The four agreements of Toltec wisdom by Miguel Ruiz

Be impeccable with your words

The first agreement is the most important, also the most difficult to enforce. It is so important that only with him will you be able to reach the level of existence that I call "heaven on earth." It seems to be a very simple agreement, but it is extremely powerful.

Why your words? Because they are the power you have to create. They are a gift that comes directly from God. In the Bible, the Gospel of St. John begins by saying: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Through words you express your creative power, you reveal everything. Regardless of the language you speak, your intention is manifested through words. What you dream, what you feel and what you really are, you show through words. They are the most powerful tool you have as a human being, the instrument of magic. But they are like a double-edged sword: they can create the most beautiful dream or destroy everything around you. One of the edges is the misuse of words, which creates a living hell. The other is the impeccability of words, which will only engender beauty, love and heaven on earth. Depending on how you use them, words will free you or enslave you even more than you imagine. All the magic you possess is based on your words. They are pure magic, and if you misuse them, they become black magic.

This magic is so powerful, that a single word can change a life or destroy millions of people. Years ago, in Germany, through the use of words, a man manipulated an entire country of very intelligent people. He led them to a world war only with the power of his words. The human mind is like a fertile field in which seeds are continually being planted. Seeds are opinions, ideas and concepts. You plant a seed, a thought and it grows. Words are like seeds, and the human mind is very fertile! The only problem is that, too often, it is fertile for the seeds of fear. All human minds are fertile, but only for the kind of seed for which they are prepared. The important thing is to discover what kind of seeds our mind is fertile and prepare it to receive the seeds of love.

Every human being is a magician, and through words, he can spell someone or free him from a spell . We are continually casting spells with our opinions. For example, I meet a friend and give him an opinion that has just occurred to me. I say: "Mmmm! I see in your face the color of those who end up having cancer ». If you hear those words and agree, you will develop cancer in less than a year. That is the power of the words.

During our domestication, our parents and siblings expressed their opinions about us without thinking. We believed what they told us and lived with the fear that their opinions caused us.

This agreement is very difficult to break and may lead you to do many things with the sole purpose of convincing you that you are really stupid. You may do something and say to yourself: "I would like to be intelligent, but I must be stupid, because if I were not, I would not have done this." The mind moves in hundreds of different directions and we could spend whole days trapped solely by the belief in our own stupidity. But one day someone catches your attention and with words lets you know that you are not stupid. You believe what that person says and you reach a new agreement. And the result is that you stop feeling or acting stupid. The entire spell has been broken only with the force of words. And conversely, if you think you are stupid and someone catches your attention and says, "Yes, you really are the stupidest person I have ever met, " the agreement will be reinforced and will become even firmer.

Let's now see what the word "impeccability" means. It means "without sin." "Impeccable" comes from the Latin pecatus, which means "sin." The im means "without", so that "impeccable" means "without sin." Religions speak of sin and sinners, but let's understand what sin really means. A sin is anything you do that goes against you. Everything you feel, believe or say that goes against you is a sin. You go against yourself when you judge yourself and blame yourself for anything. Not to sin is to do exactly the opposite. Being impeccable is not going against yourself. When you are impeccable, you assume responsibility for your actions, but without judging or blaming yourself. From this point of view, the whole concept of sin ceases to be something moral or religious to become a matter of pure common sense. Sin begins with rejection of oneself. The greatest sin you commit is to reject yourself. In religious terms, self-rejection is a `` deadly sin, '' that is, it leads to death. Instead, impeccability leads you to life.

To be impeccable with your words is not to use them against yourself. If I see you on the street and call you stupid, it may seem that I use that word against you but I actually use it against myself, because you will hate me for it and your hate will not be Good for me. Therefore, if I get angry and with my words I send you all my emotional poison, I am using them against me.

If I love myself, I will express that love in my relationships with you and will be impeccable with my words, because the action provokes a similar reaction. If I love you, you will love me. If I insult you, you will insult me. If I feel gratitude for you, you will feel it for me. If I am selfish with you, you will be with me. If I used my words to enchant you, you will use yours to enchant me.

Being impeccable with your words means using your energy correctly, in the direction of truth and love for yourself. If you reach an agreement with you to be impeccable with your words, that will be enough for the truth to manifest through you and clean all the emotional poison inside you.

