The Lighthouses of Light - The Final Quadrant - The final descent towards 2012 by Steve Rother

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 The Lighthouses of Light - Reminders from Home 2 The Final Quadrant ~ 3 The final descent towards 2012 4 December 15, 2009

Dear Everyone,

I have wonderful news. Finally, Steve Rother and Barbara will go to a Spanish-speaking country to teach their workshop on the 8 Sacred Enclosures and that country is Argentina. The workshop will be held in Buenos Aires on April 10 and 11, 2010. The information appears in the following link:. You can also contact Barbara, who is the AquaSymTerra person in charge of coordinating the event in the mail:

You can find the message that inspired the creation of this interactive section of the Lightworker page and the workshop at:.

Very soon, we will also have that gift of the 8 Sacred Enclosures on our new website of that is being redesigned and modernized by Gilda, one of our team translators and the result so far is wonderful. Be aware….

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to meet Steve, Barbara and the group in person and take advantage of their wonderful teachings!

Next I include the December 2009 message.

A big hug in the light of the new consciousness.


The Lighthouses of Light - Reminders from Home

The Final Quadrant ~

The final descent towards 2012

December 15, 2009

From Steve:

They have been asking the group about 2012 since we started this work. They have always said it would be a very important date for humanity, but essentially very few changes will happen on that day.

They said that most of what will happen in 2012 had been advanced in time for us to experience now. We still don't know how to use most of all this, but that keeps changing rapidly.

Now they say that once again we have changed our path and the supposed result. The year 2010 implies the final ascent towards the miracle of 2012. These next three years will define the energy of the next 1, 000 years. The group talked about the countdown and said that each activation point should be celebrated. The issue emerged in a channel in mid-January 2001.

The 01/01/01 is over and I was wondering why they didn't tell me before so we could have celebrated on 01/01/01. They said not to worry, because most of the people on Earth already celebrated that day. We had our first meeting on 02/02/02 in Toronto, Canada. We will be celebrating the beginning of the final quadrant on 10/10/10. We are planning something very special, and the only thing I can tell you at this moment is that you prepare to move on. Watch for the details that will come up soon, but wherever they are on that date, celebrate it. This is how the change is generated.

Now, when asked about 2012, the group responds differently than they used to. Although they still say that almost nothing will happen on that day, they explain that the superposition of the new Earth Hologram will begin. They never thought that humans would have the ability to go that far, and they are very, very proud of us! Get strong, let's go here!

For all our family. We wish you a happy holiday of 2009! See you next year.

A hug,

Steve Rother


Greetings from Home

There is a reason why they are on this planet at this critical time. Many of you have brought to Earth very important information for this evolutionary conjuncture of time and space. Many of you believe that there will be a total change on this planet in 2012, and you wanted to be here to be part of it exactly in these times.

Many of you anticipated an important setback in the year 2000, and wanted to be here for that as well. They did it! Each of you made your appointment over time. They are here in the right place and at the right time to do what they came to do. Many of you are still trying to understand it, but trust that you will remember it. How is it and how do I make a living doing this? You humans are so funny! They ask questions, take ideas from Home and insert them into their own world.

The countdown to the ascent

Let's talk about the superposition of time on your planet, because it is one of the critical points that all of you will face in the next three years. This coming period of time is gaining importance.

As you know, we have been talking about the countdown to the ascent for some time. It all started as a cosmic joke. Part of the reason was simply that for a long time, it was believed that 2012 would represent the end of the planet and the end of documented history. His intentions were to move this to the next space - many of you called it the fifth dimension, the ascension, or the new time of the Earth.

We have talked a little about how it looks from our perspective, because the path they are creating begins between their ears. You are the ones who are creating the path just before your feet reach the ground and, with certainty, you are planning something very special. And here is the interesting part. His fears about the year 2012 were correct. In the original libretto of the Game, in a sense, 2012 would have represented the end of planet Earth. The scriptures indicated that the Earth was going to decrease its life energy between 2000 and 2012.

They would have begun this process not only with confusion, frustration and anger on the part of the individuals that inhabit the planet, but also with the Earth itself. She had been picking up that vibration, absorbing it and having much more difficulty with changes in weather patterns and seismic and volcanic activities. This has been especially evident in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, as we predicted many but many years ago. The New Lemuria is being erected and we tell you that everything is starting to change.

