The Fruits of the Spirit by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2013


Lecture by Master Beinsá Dunó, given on February 3, 1924.

And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, mercy, faith, meekness, temperance. ( Galatians 5: 22, 23).

Each form acquires its value by its content and each content acquires its value by its meaning. You have a mountainous peak, you have some mountainous fountain or a beautifully constructed drinking fountain. What is it that gives value to the drinking fountain, the fountain or the top? What is it that gives value to a drinking fountain? The stone, the marble or the water that flows from the dump of that drinking fountain? You have some famous university in Europe. What is it that makes the university famous? His books and libraries? No, your eminent teachers. You have churches built of that beautiful stone. What is it that gives meaning to the churches? On the one hand the parishioners, on the other hand - the priests. You have some famous hotel, some motel. What is it that gives meaning to the hotel? The hotelier. You have a famous restaurant. What is it that gives meaning to the restaurant? The main cook, who knows how to cook. “The restaurant without the cook, the school without the teacher, the church without the priest, the home without the housewife, let all this burn the fire!”, Says the Bulgarian.

New times require new understandings; new times require a new logic; New times require a new grammar, a new spelling. Some of you think you know how to write a lot, don't you? I am sometimes astonished at the Bulgarian writers. I have not yet found among Bulgarian writers such that they use every word to their site. And they go through very prominent writers! Not only among the Bulgarians I have not found, but among the English writers. This is not a defect of consciousness, but contemporary peoples have not yet reached this high level of development, as to understand the content of language. Contemporary peoples speak only by form. A young poet can write like this: "High peaks, deep valleys!" Now someone can laugh at the poetry of this poet. Another young poet says: "Oh, you are beautiful as a mountain cream, you are like a Turkish fountain!" This poet can be corrected. Take the translation of the Holy Psalms of the Hebrew language. These are read very difficult, they have not been translated as they should, and those who have translated them, they were far from understanding the inner sense of those psalmists who wrote them thousands of years ago. Therefore, it is not a reproach that they cannot translate the inner sense of a psalm, or that they do not understand the contemporary Gospels that have been written 2, 000 years ago, or the messages of the apostles such as the message of the apostle Paul. And today, they sit and agree, as geologists agree for Earth, as astronomers agree for the Sun, as biologists, chemists, physicists agree on of certain questions. And all of them with conjectures walk. They assume, admit, measure, but no matter how much they measure, there are certain measures outside of human precepts, we call them irrational numbers. You measure, you measure, there is always a small excess, you cannot divide it. You divide, you divide, you put it aside, you say, "Hey, nothing happens." No, these smaller excesses that remain are the ones that create the greatest sufferings of contemporary humanity. You say: "Money, money, bread, clothes, houses, this is the most important issue." Truly the bread is important, the clothes too, the house too, but the house, the bread and the clothes are not one of the main elements. If the house were one of the primary elements, people would not die. It is good that the man has a house, but not everything is in the house. The body, and he is a house. I'm going to convey an anecdote, I take it from an unedited novel. It is told in this novel of two counts, and the two great athletes, they leave Avdzhilak (hunting - nt), as the Turks say. One of the counts was called Caponi. One day he goes out with his rifle, let's say it in a modern way, among the bushes to look for rabbits, and hop! - it falls into a large hole, an old pit 7-8 meters deep. Look from below, you can't leave. A pastor shouts around him. The pastor approaches: "What's up?" - "I fell into this hole. Can you help me? "-" I can. " The pastor had a fat rope. She brought her. But notice, this Count Caponi was a very delicate man, with soft hands, with all European manners. When you take this rope, your hands have stripped a little. He says to the pastor: “You, sir, can't you throw me a thinner, silk rope, my hands have been stripped?” - “Hey, the factories have now taken out such ropes, they haven't made silk ropes yet. If you want, if not, you will stay longer down. ” He finally takes him out. When the earl comes out of the well, beat the shepherd three times. "You have to know that since you are a pastor in this area, you should close this hole so that you do not cause me such sufferings." - "Well, I'll close this hole soon." The count leaves. The pastor goes to the city to request a cover for the well, but at this time another count, Bermuccio, who was around this area, hop! - he falls and he in the well. The shepherd comes, closes the hole, hears a voice: "Please, brother, don't close the well!" - "How? I recently took out another. ” - "No, please! How are you two? S came, please! Ah, I'm going to get you out! Recently I took out one and he, when he came out, hit me three beating, because the rope was very rough and because of this he touched his hands. No, I will be extremely grateful, chacha any rope . The pastor takes him out and for gratitude the count calls him to a banquet. I ask now: Why do these two counts have two different understandings? You are going to object to me: This is impossible, he is the author who has done these things so . But I ask: Why do contemporary Christian churches, an orthodox and an evangelical one, not understand each other? Why, when they meet, do they turn their backs? What does this misunderstanding come from? And the one and the other is not the teaching of Christ? Is this Gospel not this rope thrown into a pit? Isn't this rope one and the same? One and the same is, but the one hands are stripped and the other is not peeled. Why? You say: This is a habit, this is education, this is because we have been born that way. No, this is not a clarification of life. It is not that we just say that his mother, that his father has made him born. Yes, but his grandfather, his great-grandfather 4-5 generations ago were not so drunk, this inheritance came later. Therefore, certain defects, which exist in the world, are not defects within life itself.