In hell, the power of words is used in a totally erroneous way. We use them to curse, to blame, to reproach, to destroy. We also use them correctly, of course, but we don't do it very often. Usually, we use the words to spread our personal poison: to express anger, jealousy, envy and hate. Words are pure magic - the most powerful gift we have as human beings - and we use them against ourselves. We use them to foster hatred between different people, between families, between nations ... We make a bad use of words with great frequency, and that is how we create and perpetuate the dream of hell. With the erroneous use of words, we harm each other and keep each other in a state of fear and doubt. Since words are the magic that we humans possess and their misuse is black magic, we use black magic constantly without having the slightest idea of ​​it.

Consider daily human relationships, and imagine how many times we cast spells on each other with our words. Over time, this has become the worst form of black magic: they are gossip. Gossip is black magic of the worst kind, because they are pure poison. We learned to tell gossip by agreement. As children, we listened to the adults around us gossiping nonstop and openly expressing their opinion about other people. They even thought about people they didn't know. Through these opinions, they transferred their emotional poison, and we learned that this was the normal way of communicating.

If we adopt the First Agreement and we are impeccable with our words, any emotional poison will disappear from our mind and we will stop transmitting it in our personal relationships. It's the way we use to feel close to other people, because seeing someone feel as bad as we do makes us feel better.

The impeccability of your words will also give you immunity from anyone who casts a spell on you. You will only receive a negative idea if your mind is a fertile field for her. When you are impeccable with your words, your mind ceases to be a fertile field for words that arise from black magic, but it is for those that arise from love. You can measure the impeccability of your words from your level of self-esteem. The amount of love you feel for yourself is directly proportional to the quality and integrity of your words. When you are impeccable with your words, you feel good, you are happy and you are at peace.

You can transcend the dream of hell just by reaching an agreement to be impeccable with your words. Right now I'm planting a seed in your mind. Whether it grows or not, it will depend on how fertile your mind is to receive the seeds of love. You decide whether or not to reach this agreement with yourself: I am impeccable with my words. Nourish this seed, and as it grows in your mind, it will generate more seeds of love that will replace those of fear. The First Agreement will change the type of seeds for which your mind is fertile.

Be impeccable with your words. This is the first agreement you must reach if you want to be free, be happy and transcend the level of existence of hell. Is very powerful. Use your words properly. Use them to share your love. Use white magic starting with you. Tell yourself that you are a wonderful, fantastic person. Tell how much you love yourself. Use words to break all those small agreements that make you suffer.

Imagine what is possible to create only with the impeccability of words. You will transcend the dream of fear and lead a different life. You can live in heaven in the middle of thousands of people living in hell, because you will be immune to it. You will reach the kingdom of heaven with this agreement: Be impeccable with your words.

The Second Agreement consists in not taking anything personally. Whatever happens around you do not take it personally. Using a previous example, if I find you on the street and I say: "Hey, you're stupid!", Without knowing you, I don't mean you, but me. If you take it personally, you may think you're stupid. You may say to yourself: How do you know? Is it clairvoyant or can everyone see how stupid I am?

You take it personally because you agree with anything that is said. And as soon as you agree, the poison runs through you and you find yourself trapped in the dream of hell. The reason you are trapped is what we call "personal importance." Personal importance, or taking things personally, is the ultimate expression of selfishness, because we believe that everything revolves around us. During the period of our education (or our domestication), we learned to take all things personally. We believe that we are responsible for everything. Me, me, me and always me! Nothing others do is for you. They do it for themselves.

We all live in our own dream, in our own mind; the others are in a completely different world from the one in which each of us lives. When we take what someone tells us personally, we assume that he knows what is in our world and we try to impose it on his own. Even when a situation seems very personal, for example when someone insults you directly, that has nothing to do with you. What that person says, what he does and the opinions he expresses respond to the agreements he has established in his own mind. His point of view arises from all the programming he received during his domestication.