There is still a movement that will happen in the center of the Pacific Ocean and that will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the planet. You will open new creation portals, and at that time many of your own belief systems will have to dissolve. This must happen so that they can begin to evolve to the next level, so that they can sustain life on the next level of existence.

Now what do you think of that? You mean they are going to leave their bodies? You mean everything will be alright suddenly? No. Trust us when we tell you that the evolution of humanity does not work that way. You work very well with the positive and the negative. The problem is that they have always called the negative "bad" and the positive "good".

As they evolve to the next level, they will realize that there is simply no "right" or "wrong." There is no difference between good and bad. Rather, and what causes this apparent discrepancy, is simply the way each perceives things and attracts them to their own world. Many of the changes that you will begin to see will offer you possibilities that you did not have before.

The final quadrant - A new miracle

The period of the years 2010, 2011, and 2012 corresponds to the final quadrant of what they will experience on planet Earth with the old energy. Yes, they are looking for great movements and have seen some happen. It has been predicted by many channels and in various ways; the information was delivered and you are waiting for it. Dear ones, this expectation is what is generating the new evolutionary process.

Let us explain to you from a different perspective. Many of you have asked what exactly will happen in 2012. You humans, even today, have not decided on what day that cosmic event will happen. Some of you believe that it will happen on the 21st, during the winter solstice. Several believe it will be December 31 and others believe it will actually happen on December 1 or December 11 and 12.

There are many connections, and it doesn't really matter to us, because humanity as a whole will be the one that will make the decision about what will come next. When they decide and focus on a single point regarding the date, the energy created by all humans will come together and focus there. Miracles do happen and this will be the greatest collective miracle that has happened so far in the history of mankind.

Originally we would have told you that what was supposed to happen in 2012 was that when you finally decided on the exact date, you would have wonderful celebrations and expect the ascension to happen in their midst. They would light large fires on the beaches, travel to the mountains, or any other place where they decided to celebrate to welcome the new energy during the dawn of that day.

They would have a lot of fun, and the next day they would descend from the mountain or return from the ocean and return to work. But now there is another dimensional level that is beginning to appear.

A new relationship with time

There are still parts of you that will have to return to the old energy, and yet others will have passed very quickly to the new levels. The overlap of time will have a different effect on all mankind, because time itself, at that point, will begin to be measured differently.

That is starting to happen even now. In the next three years, this final quadrant of planet Earth, as you have known it, will pass into that new kingdom. What happens is that you, the creators, are starting to get excited about the possibilities. Therefore, even the scenario they had previously established is beginning to change.

The little gods of the Earth are recovering their creative powers, and this will be the first of their collective creations. These next three years will be the key to what will happen when they return from the celebration, and also what will happen the next day.

Turn on the hologram!

We have talked to you before about the hologram of the Earth that is being formed from your own thoughts. We have shared that you are god; therefore, when God has a thought, it is like a ray of light projected into space. One god has one thought and another god has another thought. If several of these thoughts have similar vibrations, they converge in one place.

That is incredibly powerful, because energy attracts matter, which forms around it creating the vibration of its world. The hologram is a great sphere of energy waiting to come alive. We have called this hologram the Third Earth. After coming to life, it forms a hologram that is the three-dimensional representation of light. We are using the word "light" in a slightly different way from yours, but you understand what we mean.

That was how the Earth formed in the first place. What will be happening is that now that they are advancing, the energy of that Third Earth - that hologram of light - will reach Earth and help them to superimpose the original hologram of the Earth, thus helping them to move forward and change it from that moment. Do you mean there will be nothing else to worry about?

Does it mean that there will be no more negativity on planet Earth? This is what we ask you, because we have nothing to do with the creation of that new Earth. You designed everything, just as you did with the ancient Earth. Dear ones, dream big, because those dreams will build the new Earth. And be prepared to start a new life because, with all certainty, it is what awaits you.

This will not happen in a single day, but it will start one day and that day they will choose it very soon. They are changing this beautiful planet right in front of their own eyes. They are changing it even if they fail to see their own creative abilities, even if they block seeing their own connection with others and with the other creators.

But they are starting to work together on a harmonious vision of what humans want on this planet and that will determine the starting point of the next millennium. It is what is actually predicted in the Bible, although it has been slightly misrepresented by many to mean something else. The direction of the next millennium is being determined in this final quadrant of 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Two tools for transformation

There are two important concepts that we will talk about point by point. They will be incredible tools that will serve you during this transition period. We have mentioned one of them before, it is what we call the 12th dimension. There are 11 different parts of you that are having 11 different experiences and a single point of perception. That point of perception is its 12th dimension.