Now we will return to the substantial in life. Pablo, who passed as a good connoisseur of mystical science, speaks what are the fruits of the Spirit. Some when they hear hidden science, begin to look with a bad eye. When we talk about spiritism, about spirits, they start looking with a bad eye. They say: Ah, the spirits, this is a bad thing . No, spirits, this is the only reasonable thing in the world. Under the word sp ritu, I understand what is reasonable, the most beautiful thing in the world, what gives meaning to life, what fills everything, what brings all the blessings and give that one, the most beautiful mental, cordial and willing disposition in life. When the Spirit speaks, there are no contradictions in the world. If we had been guided by this Spirit, which directs everything in life, we would always understand each other. And when we talk about spirits in the ordinary sense of the word, these are human souls behind in the path of their development. Once and they talk, we call them little spirits. Some say: The Spirit spoke to me. What did he talk to you about? Do this and this . When the Spirit comes, what are the qualities by which we will recognize Him? I will not let you guess it, your self-love is going to be touched for not having succeeded, but when I say, even if I make a mistake, you will say: Eh, the Master made a mistake . Then I take full responsibility, I will make a mistake.

And so, the presence of the Spirit always produces heat in the physical world; the presence of the Spirit always produces movement in the physical world; the presence of the Spirit always produces growth in life; the presence of the Spirit in the physical world always produces flowering, it bears fruit. The Spirit brings life within itself. Therefore, He broadens consciousness. Wherever this Spirit comes from, if you give it place, you will see that He brings joy throughout the house. He who has this Divine Spirit emanates something abundant from him, he is like a mountain source and all the plants around know this Spirit. Why? - He introduces life. Now, don't get any other illusions. When the Spirit is absent, another state will immediately be born in you: melancholy, meaninglessness in life, dislike, doubts, suspicions, nonsense, you don't feel like working, you don't love people, etc. Therefore, the presence of the Spirit has a positive side. Paul is referring to this side now.

On the other side we call the dark forces of life. And they are active. So in the world there are two types of consciousness: one of the consciousnesses is consciousness of light and the other consciousness is awareness of darkness. That is why we have people whom I call "people of the luminous consciousness" and "people of the dark consciousness." Wherever you meet these people, in England, in Bulgaria, they distinguish themselves. You see a man whose consciousness is obscure. Until you change your consciousness, you cannot change and your character. If the mother gives birth to a child with a dark conscience, whatever teacher takes him, he will simply become an officer. I will not use the French word "tramp". The word "tramp" has subsequently taken this meaning.

And so, the first manifestation of the Spirit, the first fruit, this is Love. Love, this is the first, the invincible impulse of life, against which no force in the world can be contrasted. He is a force that destroys everything. Therefore, this first impulse in Nature is the strongest. This is the first impulse, against which you must open the real path. If you don't open it, he'll open it himself. Love does not recognize any laws. I speak to you of Love as a force. He comes to the world and we recognize him, we see him from afar with our telescopes. Out of our universe comes a great wave and she goes with colossal speed. She will spill over the whole world and all those who oppose her, she will lift them up and take them with her. Where will you take them? He will take them wherever they go and some workers in some iron foundry. In some iron foundry, some of the non-careful workers, when they melt the iron, because they don't take care of themselves, they fall into the oven and the teacher notices that their temperature rises with a few degrees. When the worker disappears from the physical world, the oven temperature increases with 2 degrees. Do you understand Thus and these workers in the world, who will be carried by this wave, will only raise the temperature of the Divine oven with a few degrees. And we only chronicle this. When we talk about temperature rise, this means that those workers there, carelessly, fell into the oven and raised their temperature. They went inside to learn the laws of Love.

Now, sometimes, we judge the external world, for having put such laws, for having done this or that. Well, we will leave the outside world, but what have we done? The external world is a reflection of the internal world in us. The external political world is an expression of our internal life. There is no reason to be angry with the leaders, with the State. They have come out of the same life, apply the laws and principles they have learned in it. Why do you have to get mad at them? Every word must be guided by the Spirit. The presence of the Spirit brings Love. This is an internal impulse, an invincible impulse. When something big comes in the world, one of the signs is that a calm always occurs without any movement. This is called peace, Love. Peace means an inner calm in the spirit, just as when you expect something important to happen. And after this comes joy.

Joy is an internal effusion of the Love that has come. He is preceded by the peace that brings inner silence. In this silence everyone remains in awe, they wait for the big, the glorious that comes in life. And then we immediately see this flowering of every soul in the world. Therefore, this joy is coming in the world. Joy shows that life begins to bloom. Do not understand that flowering refers only to plants, that this process occurs only outside. No, this flowering occurs in the consciousness of man. This means that this man has so far eaten, drunk, stolen, lied, and a beautiful impulse comes in him, and he says: "From now on I will be a noble man, I will not allow myself any violence."

There are many heroes in the world who think they are strong people. And if I asked, what is the strength of a man, how would you respond? - Let him express his love. But how will you express your love? What do you hug someone? - No. What do you kiss someone? - No. That you build a house? - No. What do you send him to study? - No. I'm going to tell you the most important thing. Imagine that your hands and feet are tied, your whole body is tied. If I first come to you, what is that act that I should use? Should I take a step and punish them? Should I caress them, saying, "Oh, my little bird, you are very tortured!"? If I am a mother, do I have to kiss him and say: “Oh, my son, have you tortured a lot! That I give you a little broth, a little bit of bread, this or that? ”Do I have to carry it in my hands, that I give clothes? Is this what I have to do? No, the first thing - silence. Then, little by little I will take the knife and carefully cut these ropes. I'm not going to talk. This is peace, this is flowering. When you have cut this rope, then the flowering will come. Then the legs will be released, the hands will be released and joy will come. Then, the first thing: Love expresses itself through the liberation of the one you love. You are going to ask me: "How am I going to free him?" If your heart is tense and you are poisoned from within, you cannot free him. He who loves you, he knows how to act. He will take his little knife, be careful, it will not affect your skin in any way, it will only affect that rope. He must understand your nature, your soul, your mind. This is the man who loves you. He who cuts your skin, he does not love you. Some say: "I love you." We will do a test. You pass your knife and say: "Well, I'm afraid of not affecting you somewhere." Then you are not one of those who love. He who loves, he is brave, instantly pulls out the knife and knows where to put it.