If someone gives you their opinion and says: "Hey, you are very fat!", Do not take it personally, because the truth is that it refers to their own feelings, beliefs and opinions. That person tried to send you his poison, and if you take it personally, you pick it up and it becomes yours. Taking things personally makes you an easy prey for those predators, the black magicians. They find it easy to catch you with a simple opinion, then they feed you with the poison they want, and as you take it personally, you swallow it without squealing. You eat all your emotional garbage and turn it into your own garbage. But if you don't take it personally, you will be immune to all poison even if you are in hell. That immunity is a gift of this agreement. When you take things personally, you feel offended and react by defending your beliefs and creating conflicts. You make a mountain of a grain of sand because you feel the need to be right and that others are wrong. You also strive to show them that you are right by giving your own opinions. Similarly, whatever you feel or do is nothing more than a projection of your own personal dream, a reflection of your own agreements. What you say, what you do and the opinions you have are based on the agreements you have established and have nothing to do with me.

What you think of me is not important to me and I don't take it personally. When people tell me: "Miguel, you are the best", I do not take it personally and neither do I when you say: "Miguel, you are the worst". I know that when you're happy, you'll tell me: "Miguel, you're an angel!" But when you're mad at me, you'll tell me: Oh, Miguel, you're a demon! You're disgusting. How can you say those things? Neither comment affects me because I know what I am. I don't need to be accepted. I don't need anyone to tell me: "Miguel, how well you do it!", Or: "How are you able to do that?"

No, I am not taking it personally. Think what you think, feel what you feel, I know it's about your problem and not mine. It is your way of seeing the world. I don't take it personally because you mean yourself and not me. Others have their own opinions according to their belief system, so that nothing they think of me will really be related to me, but to them.

You may even tell me: Miguel, what you say hurts. But what hurts you is not what I say, but the wounds that you have and that I have touched with what I have said. It is you who is harmed. I can't take it personally in any way, and not because I don't believe or trust you, but because I know you see the world with different eyes, with yours.

You create an entire movie in your mind and in it you are the director, the producer and the protagonist. We all have secondary roles . It is your movie. The way you see that movie is based on the agreements you have established with life. Your point of view is something personal. It is not the truth of anyone but you. Therefore, if you get mad at me, I know that is related to you. I am the excuse for you to get angry. And you get angry because you are afraid, because you face your fear. If you were not afraid, you would not be angry with me in any way. If you were not afraid, you would not hate me in any way. If you were not afraid, you would not be sad or jealous in any way.

If you live without fear, if you love, there is no place for any of those emotions. If you don't have any of those emotions, you logically feel good. When you feel good, everything around you is fine. When everything around you is magnificent, everything makes you happy. You love everything around you because you love yourself, because you like the way you are, because you are happy with yourself, because you feel happy with your life. You are satisfied with the movie you produce and with the agreements you have established with life. You are at peace and you are happy. You live in that state of bliss in which everything is truly wonderful and beautiful. In that state of bliss, you establish a relationship of love with everything you perceive at all times.

Whatever people do, think or say, don't take it personally. If he tells you that you are wonderful, he does not say it for you. You know you're wonderful. It is not necessary for other people to tell you to believe it. Do not take anything personally. Even if someone grabbed a gun and shot you in the head, it wouldn't be personal. Even to that extreme. Even the opinions you have about yourself are not necessarily true; therefore, you have no need to take anything you hear in your own mind personally. The mind has the ability to speak itself, but it also has the ability to listen to information that is available from other spheres.

The mind is also able to speak and listen to itself. Your mind is divided, just as your body is. In the same way that you can shake your other hand with one hand and feel it, the mind can speak to itself. One part of your mind speaks and another listens. When many parts of your mind speak all at the same time, a big problem originates. We call this mitote, remember? We can compare the mitote with a huge market in which thousands of people talk and barter at the same time. Each has different thoughts and feelings; Each one has a different point of view. All the agreements we have established - the programming of the mind - are not necessarily compatible with each other. Each agreement is like an independent living being; He has his own personality and his own voice. There are incompatible agreements, which contradict each other, and the conflict continues until a great war breaks out in the mind.

Mitote is the reason why human beings barely know what they want, how they want it or when they want it. They disagree with themselves because some parts of the mind want one thing and others want the exact opposite. One part of the mind objects to certain thoughts and acts and another supports them. All these little living beings create internal conflicts because they are alive and each one has his own voice. Only if we make an inventory of our agreements will we uncover all conflicts of the mind and, over time, will we be able to extract order from the mitotic chaos.

