The Spiritual Portals and the Cave of Time - Metatron

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you all within this precious vector of eternal space. I hug you in unconditional love. Love that is geometric, that is scientific, a love of immeasurable sacredness. Love is the source of EVERYTHING. It is not an emotion, it is an omnipotent resonance. The source of power that allows your present consciousness has never been physical, and where I reign there are many divine beings of light without even being aware that there is a physical system like yours. Are you surprised by this?

Divine intelligence and sentient consciousness existed before, long before your land was formed. Consciousness is the energy of all creation, all matter and antimatter, and this creates many other realities besides your Earth. It is, again, your own view that is now so limited that it seems to you that physical reality is the rule and mode of existence. Your academic search for life on other planets within your solar system, and because they are different from your Earth, they assume that there is no life in them. We tell them not only that they are full of life, but also that the planets and stars, and the particular space between them are all conscious beings. Even the void is alive. Physical life is the exception, not the rule.

The physical system in duality is a certain illusion. You are dreaming, the dream of humanity. You are powerful spiritual beings using filters. They are Divine sparks from the Creative source attending the University of the Earth. Thus, you must accept this axiom, and from your point of view try to understand the great realities that exist beyond your physical perception, which are many. And LOVE is the building block, the DNA core of everything.

And so we talk about that called Time Warp in your usual language.

QUESTION: Last year I spent time in a single power node called Grimes Point, located near Lake Tahoe, outside Reno, Nevada, on the border with California. The area is covered with several interesting petroglyphs and is recognized by indigenous natives as a portal to the Star Nation. There is a cave that exists in the area that has very interesting energies. I spent some time among the rocks and soon went into meditation that was very similar to ayahuasca. I felt as if I had passed an empty time, out of the timeline, and the visible physical in the vicinity had a misty wave and felt an electric pulse on the earth. Can you talk about this area? Is it a time warp area?

METATRON: Grimes Point is indeed an area of ​​time distortion. That distortion occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flow that occurs rhythmically in the specific area. The true distortion of gravity also affects spacetime in the area. And it creates a dimensional opening field very similar to what happens at the poles.

QUESTION: There are stories of the native peoples of the Paiute tribe and a report of a physicist in the 40s of intra-earth cities in this area in general. Can you talk about this?

METATRÓN: We have talked about the civilizations and colonies that exist within the internal land, as we also talk about the vast underground network of tunnels and caverns that interconnect your planet. They were originally built by Syrians and Pleiadians, and used greatly by the advanced Atlanteans. Those that you think of as the inhabitants of Lemuria, many of whom are under the area of ​​Mount Shasta, Grand Tetons, Arkansas, and also in the Grimes Point area, the Mohave Desert and the Death Valley, in regions of the United States.

These areas exist, it is not folklore, rather a fact of dimensional coating in the unified field. Meanwhile, in fact, there were fortuitous incidents of discovery of these caves containing tunnel networks and evidence of past bases and civilizations.

What specifically happens under Grimes Point is a massive portal that, due to its unique frequency, is an entry point to the inner earth bases, used mainly by Pleiadians. Although this sounds fantastic and incredible to many, it is really real. Your primary origin is in fact of the Pleiades and Sirius, despite the overwhelming evidence, it is largely ruled out as an illusion by the human genre.

In fact you are of galactic origin, and coexist in multidimensionality, like those true races whose existence you deny.

You talked about the Pauites legends, although in fact many of the indigenous tribes recognize what they call `` Star Nation. '' Many of their languages ​​include names for the Pleiades. The Lakota, Hava Supai and Navajo, all refer to the Pleiades and Sirius. The legends of the Hava Supai refer to the fact that the gent blue-gray lanky ant brought them underground to their refuge cities during the first and second Atlantean floods. They were really Lemurian and Syrian. It is known by your geologists that this area was under water some 12, 000 years ago.

The human remains of what you call the Spirit Cave Man, found in Grimes Point, is an enigma for anthropologists. Your current technology dates the remains in 8, 400 BC (10, 400 before the present -AP-). Although the great mystery is that the remains are not of indigenous race, but rather of a small man of Caucasian characteristics.

QUESTION: So, Grimes Point, is it an entry point to the inner land?

METATR N: Sure! One of many. It is directly connected to the city of Agartha from Mount Shasta and the vast underground chasm beneath California, Nevada, Arizona, Arkansan and Wyoming.