Now, reformers, teachers, contemporary educators are very brave, they say: "That we educate children, that we educate contemporary society." Excellent idea, but that applies. How to educate children, how to educate society? From 8, 000 years ago, people are educated, what methods have not been used, but these methods have no result, that is, they have small results, but that true method, which Divine Love brings, is not yet applied. And in the world many superior beings, many angels work, but we see that and in their methods, there is still a defect, a small disadvantage. And notice that each town wants to rise. An excellent idea! Every town wants to become big, strong, powerful. Is right. Who is that man who does not want to grow up and become powerful? Who is that man who does not want order in his heart? Therefore, people for that and organized, want to have order within the country. But what, now, is the way for this order to be placed? Paul explains what the fruits of the Spirit are. And I'm going to stop partially, I'm not going to explain everything. Do not think that I will discover all the secrets! In this lecture of mine, I'm going to give you just a little candy and I'm going to tell you: When you come a second time, I'm going to give you one more little candy. You, when you leave here, will say: “Why don't you give us one more little chocolate? This man is very stingy - he promises, he gives a sandwich of bread, shows the bread, hides it and says: "Enough is enough!" - like the piece is going to be cut from his heart. Sacred bread is always given in very small crumbs. Heaven doesn't have ovens as big as here. Baking bread there is not like here, there are not baked such large loaves. Someone says: "Give a big loaf!" Heaven doesn't know such methods - it bakes big loaves. I, when I ever take your loaves, I am amazed how I am going to lift them. In Heaven, in a small piece there is such a great force, just know how to use it. He who knows will use it, but he who does not know, he will carry the great burden. Frequently, when I pass through a village, I look at some large pigs, they carry on their neck such large triangles, turned downwards. There are and adherents who carry such triangles. The Bulgarians, when they know that their pig is not very peaceful, so that it does not pass through the fence of another, they hang a triangle and he approaches the fence, he sees that it cannot happen, he goes back. It can't, a law of balance is this triangle. The Bulgarian says to the pig: "You will study this triangle, it is a law of balance, it is obedience to God." And the pig, when he arrives at the fence, looks here and there, goes back, says: "There is something in my neck." And now from the invisible world, the Lord has put people such triangles. I always find them with such triangles in the neck. We laugh at these pigs. We say: “A pig is this!” Eh, well, if a statesman comes to improve the situation of a people, if he comes to create such laws that will improve his situation and create an entire anarchy, this is right ? If that Bulgarian general has come to help his people, but he opens war, he suffers a defeat and everyone's coats remain in a horizontal position, should he not seek guilt within himself? Or how Pilate will wash his hands and say ?: The sin is again yours . It is not like that. If the general wants to war, he must know why. If the statesman sets a law, he must know why. If the mother gives birth, she must know why. Everywhere there is an incorrect understanding. You never have to represent the wrong side of life to the young girl. You tell him: T, when you get married, you will live well, the rich boy, is of a noble lineage, educated he is, he will look at you like a painted egg * . And she says: Ah, well? decides to marry. A Bulgarian wedding, this is a time sponsorship! They come consuegros, care, godparents, this is a whole week! And the girl says: I have found the meaning of life . The priest comes, blesses them, says: Live like Abraham and Jacob . Yes, but it doesn't work out like Abraham and Jacob. And then they say the boy is guilty. But the culprit is not just him. Did this ragged girl live better? Well, she and her mother didn't listen! As if I don't know her, how many times she threw her mother's plate. Take, my daughter. Hm! . He does not want to drink. And now they say: The poor girl, the boy made her unhappy! It is not all his fault. Yes, there is guilt in him, he does not have to be gross. He has to be fair and noble. Yes, but does she not have to be? And she has to be noble. One thing is required of the man, another of the woman. The law of Love must apply. Paul says what are the fruits of the Spirit.

And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, mercy, faith, meekness, temperance.

Peace is an inner calm. Joy, this is flowering. Benignity, this is an internal aroma, that which is contained within life itself, in consciousness itself. Within the same consciousness there must be a certain kindness, that is, within the consciousness there must be a certain softness. Mercy, this is application. Then this kindness must have an application method on the outside.

The second phase, this is faith. Paul stops over faith. Faith is a quality of the mind. In her the mental virtues must be applied. After this come meekness and temperance. What can we resemble meekness and temperance? The meek man is the strong man, and the temperate man is the rich man. Temperate man is only one who has wealth within himself. He retains this wealth.

These are the fruits of the Spirit. These are forces that act within our consciousness. Only when we find the behavior between love, peace, kindness, meekness, temperance, faith and mercy, will we then understand what the Spirit is. Note that these forces in each person do not appear in the same order. This depends on the level of human consciousness.