Don't take anything personally because, if you do, you expose yourself to suffer for nothing. Human beings are addicted to suffering on different levels and different degrees; We support each other to maintain this addiction. We have agreed to help each other suffer. If you need to be mistreated, it will be easy for others to do so. Similarly, if you are with people who need to suffer, something in you will make you mistreat them. It is as if they were carrying a sign on the back that said: "Kick me, please." They ask for a justification for their suffering. Their addiction to suffering is nothing more than an agreement that they reinforce daily.

Wherever you go, you will find people who will lie to you, but as your consciousness expands, you will discover that you also lie to yourself. Do not expect others to tell you the truth, because they also lie to themselves. You have to trust you and decide whether or not you believe what someone tells you. When we really see others as they are without taking it personally, what they do or say will not harm us. Although others lie to you, it doesn't matter. They lie because they are afraid. They are afraid that you will discover that they are not perfect. Removing the social mask is painful. If others say one thing, but they do another and you don't pay attention to their actions, you lie to yourself. But if you are true to yourself, you will save a lot of emotional pain. Telling you the truth may be painful, but you don't need to hold on to the pain. Healing is on its way; that things go better for you is only a matter of time.

If someone does not treat you with love or respect, moving away from you is a gift. If that person does not leave, chances are that you endure many years of suffering with them. Leaving may be painful for a while, but eventually your heart will heal. Then, you will choose what you really want. You will discover that, in order to choose correctly, rather than trusting others, you need to trust yourself.

When not taking anything personally becomes a firm and solid habit, you will avoid many dislikes in life. Your anger, your jealousy and your envy will disappear, and if you don't take anything personally, even your sadness will disappear. If you make the Second Agreement a habit, you will discover that nothing can return you to hell. A great deal of freedom arises when we don't take anything personally. You will be immune to black magicians and no spell will affect you, however strong it may be. The whole world can tell gossip about you, but if you don't take them personally, you'll be immune to them. Someone can intentionally send you emotional poison, but if you don't take it personally, you won't swallow it. When you don't take the emotional poison, it becomes more harmful to the sender, but not to you.

You can already see how important this deal is, Not taking anything personally helps you break many habits and customs that keep you trapped in the dream of hell and cause you unnecessary suffering. If you keep this agreement, you will travel all over the world with a completely open heart and no one will hurt you. You will say, "I love you, " without fear of being rejected or ridiculed. You will ask for what you need. You will say yes or you will say no - whatever you decide - without blaming yourself or judging yourself. You can always follow your heart. If you do, even if you are in the middle of hell, you will experience happiness and inner peace. You will remain in your state of bliss and hell will not affect you at all.

The third agreement is not to make assumptions . We tend to make assumptions about everything. The problem is that, in doing so, we believe that what we assume is true. We would swear it's real. We make assumptions about what others do or think - we take it personally - and then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison with our words. This is the reason why whenever we make assumptions, we look for problems. We make an assumption, we understand things wrong, we take it personally and we end up doing a great drama of nothing.

All the sadness and dramas you have experienced were rooted in the assumptions you made and in the things you took personally . Give yourself a moment to consider the truth of this statement. The whole question of dominance among human beings revolves around assumptions and taking things personally. All our dream of hell is based on it.

We produce a lot of emotional poison by making assumptions and taking them personally, because usually we start gossiping from our assumptions. Remember that gossiping is our way of communicating and sending poison to each other in the dream of hell. As we are afraid to ask for clarification, we make assumptions and believe they are true; then, we defend them and try to make someone else who is not right. It is always better to ask than to make an assumption, because assumptions create suffering.

The great mitote of the human mind creates an enormous chaos that leads us to interpret and misunderstand all things. We only see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. We do not perceive things as they are. We have a habit of dreaming without relying on reality. We literally invent things in our imagination. As we do not understand something, we make an assumption about its meaning and when the truth appears, the bubble of our dream bursts and we discover that it was not at all what we believed.

An example: You walk the walk and see a person you like. He turns to you, smiles at you and then walks away. Only with this experience can you make many assumptions. With them it is possible to create a fantasy. And you really want to believe your fantasy and make it a reality. You start to create a complete dream from your assumptions and you may believe it: "He really liked me a lot." From this, an entire relationship begins in your mind. Perhaps, in your fantasy world, you even marry that person. But fantasy is in your mind, in your personal dream.

