The four agreements, (free full books)

  • 2015
Book of the 4 Toltec agreements

The four agreements of Miguel Ruiz

All people can be happy and achieve the goals that are drawn. The important thing is not to be influenced by everything around them. Reaching personal balance, body and mind is possible by reading The four agreements , with the complete free book you can understand and put into practice the techniques of the ancient tribe of the Toltecs who found peace in the worldview of the human being.

There is no reason to suffer. The only reason you suffer is because you decide so. If you look at your life you will find many excuses to suffer, but no valid reason . (Miguel Ruiz).

The author of the book, the doctor Miguel Ruiz writes a work of the Toltec Mexican people. The author of the essay "The Four Agreements " relates in each of the treaties in a simple way, the spiritual beliefs of his people of origin; the four agreements are not a religion, it is the mysticism that is found in this ancient civilization and that has a foundation in each of the agreements.

The four Toltec agreements for happiness.

The four Agreements

  • "I am impeccable with your words"

In this first agreement the author explains the power that the word has and that it moves throughout life. It is the most important, since by words you express your creative power. The human race is the only being on earth that has the power to communicate with the word. If you are careful and the person uses it correctly, then you get the white magic to use it whenever you want to do good, transmitting your knowledge; but if it is not correct and the words are used to raise a false testimony, this same power becomes black magic. A word has so much power that it has unleashed the most terrible wars in the history of mankind and if they were used for good and love you would reach agreements and words would bring peace to all humans we are magicians. If with words we sow fears, these fears will surround the person and will be spellbound, after the seed of the word is sown this says it in “The four agreements .

  • Author of the book "The four agreements"

    "Do n't take anything personally"

This second agreement is of great importance in the dream of life itself. In relation to the environment, every individual is exposed to the influence generated by the opinions of strangers. For example, if an individual is told that his reaction is strong, it is a joy, but if it were the opposite, it would generate annoyance and the desire to prove just the opposite. If a person is not influenced by others, life will be happy. Each person must decide which opinion are most important in the development of their life.

  • " Don't make assumptions"

There is a tendency for assumptions to be made about any situation and eventually it is believed that it is the truth and actions are taken that have a harmful harmful influence and that can cause harm to other people. All this happens by making assumptions that are not real but that allow them to touch life. "The four agreements " you can purchase for free and read carefully to understand the scope of these treaties.

  • Always do your best”

This last treaty of life has a direct relationship with the previous three, if you give your best in everything, you can be satisfied with yourself, there is nothing to reproach or judge anymore, because the person knows what he did your maximum effort

It should be aware that the results of the maximum effort provided, change according to the circumstances of the moment, if you are sick the person will act in a way and if you are tired or sad the results will vary.

The four agreements will make you freer and happier. Life is full of practices inherited from parents to children and society imposes a path in life giving value to many material things that you don't have. The four agreements are a simple language but of great depth, it plays in a philosophical way how to achieve happiness by itself. I recommend reading the four agreements and sow a seed that could change our life.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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The 4 Agreements

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