Every person wants to be hot. And truly the heat is a beautiful sign. But if in this heat the combustion increases, a painful state already appears. When the substances burn and do not burn properly, the energies do not transform completely, a small excess remains, a painful state appears, and the painful state is always reflected on the head. When your head is hot, you have a painful state. There must be no heat in the head of the man, it must be warm, that is, in the head there must be light and in the stomach - heat. Such is the law. If this thing changes, that is, in the head there is heat and in the light stomach, we turn the world with the head down. For example, how do mothers put light in their child's stomach? - The child is healthy, the mother takes candy, says: "Take, my son!" The chocolate is light. They think that when they put this little candy in their stomach, they will contribute something to the child. No, they will only spoil you. The mother says: "Come, son, one more!" They put a little more candy in their stomach. Finally, stomach pain appears. They call the doctors. The mother says: "I don't know what happened to her." The mother, for great love, puts the light in the stomach, the heat in the head and then does not know what happened to her. And the doctor, as he doesn't know what's wrong, prescribes castor oil. Why prescribe castor oil? When they talk about castor oil, they understand something else. Castor oil means that this life is missing something. When castor oil enters the body, it first made out all impurities. The oil shows that nothing impure in life should remain, that everything be thrown out. Your stomach has to break free. And now a row of physiologists disputes how many hours have to pass until the food is digested, how the digestion process has to be, etc. No, no, good foods are those that are digested in the easiest way and from which, if possible, the smallest excesses remain. Excess always represents a stagnant state. A man who moves cannot have excesses. Those people who start to rest more than they should, they gain weight. What is thickening? - Thickening is unnecessary wealth. He has left his income in the bank, a second, a third, a quarter, all these have left a series of documents in the stores. Of all these stores we must free ourselves.

And so, the first thing in the world: Love must be understood as a law in its application, to be applied in our individual life. Does Love apply in commercial life? - Have. In family life do you have? - Have. In the army do you have? - Have. Everywhere has application and must be applied! He has different applications. He has to carry good everywhere in the world. Why are people going to war? - To give freedom. Why do they write? - For freedom. Therefore, at its base, each one has as a portion to make those around him free, but we must be prudent, to know how to apply this freedom. If freedom is truly achieved in a reasonable way, it contains a quality in itself - it brings joy. For example, this who, when cutting the rope to free me, mutilates my hands, he has released me incorrectly and I will not be happy. But if you release me correctly, the first thing that will happen is that I will feel a joy for the freedom that has been given to me. Therefore, joy always comes from the fact that we are free. Because when we see the one who loves us, our heart begins to tremble, we know that he brings us freedom, that is, it brings joy, for joy and peace mean that all those obstacles that disrupt our life will be removed. Now someone says like this: "I have no peace in my life." - You have no peace since you have not acquired Love. Love must be received in its essence. It is not that you do not have this Love, you have it, but in this Love there is something mixed and you have to purify it. You love only your children, your wife, but they love them in certain conditions. Many men love their women, but when? - While she is young, while she is beautiful. Once she starts to get old, once she starts to get sick, they get cold towards her. Once they start to see beautiful women on the outside, their heart begins to cool. I ask then: Is this love? - Love is not based on external forms. Love, this is the turning of a reasonable soul towards God.

I ask then: What is religion? - Religion, this is the second phase of life, a soul overturn. Many people enter religious life as well as social life. In religious life there are no worldly behaviors, no material business must exist. When I go somewhere I do not understand that they should receive me worldly, I do not understand that they should feed me well, that they give me good clothes and bed. This is the smallest thing that can be given to me. He who loves me, he will give me and more. Will I, when I give that hotelier 50-60 cams, not give me a well-heated room with a clean bed and sheets? - It will give me such, but why? - For the money. And that woman, whose husband smoothes and caresses her, why does she do this? - For your money. People say they love, but why? - Always for some interest. Someone says: "I love my wife." But why? - Because she is healthy and beautiful. That she stays in bed 7 years, that you give all your wealth for her and that it is pleasant again, that you do not get bored of her, then we will see you. And so! He soon gets bored of her and says: "That she dies, that I take a younger one." This is not Love.

And in this position you all go through cultural! Some say: "Your culture!" The new culture is the old culture. The new understandings are the old understandings. Now I look at those of Sofia, in the region of Sofia, on the outside it is European, and on the inside - of Sofia. Cultural outside, but inside - old life. We go through Christians outside, but inside we lead the old pagan life. This is current Christianity. And they say: "Tell us the truth!" Well, I want to tell you the Truth. I, when I speak the Truth, affect myself and myself, do you understand? Workers leave one night at the mine and everyone is blackened, but none of them sees this. Among them there are and women. One of the workers passes by, the others say: "Maybe you are very beautiful." Well, maybe you are very beautiful. Everyone has worked in the mine, dark is outside, it is not seen. One of them lights a match, sees that they are all black, they are not beautiful. They must return home, clean, dress and then, when they come to light, they will be beautiful. We, contemporary people, leave this mine, this world. The evil is not that we have come to Earth and we have blackened. Evil is not in this blackness, she is not inside, she goes out. And when someone says: "My mother begotten me in sin, " the sin is not inside, but my mother, as I worked in the mine, was blackened, so I was blackened on the outside. This blackening is only external. I essentially, in my soul, want to love the Lord. And if I change by essence, will this be only when? – Cuando altero el Amor, y esta cosa se refiere a la educación. Alguien dice: “¡Prudente debes de ser!” ¿En qué consiste la razonabilidad del hombre? – La razonabilidad consiste en esto: hacia cada persona tú tienes que ser muy cuidadoso – en cuanto a sus pensamientos, en cuanto a sus sentimientos, en cuanto a sus deseos. Yo no hablo de aquellos deseos no naturales, yo hablo de aquellos sentimientos bellos, hermosos en el hombre. Alguien ha sembrado un arbolito, no le vas a mutilar. Alguien se ha hecho una casa bella. Nada malo vas a hablar de él.