Making assumptions in our relationships means looking for problems . Often, we assume that our partner knows what we think and that we don't need to tell him what we want. We assume that he will do what we want because he knows us very well. If he does not do what we believe he should do, we feel really hurt and say: `` You should have known. ''

Another example: You decide to get married and assume that your partner sees marriage the same way you do. Then, by living together, you discover that it is not so. This creates many conflicts; However, you don't try to clarify your feelings about marriage. The husband returns home from work. The woman is furious and the husband does not know why. Maybe it's because the woman made a guess. She does not tell her husband what she wants because she assumes he knows her so well that she already knows it, as if she could read her mind. He is upset because he does not meet his expectations. Making assumptions in relationships leads to many disputes, difficulties and misunderstandings with the people we supposedly love.

In any type of relationship, we can assume that others know what we think and that we don't need to say what we want. They will do what we want because they know us very well. If they don't, if they don't do what we think they should do, we feel hurt and think: How could you do that? I should have known. We assume that the other person knows what we want. We create a complete drama because we make this assumption and then add others on top of it.

The functioning of the human mind is very interesting. We need to justify it, explain it and understand everything to feel safe. We have millions of questions that need answers because there are many things that the rational mind is unable to explain. It doesn't matter if the answer is correct or not; alone, it will be enough for us to feel safe.

This is the reason we make assumptions. If others tell us something, we make assumptions, and if they don't tell us anything, we also make them to satisfy our need to know and replace the need to communicate. Even if we hear something and we don't understand it, we make assumptions about what it means, and then we believe in them. We make all kinds of assumptions because we don't have the courage to ask.

Most of the time, we make our assumptions very quickly and in an unconscious way, because we have established agreements to communicate in this way. We have agreed that asking questions is dangerous and that people who love us should know what we want or how we feel. When we believe something, we assume that we are right to the point of destroying our relationships to defend our position.

We assume that everyone sees life the same way we do. We assume that others think, feel, judge and mistreat as we do. This is the biggest assumption we can make and that is why we are afraid to be ourselves before others, because we believe they will judge us, will make us their victims, mistreat us and blame us as we ourselves do. So, even before others have the opportunity to reject us, we have already rejected ourselves. This is how the human mind works.

We also make assumptions about ourselves and this creates many internal conflicts. For example, you assume that you are capable of doing something and then discover that you are not. You overestimate yourself or underestimate yourself because you haven't taken the time to ask yourself questions and answer them. You may need more information about a particular situation. Or maybe you need to stop lying to yourself about what you really want.

Often, when you start a relationship with someone you like, you have to justify why you like it. You only see what you want to see and deny that some aspects of that person dislike you. You lie to yourself for the sole purpose of feeling that you are right. Then you make assumptions and one of them is: "My love will change this person." But it is not true. Your love will not change anyone. If people change it is because they want to change, not because you can change them. Then, something happens between you two and you feel hurt. Suddenly, you see what you did not want to see before, only that it is now amplified by your emotional poison. Now you have to justify your emotional pain and blame your decisions on others. We don't need to justify love; It is present or it is not. True love is accepting others as they are, without trying to change them. If we try to change them, it means that we don't really like them. Of course, if you decide to live with someone, if you reach that agreement, it will always be better for that person to be exactly as you want him to be. Find someone you don't have to change at all. It is much easier to find someone who is as you want them to be, than trying to change a person. Also, that someone must love you just the way you are so you don't have to make yourself change at all. If other people think you have to change, that means they don't really love you as you are.

And why be with someone if you are not as you want them to be? Debemos ser quienes somos, de modo que no tenemos que presentar una falsa imagen. Si me amas tal como soy, muy bien, tómame. Si no me amas tal como soy, muy bien, adiós. Búscate a otro. Quizá suene duro, pero este tipo de comunicación significa que los acuerdos personales que establecemos con los demás son claros e impecables. Imagínate tan sólo el día en que dejes de suponer cosas de tu pareja, ya la larga, de cualquier otra persona de tu vida. Tu manera de comunicarte cambiará completamente y tus relaciones ya no sufrirán más a causa de conflictos creados por suposiciones equivocadas.

La manera de evitar las suposiciones es preguntar . Asegúrate de que las cosas te queden claras. Si no comprendes alguna, ten el valor de preguntar hasta clarificarlo todo lo posible, e incluso entonces, no supongas que lo sabes todo sobre esa situación en particular. Una vez que escuches la respuesta, no tendrás que hacer suposiciones porque sabrás la verdad.