QUESTION: Is it the cave, as it is said discovered by Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a real fact? Did it happen? He talked about finding mummies of 2.7 meters with red hair and geometric symbols.

METATR N: The cave was found and exists. There are many discoveries all over the planet of what you call giants. Those found in Nevada and California are the height of the Atlantean race with golden skin and often blond or reddish hair.

Although we do not decide to enter into what they call conspiracies and secret policies, parts of your government have been in relationship with some aliens for quite the past century. Some of this is really good work, something is about advances in secret technology. It is not our mission to delve into this, but to tell you that in the near future your extraterrestrial connections will be more remarkable. But again, these connections were commonly recognized, and without fear by the natives.

Many of your country tribal societies openly interacted with "Star Beings" and indeed with intra-terrestrial lemurians. This interaction was for teaching and assistance. While your government is in contact with them now, the intra-terrestrial Lemurian civilization does not want to intermingle with the human race today. They are calm beings, highly advanced spiritually, without religion other than the recognition of the Divine. They are in a separate course and very close to completing the cycle. When you develop the inner ability to increase your frequency, you will discover the ability to interact with all Divine Intelligence. They will discover your true origin, true purpose and multidimensional nature. You will discover that you are the aliens, you are the Star Beings, the Dolphins, Atlanteans and LeMurians.


QUESTION: Thank you. Returning to Grimes Point, the petroglyphs are very interesting. Many of them show oscillation waves and zigzag patterns. Did these symbols have a specific meaning?

METATRON: There are a variety of periods and ages of the petroglyphs. Some are simply ceremonial. Those of oscillation and zigzag waves are symbols of distortion of time and space that the post-Atlantean natives of the area felt and experienced in the place. Because in truth this is a painful area of ​​gravitational anomaly and thus a dimensional concentration of time-space. You discovered it firsthand by entering meditation there; The area exudes a translucent wave field, similar to the mirage they see when they observe the heat rising over the road on a hot summer day.

You see that the veil that separates realities is very thin at Grimes Point. Scenes of today, events in process of other worlds and other time frames may be visible at certain times, and physically perceived much more easily here. The rays indicated by the zigzag and the oscillation waves in the petroglyphs are clear signs of what happens in the area.

Concentric circles and spiral patterns indicate the vortex portal of the area, the entrance to what the natives called the Spiritual world. All are very tangible at Grimes Point, visible and physically apparent in terms of gravitational anomalies and distorted time.

The caves in the area were and are used in several periods as entry points for the Pleiadians, and these energies are very powerful. One can in a specific period truly access large portions of multidimensionality. The adept can use this energy to recover the integral being. For healing and change the past and the future. The various dimensional realities of Being merge into the total perception of the whole being. There is a constant subconscious exchange of information between all these layers of the total being, and it is an extremely important process. It is somewhat easier to promulgate this healing of integration within concentric dimensions covering areas such as Grimes Point. In fact these energies are very available to the seeker in that way.

Now, time as you perceive it is simply that, a perception. We assure you that real time does not exist in the linear way that you believe, beyond duality. In even within the filtered duality lenses, there are certain areas of dimensional coating that occur on the planet where significant time anomalies can and do occur. You see that there are many Lands that occur concentrically within the space that the human race perceives the physical earth to occupy. There are frequency mechanisms that connect these parallel dimension coatings, which creates portals to other time frames and realities that coexist within these unique areas.

So from the big picture, time as they know it doesn't exist. Time and space are intricately connected, aspects of the same mechanism. The space, as a way of saying it, is frozen light held in a matrix format within the duality that allows the separation and display of the illusion of trapped or metric sequences of time.

To explain this in analogy with your computers today, Space and Time are sub-programs of digital-dimensional light. Space-time, then, is a holographic server that can simultaneously store many different files and sub-files within its storage capacity. Just as there are locations within the computer access stages that allow you to see all the programs and files, as well as navigate from one to the other, so there are locational vectors in the Earth program that anchor the portals of holographic dimensions which allow access to other metric / reality matrix files and time formats.

So while living this "present" life in the perceived time of today, all your existences also live at the same time, time is perceived as a jelly mold "holding them there as is your physical agreement."