Ahora dejaré el mundo externo, hablaré para aquellos que están dentro. Yo hablo para vosotros y no para aquellos que están en el Cielo, ellos han aprendido la ley. Algunos de vosotros irán al Cielo, llegarán a ser ciudadanos de aquel mundo bello del Amor. Cuando hablo del Cielo, me acuerdo de un sacerdote que me decía: “¡Ojalá el Señor hubiera ordenado otra manera para ir al Cielo, no a través de la muerte, porque habrá crujido de dientes!“ Se voltea hacia sí mismo y dice: “Eh, sacerdote, sacerdote, tú cantas a la gente, pero ya ti un día te cantarán. Tú ahora les estás enviando a aquel mundo, pero ya ti un día te enviarán”. Y entonces, para tranquilizarse, la gente dice: “El Señor nos calmará. Vendrá paz”. Sí, pero esta paz que el Amor trae, es un aplacamiento. La paz es una de las grandes cualidades del Amor. Y entonces, cuando tenemos plena fe en aquel que nos ama, confiaremos plenamente en él y podremos acostarnos silenciosa y tranquilamente para dormir, como se durmió Cristo. Cristo se durmió una vez en el barco pensando que sus alumnos son fuertes, que Le guardarán. Pero cuando se durmió, el barco se agitó y sus alumnos Le dijeron: “Maestro, levántate, el barco se agitó, este trabajo es peligroso”. Se levantó Cristo, sopló al tiempo y todo se aplacó. Y dicen: Cristo amansó el tiempo”. Amansó el tiempo, pero no pudo amansar a aquellos soldados romanos, a aquellos sacerdotes. ¿Y sabéis por qué no pudo amansarlos? – Porque el tiempo, en el cual Cristo vivía, era así. En aquel entonces no reconocieron a Cristo.

Yo frecuentemente utilizo la palabra “fuera del tiempo”. Cuando digo esto, esto significa que vivimos fuera del tiempo. El tiempo no hace crónica de nuestras obras. ¿Sabéis por qué no les hace crónica? – Se hace crónica solo a cosas prudentes: lo que ha escrito tal o cual poeta, lo que ha dicho tal o cual filósofo. ¿A las cosas estúpidas se hacen crónicas? – No, ellas se quedan fuera del tiempo. Por lo tanto, la gente vive libremente. Why? – Porque el tiempo, la naturaleza no hace crónicas de sus obras. Ella dice: “Estos todavía son niños pequeños, niños de los caprichos”. Solo en pocos lugares hay cosas de las que se pueden hacer cr nicas. Incluso y la gente contempor nea, cuando dice muchas cosas, de todo esto no se puede hacer cr nicas. Algunos dicen: Eh, el Amor nosotros lo hemos escuchado . El Amor no se puede escuchar, l se transmite solo a trav s de contacto, cuando dos almas se acercan. Sab is qu cosa significa acercamiento de las almas? Cuando el Amor toca, forma un calor interno y este calor da la vida libre. Cuando se tocan estas dos vidas, se forma luz. Y por lo tanto, la vida tiene dos direcciones: una direcci n hacia el centro de la Tierra y la otra hacia el Sol, hacia arriba, o sea, una de las direcciones hacia vosotros, primeramente nosotros nos amamos a nosotros mismos, y luego queremos amar ya los dem s.

Os voy a dar un ejemplo para esta lucha que existe entre la gente, que ha existido y hace miles de a os. Uno de los reyes antiguos Rama Severan, un adepto de la Gran Hermandad Blanca, y Aliman Belima, tambi n un rey, gobernaban sus reinos, pero estaban con comprensiones contrapuestas. Rama representaba la ley del Amor. l edit una orden seg n la cual, hacia toda la gente tendr an que comportarse por la ley del Amor y ninguna violencia tendr a que hacerse. El rey Aliman sosten a la ense anza del presente: fuegos de ametralladora, horcas, cuchillos. l dec a que todo no amistoso deber a pasarse bajo cuchillo, que se inspire en todas partes miedo y temblor. Solo as el enemigo temblar de l. Todos los pueblos vecinos, todas las ciudades y poblados, por donde pasaba Alima, todo era quemado. Todos los ciudadanos huyeron a los bosques ya las monta as. Cuando pasaban viajeros preguntaban: Por qu estas aldeas y pueblos est n quemadas? Dec an: Alima reina aqu . Su ley es sagrada y los que no se someten sufren da o . Enviaban mensajeros al rey Rama con la petici n de que les ayude. l, como viv a por la ley del Amor, enviaba gente suya que en poco tiempo restauraban todo: poblados y ciudades de nuevo empezaban a vivir, y la gente empezaba a vivir ya por la ley de la libertad. Nosotros vemos estas dos leyes y en la vida contempor nea. Ah donde aparecen gobernantes razonables en un pa s, como en Inglaterra, en Am rica, la historia los nota, ellos dan direcci n hacia una cultura nueva. Sin embargo, aparece y gente con puntos de vista contrapuestos, adem s no solo en el Estado, sino tambi n en la ciencia y en la religi n. Esto existe en los hogares y en todas partes. Un hombre y una mujer pueden separarse solo por causa de sus convicciones. Entre hermanos y hermanas existen de nuevo los mismos puntos de vista contrapuestos en las convicciones. No toda la gente tiene unos y mismos puntos de vista.

Ahora vosotros, la gente contempor nea, quer is vivir fraternalmente, pero no sab is c mo vivir. Vosotros con su ignorancia pod is destruir la cosa m s bella. Si vosotros reten is por m s largo tiempo la mano de una mujer joven contempor nea, pod is estropear su m s bello estado de nimo. Si reten is por un minuto su mano, ella inmediatamente se va a formar un buen concepto acerca de vosotros. Pregunto: Por qu ten is que retener su mano por m s largo tiempo? Dir is: Por cari o . Bien, por qu a la abuela vieja no quer is retenerle la mano por m s largo tiempo, sino que ten is prisa? No, esto no es filosof a. Cuando yo retengo la mano de una mujer joven, esto es amor por inter s. Cuando me coge un ladr n, un bandido, y dice: Arriba las manos! por qu hace esto? Mete su mano en mi bolsillo para saquearme. Cuando me saquea me deja ir. Cu ntas veces, largo tiempo me retiene, para que tome todo mi contenido. Despu s de tomar todo mi contenido dice: Ahora est s libre . Por lo tanto, me preguntan algunas muchachas j venes: Hasta cuándo nos amarán?” – Hasta que os tomen todo el contenido. “¿Hasta cuándo me aguantarán en la sociedad?” – Hasta que tomen todo tu dinero, todo tu contenido. O, dicho en un lenguaje contemporáneo: Te aguantarán hasta que te expriman como un limón y te echarán fuera. ¡Esto no es cultura, esto no es humanidad!