Asimismo, encuentra tu voz para preguntar lo que quieres. Todo el mundo tiene derecho a contestarte «sí» o «no», pero tú siempre tendrás derecho a preguntar. Del mismo modo, todo el mundo tiene derecho a preguntarte y tú tienes derecho a contestar «sí» o «no».

Si no entiendes algo, en lugar de hacer una suposición, es mejor que preguntes y que seas claro. El día que dejes de hacer suposiciones, te comunicarás con habilidad y claridad, libre de veneno emocional. Cuando ya no hagas suposiciones, tus palabras se volverán impecables.

Con una comunicación clara, todas tus relaciones cambiarán, no sólo la que tienes con tu pareja, sino también todas las demás. No será necesario que hagas suposiciones porque todo se volverá muy claro. Esto es lo que yo quiero y esto es lo que tú quieres. Si nos comunicamos de esta manera, nuestras palabras se volverán impecables. Si todos los seres humanos fuésemos capaces de comunicarnos de esta manera, con la impecabilidad de nuestras palabras, no habría guerras, ni violencia ni disputas. Sólo con que fuésemos capaces de tener una comunicación buena y clara, todos nuestros problemas se resolverían.

Este es, pues, el Tercer Acuerdo: No hagas suposiciones.

El Cuarto Acuerdo «Haz siempre lo máximo que puedas»

Sólo hay un acuerdo más, pero es el que permite que los otros tres se conviertan en hábitos profundamente arraigados. El Cuarto Acuerdo se refiere a la realización de los tres primeros: Haz siempre lo máximo que puedas.

Bajo cualquier circunstancia, haz siempre lo máximo que puedas, ni más ni menos. Pero piensa que eso va a variar de un momento a otro. Todas las cosas están vivas y cambian continuamente, de modo que, en ocasiones, lo máximo que podrás hacer tendrá una gran calidad, y en otras no ser tan bueno. Cuando te despiertas renovado y lleno de vigor por la ma ana, tu rendimiento es mejor que por la noche cuando est s agotado. Lo m ximo que puedas hacer ser distinto cu ndo est s sano que cuando est s enfermo, o cuando est s sobrio que cuando hayas bebido. Tu rendimiento depender de que te sientas de maravilla y feliz o disgustado, enfadado o celoso.

En tus estados de nimo diarios, lo m ximo que podr s hacer cambiar de un momento a otro, de una hora a otra, de un d aa otro. Tambi n cambiar con el tiempo. A medida que vayas adquiriendo el h bito de los cuatro nuevos acuerdos, tu rendimiento ser mejor de lo que sol a ser.

Independientemente del resultado, sigue haciendo siempre lo m ximo que puedas, ni m s ni menos. Si intentas esforzarte demasiado para hacer m s de lo que puedes, gastar sm s energ a de la necesaria y, al final, tu rendimiento no ser suficiente. Cuando te excedes, agotas tu cuerpo y vas contra ti, y por consiguiente te resulta m s dif cil alcanzar tus objetivos. Por otro lado, si haces menos de lo que puedes hacer, te sometes a ti mismo a frustraciones, juicios, culpas y reproches.

Lim tate a hacer lo m ximo que puedas, en cualquier circunstancia de tu vida. No importa si est s enfermo o cansado, si siempre haces lo m ximo que puedas, no te juzgar sa ti mismo en modo alguno. Y si no te juzgas, no te har s reproches, ni te culpar s ni te castigar s en absoluto. Si haces siempre lo m ximo que puedas, romper s el fuerte hechizo al que est s sometido.

Hab a una vez un hombre que quer a trascender su sufrimiento, de modo que se fue a un templo budista para encontrar a un maestro que le ayudase. Se acerc a ly le dijo:

Maestro, si medito cuatro horas al d a, cu nto tiempo tardar en alcanzar la iluminaci n? . El maestro le mir y le respondi : S meditas cuatro horas al d a, tal vez lo consigas dentro de diez a os .

El hombre, pensando que pod a hacer m s, le dijo: Maestro, y si medito ocho horas al d a, cu nto tiempo tardar en alcanzar la iluminaci n? .

