its true beauty and full of its sacred wonders. Take time to explore the truth of the Earth and Mother Earth, feeling that you become more and more familiar with this authentic perspective. The more you explore this true version of the Earth, the more you will connect with its vibrations and its energy, attracting them to your whole Being, to all your reality; and to the consciousness of Humanity, thus projecting the Truth for all to experience. Your whole Being will vibrate with the true energies of the Earth allowing everything in your reality to flow with ease and perfection, with everything you need and require that is within your reality. In truth you will be detaching yourself from the cycle of suffering, struggle and disappointment; and consequently abandoning the illusion. If the illusion dissolves, then there can only be the Truth, the Truth of the Creator, which is healing and satisfaction for you, for your reality and for the Earth. Prepare to feel that everything will be healed when you connect with the true vision of the Earth inside your Heart Chakra and your Soul. Everything is healthy now, simply that you and Humanity still do not remember or recognize this, wanting to believe in illusions because they seem more real than what exists within your heart and soul. If you can truly allow yourself to see, feel or recognize within your heart the beauty and health of the Earth, this will stimulate you to believe more fully, to be able to mold and manipulate the Earth's energy template with which you are working towards a Reflection of the Earth within your Being, which restores your memory of the true Earth.

With a connection with the Earth within your Being, the Fairy Kingdom wants to encourage you to obtain a technique to manifest the vibration of the true Earth in your cells, in your reality and in the physical manifestation of the energy template of the Earth. The Fairy Kingdom encourages you to listen to the energetic rhythm of the Earth within your heart and your Soul, that you allow yourself to hear, feel or recognize the rhythmic pattern that it creates and with which it vibrates. Each energetic Being and each Soul has an energetic rhythmic pattern that sustains the uptake and manifestation of the Creator's energy. All aspects of your Being, whether past, present, future, or your versions of the internal planes, have slightly different energetic rhythmic patterns. Your rhythmic energy pattern describes your Soul and your Truth ; It differs very slightly with each incarnation and manifestation of yourself. The same is for Earth. When you connect with the energetic rhythmic vibrations of the current Earth, you can realize that the rhythm is always slightly unbalanced, it is as if a note of his music is out of tune. When you enter the energetic rhythmic pattern of the Earth inside your heart and your Soul; and express this to the Earth outside you, this will create what you perceive as a healing, which is simply that you allow the Earth from outside you to resonate with the true Earth inside your Being.

The Fairy Kingdom wants to invite you to connect with the Earth inside your heart and your Soul, to ask that the Fairy Kingdom surround you and support you, giving you its energy. I invite you to ask or intend to allow the energy patron of the Earth within your Being to pulse through your entire Being. You can feel a vibration No light energy bathes your whole Being.

You may hear it and feel it as a musical rhythm that fills your whole mind and your whole Being. The Fairy Kingdom invites you to express the Earth's energy patriotic pattern drumming with your fingers, or with your feet on the ground, letting you be guided by the Divine Energy that flows throughout your Being.

You may want to use your voice or a musical instrument to express the sacred energetic vibrations that flow through your Being. Whatever the way you feel guided to express the Truth of the Earth, have the certainty that the Fairy Kingdom will be supporting you. The Fairy Kingdom will magnify any energetic energy vibration you create, to create an echo that passes through the entire physical Earth to which you are accustomed, touching all the vibrations energy while creating transformation. The vibrations that you believe will also touch the hearts of many, encouraging them to connect with the true Earth and create the true Earth, instead of believing in the illusions concerning the Earth they are currently experiencing. This remembrance process is very powerful for everyone; The more you allow to achieve it, the more you will connect, creating the Land of the Age of Love for you and for everyone.

When Souls like you think of the Earth by sending healing, Light and Love, you are really allowing yourself to connect with the true vibrations of the Earth, with the real reality of the Earth within of your Being. This is why you focus on healing and the transformation of the Earth is still vital, for it reinforces the Truth of the Earth within your Being, allowing you to remember the Truth of the Creator, not only for the Earth but also for yourself and for all Humanity. Be assured that your work with all aspects of the Earth is gratefully received; and honored by the Fairy Kingdom, which wants you to know that it is always present to support you.

With Fairy Blessings,

Butterfly Moon

Translated: Jairo Rodr guez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consultancy

Source: http://www.jairorodriguezr.com

Butterfly Moon - The Real Earth

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