“Alegría, paz, longanimidad”.

Para que se realice cualquier amor, el hombre debe tener longanimidad. El Amor tiene que aguantar todas las dificultades que nacen dentro de nuestra conciencia. No es tan fácil. Nosotros nos hacemos amigos y estos amigos nos dejan, se estropea esta amistad. La primera cosa es que retengamos nuestro Amor por más largo tiempo. Ahora yo os haría una pregunta a la cual y os voy a responder. Éste, que amas, ¿cuánto tiempo tienes que mirarle a los ojos? Y este, que amas, ¿cuánto tiempo tienes que sostenerle en tus abrazos? Nosotros decimos: “Largo tiempo”. – No, no se necesita largo tiempo. ¿La madre, cuánto tiempo lleva a su niño en los brazos? ¿Cuántos años? Algunos dicen: “Pero yo he perdido mi amor”. La mujer se queja de su marido: “Hace tiempo, mientras era joven, tú me rondabas, me besabas y ahora no me miras”. Pues así y el niño puede decir: “Hace tiempo mi madre me sostenía en sus brazos, y ahora me dejó en mis pies para caminar”. ¿Pues cuál es el estado natural? Que la mujer agradezca que su marido ya no la besa; y que el marido agradezca que su mujer ya no le besa. Pues si todavía te besa él es un ladrón. Si te besa, tú darás algo. Él te besa, dice: “Cariño, tú irás a tu padre, él es rico, le dirás que viene la Semana Santa, que desate su monedero. ¡Cuán bella eres, palomita!” Y la palomita se va a su padre, le besa. “¡Papá!” – Y ella quiere algo. El padre dice: “¡Cuán buena es mi hija!” Pregunto ahora: ¿Es esto amor? Nosotros nos engañamos a nosotros mismos. Frecuentemente yo observo la vida humana. Encuentro a veces un hombre y una mujer que se besan en la calle. Digo: ¿Por qué se besan? ¿La envía a su padre? Él quiere algo de ella. Cuando veo que este beso es puro, a mí me es agradable y digo: He aquí dos personas que pueden vivir por Dios. Y cuando miro a otros digo: Ellos todavía están lejos.

“Y el fruto del Espíritu es amor, alegría, paz, longanimidad, benignidad, misericordia, fe, mansedumbre, templanza”.

Estos son los frutos de este Espíritu Divino que viene ahora en el mundo. Digo: “Una nueva fase ocurre ahora en todo el Cosmos. Nuestro Universo ha alcanzado la mitad de su camino de desarrollo. Por lo tanto, nosotros tendremos un proceso inverso de desarrollo. Hasta ahora toda la humanidad, no solo aquí en la Tierra, sino en todos los mundos que existen fuera y dentro del Universo, todos están pasando en una nueva fase. No solo en la Tierra, sino en todo el Cosmos está ocurriendo una transformación, aunque no todos están en igual nivel de desarrollo. Todas las criaturas han llegado a la mitad de su desarrollo. La nueva oleada que viene, no os va a dejar en el lugar viejo. Y si vosotros no aceptáis la nueva enseñanza, en vosotros ocurrirá una aflicción tan grande que va a producir en vosotros todo un infierno. El infierno no es otra cosa, salvo la influencia de esta oleada Divina. En el futuro estos sufrimientos aumentarán y sabréis que cuanto más grandes son vuestros sufrimientos, tanto más grande es vuestra resistencia, y si eres consciente o inconsciente, esto es otra cuestión. Sabréis que estáis en contraposición a esta oleada, por eso, os armonizaréis y diréis: “Yo debo estar en acuerdo con el gran Amor consciente, con el Espíritu Divino, y actuaré tan razonablemente como Él actúa”.

Quiero que os iluminéis sobre la acción del Espíritu. Algunos dicen: “El Espíritu me dice esto. El Espíritu me dice aquello”. Cuando el Espíritu habla, hay unas cuantas maneras por las cuales Él se expresa. Este Espíritu puede hablarte mediante un amigo tuyo que tú amas. Él puede estar a un medio metro de distancia delante de tus ojos. El hombre razonable a razonable habla. Luego, alguien te hablará cerca de la oreja, te dirá: “Señor, te voy a decir un secreto, un gran secreto”. Estas son maneras externas. Luego, hay otras maneras. Alguien dice que en algún lugar debajo del corazón, debajo del esternón algo le habla, o que algo le habla sobre su cabeza. A todos algo les habla, pero los resultados de este hablar no son unos y mismos. Cuando el principio Divino en nosotros empiece a hablar, el rostro adquiere una ternura, una lucecita pequeña, en los ojos se lee una razonabilidad, la mirada es estable y tal hombre está listo, en el caso dado, para hacer todos los favores. Cualquier cosa que le pides, él dice: “Para mí es un placer de hacerle favor. ¡Vengan de nuevo a mí! Si vosotros me pagáis por el trabajo, me causaréis un gran desagrado”. Tenéis alguna necesidad, él firmará por vosotros. Y nosotros, ahora, en estas violencias, en estas extorsiones, pasamos por honestos, por gente razonable. No quiero ponerles bajo tentación, pero digo: La ley razonable puede aplicarse solo por gente razonable. Y por lo tanto, nosotros tenemos que predicar primero la vida razonable, así que, cuando entre la vida razonable en nosotros, más razonablemente actuaremos. Yo digo: Cada acto vuestro, cada mirada vuestra, cada conducta vuestra debe interpretarse correctamente. Hace años yo viajaba para Tarnovo y en el tren, a mi lado, estaba sentado un señor cubierto hasta los hombros con un capote. Otro señor está sentado a su lado izquierdo. Él se voltea hacia él: “¡Señor, no ve usted que me duele el brazo, no se acerque a mí!” ¡Cuán cuidadosos debemos ser! Si este señor no quiere que me acerque a su brazo, yo debo saber porqué. Debo interpretar correctamente por qué él se ha cubierto con un capote. Su brazo no está sano, por eso él se ha cubierto. Si un hombre no quiere hacerme favor, esto es porque hay un estado doloroso en él. Si él no me ama – también. Todos estos son estados negativos.