The area they call Grimes Point, near Lake Tahoe, in Nevada, is one of those. Within the area there are many dynamic energy coatings. It really is a portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not a wormhole in space to other points of the Cosmos, but in fact (and specifically) a unique portal to other dimensional aspects that could be cataloged as the program Omni-Earth hologram. You can name it a portal-time vector. It is one of many coordinated points on your planet that contains the script of its time code. Such coordinated points are anchors that hold each reality to the physical worlds, the Omni-Earth. So then, within this concentric lining vector there are other time programs; other dimensional realms can be accessed more frequently. The ancient adepts knew it, and clearly experienced it in a variety of degrees by many of what you call indigenous.

Time Portals Vectors are not the only way to access other realities. In fact, it can be achieved in myriad forms, including the crystalline energies of phi resonance, in states of deep meditation. But what is different in the coordination points of the Time Portals of Time, is that the Omni-Earth Time program is anchored to itself, to use a simplified explanation, to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequency matrices. These are unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Teton, Shasta and Roslyn that are primarily Celestial Star Portals. In the first one you access other kingdoms, other times, other terrestrial time programs, while in the last one, you travel to other dimensions in Space. You see the difference?

QUESTION: Are you saying that Grimes Point and other Time Portals Vectors allow or enhance the ability to travel in time?

METATRON: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all holographic time programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points. Which does not mean that when one walks in Grimes Point it will disappear from the present and will materialize in a program of the past or the future, rather that they are windows to other frames of time sequences that are here (more) accessible. But we really tell you that they can and do happen here completely intentionally and occasionally by accident. We will tell you that those civilizations with greater technology, both past and future, that understand the true science of time travel, choose such portals vectors to enter other times for various purposes. This could really happen and it happens.


Time travel has happened both in your past and in your future. Although there are instances where people have temporarily moved to different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd in fact temporarily saw a true step at a different time during his polar journey. Many of the missing flights that were so publicized about the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transfers. Rather, it was the malfunction of the instruments that created wrong directions and silence on the radio, and the disappearances were simply because they crashed into the sea. Certain governments work in tandem (successively or simultaneously) classified with certain corporations on deck that have already developed rough time travel mechanisms.

These are not yet at a manageable level and the resulting stress in the human "temponaut" is considerable, the human body exposed to this experience suffers from aging stress in approximately 7 to 10 years for each trip. Currently they are only able to advance about 20 years in time, but they are not able to navigate in the past. Over time, when the apparatus used is converted from magnetic force to crystalline bioplasmic fields, this will be greatly improved, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by accidental accident. Optimum time navigation occurs through Merkivah through a field of bioplasmic refined consciousness, and widely aided in terms of time vector by crystalline apparatus, which is mainly operated by the light consciousness of the traveler. Many of you travel in time in a dream state very often, and there is the key to how it will be optimally done in the expanded state of consciousness.

While in truth there are Physical Laws that apply to how much time and space is navigated interdimensionally, the apparent limits that the human race perceives between the present and future past are filtered illusions caused by the limitations of dimensionality that you can physically perceive in duality. According to them it seems that one moment exists and goes away forever, and the next moment comes, and like the previous one, it also evaporates in the great fog of the past. We tell you that everything in and about Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists simultaneously, simultaneously. The past, present and future only appear to those that exist within three-dimensional reality. And the programs that separate the archives of times of time in the Omni-Earth can be navigated.


The past and the future as you believe it must exist as a series of electromagnetic receptors held in a crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the nonphysical mind within the ultraviolet field. These small electromagnetic receivers can be changed, and in fact they are in constant flux. You establish the script of your destiny, and this destiny is not one with linear dynamics in only one sense. Your creation of your past is as important as the creation of your present and your future. The past, then, is very malleable and is no more determined than your future. Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell you that if the next generation were told at an early age that the Roman Empire ruled the world until the seventeenth century, in truth that past would become a reality, and it would be found Evidence to confirm it. Although it could be a completely different past than what the older generation built. But BOTH would be true. Both would be separate and valid fields within time holographic programs.

As humans in duality, they take this for granted that a present action can change the future, but the actions of the present can and do change the past as well. The past is no more separate or unwrapped from your present than from the decisions you make today. We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do affects your past, and consequently you can remove what you might call traumas and mistakes that occurred years ago, past lives of your instance. Present.

In addition, all of you are asked to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within the human brain are forged and enmeshed (covered by a mantle) totally and completely by each one of you and just like that. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes happen spontaneously on subconscious bases.

