The Echoes of Life By Jennifer Hoffman

  • 2010

July 2010 message

An echo is created when the sound waves are reflected on a solid surface, which results in the continuous repetition of the sound until the waves lose momentum and finally become so weak that they cannot be heard. s. The volume of the echo depends on the strength of the original sound and the distance between its source and the solid surface. If you have ever created and then heard an echo, you know two things about him: he repeats exactly what was said (and not more) and does it until there is no more energy in the sound waves, at which time they simply fade away.

What does this have to do with something?

It has to do with everything about life, our lessons, the way we create our reality and by understanding the echoes we can know how many aspects of the work of the third dimension work, especially how we allow energy from the past to create echoes in the present. . Looking at the echoes we can shed light on some very important problems:

How the past is repeated in the present

How energy moves and re-circulates in our life

Why the echo exists (hint: it has to do with what the sound reflects)

What can we do to remove the echo after its first repetition

In our reality the echoes appear in the form of the energy of the past that reminds us of their presence and asks us for validation through their repetition. The surfaces that create the echo are our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. When we face an echo of the past, we have two options, allow it to repeat itself or simply listen in silence and allow it to move forward. But often we choose a third option that is to add energy to the echo. So instead of fading, it gains strength and creates firm roots in our present. Not only have we validated the energy of the past, we are now living it in the present.

As our past is, he feels comfortable, reliable (because we know what will happen next), and safe. As humans we love the predictable, the known and the continuity. When the echo returns to us it reminds us that we were once in a particular space and remember what happened. If we have anger, resentment, fear or the need for revenge, this echo can be our opportunity to validate our experience by taking charge, being in control or finding ways to avenge our experience. While the echo invites us to disconnect, we connect with pleasure, with the certainty that this time things will be different.

And then we get angry when this is not the case and we find ourselves up to the energy neck of the past, unaware that it is not giving energy to the echo as we can release it, but taking another level of energy vibration and taking us off the path of the echo. The energy of the past travels in linear mode - it connects to us only because we are on the road. Your unique energy firm is known to us because it represents an aspect of our experience. Have we changed our energy away from this place? If so, then the echo is not attracting and we can allow it to continue. But if not, then we see the echo as a "repetition", another opportunity to regain our power from that moment.

But we know that the past has no energy or power for us. What was an experience without power in the past will be just another experience without power in the present. Can we convince our ego that this is true? Because that is what we have to do if we are going to remove the illusion of power from the echo and land on a new and different energy. Where is our power in this new place? We do not know yet and it is here that we must have faith in ourselves, courage, confidence in our abilities and land on intention and purpose. Without these things, we live our lives through the echoes and are stuck in the energy of experiences and situations that have no energy for us.

Without the echoes of our past, our lives are a blank canvas in which we can become whatever we want. Faced with the prospect of unlimited results, we are afraid of our abilities. What do we choose when everything is possible? Who do we turn to for advice when there is no echo that reminds us of the dangers we may encounter? What will be the result if we are creating the path every time we take a new step? This is our moment and these are our options. Will we take advantage of all this or look for the vibration of a family echo and choose that instead?

When we complete our karmic cycles, we release the energy from our echoes by accepting new levels of energy vibration. These new energies have no echoes, no reminders of the past, or family vibes that attract us through our beliefs, emotions and feelings. They teach us to connect through other energy portals other than the force of our anger or fear. Then we must find new ways of relating to the past, to ourselves and others. With each step in our journey we have to face our echoes and the temptation to accept the opportunity to avenge our experience and the attraction of gaining power and control over the past. Or we can choose to circumvent these opportunities and create something different. How can we resist?

There is a new way for us to be powerful and it is through our intention. We never try to re-create the past, especially if it has not been satisfactory or incomplete, our intention is for the present moment and for the future to be different. With our intention we are creating new levels of potential and thus new levels of energy vibration. If we can be completely immersed in our intention, the echoes become white noise that we can ignore and turn off, provided we also have the will to ignore the ego's insistence that our emotions receive attention and validation. Our final decision is what determines whether we will give new power to the echoes or if we will remove the blockages so that they can continue forward and out of our reality.

We are truly at the threshold of a profound transformation in the journey of humanity and how we treat our echoes determines whether we are on the leadership side of this path, using our faith and confidence to shed light on each new step of an unknown path or if we are repeating the past, in an attempt to find the power that we believe is hidden inside. The truth is that the power is within us, right now, and the echoes can be released because they have no truth, power or perceptions for us. When we release the blockages, the echoes disappear, they only turn into sighs that remind us that we do not need to seek power outside of ourselves and we do not need any aspect of our experience to be valid. We are, and always have been, perfect, total and complete in any way. This is our moment to stop in our present and presence.

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** Copyright Article © 2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. It can circulate freely in its entirety provided that the credits and the source are mentioned.

** Translation: Xitlalli Contreras -

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