La primera cosa para aquellos, que se encaminan por el camino Divino, es que apliquen la gran ley del Amor. Si la aplican, ellos serán libres y sus prójimos también serán libres. La gente científica debe enviar este pensamiento por todo el mundo. El mundo solo así se liberará. Nosotros debemos ser portadores de esta libertad. Si vosotros proyectáis un pensamiento fuerte de libertad hacia cualquier persona, algún corazón tierno percibirá este pensamiento y ayudará donde tiene que hacerlo. Ahora diréis: “¿Pero qué hay de esto que he deseado y he enviado un pensamiento?” Los deseos y los pensamientos son los que crean el mundo contemporáneo, son ellos los que traerán la libertad. Si empezamos a hablar del Amor, el Amor vendrá. Si empezamos a hablar de la libertad, la libertad vendrá. Y nosotros, la gente, decimos que todavía no ha llegado su tiempo. La gente dice: “Guerra vendrá, matanzas vendrán” – y todo esto viene así como lo piensan. Nosotros estaremos al lado de la opinión contraria. Vamos a hacer una prueba, invocaremos a este Señor vivo que viene ahora en el mundo. Haremos una gran prueba, vamos a ver si el mundo se puede corregir con el Amor o no. – Se puede. Algunos nos van a decir que este amor es irrazonable. Razonable es el Amor. Si alguien dice que el Amor es irrazonable, él no comprende la palabra “amor”. La cosa más razonable en el mundo es el Amor. Todos aquellos sentimientos nuestros dislocados que tenemos, estos son restos de violencias de las culturas de los siglos pasados.

Y así, la primera cosa: nosotros tenemos necesidad de mujeres en su lugar. Puesto que las mujeres son el elemento magnético, ellas tienen que ocupar su lugar. Ellas no tienen que ser hombres. Luego, nosotros tenemos necesidad de gente joven, pero no solo gente joven por forma, porque yo encuentro mucha gente joven que ha envejecido antes de tiempo. “Jóvenes” comprendo tales en los cuales fluye vida. Hombre joven llamo a aquel cuyas cuerdas están desatadas. El hombre viejo está atado. La gente joven es portadora de la enseñanza nueva. Los viejos les dicen así: “Vosotros ahora sois jóvenes, pero un día envejeceréis como nosotros”. No, si vosotros envejecéis como los viejos, no necesitáis llevar la cultura nueva. La primera cosa: ¡Debemos poner en nuestra mente el pensamiento que no vamos a envejecer – nada más! Pues dicen que el rostro humano se ha arrugado. Esto que mi rostro se arruga, esto no soy yo. Si mi ropa envejece, esto no soy yo; si mis zapatitos envejecen, esto no soy yo. Yo soy algo más que mi ropa; yo soy algo más que mis zapatitos; yo soy algo más que mi rostro. Yo soy aquél pensamiento noble superior, que nadie con ninguna cuña puede arrancar de mí.

Una de las cualidades más abominables que tenemos, esto es la susceptibilidad. Alguien se ha susceptibilizado, se ha ofendido. Si, tú puedes ofenderte, pero solo por el quebrantamiento de un principio Divino. Si yo ofendo a alguien, inmediatamente voy a corregir este error que sirve como ofensa. Paso alguna noche por la calle y veo, alguien ha cavado un hoyo que da una mala impresión, pues y algún daño puede causar. Yo no busco el culpable, pero tomo alguna noche una legona y arreglo el hoyo. Una segunda vez no me va a dar mala impresión.