What they hadn't realized until now is that it is very easy for humans to change that point of perception. By consciously changing the point of perception, they are able to receive multiple points of view about the same point, which they had not been able to see before. This offers humans another vision - a complete level of perception to really observe themselves.

The challenge is that they are not accustomed to rising to the next level, so the first tool we give them is that they raise their level of perception. If at some point they run into what they call a stone wall - when they go in one direction and know that their heart is there, but it seems that they are not moving or that they are blocked - the first thing to do is not to judge the situation .

Do not call it "good" or "bad, " because when they do, they lower their vibration. At the moment they doubt themselves and say "I am not good enough, " or "I must not be spiritual enough to make this happen ..." they lower their vibration. In that instant you are, in effect, doubting God and yourself in judging yourself. We realize that this is not always easy, but remember how important it is and trust yourself and the process.

The second thing we would ask them to do is connect with their higher self, and observe the situation from that perspective and that level of consciousness. Look at what you could have gained with that experience, or what could be happening that has improved due to that limitation. Why did they place that limitation at that point? They can only achieve this if they decide to observe the situation consciously from a higher perspective.

Humans have not received training to do this and it is not something they usually do. It's very simple, but they can help each other tremendously if they take a step back and instead of reacting they take their time to think about it. Move to a higher perception and observe the total picture of things, even if only for a moment. They will feel the difference.

Even if you still don't have all the answers or don't feel all the energy within you, stop just for a moment. When they keep talking, they will say things differently. They will feel lighter, the same as those around them. Your channel will have changed, because you are watching everything from a higher perspective.

The three years may seem like a plane approaching the runway to land. Two years circling to align with the airstrip and an entire year to approach and land. There is something else they should keep in mind as they reach that final quadrant. That quadrant of the Earth will no longer bear irresponsibility in the way it had been doing in the past. Even the word "responsibility" will begin to have a totally new meaning for humanity.

In reality and for most of the time, the word "responsibility" has had a negative connotation in their world. Friends, when you think about responsibility, you don't feel great enthusiasm. Rather, what happens when they hear or consider that word is that they feel overwhelmed.

We tell you that responsibility is the balance of power. You are already creators. Understanding how they can use these creative abilities and how they can do that on planet Earth in the physical body, in the situations and dramas that sometimes surround them, will be fundamental to the existence of their life as a soul on the planet.

We also tell you that the responsibility will change in many ways. Many of their organizations - whether business corporations, religious, clubs or whatever brings people together - are the areas that will now begin to help define what responsibility really is. For example, if they have a business and need help, they look around, interview some people and hire someone.

They tell you what your salary will be per hour, per week, per month, or per year, because we believe that this is what your job is worth. In the future, what we are going to tell you is that even that will change. It will not be the work they perform but the responsibility they assume within the company that will determine the salary.

A conscious corporation focuses beyond money, as any entity of any kind - whether collective or individual - will have to understand that it is time to work from the heart and not from the mind. Many of their corporations have been working with only one goal: to produce money. Money will always be a motivating factor.

However, what will be understood is that by combining this awareness with the love for your clients, it will bring you more business and money than you ever thought possible. Those are the changes of perception that are going to start the whole transformation.

They will discover that responsibility and the word "responsibility" have new meanings, and that by listening to them, they will make them feel enthusiastic instead of feeling their energy fields shrink. They will discover that all humanity is working in a different area, so look at the different parts of their own lives. Observe their relationships, their ways of making a living and their friendships.

If you ever wish to have more power in a given area, you simply must assume more responsibility in that area. In doing so, they open a space for things to happen, not only in their own lives but also in the lives of other gods who also pretend to be human.

They are no longer separated in any way. We tell you that many proclaim that there are good people who will ascend and bad people who will stay. We disagree with that point of view, dear ones. This time, or all or none leave, so now it's a matter of helping each other and being aware.

Things are changing and by observing his annoying neighbor they are able to greet him affectionately and sincerely. It means discovering the way to take responsibility not only for what they are but also for what they do - assuming they are responsible for their happiness. What do you think of that, dear ones? No, it won't always be easy, but remember, it's about perception. Do not assign your responsibility to someone else.