The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact, you constantly reorganize it with the experience of each new moment, of each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis of the instant of each given experimental event. Hypnotherapists know that pseudo-memories of fictions or altered past events can be implanted in the minds of humans through the induction of deep states, and in a very true sense these memories and their ways of affecting The present of the subjects becomes completely real. Then, it continues to reason that the future, present and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations that evolve and change. And take note that what happens is a real-time actual re-creation, not a metaphorical one. The little inner child really is still within the adult human, but she or he is not the child he was, because even the child Inside the human constantly changes.


Consequently, it is now your business, as you enter the energies of Ascension, seize the power of NOW, and realize that you can and should change the past, your individual past, from the position of the Now. Within NOW, you can Merkabahttically convert into MerKiVa and thus gain control of everything within your multidimensionality. This is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter it. It expands to the power that allows the fulcrum (fulcrum) of co-creation at the unique moment of NOW, over linear time and holographic permanence within time in Omni-Earth.

We tell you that personal matters and blockages can rise and rise when the proper evolution of the past is hindered and is not allowed to take place spontaneously. In some scenarios, serious neuroses occur precisely because the individual has not changed his past. As an example, the channeler has some close associations that sometimes give a sense of great panic of claustrophobia and paranoia in large crowds. He realizes that this is due to the associations having suffered a traumatic past life by escaping the chaotic uproar of violence in Athens with children by the hand, hours before the Turkish invasion destroyed the city. Literally leaving everything behind and running terrified for their lives, taking children with them.

This is a perfect example of a past life trauma occurring and osmotically affecting the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately changed, it can and will eliminate panic disorder and the resulting neurosis. This is just an example. Thus, regardless of specific details, you all have traumas in the past that can and will be altered to gain the perfection required in enlightened co-creation. Do not be discouraged, this is totally concrete, and at a subconscious level you have done it many times in a dream state. We assure you that it can be done in a conscious state in the Merkiva within the NOW.

And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot reach an event and change it whether or not it happens to fall within the limited scope of the reality of which you normally participate.


Now, the LeMurians who escaped from the island of Mu going to the internal realms of the Earth did not do so simply by caving. They did not suddenly find a cave and ventured deep and deeper inside until they stumbled upon the abyss of a vast inner world. Instead they entered a different program of the Omni-Earth precisely by meeting in a coordinated portal of dimensional time and reaching their frequency through the attempt and own mastery to achieve the change to another hologram. This process was also followed in a protocol and technique, by far much more scientific, by the Golden Age Atlanteans, and for a different purpose. The LeMurians relied on the natural time vector portals, while the Atlanteans had sophisticated devices and crystals that created time portals. For both cases, Mastery of Being was required to reach the level of vibration at different frequencies.

Many humans have experienced the different aspects of the dimensional portal of Shasta and Grand Teton, and have read the exploits of Guy Ballard (founder of the IAM -YOSOY Movement) with the beloved Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Cities of Light above and below Of those mountains. Although in truth, these cities of light are neither above nor below in the directional sense, but are separate programs occurring in the same non-space space, and accessible by dimensional portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of those places.


The ability to become undetermined in time, and really navigate within it, has a succinct utility that serves the integral healing of the whole being within multidimensionality. Certain areas of the planet make time holograms and multidimensional aspects somewhat easier. Grimes Point, Big Teton, Arkansas and Mount Shasta are among the most powerful of these. That is due to the frequency energies that are exuded inside these portals. Although this can be achieved Merkivicamente at any point. No event is "written in stone" or predestined. Each given event can be changed not only before and during but after occurring. Writing your future and changing the past remains one of the final challenges of many of you, and no time is more powerful than NOW.

I am Metatron and I share these Truths with you.

And so it is.

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Archangel Metatron, through Tyberron (Guardian of the Earth)

Date: April 3, 2009

Translation: Sergio Hache

Edition: Anita Manasse


(Nevada News Desk) “Human remains of the Spirit Cave, found at Grimes Point, are the focus of worldwide attention and a national controversy. The man does not resemble Native Americans, anthropologists said, and he can represent an unknown racial population already established in North America, before the ancestors of the first Native Americans of America had arrived. The enigmatic remains are dated to more than 10, 400 years, far from the oldest verified remains found in North America. ”

Associated Press


Archangel Metatron, through James Tyberonn

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