The movements of the Earth, the Blue-Violet Ray and the reconnection with the elements. Summer and winter solstice - by KAI

  • 2011

Have you felt strange these days?

They are not the only ones, the entire Planet is in motion and it is very important that these days we remain centered in the Heart in Alignment with the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and all its Elements.

Many movements are taking place in the Magnetic Grids of the Planet, which is driving us to new alignments of consciousness and subtle bodies. Likewise, the energies are causing physical movements on Mother Earth, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, rains ...

The United States being affected by the Tornadoes and Colombia by the heavy rains and floods and the recent massive stranding of the Pilot Whales in Florida and Scotland, are a sign that there really are movements in the Planetary grids.

Mother Earth in alignment with the Solar energies is again aligning the Planetary frequency, so that the Magnetic Grids and all life on the Planet can align to these new energies that enter every moment through the Christian Grid. It is a normal process, which is necessary for the alignment of the Planetary consciousness to be generated. However, this calls us to help sustain the process and remain as aligned as possible as we move inside the storm.

These movements of Frequency are causing that in these last weeks many of Us are feeling tired, discouraged or simply uncomfortable in our bodies and surroundings. With little motivation and very vulnerable to energy dissonances with people; which causes us emotional instability as well as few desires to talk and interact with others. They are days, moments and times of intense work of reflection and purification as the solar energies push out everything that does not correspond to the true essence of our Being. That is, it is very possible that these days discussions, disagreements or old ailments, but it is only so that they can be purified and we can take the opportunity to align ourselves with our true essence and with the new energy that is ALREADY present on the Planet.

This, however uncomfortable it may be, is a normal process that will happen as we go through the eclipses of this month of June and approach the summer / winter solstice. Once the solstice is over, we will realize that we are in an energetically different space, with much greater capacity to connect and receive the New energies. After the storm, calm will come!

Know that Our lower bodies are aligning with our bodies of Light. As we allow ourselves to align ourselves from the inside, working on purifying ourselves through sustaining our spiritual coherence and remaining as aligned as possible to our heart and our truth. Know that despite the physical and emotional discomforts that these processes cause us, everything is fine. We are waking up, the new energy is here! But it is essential to focus on our heart, to know how to discern what arises and we can align ourselves.

The most appropriate in these days of high emotional and energetic tension is to remain rooted and aligned with the Crystalline Heart of Mother Earth, the elements and Elementals. As well as working with the energies of the Blue-violet ray.

Align with the Crystalline Heart, the Elements and Elementals.

In this process we are transforming the vibrational frequency of our body. The chemical composition of carbon will be transformed into a chemical composition of silicon, according to the new Planetary frequency. Our whole body and DNA is processing that transformation and movement of Information / Light that is driving it to renew its genetic codes, releasing pain memories, to boost our consciousness towards experimentation. Unit n.

As this planetary transformation happens, it is essential that we reconnect with Mother Earth and its elements. For this will not only help us to sustain the new energies in our bodies, it will also help Mother Earth in her process of aligning the Planetary grids, as more people allow themselves to open their hearts. n greater will be the impulse of the Planetary Frequency, we are all necessary at this moment!

Therefore, it is essential to stay as close to nature. Relate to all the elements. Spend time in our gardens, trees, Water, feel the wind and the Sun. Root our bodies, root our chakras and reconnect with the crystalline heart of Mother Earth, as well as its crystalline kingdoms. At this time, it is essential that each of us be allowed to reconnect with the Crystals of Mother Earth, because through them they are expanding and transmitting wonderful energies from the heart of Mother Earth, which will drive us to remember and heal our bodies, but also, our connection will help the crystals that remain asleep, wake up.

All this is a function of the preparation for Portal 11-11-11 in which the Planetary Crystals will Unify for the transmission of the Kundalini Solar Light through the entire grid of the Planet and thereby receive a 12-Strand Cosmic Planetary DNA Reactivation.

The Blue-Violet Ray

The Blue-Violet Ray is a ray of new energy that is entering the Planet intensely at this time. This ray carries the necessary qualities to help us sustain the intense processes of purification and Alignment. Staying centered within a tube of Blue-Violet Light will allow us to cope with the intense discharges of solar energy that are moving in these weeks.

The Blue-Violet Ray will help us keep our nervous system and our lower bodies in balance as they align with the body of Light through the rays of Solar energy.

The Blue-Violet Light envelops the Earth and is also being transmitted by the Arcturian Family of Light in tune with the Cetacean Family.

This ray will be helping us to purify everything that we are releasing from within. Likewise, it will help to balance the collective consciousness of the Planet in the places where physical movements are occurring.

Therefore, every moment you feel the physical and emotional discomfort of these weeks. Remember to wrap yourself in a Pillar of Blue-Violet Light.

Once aligned, if you feel the need to attend the Planetary service, send Blue-Violet Light to the areas of the Planet that are being affected by physical movements. This is to help accelerate the vibration of the People involved in each event. Remember, it is very important that when you send LIGHT, you DO NOT do it from the awareness of victimization, pain and Fear. Since that way, they will only be INCREASING the vibration already existing in those sites. For them it is VERY IMPORTANT, that they remain centered in the heart in alignment with Mother Earth, so that they can send High Vibration Light in Alignment with Love.

Mandala of Connection with the Blue-Violet Ray. Digital Work by KAI

Well, then, let's recap: What can we do to help sustain this process?

* Align ourselves with the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, because she is constantly maintaining the transmission of Crystal Solar Energies for the vibrational acceleration of Our bodies and aligning ourselves by working together with the Elements and elementals.

* Align ourselves with the Crystals of Mother Earth, both the physicists we can have at home, and those that still remain in the bowels of Mother Earth. This is very important, because as the Crystals wake up, the Solar Light transmissions will expand throughout the Planet. That way we help wake the Crystals and they help us.

For more information on this read this article:

* Wrap ourselves in Blue-Violet Light to cope with physical and emotional changes. And once we are feeling aligned, Send Light to each site where we resonate send assistance. Focusing on the heart we can send the Violet Blue Light.

The entire Family of Light is helping us in this process, The Arcturian and Cetacean Family. As well as all the Beings of Light that assist us. But it is important to know that CHANGE WILL BE GENERATED BY US. EACH ONE OF US FROM THE HEART.

Flow in your own processes and know that despite all the inconveniences, the energies will align if we allow ourselves to work ALL IN LOVE TOGETHER.

Note: In Alignment with this information and working on Harmonic Cooperation with Celia Fenn, we will publish a meditation that we can perform on June 21. Which we will publish in the next few days in mp3 format, along with a video ..



LOVE ... It is the recognition in Humility of Unity and Divinity in everything that surrounds us. Love is Respect, compassion, Joy ... when we love deeply, without attachments and without fear we can go beyond our barriers to enter the sacred space of Unity. Love is the seed and the fertile field where Life germinates ..

KAI | SYRIO light



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Quantum Holoforms KAI

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