Ahora yo os hablo sobre este gran Espíritu Divino, pero en las mentes de todos vosotros todavía puede permanecer el pensamiento: “¿Qué piensa el Señor de nosotros, cómo terminaremos nuestra vida, quién nos va a mirar en años viejos, pues tenemos hijos, etc.?” ¡Dejen que el mundo piense en estas cosas! El mundo ha inventado cosas ideales, nosotros tenemos que agradecerle. El ha construido casas, ha ordenado el ejército, ha puesto guardianes, lo ha puesto todo en orden. Y nosotros diremos: “¡Que se quiten estos guardianes del camino!” ¡No, que se queden estos guardianes por el camino! ¿Por qué no yo, cuando paso por el camino, que diga a un guardián?: “Hermano, tú realizas un trabajo honorable, serás tierno y cuidadoso hacia aquellos que te rodean”. Algunos dicen: “¿Cómo podemos solucionar la cuestión de la paz?” ¿En qué reside nuestra paz? – Nosotros debemos ser fuertes. Yo soy un hombre fuerte. Paso, dos personas se pelean. Digo: “Esperen, amigos, ¿qué hay?” – “Este tiene que devolverme 1, 000 levas y no quiere darme los intereses”. Tomo y me impongo. – “¡Espera, tú no puedes imponerte sobre mí, esto no es un trabajo tuyo!” – “¿Así?” Le cojo de los pies, le levanto en el aire, le volteo con la cabeza hacia abajo, le digo: “¿Tú me escucharás?” ¿Si es de fuerzas, sabes lo que puedo hacer contigo? ¿Cuánto te debe él?” – “Tanto”. Saco el monedero, le doy el dinero. “Toma, no vas a violentar a tu hermano”. Y ahora nosotros decimos: “Somos débiles”. ¡No, gente fuerte tiene que dirigir al mundo! ¿Cuándo podemos ser fuertes? – Solo el Amor nos puede hacer fuertes. La gente cobarde es gente sin amor. La gente estúpida es gente sin amor. La gente cruel es gente sin amor. La gente criminal es gente sin amor. ¡Y entonces nos hablarán de amor hacia el pueblo! Que amen ellos a su pueblo, yo les elogio. Todos los pueblos, cualesquiera que sean, cada uno de ellos tiene su predestinación. ¡Todos los hombres de Estado, como sea que sean, que se pongan en su lugar! ¡Puesto que ellos son los más prudentes, que den un ejemplo al mundo! Ahora, si dar n ellos un ejemplo o no, esto es otra cuesti n, pero as est escrito arriba, nosotros vemos y sabemos que hay gente fuerte en la Tierra que pronto se manifestar n. Como hablo as, algunos dicen: Que no sean algunos comunistas, que no sean algunos anarquistas . No, no, los comunistas, los anarquistas, esta es la gente del mundo. Y estos, que se manifestar n, ellos comprenden las grandes leyes de la Naturaleza, ellos son gente luminosa. Entonces comprender is qu cosa es un hombre! Cuando lo miras, comprender s que delante de ti tienes a un hombre noble en quien puedes confiar. Ellos ser n armados desde arriba hasta abajo. Dir is: Ah, armados! S, pero ser n armados completamente de otra manera. No estar n con pistoleras, pero si t decides contraponerte, l extender su mano yt te encontrar s en la tierra abajo. Luego de nuevo te levantar . Y cuando extiende tres veces as su mano, todas tus ideas, todas tus comprensiones incorrectas, desde hace 8, 000 a os, desaparecer n. No podr s contraponerte a ellos y dir s: Se or, desde ahora por delante Te servir, no me voy a oponer a Ti . Si decides oponerte, te encontrar s sobre tu espalda. stos, que vienen ahora, van a restaurar todos los pueblos europeos, van a poner orden en todas partes. Ellos trabajan ahora desde dentro, ellos trabajan en Bulgaria, en todas partes trabajan. Dir is: Ah, trabajan ellos! S, trabajan. Un d a yo llamar a uno de estos hermanos, pero cuando no lo esper is. Y sab is qu ocurrir cuando le ve is? Este sal n tiene que ser m s ancho, porque todos os encontrar is con su rostro hacia el suelo. Pureza se requiere, pureza para el alma humana!

Yo quiero que lo m s elevado, lo m s noble en el alma humana que desde hace miles de a os se esconde, que ahora se muestre. Ahora es su tiempo. Ahora o nunca! Esto, un siglo, mil a os, millones de a os, ellos pueden caber en un minuto. El tiempo puede acortarse, puede y alargarse. Esta cuesti n es filos fica. Ahora es tiempo de poner esto en sus almas y que todos recib is el Amor, o sea, que entr is en ly que empec is a vivir en contacto con este Esp ritu Divino. l ahora quiere manifestarse. Este Esp ritu viene, pronto se manifestar . l es el primer rayo. Si vosotros os elev is en vuestra conciencia, ver is Su rayo desde el Este y dir is: Ahora comprendo qu gran predestinaci n tiene la vida humana; ahora comprendo qu cosa es el alma humana; ahora comprendo qu cosa es Dios! Entonces la Tierra abrir sus riquezas y nosotros no vamos a arar como ahora. Sin arar ella dar frutos. Entonces no habr necesidad de comer tanto como ahora. Vuestras cocinas se van a reformar y vosotros dir is: Bendito es el Se or, Quien nos ha dado tales hijos e hijas! Bendito es el Se or, Quien nos ha dado tales amigos! Por todas partes as ser . Todos se bendecir n unos a otros, en todas partes la gente se conocer . Esto, lo que viene, ser ! Algunos dicen: Puede ser que sea, puede ser que no sea . Ser !

Cuando digo que Cristo viene, esto es lo m s grande que puede venir en el mundo. Dios se va a revelar en Su belleza, en Su variedad y enjugar toda l grima de los ojos humanos. Quitar todas las tristezas y aflicciones, har que toda la gente viva una vida pura y honorable, todos ser n ciudadanos libres de la Tierra. Y vacas, y bueyes, y moscas, todos saltar ny se alegrar n. La vaca, cuando la encuentres, te sonreir, te lamer un poco. Todos ser n gozosos y alegres, no solo la gente.

Y ahora algunos dicen, que Cristo ha muerto por nosotros. No, Cristo viene! Viene no para perd n de los pecados, Cristo viene para traer la vida nueva de resurrección a todos aquellos que Le esperan.

“Y el fruto del Espíritu es amor, alegría, paz, longanimidad, benignidad, misericordia, fe, mansedumbre, templanza”.

Conferencia dada al 3 de Febrero de 1924.

* La frase ”guardar algo como un huevo pintado” proviene de una costumbre búlgara relacionada con la Pascua. En esta época, en Bulgaria se pintan y decoran huevos hervidos, que luego se chocan uno contra otro por dos personas. Aquel huevo que quede sano es el ganador. El mismo se puede utilizar más veces (n. del t.).

Los Frutos del Espíritu por el Maestro Beinsá Dunó

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