El maestro le mir y le respondi : Si meditas ocho horas al d a, tal vez lo lograr s dentro de veinte a os .

Pero por qu tardar m s tiempo si medito m s?, pregunt el hombre.

El maestro contest : No est s aqu para sacrificar tu alegr a ni tu vida. Est s aqu para vivir, para ser feliz y para amar. Si puedes alcanzar tu m ximo nivel en dos horas de meditaci n, pero utilizas ocho, s lo conseguir s agotarte, apartarte del verdadero sentido de la meditaci ny no disfrutar de tu vida. Haz lo m ximo que puedas y tal vez aprender s que independientemente del tiempo que medites, puedes vivir, amar y ser feliz .

Si haces lo máximo que puedas, vivirás con gran intensidad. Serás productivo y serás bueno contigo mismo porque te entregarás a tu familia, a tu comunidad, a todo. Pero la acción es lo que te hará sentir inmensamente feliz. Siempre que haces lo máximo que puedes, actúas. Hacer lo máximo que puedas significa actuar porque amas hacerlo, no porque esperas una recompensa. La mayor parte de las personas hacen exactamente lo contrario: sólo emprenden la acción cuándo esperan una recompensa y no disfrutan de ella. Y ese es el motivo por el que no hacen lo máximo que pueden.

Por ejemplo, la mayoría de las personas van a trabajar y piensan únicamente en el día de pago y en el dinero que obtendrán por su trabajo. Están impacientes esperando a que llegue el viernes o el sábado, el día en el que reciben su salario y pueden tomarse unas horas libres. Trabajan por su recompensa y el resultado es que se resisten al trabajo. Intentan evitar la acción; ésta entonces se vuelve cada vez más difícil y esas personas no hacen lo máximo que pueden. Trabajan muy duramente durante toda la semana, soportan el trabajo, soportan la acción, no porque les guste, sino porque sienten que es lo que deben hacer. Tienen que trabajar porque han de pagar el alquiler y mantener a su familia. Son personas frustradas y cuando reciben su paga, no se sienten felices.

Tienen dos días para descansar, para hacer lo que les apetezca y ¿qué es lo que hacen? Intentan escaparse. Se emborrachan porque no se gustan a sí mismos. No les gusta su vida. Cuando no nos gusta como somos, nos herimos de muy diversas maneras. Sin embargo, si emprendes la acción por el puro placer de hacerlo , sin esperar una recompensa, descubrirás que disfrutas de cada cosa que llevas a cabo. Las recompensas llegarán, pero tú no estarás apegado a ellas. Si no esperas una recompensa, es posible que incluso llegues a conseguir más de lo que hubieses imaginado. Si nos gusta lo que hacemos y si siempre hacemos lo máximo que podemos, entonces disfrutamos realmente de nuestra vida. Nos divertimos, no nos aburrimos y no nos sentimos frustrados.

Cuando haces lo máximo que puedes, no le das al Juez la oportunidad de que dicte sentencia y te considere culpable. Si has hecho lo máximo que podías y el Juez intenta juzgarte basándose en tu Libro de la Ley, tú tienes la respuesta: «Hice lo máximo que podía». No hay reproches. Ésta es la razón por la cual siempre hacemos lo máximo que podemos. No es un acuerdo que sea fácil de mantener, pero te hará realmente libre. Cuando haces lo máximo que puedes, aprendes a aceptarte a ti mismo, pero tienes que ser consciente y aprender de tus errores. Eso significa practicar, comprobar los resultados con honestidad y continuar practicando. Así se expande la conciencia.

Cuando haces lo máximo que puedes no parece que trabajes, porque disfrutas de todo lo que haces. Sabes que haces lo máximo que puedes cuando disfrutas de la acción o la llevas a cabo de una manera que no te repercute negativamente. Haces lo máximo que puedes porque quieres hacerlo, no porque tengas que hacerlo, ni por complacer al juez oa los demás. Si emprendes la acción porque te sientes obligado, entonces, de ninguna manera harás lo máximo que puedas. En ese caso, es mejor no hacerlo. Cuando haces lo máximo que puedes, siempre te sientes muy feliz; por eso lo haces. Cuando haces lo máximo que puedes por el mero placer de hacerlo, emprendes la acción porque disfrutas de ella.