Their responsibility must be primarily with themselves. Only in that way can they transform and then share that with others. Generally your experience on planet Earth at this time is the opposite. So if you invest what is happening today - if hearing the word responsibility your ears sharpen - they will set in motion their energy fields. You will be able to see it and be able to practice it from a totally different perspective.

The powers of creation

Why is that issue of power so important? Many of you have taken our words of power to extremes. Above all, you are creators: each of you has the capacities of God within.

Most of you don't know it because you wear a veil that prevents you from remembering your own true nature, your own true abilities. And in any case, why is the need to create? Why do they need to create? We tell you, it is not necessary. But it is part of their nature and if they block their creative expression at any time or at a point, they will also block their own god-being.

They will block their own energy and many times that energy they emit can be reversed and returned inside instead of expanding. Exactly that situation is the cause of many of the energy allergies that we have mentioned and the origin of the large number of physical problems they experience.

They pretend to be human within that structure. And yet they are the most magnificent creators and the most magnificent beings, capable of holding a thought in their heads for only seven seconds and making it manifest. No, it does not manifest in seven seconds, but it is created in seven seconds.

If you hold that energy and vibration, it will appear in your energy field and will manifest very quickly. We tell you that the overlapping of time will begin to have a new meaning for you. We hope you start playing with this and exceed the limits of what has always had very clear borders; Time is time.

You have atomic clocks that keep the exact and perfect time, however two years ago you had to add an additional second for them to work. The whole concept of time is changing, because the Earth's internal rotation is changing. It is not something mystical. It is simply because the Earth's core is changing its rotation. It is rotating at a different rate from that of the Earth's surface.

She has also increased and created the illusion of time on planet Earth. As the rate of rotation begins to change, they will begin to see beyond the veil with respect to that illusion of time and discover new forms of application. Play with that. Celebrate it and, more than anything, celebrate your progress. Celebrate those moments that have a special meaning for you. Celebrate them together.

Activation Dates

There are 12 activation dates in this century, which have already begun to celebrate. They started with 01/01/01, then 02/02/02, etc. They are traveling the incredible path to the ascent of planet Earth.

It was not planned, dear. They are creating that path just before their foot touches the ground, and we are very honored to be here watching the biggest show that could have been seen. We have been with you since the beginning of your time on planet Earth, when the Earth for the first time decided to become a free will game in the universe.

We have observed them all the times that they have run towards those stone walls. We have seen them all those times that they have felt very frustrated and alone, even believing that sometimes they were really alone.

Dear ones, that is not possible. The love we feel for you goes beyond any expectation or time limit. If you turn around and feel that love, and share it with someone else or with others, all the illusions of time will begin to disintegrate and you can choose a new way of working on planet Earth, with a new overlap of time.

Enjoy this final quadrant. Enjoy the illusion of these three years, because you are defining the nature of the new millennium, but the counting of that time will not be done in the same way that you have been doing so far.

Enjoy the ride. Treat each other with the greatest respect. Take care of each other. Know that this game is beautiful and play it well together.


The group


Feeling the holiday season

This is truly the magic season of the year. No matter how they celebrate it, we all have traditions. They make our hearts happy by opening us to feel gratitude for the year that is rapidly ending. We look forward to the coming year knowing that we can create our dreams.

This is the time that connects us with everything around us. A simple greeting such as "Happy Holidays" can produce a smile on the face of a stranger. That way we create an instant connection of the heart. Good joy is contagious. Small gestures of unconditional love can pass from one heart to another and another and another. All part of that point. With this we expand our light in our own way that is beautiful and original.

We always say that no matter where we travel with Lightworker, we always discover that people are equal within their hearts. We may have been born in different parts of the world but when we overcome the barriers, the imaginary individual lines, the countries that separate this world and feel the other, we understand that we are really only one being.

Steve and I feel blessed. We live doing what we are passionate about. We have the opportunity to connect with the spiritual family wherever we go. Special holiday hugs from Steve, mine and everyone who works at Lightworker. Feel this holiday season. Feel the warmth of your heart towards everything that comes near you.


Love and light


Lightworker is a conscious nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding the Light through empowerment.


PO Box 34838

Las Vegas, NV 89133

+1 702 871 3317

Special Request

Copyright 2009 Steve Rother. They may disseminate this information freely in whole or in part, as long as this request appears. This material may be used with the proviso that all rights, including the translation rights of this material, are found, with the original copyright owner. More information about Steve and the Group can be found at:

Thank you for helping us expand the Light!

Translation and Editing:

Team of Voluntary Translators of

March 2010

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