La acción consiste en vivir con plenitud. La inacción es nuestra forma de negar la vida, y consiste en sentarse delante del televisor cada día durante años porque te da miedo estar vivo y arriesgarte a expresar lo que eres. Expresar lo que eres es emprender la acción. Puede que tengas grandes ideas en la cabeza, pero lo que importa es la acción. Una idea, si no se lleva a cabo, no producirá ninguna manifestación, ni resultados ni recompensas.

Hacer lo máximo que puedas es un gran hábito que te conviene adquirir. Yo hago lo máximo que puedo en todo lo que emprendo y siento. Hacerlo se ha convertido en un ritual que forma parte de mi vida, porque estás vivo. No disfrutar de lo que sucede ahora mismo es vivir en el pasado, es vivir sólo a medias. Esto conduce a la autocompasión, el sufrimiento y las lágrimas.

Naciste con el derecho de ser feliz. Naciste con el derecho de amar, de disfrutar y de compartir tu amor. Estás vivo, así que toma tu vida y disfrútala. No te resistas a que la vida pase por ti, porque es Dios que pasa a través de ti. Tu existencia prueba, por sí sola, la existencia de Dios. Tu existencia prueba la existencia de la vida y la energía.

No necesitamos saber ni probar nada. Ser, arriesgarnos a vivir y disfrutar de nuestra vida, es lo único que importa. Di que no cuando quieras decir que no, y di que sí cuando quieras decir que sí. Tienes derecho a ser tú mismo. Y sólo puedes serlo cuando haces lo máximo que puedes. Cuando no lo haces, te niegas el derecho a ser tú mismo. Ésta es una semilla que deberías nutrir en tu mente. No necesitas muchos conocimientos ni grandes conceptos filosóficos. No necesitas que los demás te acepten. Expresas tu propia divinidad mediante tu vida y el amor por ti mismo y por los demás.

Los tres primeros acuerdos sólo funcionarán si haces lo máximo que puedas. No esperes ser siempre impecable con tus palabras. Tus hábitos rutinarios son demasiado fuertes y están firmemente arraigados en tu mente. Pero puedes hacer lo máximo posible. No esperes no volver nunca más a tomarte las cosas personalmente; sólo haz lo máximo que puedas. No esperes no hacer nunca más ninguna suposición, pero sí puedes hacer lo máximo posible.

Si haces lo máximo que puedas, hábitos como emplear mal tus palabras, tomarte las cosas personalmente y hacer suposiciones se debilitarán y con el tiempo, serán menos frecuentes. No es necesario que te juzgues a ti mismo, que te sientas culpable o que te castigues por no ser capaz de mantener estos acuerdos. Cuando haces lo máximo que puedes, te sientes bien contigo mismo aunque todavía hagas suposiciones, aunque todavía te tomes las cosas personalmente y aunque todavía no seas impecable con tus palabras.

Si siempre haces lo máximo que puedas, una y otra vez, te convertirás en un maestro de la transformación. La práctica forma al maestro. Todo lo que sabes lo has aprendido mediante la repetición.

Si haces lo máximo que puedas en la búsqueda de tu libertad personal y de tu autoestima, descubrirás que encontrar lo que buscas es sólo cuestión de tiempo. No se trata de soñar despierto ni de sentarse varias horas a soñar mientras meditas. Debes ponerte en pie y actuar como un ser humano. Debes honrar al hombre o la mujer que eres. Debes respetar tu cuerpo, disfrutarlo, amarlo, alimentarlo, limpiarlo y sanarlo. Ejercítalo y haz todo lo que le haga sentirse bien. Tu propio cuerpo es una manifestación de Dios, y si honras a tu cuerpo, todo cambiará para ti. Cuando des amor a todas las partes de tu cuerpo, plantarás semillas de amor en tu mente, y cuando crezcan, amarás, honrarás y respetarás tu cuerpo inmensamente.

Cuando honres estos cuatro acuerdos juntos, ya no vivirás más en el infierno. Definitely not. Si eres impecable con tus palabras, no te tomas nada personalmente, no haces suposiciones y siempre haces lo máximo que puedas, tu vida será maravillosa y la controlarás totalmente.

Los Cuatro Acuerdos son un resumen de la maestría de la transformación, una de las maestrías de los Toltecas. Transformas el infierno en cielo. Sólo tienes que adoptarlos y respetar su significado y su poder.


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